National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 107 Air Combat, Instant Kill!

At this time, Sagittarius Guardian Unicorn and Lunar Dragon King flew over and released their skills at the same time.

The two players in mid-air were hit and instantly killed.

At the same time, Gemini‧Guardian Unicorn Shuang'er used Gemini Phantom, and the unicorns of the two Shuang'er directly hit one of the remaining two players, instantly killing that player.

10 players who can fly rushed to the sky, and nine of them were instantly killed when they met each other, and the last player was shocked!

They thought that someone might not be the opponent of this flying player, but they never thought that there would be such a gap between 10 people going up together!

Chains of Revenant!

"Whoosh!" At this moment, Lin Feng used his skills on the last player, and the chain flew out, binding the latter.


That player was instantly killed.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh..."

At this moment, among the tens of thousands of players on the ground, 19 players flew up from different directions!

"Maybe the time is coming, and they can't bear it anymore." Lin Feng quickly communicated with the three pets in his mind: "Kill them all as soon as possible.

At this time, Lin Feng was more than 30 meters away from the ground. Naturally, the 15 people just flew up and soon entered the attacking range of each other.

Frozen world!

At that time, Xiao Hei cast his skill directly on top of Lin Feng's head.

A 30-meter-wide magic circle appeared in the sky, and icicles flew down from the magic circle.

At this time, the 15 players who flew up naturally all aimed at Lin Feng.

Maybe they had intentionally moved below Lin Feng before, and now they flew up together, even though they were in different directions, but they also approached from below Lin Feng quickly.

As a result, six players were the first to be hit by the ice. twenty four



In one second, all six of them were instantly killed!

Then when the seventh person flew up, he didn't control it in time, and also rushed into the skill, but was killed in seconds again.

Of the 15 people, 7 died at once, and the remaining 8 people, 5 of them were warriors, and 3 of them held staffs. When they were 20 meters away, they began to chant.

At the same time, Lin Feng continued to rise into the sky and began to chant.

However, the three mages were attacked by Shuang'er, his phantom, and Xiao Gong before they could finish singing.

The chant was directly broken, and the two guardian unicorns were at the same time. When the second hit, three players were directly killed.

Among the 5 fighters, 2 shield fighters and 3 swordsmen have been trying to get close to the attack range and use their skills on Lin Feng, but unfortunately their flying speed is not as fast as Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng also deliberately controlled it, flying not too fast, but not too slow, just pulling away to 30 meters away. His skill is that except for the remaining blood, the furthest is 30 meters.

He chanted for three seconds, and in the second second, Lin Feng didn't take off, but gave up flying and fell straight down. In an instant, the six people approached the five fighters and activated the skill of quickly approaching Lin Feng at the same time.

In an instant, the five people approached Lin Feng, and at this moment, the sea of ​​hellfire spread out, and the dark blue flame suddenly appeared in the midair. When they met each other, the five players were instantly killed!


At this time, two players flew up again from the crowd.

It's a pity that they were attacked by two shards of ice as soon as they flew ten meters away, but Xiao Hei didn't get Lin Feng's knowledge, so he launched an attack directly, one person with one basic attack, and instantly killed two flying players .

At this time, many players in the player group were shocked!

"My God! In ten seconds, 25 people died!"

"They can all fly! Almost all of them were instantly killed!"

"A real master! He is too powerful!"

At this time, among the crowd, some players who wanted to fly and rush to the sky hesitated.

Because the players in the sky kill people so quickly, let alone snatching guild tokens, even if they want to get close to each other, it is difficult!

At this time, Lin Feng recalled Xiao Gong directly, and quickly communicated with the three pets in his mind: "After Xiao Hei died, he stopped 40 meters in the air. Whoever dares to fly up will kill him directly. The phantom of Shuang'er stays, come to me!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The phantom of the Gemini Guardian Unicorn and Xiao Hei flew side by side, staying in mid-air.

And Shuang'er's body quickly flew to Lin Feng's side.

Lin Feng gave up flying, and chose to ride: "Continue to the south!"

Afterwards, Gemini Guardian Unicorn flew to the southernmost point rapidly.

Ever since he knew that the exhaustion point is extremely fast when he is in a battle while flying, Lin Feng has tried it. He himself is 1 point per second, that is, he can only keep flying for 100 seconds in a combat state.

And if his two summoned beasts and pet Xiao Hei do not exceed 5 meters above the ground, even if he fights monsters in flight, it will be the same as when fighting on the ground normally, and the exhaustion value will not be accelerated.

If they exceed 5 meters, they will be judged as fighting in flight, and the summoned beast will consume 0.3 points of fatigue per second. 100 fatigue points can last about 333 seconds. The pet dragon baby Xiao Hei consumes 0.2 fatigue points per second and can persist for 500 seconds.

It's a pity that the Taiyin Dragon King is too young to be used as a mount at all, let alone fly with Lin Feng.

Now there are still more than seven minutes before 1 hour, Lin Feng believes that there are definitely players who can fly in the crowd, and 25 players may appear after 25 players appear.

Fighting, definitely not afraid, but after 100 seconds?

If you fall into the crowd by yourself, you will definitely die!

So, just after killing someone, his first thought was to run!

"Whoosh!" The Gemini Guardian Unicorn quickly lifted off and flew towards the southernmost point.

"He wants to run away! He can fly fast! At worst, he will die. That is the first guild token in the game world!" Someone shouted.

"Yes, kill him quickly, don't let him get away!"

"kill him!"

Wu Ri's glacier eyeballs rolled, mixed into the crowd and shouted: "Flying in combat state consumes 1 fatigue point per second, even if you escape, you can only fly for 100 seconds at most, and now there are 450 seconds left, I don't want to die , I rely on him to fall to kill."

Reminded by her, a player who was about to fly said: "Yes, the exhaustion value will drop!"

As a result, several players who were about to fly lost their minds instantly. At this time, a group of players ran after Lin Feng again.

At noon, the glacier mixed into the crowd, and quickly sent a message to Lin Feng: "Meng Wang, you may hold on! I noticed the crowd just now, and at least 20 people can still fly. Your fatigue points are exhausted, what should you do?"

It's a pity that Lin Feng is too busy paying attention to his surroundings right now, and doesn't have time to pay attention to his friend's news.

And Shuang'er's phantom and Xiao Hei also quickly flew towards Lin Feng when no one was flying up. But they all looked at the crowd below very seriously, in case someone flew up.

Lin Feng flies at an altitude of more than 100 meters. At night, the guardian unicorn exudes a holy white light, which is naturally visible to the players.

Originally, everyone calculated Lin Feng's flight time, which was at most 100 seconds, so no one was flying, and everyone was running and chasing.

Just like that, 100 seconds passed, and the Gemini guardian unicorn's exhaustion value consumed more than one-third, so naturally it didn't fall. 101st second, 102nd second,

Even after 120 seconds passed, tens of thousands of players looking at the sky did not fall, and some people got anxious.

"He hasn't exhausted his fatigue points at all!"

"What's the matter? Why doesn't he fall?"

"I see, he's a knight! That's the fatigue value that consumes his mount, and he didn't consume it."

"That mount consumes more slowly than the player's fatigue value!"

"Wait no more!"

At this time, a player flew into the air and quickly chased Lin Feng.

At the same time, more than ten players flew up simultaneously at this moment.

At that time, Xiao Hei flew down and launched an attack on the flying players. A basic attack would instantly kill a player.

"Spread out, stay away from this pet!" Afterwards, the flying players quickly dispersed, which made it impossible for Xiao Hei to kill them all in a flash.

But after everyone flew up, they realized a problem...the same problem as when they were running on the ground.

That is... When the guardian unicorn of Gemini started to fly 467 into the distance, the speed surpassed most players, and almost most of them were looking at the target, getting farther and farther away from themselves

And at this time, when flying, it is still the same!

Looking at the target, it's still... getting farther and farther away, and I can't catch up at all!

At this time, everyone realized that it was not whether they could kill each other, but whether they could catch up or not!

Can't run, can't fly!

Seeing that the players flying up behind couldn't catch up with him, Lin Feng also called Xiao Hei back to the pet space.

Even if Lin Feng was out of combat for 3 minutes, he entered a non-combat state, and the natural exhaustion point consumption decreased again. It's a pity that there are many players below him along the way, too many people.

There will always be a player who suddenly rushes up and can send out long-range skills to Shuang'er across hundreds of meters, making Shuang'er still unable to exit the combat state, and the fatigue value still drops very quickly.

It can be seen from this that the players are still hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

But... Even if he hits the target, he can't catch up.

As a result... Shuang Er flew for 333 seconds, and when the exhaustion value was about to be exhausted, Lin Feng summoned the Guardian Unicorn of Sagittarius again and rode it again.

keep flying......

With the end of the last hundred seconds, Lin Feng got a system prompt: "The 1-hour countdown is over, players will not drop 100% guild tokens when they die."

At the same time, the players in Naro City also received a game notice: "One hour is up, the guild token chase is over."

Then, the small header that originally pointed in the direction of the guild token disappeared.

Only the players chasing Lin Feng below know that the target is Lin Feng, and the players who are far away have lost the direction of Lin Feng.

But at this moment, Lin Feng said directly: "Xiao Gong, fly directly to the highest altitude."

"Yeah!" The Sagittarius Guardian Unicorn rushed forward and turned its direction to fly high into the sky.


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