Murong Shanshan also started to move, and quickly came to their side...

A flash of light flashed by...

Before everyone can see clearly, she has returned to the side of the dark night.

Take a closer look, and there is a red scar on their necks......

The blood volume that was still falling was instantly killed by Murong Shanshan at that moment...

The two sighed dejectedly, and returned to Kuanglong's side.

Angrily, the mad dragon kicked them hard behind them a few times!

"You two!"

"I asked you to practice well, but you don't practice well!"

"It's time to lose!"

"I knew, you bastards would definitely lose!"

The two of them could only look at Kuanglong without saying a word.

Diablo Mingye and Murong Shanshan glanced at them anxiously.

"Go back and practice for a few hundred years."

"However, even if you have practiced for hundreds of years, I will not let you have any chance to beat us."

These words are simply adding fuel to the fire.

Kuanglong was so angry that his face turned blue and purple.

Now there are only two people tied up by Ye Qingqing and Li Yuan.

But looking at the current situation, there is indeed no chance of a comeback.

Ye Qingqing thought about it for a while, and realized that it would be more painful to let them bleed to death slowly.

"I think it's better to take it slow.


She still chose the most tormenting...  

After hearing this, the two begged for mercy.


"Let's just kill us in seconds!"

"You are deceiving people too much!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Qingqing snorted and said.

"I won't."

"Come on, let them know how powerful we are."

A frightening smile filled Li Yuan's face...

I saw that it summoned a lot of sword rain and began to strike at their bodies one by one...

The amount of blood also began to trickle out of his head.





Li Yuan controlled his damage well to 1,000.

Seeing Ye Qingqing and Li Yuan bullying too much, Kuanglong roared angrily!

"Our Berserker Alliance will never let you go!"

"You wait for me!"

"I will definitely make you pay the price you should pay!"

When Li Yuan heard this, he looked at the Kuanglong with a smile.

"Then you must have the capital to make us pay the price?"

"First of all, you have to defeat our captain first."

Kuanglong also suffered from being dumb this time...

He hated himself to death for these idiots!

Why don't I choose some people who are more powerful!

"You are simply idiots!"

Darkness Mingye smiled slightly, came to Lin Feng's side and said.

"I've always been curious about how you can display your moves so easily.

"Also, your ability to control the field is very strong, how did you do it?"

Seeing that Dark Mingye was so curious about him, Lin Feng smiled lightly and replied.


"After you have practiced it, you will naturally know what it is to use a skill to instantly kill the life of the opponent with one move, and you can also know how much blood the opponent can see with one move."

Darkness Mingye nodded understandingly...

But it is really hard for her to imagine how to practice this...

After all, leveling is so difficult...

"Then you are always so practiced?"

"Sure enough, those who are better than me are all more diligent than me..."

Lin Feng thought for a while...

In fact, the most important thing is because I own the system...

But I definitely can't tell the truth directly......

"Maybe it's because I'm lucky?"

Hearing the dark night, he also felt that it should be like this!

Sometimes it is better to do something than hi, and it needs some right time, place and people.

Sometimes you have to rely on your own talent.

Maybe some people are very talented in playing games...

"I understand!"

"The main reason is because of your high talent!"

Still can't help but underestimate...

"Sure enough, outstanding people need a certain amount of talent."

Lin Feng looked at her underestimating.

Actually, I thought her personality would be the same as Murong Shanshan's, and she would be more indifferent towards people.

I didn't expect that there really seems to be such a gap...  

Judging from her attire, in fact, at first glance, one would feel that this girl is different from ordinary girls.

In the dark night, Lin Feng kept staring at him.

Frowning slightly, he subconsciously touched his face with his hands.

"Is there something on my face?"

Lin Feng shook his head.

"No, I was just thinking about something."

"If you don't understand anything, just ask me directly.

Hearing this, Dark Mingye's eyes shone brightly!


"I'm waiting for your words!"

"However, I don't seem to have a high talent value......

After finishing speaking, I silently worried about my talent value...

After all, there is such a powerful person who wants to teach her, what if her talent only makes her very disappointed in herself...

Lin Feng knew from her current state that she was a straight girl.

Daughter of Steel!

But it's good to communicate with this kind of girl.

"Don't worry, I saw you fighting pretty well just now."

"The talent value is still quite high."

Hearing it, Dark Mingye couldn't believe it at all...

I didn't expect him to say that he was talented

Maybe it's really my own illusion...

Perhaps my own talent is really quite high!

Thinking about it, I really didn't find any master before.

"Thank you for your compliment!"

"After that, I will really trouble you."

After finishing speaking, don't forget to clap your fists at Lin Feng!

Murong Wuwu returned to Lin Feng's side, looked at Diablo Mingye's side to Lin Feng, and pouted.

Seeing Murong Wuwu looking at him, Diablo Mingye also made fists towards her, and then left...

The scene is inexplicably awkward and cute...

Murong Wuwu looked at the formidable figure of Diao He Ming Ye in a daze.

"Why is she hugging me?"

Lin Feng laughed: "Maybe this is her way of greeting others."

The eyes fell on the opponent who was still being killed by a little bit of blood.




The blood volume is still dropping by one thousand and one thousand...

Murong Wuwu only felt bored.

"Captain, otherwise, you should let the two of them quickly destroy them..."

"Let's hurry to the next game."

"I'm going to be bored to death."

Li Yuan and Ye Qingqing seemed to be enjoying it.

Lin Feng watched the two of them sprinkle dog food in front of everyone, and couldn't help coughing lightly.

"Two, can you quickly get rid of these two? We are still rushing to the next game."

Li Yuan reached out and touched Ye Qingqing's head, waved his hand and said.

"Captain, this is what my wife said, and there is nothing I can do about it.

"The sky and the earth are not as big as a daughter-in-law."

Clearly sprinkle dog food!

Everyone looked at the two of them with contemptuous eyes.

Murong Wuwu snorted and said with a look of disgust.

I know how to spread dog food every day..."

But in my head, I couldn't help but start to fantasize...

Fighting by Lin Feng's side, the appearance of being patted and killed by him......

Then there is the way he protects himself by his side, the way he kisses...

The flawless face immediately turned red!

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu at this time...

Look at her flushed face now.

It is estimated that this girl has no idea what she is thinking.

Murong Sisi also noticed Murong Wuwu, who was even red now, who looked like an apple, and walked to her side without hesitation.

"Xiao Wu, why is your face so red?"

"You don't mean to watch others sprinkle dog food and put yourself into it, do you?"

"Are you imagining yourself with..."

When Murong Wuwu originally wanted to say yes, she suddenly regained her composure... …

"It''s not!"

"How could I miss the captain?"

"Little Four! Your ability to create something out of nothing is really getting stronger and stronger!"

Murong Sisi followed her with an innocent look.

"Little Five..."

"I didn't say who it was.

"Why did you say it so quickly?"

At that moment, Murong Wuwu realized that she was completely cheated!

Lin Feng also raised his eyebrows at Murong Wuwu at this time, and reached out to tap her pink and tender nose.

"You little girl, I really don't know what's going on in your head."

"But it's normal."

Ye Qingqing saw that the time had passed (was Zhao Zhao) gone a little bit, and also felt that this seemed to be a bit boring for them.

No sense of challenge at all.

"Forget it, I'd better kill them."

The voice just fell.

A golden flower appeared on Ye Qingqing's fingertips...

With a bang, it stabbed at their bodies.

The blood volume was instantly absorbed by her flowers.

"Congratulations to the Mengwang team for winning the first ten-man battle."

"Reward a little victory point!"

Kuanglong snorted, glared at Lin Feng angrily and said.

"Sooner or later, I will definitely let you be my defeat!"

Lin Feng chuckled, and suddenly, he spoke.

"Then I would like to see what day you mentioned, exactly."

I saw Kuanglong leaving the martial arts field with all the members of the Kuangzhan Alliance.

Murong Er Er put his arms around his chest and said sweating.

"It is estimated that after they go back, they will start devil-style training again."

"But this time their strength has indeed increased a little bit.

Murong Shanshan shrugged her shoulders.

This strength or not is still important for her to win or lose.

"However, in the end they lost."

Li Yuan said: "I hope everyone will continue to work hard."

"The battle has only really begun, and this one is really nothing.

"I heard that the team that ranks first in the ten-man battle is quite strong."

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