National Online Games: Kill Me, You Will Die!

Chapter 353 Five Sacred Mountains Alliance

Murong Wuwu looked at Lin Feng adoringly.

"That's definitely not as strong as us."

"Who gave us an invincible captain!"

"You're right!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he blinked his eyes as big as copper bells and stared at Lin Feng.

From the look in her eyes, he could see his liking for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also looked at her dotingly.

"Do not worry."

"I am here.

"No matter what, I will take you to the first place."

Diablo Mingye smiled wisely.

Suddenly, I felt that I made the right choice!

At that time, they actually came to pull themselves to join their team to participate in the ten-man battle, and now they are the first in the ten-man battle.

In this team, I also have myself, good friends...

Although, Murong Shanshan also said at the beginning that there is a cute king in their team.

But I still have to think about which one to choose...

But in the end, it was because Murong Shanshan was his best friend, and he thought that he would rarely have the chance to fight with her, so he came here.

Looks like I made the right choice!

Although it may not be possible to win the first place in this World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference.

Rankings are such a big change.

But, as long as you can fight with your teammates, it's worth it!

"Do you want to continue the game?"



"Automatic matching is complete."

Everyone is also looking forward to who the opponent will be this time.

I saw ten rays of light descending from the sky.

Ten opponents have also gathered.

The two sides look at each other.....

Everyone was very surprised!

It turned out to be the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance!

"Oh my god! Did I read it wrong? This is the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance? What's going on come everyone here is a big name...why do I always feel that they are also aiming at others The Mengwang team is going."

"That's right, the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance! I really didn't expect that the Five Sacred Mountains Alliance will also participate. I have always heard that they are haunted by ghosts, and today I finally saw myself!"

"I've always heard that the sunflowers of the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance are very powerful. They kill people with needles, and they don't leave a shadow! It's a duel between the king and the king. I don't know who will meet in the end... ……”

"Sure enough, he is a master. I have only heard that the May Alliance participated in other team battles in the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Conference. It turned out that it was to meet Meng Wang and the others in the ten-man battle!"

"This match must be a good one. Sunflower is also famous for a while, and this cute king has never been defeated. I'm curious, what a big scene the duel between the two of them will be!"

"It's probably shocking! Think about it, the Five Sacred Sacred Sacred Guild is very famous, but if you talk about it, I think I will still fight against the King of Meng!"

Li Yuan was also extremely shocked, he never thought that they would meet the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance.

"It seems that this battle has been fought."

"I didn't expect that we would meet the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance.

Everyone couldn't help but frowned.

The people of the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance are very powerful.

Those who came to participate this time must have been selected through layers of screening.

Diablo Mingye darkened his dark eyes, feeling a little nervous.

"It seems that we have to pay attention to cooperation this time."

"I've always heard that the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance was attacked by two people.

The smile on Murong Er'er's face grew stronger...

But there was still an involuntary flicker in his eyes and a hint of worry passed by.


"I've also heard that they seem to be really powerful."

"If they form a team to compete this time, we will also form a team."

Ximen Donggua was taciturn, so he didn't say anything...

Murong Wuwu and Murong Sisi saw that they seemed very nervous,

The ten members of the May Alliance in front of them are all dressed very politely.

Sunflower stared at Lin Feng covetously.

Lin Feng has always ignored these things.

However, there are still some people who have heard of the name Sunflower One Needle in the Five Sacred Sacred Alliance.

Sunflower came to Lin Feng in one shot, and said with a smile on his face.

"We really are destined."

"I didn't expect to meet so early."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

How could he not know that the May Alliance is obviously aimed at them.

However, it is also to challenge the powerful guild.

This game can also be a good way to identify the strength of other teammates.

"It's really a fate."

Sunflower said with a needle: "I hope we can all show each other's true strength this time."

"I just heard that you have never failed.

Anyone can hear from his tone, what is the meaning of his words.

It's nothing more than wanting to beat yourself.

"It's just a coincidence.

"do not mind."

Lin Feng said.

Li Yuan was still a little worried, and asked Lin Feng in a low voice.

"This time, we're still the same as the other side, adopting a team of two tactics?"

"The people of the May League, indeed.

Lin Feng nodded.

"Then do as you say."

He glanced at his team members with his eyes.

I found that they were really more nervous than one.

"It's okay, feel free"

"Don't be too nervous, it's just a game.

"Isn't there still me?"

When the others heard Lin Feng's words, they also seemed to have given a boost to their hearts.


"The sunflower injection of the May Alliance is very powerful."

"Extremely careful."

Seeing that everyone was so nervous, Murong Wuwu felt that this match would be different from the one she fought.

However, at least I can't be held back by others!

Murong Er'er said: "Then let's form teams into two groups?"

"Continuous flow is a group with Qingqingcaoyuan."

"Ximen Donggua is in my group."

"Murong Sisi and Murong Shanshan are in a group."

"Murong Wuwu is in a group with Dark Mingye."



Everyone said in unison,

This allocation is also a good time to reconcile the cooperative nature of everyone in the team.

Murong Wuwu was a little worried about Lin Feng, Guan (cgcb) said heartily.

"Come on..."

"Don't worry, Captain!"

"We will definitely not hold you back!"

Lin Feng looked at Murong Wuwu who pursed her lips to cheer herself up.

Suddenly, he reached out and rubbed her head.

"Don't be nervous."

"Everything depends on me."

This move also made Murong Wuwu stunned, her face turned red in an instant!


"I will work hard!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately returned to his position.

An Ye Ming Ye was still a little worried.

After all, no one has no expectations of victory or defeat.

To be precise, no one wants to lose.

"Captain, do you have anything special to tell us?"

"I'm kind of scared that we're going to screw up..."

Lin Feng waved his hand, his face was still calm and calm, everything seemed revealing.

"Don't be afraid that you'll screw up."

"I have nothing special to tell you."

"There is me in everything, and with me, you will not lose."

This sentence really brings a great sense of security to everyone.

When Sunflower heard it, she sneered.

"Then I'm looking forward to it too."

This is also the first time he has seen someone dare to say such calm and calm words in front of him.

"The game starts now!"

The attributes of both parties appeared in each other's eyes.

Opponent: Sunflower One Needle

HP: 660000

Magic value: 18999

Opponent: Sunflower Collection

HP: 650000

Mana: 17999

Opponent: Sunflower Peak

HP: 649999

Mana: 17888

Opponent: Sunflower Cloud

HP: 647777

Mana: 17666

Opponent: Sunflower Song Moon

HP: 643333

Mana: 17444

Opponent: Sunflower Sky

HP: 641111

Mana: 17222

Opponent: Sunflower Chongguo

HP: 639999

Magic value: 16999

Opponent: Sunflower Kongda

HP: 637777

Mana: 16777

Opponent: Sunflower Undead

HP: 635555

Mana: 16333

Opponent: Sunflower Fengchen

HP: 633333

Mana: 16000

"Time is counting down!"

Lin Feng looked at their blood volume and found that their health and mana were very average.

"The most important thing for you now is to cooperate."

"Cooperate well with each other and try to maximize everyone's attacks."

"In this way, it can be guaranteed that you will not be defeated by the other party.

But be it. I still feel that my team members are better than the opponent.

"For the rest, you don't have to think so much."

"Don't always think about the ending."

After receiving these words of encouragement from Lin Feng, everyone became more confident in their hearts.

Sunflower saw right away that Lin Feng remained calm and respectful to him.

In the past, it is estimated that as soon as one's name is announced, the opponent has already surrendered.

Unexpectedly, this time...

It seems that this game will be very interesting.


"Game start!"

With a shot of sunflower, he looked at Lin Feng with smiling eyes.

The two did not perform any moves, but the air was filled with the breath of fighting between the two...

"I am looking forward."

Lin Feng didn't speak.

All of a sudden, one needle for the sunflower and one move for both hands!

Two slender ice needles flew towards Lin Feng!

The speed is so fast that it is impossible to catch the reflection at all.

Lin Feng immediately summoned the Archangel Sword!

When the long ice needle is about to pierce him, release the skill Guardian Star Shield!

I saw a shield with a cross symbol appearing on his body.


The long needles of ice pierced the guardian star shield released by Lin Feng!


Lin Feng smiled slightly, looking at the sunflower needle with a slight smile in his eyes.

Sunflower shuddered slightly with each needle, did not expect that his attack would be blocked by him?!

According to the usual start...


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