Nangong Qingyi smiled mysteriously: "Let's go, you will understand in the future!"

If it's an ordinary girl, even if she looks like a fairy, Ye Chen has no interest in meeting her specially.

But the scholar has a detached status in Ye Chen's heart.

Scholar and Sword Immortal are both traditional occupations in China. Sword Immortal ranks first in the global sewer profession rankings, while Scholar is ranked second.

As a time traveler five hundred years ago, Ye Chen has a natural affinity for scholars.

After all, the situations of these two professions are similar, and they can be regarded as sympathetic.

Ye Chen pays the highest respect to those who still have the courage to change jobs as scholars in this era of Chinese career decline and strive to continue the Chinese Confucianism and Taoism culture, no matter how strong or weak the other party is.

A few minutes later, Ye Chen followed Nangong Qingyi to the main living room of Linglong Pavilion.

Sitting at the head seat in the living room is a tall, long-haired and beautiful girl wearing heavy battle armor. This girl has a heroic temperament, lightning-like eyes, and a strong aura. People dare not give birth to even the slightest evil thought.

She is the president of Linglong Pavilion, id: Su Linglong.

According to some self-media news on the Internet, the main reason why Su Linglong was able to single-handedly establish Linglong Pavilion, a super-popular internet celebrity union, is that behind her is the support of the Su family, a big chaebol in Kyoto, and her identity is the daughter of the Su family. Miss, she is a collection of thousands of pets.

There is also gossip that Su Linglong's two big brothers are dudes, and it is difficult to take on big responsibilities. Su Linglong established Linglong Pavilion and strengthened Linglong Pavilion to prove her strength, gain the approval of her elders, and have the opportunity to compete in the future. Patriarch.

Of course, it's hard to tell if these news are true or not, and Ye Chen only glanced at them when investigating the news about Linglong Pavilion.

On Su Linglong's left sat a woman disguised as a man, holding a folding fan, and dressed as a handsome and talented woman in a pure white costume. Su Linglong is even more excellent and exaggerated, men's clothes can't restrain her proud figure at all.

This woman in men's clothing has [Vice President of Linglong Pavilion] written on her head, id: Song Qinyin

This should be the special scholar girl mentioned by Nangong Qingyi, but apart from her special figure, Ye Chen hasn't found any other special things about her yet.

Ye Chen has heard a little about the surname "Song". The Song family is one of the few Confucian and Taoist families inherited from the Dragon Kingdom. Produce one or two ss-level talented Tianjiao scholars.

Seeing Nangong Qingyi and Ye Chen coming, the two girls got up one after another.

"Ye Chen, welcome to Linglong Pavilion as a guest."

Su Linglong smiled politely, stretched out her jade hand and shook Ye Chen slightly.

If she was meeting with ordinary guests, she would not shake hands with them formally, but Ye Chen has unlimited potential, even this year's sss-level strategic talent may not be able to compare with him, leaving a good impression on Ye Chen , is crucial to the future development of Linglong Pavilion.

Regardless of interests, Su Linglong also respects Ye Chen's dedication and the rare feelings of the Chinese nation.

"Hello, President Linglong."

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that when Song Qinyin saw Ye Chen coming, she stood up and saluted Ye Chen respectfully, just like a student meeting a teacher, just like a student meeting a teacher in ancient times.

"Qinyin has admired Mr. Ye for a long time. Today, I am lucky. I will finally meet him. In Qinyin's heart, Mr. Ye is already the leader of the inheritance of Chinese culture. He is the most respected and admired teacher in Qinyin's heart!"

Although Song Qinyin is disguised as a man, her voice is soft and melodious. When she speaks, it seems that the whole world is centered on her, making people uncontrollably focus all their attention on her, to experience and ponder every word she utters. talk.

After she said that she regards Ye Chen as the most respected and admired teacher, Ye Chen only felt that the relationship between herself and her had become no longer a stranger, as if she had known her for a long time.

There was an unprecedented sense of sympathy with Song Qinyin who had just met just like this.

Ye Chen couldn't help being slightly startled.

"Is this a scholar? Every word he says is involuntarily convincing, and he can express his emotions with every gesture, and use this emotion to infect everyone around him!"

"It's no wonder that in ancient times, no one was more reasonable than a scholar, and most of the lobbyists were scholars and literati. With a single mouth, hundreds of millions of people in a country can be kept safe for a hundred years!"

The reason why the emotions in Song Qinyin's heart are so terrifyingly contagious and convincing is because she is sincere enough.

Every word she said was from the bottom of her heart, what she most wanted to say to Ye Chen.

The revealing of the true feelings, coupled with the blessing of literary spirit, also resulted in this amazing effect.

If Song Qinyin is just a simple polite remark, although Ye Chen may be convinced for a short time, doubts will soon arise in his heart, and he will be on guard the next time Song Qinyin speaks to him. Completely lost confidence.

Looking at Song Qinyin who was saluting respectfully, Ye Chen couldn't help showing admiration and appreciation that couldn't be concealed, and returned the salute to Song Qinyin very formally.

"I don't dare to be a teacher, but the Qinyin girl is also worthy of admiration."

The two received friend requests from each other almost at the same time, and then smiled at each other without being too polite.

Su Linglong said: "You may not know much about Sister Qinyin, I will make some other introductions, so that you can increase your understanding and cooperate in the future. Sister Qinyin's talent is SS-level [Sage Talent], and her learning ability has increased by 200% , Comprehension and calculation ability increased by 300%, literary influence +200%, and born with a photographic memory, she is a genuine ultimate academic master. If it is placed in the age of science and technology, sister Qinyin can do scientific research and academics easily, becoming a national academician and famous in history Scientists are also relaxed."

"Currently, Sister Qinyin has reached level 17, which is close to level 18, and has passed the humanities exam. Passive occupations can increase basic intelligence by 40%, while other occupations of the wisdom department can only obtain 20% increase in wisdom."

"The characteristic of the scholar profession is that the passive growth of the profession is not restricted by the realm, but only related to the level of education." A saint can only be officially transferred to a scholar after passing the assessment of a child student. There is no passive blessing for a child student, and the passive blessing of a career is superimposed from a scholar. 】

"Sister Qinyin's talent is outstanding, rare in a hundred years, and she is the best inheritor of Confucian culture in this generation of the Song family!"

[Because I was entangled in the relevant settings of the scholar, I got stuck for a long time, and I will make up more today]

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