This seemingly weak and elegant girl in front of her is so powerful!

After only three years since the server was opened, she was admitted to Juren, and she also possessed SS-level talent, so it's no wonder that she could exert an invisible influence on him when they met for the first time.

You know, Ye Chen's state of mind can be said to be quite tenacious, and it is difficult for ordinary mind-influencing skills to affect him. For example, the first time he saw the dead God of War, the pressure of the mind, Ye Chen can kill it with the heart sword in the blink of an eye. .

But Song Qinyin succeeded.

Of course, this was firstly because Song Qinyin had no malicious intentions, and it was not because of Song Qinyin's careful planning.

The higher the scholar's literary status, the stronger the literary spirit, and the scholar's gestures, words and deeds will be affected by the blessing of the literary spirit. It is said that the strong scholar can even follow the law, and every sentence will be regarded as the most reasonable words, and even change the material form. .

You can really turn a stag into a horse, turn a snake into a dragon, and you can imagine the combat ability.

The fundamental reason why the scholar is so tyrannical, but still enters the sewer is because the academic status of the scholar is too difficult to obtain.

Other professions only need to fight monsters and upgrade. Scholars not only have to fight monsters, but also study. The so-called learning is boundless. Scholars are either studying or learning to increase their talents. Moreover, it is not enough to have talents and learn, but also to have certain virtues.

Generally, players who have changed their profession to be a scholar may not even be admitted as a scholar when they enter the Black Iron Realm.

However, other occupations that have entered the black iron realm have steadily obtained a 20% main attribute bonus. Most scholars have no gross bonus because they have not passed the exam, so they cannot be compared at all.

Moreover, it is not easy to change careers as a scholar. The reason why the Song family can still produce one or two well-known Tianjiao every few decades is because the disciples of the Song family began to educate the children of the Song family at the age of 6, teaching the Four Books Pentateuch.

It is equivalent to saying that when they entered the God's Domain server in the first year of high school, the members of the Song family had read the sage books for more than ten years, preparing for the entrance examination for Tongsheng and successful transfer to scholar.

For a scholar, it is considered good enough if the academic status can catch up with the increase of other professions in the same realm, but the increase of Song Qinyin's academic status has exceeded the current realm.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is a rare scholar.

Su Linglong said again: "Scholar's occupational orientation is comprehensive. Sister Qinyin can not only act as a c-position output, but also as a nanny assistant. She can give milk and convince people with reasoning. Whoever can get Sister Qinyin's wholehearted assistance, the strength Doubling is not a dream!"

Ye Chen's eyes lit up after hearing this.

He has long heard that the auxiliary ability of a scholar is a must, and he really wants to try it.

With the full support of the scholar, how strong is the sword fairy?

Song Qinyin smiled and said: "Miss Linglong is exaggerating. A scholar at the Juren level can't change the material form and the total amount of energy. Although the scholar's auxiliary ability and milk volume are powerful, the assisted person has to pay a considerable price! "

"For example, if I apply the [Boundless Strength] buff to someone, the person's strength will be greatly increased, and at the same time, his magic value will be quickly burned, even if it is a mysterious pill refined by an alchemist, it will be very fast. Kong Lan, after burning the magic points, he must burn the life points until he dies."

"So the assistance of a scholar is basically a double-edged sword. There are very few people who can afford the assistance of a scholar. Sister Linglong can't just say nice things to Mr. Ye."

Su Linglong rolled her eyes at Song Qinyin, revealing a rare look of resentment in her daughter's eyes: "My sister has worked so hard to leave a perfect impression on Ye Chen, otherwise why would Ye Chen dislike you? You are looking forward to meeting Ye Chen." It's been a long time since we met Chen."

Song Qinyin said: "My sister knows what the piano sounds like, but you can't make false claims and exaggerate the publicity. Mozi said: If you don't believe what you say, your actions will fail..."

"Okay, okay, my sister knows I'm wrong, you don't know how to adapt, and you are still talking about it, you deserve to be disgusted by Ye Chen, huh!"

When Su Linglong heard that Song Qinyin was going to preach to him, her head suddenly grew bigger, and she returned to the appearance of a domineering female president. She said with a slightly serious expression: "Let's not talk about this topic, anyway, it's about Qinyin's sister. The introduction is almost done, next, let's discuss how to deal with the Azure Dragon Gang!"

How to flatten the Qinglong Gang is the primary purpose of Ye Chen and Su Linglong's meeting.

Ye Chen said: "You have been hostile to the Qinglong Gang for a full year, and you should know them better than I do. First, let me tell you what you know and what you think."

Su Linglong said: "The Qinglong Gang has tens of thousands of members, and they have formed alliances with some big forces. If the Qinglong Gang's Wange City is in danger of being unable to hold on, they will definitely hire mercenaries at a high price and seek the support of allies. , At that time, Wange City will gather at least 100,000 defensive forces."

"At present, our Linglong Pavilion only has more than 10,000 people. Even if we spend all our money to hire mercenaries and allies, we can gather more than 30,000 people at the maximum. Moreover, the strength of the elite force is even weaker than that of the Qinglong Gang. Even if there is sister Qinyin in charge As a military adviser, with our current strength, it is almost impossible to defeat the Qinglong Gang head-on through gang battles."

"I think that if you want to push down the Qinglong Gang's Wange City, you can't be in a hurry. You have to figure it out slowly. After the college entrance examination, your strength will also rise to a new height, and our gang can also call more people. With more hands, the time is ripe, and it will be a matter of course to push down the Qinglong Gang and occupy Wange City."

Ye Chen nodded slightly.

This kind of large-scale battle, with his current strength, is indeed unlikely to turn things around. With one enemy ten thousand, let alone one enemy ten thousand, facing the hostility of a thousand people, he will use all three flying swords together. , as long as the opponent's command is proper, it will take a long time to finish killing.

Even if he has learned the quadrupole sword array and his strength has changed, it is still unrealistic to want to defeat ten thousand with one enemy, unless he has the strength to absolutely crush all enemies!

Ye Chen frowned slightly.

The Azure Dragon Gang is much more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

Not to mention 100,000 players, even if you kill 100,000 monsters, Ye Chen will still feel dizzy if you want to vomit.

At this time, he once again deeply realized the horror of the great powers. The deeds of personal strength to beat the big powers generally only exist in legends or cool Internet articles.

There was a brief silence in the living room.

At this time, Song Qinyin suddenly said: "Qinyin is not talking about frustration. It is only an ideal situation to defeat the Qinglong Gang head-on after the college entrance examination. We are developing, and they are also developing. It is very likely that the situation after the college entrance examination will still be similar to now!"

"I have a plan. I can't guarantee that the Qinglong Gang can be easily defeated, but it can discredit the Qinglong Gang, prevent them from developing normally, and even weaken their strength and influence!"

"However, this requires Mr. Ye to make a little reputation sacrifice."

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