National Survival: My Ability Is To Sign In

Chapter 76 Assistance From Hq People

Chen Yuan attaches great importance to the rare armor, not only because it can defend, but also because it has combat power.

Wearing it on the body can effectively increase combat power by 10%.

This is enough for him to fight against level 1-2 more beasts on top of his current confrontation.

very useful.

Moreover, the rare-level armor also gives it more protection in terms of defense. With the inner soft armor, the safety is qualitatively improved.

Enter the competition.

This time, Chen Yuan appeared in a desert.

The game scenes are exactly the same as the real world, and the fighting is almost the same.


Chen Yuan was wondering if this was to prepare for future fighting encounters.

Shake his head.

Don't think about it.

On the desert, white lights emerged, some far away, some close, Chen Yuan rushed out...

Forty minutes later.

Chen Yuan killed nearly 300 people with the help of a jet.

The points earned also reached 347 points.

Among these people, not many had more than 2 points. They were basically unlucky and were killed by Chen Yuan at the beginning.

It is also injector-assisted, otherwise Chen Yuan would not be so efficient.


Positioning transfer card +2, inter-field change card +1, resurrection card +1.

These cards can help Chen Yuan gain points better.

Use scene change cards.

Move to a hilly area.

"Damn it, Mr. Chen is here?"

"Brother Chen, I kneel down for you, don't kill me."

"Boss Chen, please spare my life..."

Ignore everything.

[Game Tips: Points +6]

[Game Tips: Points +10]

[Game Tips: Points +8]

This group of people seems to be a small team, grouped together, and the highest one among them gets 22 points for the kill.

A wave of ten people, team mode.

Completely annihilated by Chen Yuan.

Got 112 points.

And the guy with 22 points dropped a [Double Points Card].

[Double points card: Exclusive prop card for the competition scene. After use, the points for kills will be doubled within 10 minutes. It is a one-time prop card]

A double points card that can support 10 minutes?

This is very useful for Chen Yuan.

No rush to use it.

This area is a hilly area, with a wasteland on the edge. There are faint figures of people in the wasteland, and jets fly out.

Chen Yuan found these people.

Kill them one by one.

At the beginning of the game, people only have 1 point, and rarely 2 or 3 points.

But at this stage of the game, many people have five or six points, and some even have more than a dozen.


Chen Yuan didn't hold back, he was all killed with one blow.

Many people saw him from a distance.

Make a plea.

He even knelt down and begged for mercy.

Chen Yuan was not polite.

He was being polite here, and those beasts wouldn't be polite to them in the real world of survival.

Cruel, trying to survive, hard work, dangerous...

This is the main theme of the survival world.


If he was as weak as these players, how many people would be polite to him when he met some masters?

Even the encounters in the real world are even more greedy and plundering!

growing up.

There is never any calm.

The flowers in the greenhouse have long been eliminated among the billions of people.


Got another [Scene Change Card]!

Chen Yuan went on a killing spree in the wasteland for half an hour. Even with the help of a jet, there was no trace of anyone on the grassland.

The scene change card is used again!

that's all.

Chen Yuan's points increased rapidly!

Eight hundred points!

Nine hundred points!

One thousand points!

In the last 10 minutes of the game, Chen Yuan's points have reached 1346, which is a little less than yesterday, but it is already very good.

Chen Yuan took out a piece of paper.

Tear into 2 halves.

Write 2 names.

Knead two small paper balls, randomly grab them in random positions, open them, and Cui Yongshun's name appears inside.

"Unlucky boy!"

Use the location transfer card!

A flash of white light!

Chen Yuan's figure disappeared instantly.

And the other side.

In a forest.

Cui Yongshun has assembled a team of 200 people. These teams have almost gathered the masters of their entire country of thieves.

"Xiao Cui, will that Chen Yuan come?"

"Yes, this time we used the strength of the whole country to deal with this kid for more than an hour."

"Made, you don't take us Koreans seriously."

"This time, we have a total of 200 people, and they are basically the top 10 masters in their respective regional channels. Brother Cui's strength has increased tenfold compared to the original."

"Ten times! Brother Jin is still here, are you afraid that you can't deal with that guy?"

"Will he come?"

There was a lot of chatter among the crowd.

This time, in order to deal with Chen Yuan, the Koreans were unprecedentedly united.

It took more than ten or twenty companion summoning cards alone, and one of them, the guy named Jin Zhiyong, even used a [Big Companion Summoning Card].

Summoned 20 Korean masters at once.

These masters used summoning cards one after another to summon masters from their own channels.

Only then did such a large-scale team form!

Just to deal with Chen Yuan alone!


Suddenly, a figure disappeared!

"Chen** appears!"

Along with the sound, 200 people suddenly started fighting in the peripheral positions!

Chen Yuan was also stunned.

In the woods, sprayers are not easy to use.

But his speed and ghostly boots were still there, and dense figures appeared in every corner of the woods.

"Is this Cui Yongshun's handiwork?"

Chen Yuan was overjoyed.

10-minute double points card can be used instantly!


He jumped out like a tiger!


"Kill this bastard ZG person!"

"Damn ZG people!"

"ZG people will not die well!"

Chen Yuan, who had never taken anything to heart, was now angry!

"It's okay if you scold me, but you also scold my country and people. It's true that there is a way to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell for you to force your way through!"


"Deserves to be killed!"

"Everyone starting with HQ should be killed!"

Chen Yuan's eyes became completely cold.

The body moves.

Glittering among the trees like a ghost.

Every flicker is accompanied by the disappearance of several figures!

[Game Tips: Points +12, double to get 24 points]

[Game Tips: Points +36, double to get 72 points]

[Game Tips: Points +17, double 34 points]


These people were afraid of being killed and began to beg for mercy. How arrogant they were when they clamored just now, but how humble they were begging for mercy now.

"They are all Orientals, forget it! Boss Chen!"

"Brother Chen, we don't dare anymore!"

"Spare us!"




How could Chen Yuan show any mercy to such a group of fickle guys among humans and animals?

His men showed no mercy.

The begging for mercy gradually became less and less, and finally turned into all kinds of insults, shouting, and cursing. When there were only a dozen people left, it turned into painful pleading and begging for mercy again...

Chen Yuan remained silent.

"I was really wrong."

After finally killing Cui Yongshun, a master named Jin Zhiyong next to him, and Jin Zhiyong's pet beast, a fox, the forest became completely quiet.

The competition for hegemony also ends here.

Chen Yuan quit the game.

See the prompt from the game.

My eyes are wide open!

[Game Tips: Points 4542, obtained]

[Game Tips: Points 4542, obtained]

[Game Tips: Points 4542, obtained]

In other words, with 10 minutes of double points, this group of Chinese thieves contributed more than 3,000 points to themselves!


So cool!

Not only the rare armor can be exchanged, but one or two other things are also available!

"Thank you. If there is a next time, I will be even more grateful..."

Chen Yuan thanked the screen.

Enter the mall page!

Start buying!

[Game Tips: Confirm to use 2700 points to purchase rare-level armor? 】


[Game Tips: Rare level armor purchased successfully]

Suddenly, a set of majestic purple-gold armor with strange patterns appeared in Chen Yuan's hands. It was majestic and domineering...

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