National Survival: My Ability Is To Sign In

Chapter 77 The Terrifying Rat Tide, Escape

[Rare grade armor: dual-purpose for offense and defense, worn on the body, greatly improves defense and at the same time increases combat bonus by 10% in all directions]

Chen Yuan put on the armor on his body, and a surging sense of power arose spontaneously.

This will definitely greatly improve the strength.

Moreover, this suit of armor is connected by mail and is very flexible, so it will not be affected at all during combat.

"With it, combined with the mountain axe, and the ghost boots, I can really turn into a killing machine!"

Chen Yuan looked at the other treasures again.

Originally, Chen Yuan planned to buy rare grade Pei soil.

"But the upgrade of the Big Stone Castle only requires some Condensation Wood and high-grade upgrade stones. Let's wait until the Big Stone Castle is upgraded and the indoor greenhouse is expanded..."

Chen Yuan thought in his heart.

Glancing over.

The points he got on the first day were 1524 points, and today he got 4542 points.

The total is 6066 points.

After excluding the 2,700 points just spent, there are still 3,366 points left.

Chen Yuan glanced at the points display next to the mall.

3366 points!

No tax evasion!

very good.

"There are still some treasures in the mall that I don't even have enough points to buy. I have everything I can buy, but most of them are not as good as me. A few have not increased much, and they are a waste of points..."

Chen Yuan screened them one by one.

His eyes finally rested on two things.

[Invisibility Talisman] and [Absolute Energy Absorbing Talisman].

[Invisibility Talisman: When attached to the body, it can make oneself invisible for 10 minutes. Even if the pet is caught in the hand, it can also have an invisibility effect. 800 points are required]

[Absolute energy-absorbing talisman: When attached to the body, it can form an absolute absorption ability, absorbing 10 times the strongest attack power once, requiring 1000 points]

They are all life-saving things.

Especially the absolute energy-absorbing talisman, which can absorb and withstand the strongest attack that is 10 times its own strength.

This is definitely a nip in the bud at critical moments.

Just in case!

"Buy it!"

Chen Yuan spent 1,800 points!

Buy an [Invisibility Talisman] and an [Absolute Energy-Absorbing Talisman]!

After buying it, I don't know why, but I always feel more at ease.

"There are 1566 points left, keep them and use them when needed..."

Points don’t expire anyway.

Only by accumulating, can you buy better products.

"It's a pity that the mall is still in its early stages, and there are no treasures above the rare level..."

Chen Yuan shook his head.

Come to the first floor.

A lot of jade and metal were placed in front of the two beasts.

Then I practiced some moves.

Take a bath.

Just lie down on the bed and sleep.

Drowsily, the tired Xiaobai seemed to have crawled into his arms. At dawn, Chen Yuan had breakfast and started signing in again!

Check-in on day 14!

"Congratulations to the host, you got the intermediate stone crystal +10!"

"Obsidian Treasure Chest +1"

"Perfect seed bag +1"

The obsidian treasure chest is opened. There are 100 primary obsidians, 10 intermediate obsidians, and a perfect seed bag. There are several perfect vegetable seeds, including potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, winter melons...

There are also a few perfect fragrant rice seeds.

"not bad!"

Today's check-in was okay, there were a lot of useful things.

However, the special sign-in did not appear.

"It seems that two weeks does not count as a special sign-in. I am afraid that the special sign-in will not appear until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse."

Chen Yuan guessed.

Set off with the two beasts that are already level 34.

"You must go to the dwarf mountains. Whether it is to lead to the human city mentioned by the goblins, to stay away from the foggy area, or to improve your strength, it is the final destination at this stage!"

"Living from the dwarf mountains..."

Chen Yuan spread out the map.

After some rough estimation, it was about 1,800-2,000 miles, and at his normal traveling speed, it would take 4-6 days.

If you are delayed somewhere for 1-2 days, it will be about a week.

"It's almost over now..."

Of course, Chen Yuan never thought of rushing over to the dwarf mountains.

Take advantage of the time on the road.

In order to further improve the strength, it is best if the initial elemental power in the belly of the body can change.

Or, the fruit of the mysterious tree can ripen.

These two things.

Directly related to Chen Yuan's strength!


The Skeleton Puppet is included in the Doll Statue.

Two skeleton puppets were left to continue smelting.

Received the big stone castle.

He took out the directional stone to compare the direction of the area map and continued to move forward. Just after leaving the mine cave, less than a thousand meters away, Chen Yuan discovered that there was Ning Yuan Wood in front of him.

A total of 6 trees!

"There is Ning Yuan Wood near the Skeleton Man's Territory and the Mine Cave. Could it be that in a place of this level, there is a high probability of Ning Yuan Wood appearing?"

Chen Yuan made a guess in his mind.

The mountain ax struck out smoothly.

After a while, you will get Ning Yuan Wood +24!

The main wood required for upgrading Dashi Castle to Level 5 is Ning Yuan wood, which is 200 pieces. Chen Yuan got 154 pieces before!

Now I get another 24 yuan!

"178 yuan, only the last 22 yuan left..."

Chen Yuan felt that the level 5 Dashi Castle was waving to him.


Getting closer!

"Suddenly, I have a feeling that this wasteland is nothing more than this. I, Chen, with two idiots, can kill everyone. It is enough to show that I am powerful and terrifying, unmatched!"

Chen Yuan's pace.

They all started to get mad.

The two beasts beside them twitched the corners of their mouths slightly, as if they were saying: I don’t know these guys!

The wind surges in the wasteland.

getting bigger.

There is a feeling of turbulence and stormy weather.

Chen Yuan was in it and became even more excited: "In this magnificent natural weather, the wind blows away all the grass and rocks, and the wind blows away all the stones!"

"But I remain unmoved!"

"Unmoving as a mountain!"

"It is enough to show that my mentality is stable, my momentum is strong, and I look down on all living beings, and I am arrogant!"

Chen Yuan sang loudly.

"It's numerous fun to fight the destiny!"

"Fight against the ground! It's endless fun!"

"Fight with others! It's endless fun!"

The two beasts took a few steps away.

I'm afraid of being infected by this neurosis.


The wind is getting stronger!

As if roaring.

Amid the roar, a strange sound came from behind!

The two beasts that originally retreated felt something and suddenly screamed wildly.



One by one, they approached Xiang Chen Yuan with extremely solemn expressions!

Chen Yuan also felt something was wrong.

Turn around.

In the violent wind that tore the ground apart, a black and inscrutable object surged towards me like a wave!

"That is……"

Chen Yuan took out his telescope.

Look towards it.

Thousands of meters away, I saw this dark area, an endless tide of rats!

"Rat Tide!"

"Oh My God……"

The overwhelming rat tide is so huge!

The width that can be estimated by visual inspection alone is more than three thousand meters, and the height reaches twenty or thirty meters!

That feeling.

It was like a huge wave on the sea, hitting his small boat.

Unparalleled momentum!

Oppression is coming!


Chen Yuan didn't hesitate at all.

Catch Xiaobai and Xiaojin and run wildly!

But the distance behind him is still shrinking!

At the scale of the rat tide, there is no way to escape from this kind of running!


Chen Yuan directly put on the jet, which took him and the two beasts to high altitude, 20 meters, 30 meters, 40 meters, 50 meters above the ground...

not enough!

not enough!

60 meters!

70 meters!

80 meters!

Keep going, keep going!

120 meters!

150 meters!

In fact, some giant rats with a height of more than ten meters suddenly raised their heads when they noticed Chen Yuan!

"what to do?"

"what to do?"

That glance struck me as if I was being stared at by the god of death.

Chen Yuan felt his scalp numb.

An idea flashed in his mind.

"By the way, the invisibility talisman, and the invisibility talisman!"

Chen Yuan immediately took out the invisibility charm, attached it to his body, and disappeared into the air with the two beasts.

Keep taking off!

The wind is blowing under my feet!

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