National Tide 1980

Chapter 1000: Reborn

Chartering a Yakatabune boat costs 200,000 yen, and spending a weekend at a hot spring hotel also costs 200,000 yen.

Just to enjoy the flowers, I spent a month’s salary of a Japanese gold collar.

It is equivalent to 10,000 RMB in the official exchange rate and 20,000 RMB in the black market.

Even for Ning Weimin, it was a bit too extravagant to be true.

So when he paid, he, a poor kid who grew up in a miserable life, couldn't help but feel a little sad.

However, he had to admit that President Takahashi's arrangement for him was really good, and the money was not wasted.

If it were anyone else, they would just want to spend the money, but they might not be able to find a way.

Take Sumida Park as an example. It is located on the banks of the Sumida River at the junction of Asakusa and Sumida, between Azuma Bridge and Sakurabashi Bridge. It is a riverside park.

There are nearly a thousand cherry blossom trees stretching for one kilometer on both sides of the river called "Sumida River". It has been a famous cherry blossom viewing spot since the Edo period.

Ning Weimin also arrived at the scene and realized how gorgeous and magnificent the sea of ​​cherry blossoms on both sides of the river was.

Those large cherry blossom trees with extremely beautiful shapes are tilted towards the water, and the drooping cherry blossoms are reflected in the water, and the beauty value is greatly increased.

Boating on the flower lake, the river is filled with petals when the cherry blossoms blow in the snow. This is a rare romantic scene.

Although there are many people on the shore during the cherry blossom season, if you sit in the boat and watch the cherry blossoms, you can always see the grand cherry blossom scene.

The view on the river is the widest, and there will be no crowds that will damage the picture.

Just from this point of view, being able to enjoy flowers by boat is much better than anywhere on the shore.

In addition to the Somei-Yoshino cherry trees blooming on both sides of the river, there are also shops, fashionable shops and various vendors on both sides of the river.

Movie theaters and music theaters are still alive and well.

Typical Edo foods such as tempura, soba, sukiyaki, eel, and loach are all available.

There are also Japanese snacks such as zenzai mochi, sweet potato yokan, meatballs, sakura mochi, glutinous rice candy, fried beans, shortcakes, etc.

It is really all-encompassing, full of the fireworks of the world, and can be called the Qingming Riverside Scene in Tokyo.

Not to mention, the privacy on the boat is pretty good.

The best thing about chartering a boat is that there are no other people to disturb you.

In the boat, which was originally meant for twenty people, Ning Weimin enjoyed the spacious space.

In front of him were delicacies and beauties sitting there making love to each other. Then he looked at the beautiful scenery outside the boat and the crowds of heads on the shore.

Needless to say, this kind of luxurious enjoyment is almost like a crime, so romantic that it is unnecessary.

It makes people feel a sense of superiority similar to that of a prince!

This means that one would rather be drunk in Wenwen Township than admire Emperor Wu in Baiyun Township.

Ning Weimin couldn't help but secretly sigh, he was afraid that he was a little superior and would really fall.

If things continue like this, it will be difficult not to betray one's own class and lose the true nature of working people.

In short, Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko had a great time.

Although it's expensive, it's worth every penny. It's expensive and expensive.

In comparison, the trip to the hot spring hotel the next day was another kind of nourishing experience.

Kinugawa is a very famous hot spring town in Japan. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "for trauma, go to Kawaji Onsen, and for burns, go to Kinugawa Onsen."

Moreover, in the hot spring hotel arranged by President Takahashi, you can also pair the hot springs with cherry blossoms.

The rooms of Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko faced a mountain forest and a stream. The stream rushed down from the mountain, like the bronze wind chimes of a shrine striking in the wind.

There are rows of cherry trees next to the open-air bath in the yard, so you can take a bath while enjoying the cherry blossoms.

The branches full of flowers almost stretched into the house, twinkling and swaying in the sunlight.

Such "flower viewing hot springs" are indeed rare and rare.

To be honest, when you come to a place like this, whoever wants to think about serious things is really sick.

Ning Weimin had completely let go of his burden and left all serious matters behind. In his heart and eyes, there was only Matsumoto Keiko.

But even so, he was not in a hurry to take a bath first. Instead, he and his lover came to the mountain hand in hand to take a wild swim first.

Completely avoiding the eyes of other people, they walked hand in hand along the narrow mountain road, like a real couple in love.

Not only the mood is like this, the dress is like this, but also the pace of walking, the way of holding hands, the posture of hugging, and the way of laughing.

The scenery on the mountain is also really beautiful. In addition to cherry blossom trees, there are also pine, maple and fir trees on both sides of the road.

When they came to the deserted mountaintop, they looked at the colorful scenery illuminated by the sun.

Ning Weimin suddenly couldn't help but hugged Matsumoto Keiko, kissed her earlobe, and hugged her under a cherry tree full of flowers.

So much so that the cherry trees swayed and rained petals all over the sky.

And this is another spring feeling.

A long time passed until the flavors blended together and the heat gave way.

The two of them held hands again and walked down the mountain path back to their residence.

Go and enjoy the spring water where the mist is steaming, the petals are floating, and you can warm wine.

All in all, when the cherry blossoms in Tokyo began to lose, when Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko returned to Tokyo from Kinugawa Hot Spring in Tochigi Prefecture.

Everyone was transformed, as if their fatigue had been washed away by the cherry blossoms and hot springs, and they became energetic and radiant.

They lived up to their blooming season this year.

At this time, it was already April 7, 1986.

In addition to working hard to prepare invitations for the opening of Tan Palace, Ning Weimin finally had some spare time to take care of his personal property.

Not to mention, the fierce battle in the past few days was like an important step that Ning Weimin was destined to abide by. Once he got through it, it would really be a bright future for the village.

When the opening ceremony of the altar palace entered the final preparation stage, many unexpected good things began to happen one after another.

First of all, benefiting from the huge changes in Japan's economic situation, Ning Weimin's bargaining chips in the stock and real estate markets have skyrocketed again.

As we all know, in just a few months from the Plaza Accord in 1985 to the beginning of 1986, Noboru Takeshita fulfilled his promise to the United States.

The unilateral appreciation of the yen was 20%, from 240 yen to one U.S. dollar to 200 yen to one U.S. dollar.

However, such a rapid and high appreciation is an "unbearable burden" for Japan, which is a country founded on trade, especially for export-oriented companies.

In fact, Japan has fallen into recession since the fourth quarter of 1985, with the economy declining and inflation at the same time relatively low.

But the appreciation of the yen did not stop there and continued to rise due to inertia.

Before Ning Weimin returned to China during the Spring Festival, the exchange rate of the Japanese yen against the US dollar had reached 192 yen per US dollar.

At this time, the economic data of the United States were unprecedentedly bad, and the trade deficit further expanded. Therefore, in order to stimulate the domestic economy, Uncle Sam even cut interest rates.

This caused more hot money to leave the United States and pour into Japan crazily, leading to another wave of rapid appreciation of the yen.

In just two months, the exchange rate reached the point where one hundred and fifty yen was exchanged for one dollar.

At the same time, it also severely suppressed Japan's manufacturing and export trade.

As a result, Japan's domestic opposition parties began to jump on the bandwagon and couldn't help but accuse and criticize the Nakasone Yasuhiro government.

Voters' opinions of the Prime Minister have also changed from "the mastermind of the Plaza Accord" and "a courageous politician" to "the traitor who ruined Japan's manufacturing industry."

So Nakasone Yasuhiro became more and more uneasy, and the prime minister was really panicked.

Just imagine, if Japan's manufacturing industry is really ruined in your own hands, what a sin it would be!

It really ruined Japan's manufacturing industry, and he still didn't commit seppuku?

As a result, the Nakasone government had no more options. After much deliberation, it urgently needed to take urgent action.

As for remedial measures, there is actually only one textbook-level operation - following the U.S. interest rate cut.

In this way, Japan's monetary easing policy began.

In January, March, and April of 1986, the Bank of Japan cut interest rates three times in a row, from 5% at the beginning of the year to 5%.

The intensity and frequency are staggering.

At the same time, also at the beginning of this month, the Japanese government also issued the Maekawa Report in an attempt to point out Japan's way out in response to Japan-US frictions and the international situation.

This landmark report was written by Haruo Maeda, an economic consultant who advises the Japanese government and the former prince of the yen.

This guy blamed Japan entirely for the trade imbalance at that time.

He believes that there is something wrong with Japan's economic structure and industrial model, and calls for comprehensive changes, abandoning the wartime system, and transforming to American-style free trade, otherwise it will become an "orphan of the world."

The reforms advocated by Maekawa are mainly divided into several aspects.

First, expand domestic demand.

Second, increase foreign investment.

Third, open the domestic market and increase imports.

Fourth, promote capital liberalization and the internationalization of the yen.

This report seemed more like taking the position of the United States, so it was criticized by many Japanese as a financial capitulation.

But in any case, since then, the Japanese government has decisively cut interest rates and implemented a series of policies to expand domestic demand.

Such as expanding investment expenditures with public investment as the core, promoting private investment, abolishing the preferential tax system for small savings, reducing savings, etc.

The Japanese economy has finally begun to stabilize, the appreciation of the yen has also been alleviated to some extent, the economy has gradually begun to return to normal, and there is no domestic inflation.

So this wave of operations is actually very successful and effective.

In contrast, there are actually only two hidden dangers that can be called side effects.

First, the continued appreciation of the yen has affected Japan's exports, with the biggest impact mainly concentrated on small and medium-sized enterprises.

These companies are small, but they are an important part of the Japanese economy.

The Japanese government’s rescue policy at this time should definitely give priority to helping and saving these small and medium-sized enterprises.

But the Japanese government's policies all take care of big companies.

Although those large Japanese companies also have an impact, they have various methods to minimize the impact.

This has led to large companies that were originally unaffected to benefit from the situation, while small companies are still sitting back and waiting for death.

Second, low interest rates mean putting liquidity on the market.

Once it became easier to borrow money, there was a lot of lending going on.

As a result, there will be more money in the market, and more money must have a place to flow.

Those are just two places to go.

On the one hand, it flows to the real economy, causing inflation.

On the other hand, it flows into the capital market, causing asset bubbles.

For Japan, the latter problem has obviously occurred, with more money flowing into the stock market and property market.

This resulted in Japan's national average land price rising by 6% in 1986.

Tokyo was even more abnormal, rising 4%.

The Nikkei Index rose by 50% that year.

And don't forget that the properties purchased by Ning Weimin are located in the core area of ​​Tokyo.

The stocks he bought were also the companies that benefited the most from the rapid appreciation of the yen.

Under this economic trend, his investment behavior cannot even be described as a Davis double kill.

Let's put it this way, for now, the three interest rate cuts since the beginning of the year have had immediate effects.

Even Ning Weimin was shocked because he had ignored it for just two months and took the time to pay attention to the market. He thought he had read it wrong.

As the core area of ​​the core city, the average price of his properties has doubled, and the current market value is almost 2.4 billion yen.

The momentum of the stock is stronger because the dark horse breed of Banwa Industrial was chosen correctly.

It has almost tripled, and the value of his stock holdings has approached 3.3 billion yen.

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