National Tide 1980

Chapter 1005 One Million Pounds

This guy Zuo Chuan wanted to do everything for Ning Weimin, and he was afraid that he would be moved.

But Ning Weimin didn't expect that the other party would fight so hard.

He blinked, but he couldn't figure out the logic of the other person's eager surrender to him, and he couldn't believe that he had any domineering spirit.

Then he hit him a few more times without comment.

One thing to say is, if he doesn't figure out what's going on, he won't dare to accept slaves casually.

"Director Zuo Chuan, thanks to the information you revealed, I have a more realistic understanding of Japan's securities industry today. Your kindness is really touching. However, it seems that doing so is not in the interests of your company. I'm offended. I'm confused. In your heart, are my interests more important than your company's interests? This is too unbelievable. Then if in the end your company insists on the interests I hold What should I do if Banwa Kogyo is frozen? Will you also oppose your company and stand on my side?"

Director Zuo Chuan seemed to be stunned by the question, but within a few seconds, he gave an answer that surprised Ning Weimin without hesitation.

"President, in my heart. Although the company is my parents, you are God. When I serve you, I am actually safeguarding the interests of the company. At the same time, please rest assured that if one day the interests of the two cannot be reached, , I have to make a choice. So even though I am in pain, I can only choose you. Because the company's upper management never understands how hard it is for us sales people to get a customer."

"To be honest, when I first joined this company, I once believed that the company would help employees make progress together. But now that I have worked for ten years, my dream has long been shattered. The only connection the company has with us is performance indicators. To be honest, working here makes me breathless. And according to the unwritten rules in the company, the older the employee, the heavier the burden on his shoulders will naturally be. I am not afraid of your jokes, even though I am only three years old. I'm a teenager, but I already feel physically and mentally exhausted like a sixty-year-old. If I hadn't been lucky enough to meet you, I might have resigned long ago."

"So there is no doubt that you saved me from fire and water, and you provided me with performance guarantee. It is my greatest luck to be your stockbroker. In the past few months, I finally feel that I can bear the work pressure Come on. Then, no matter from a moral or profit perspective, of course I will stand on your side and serve you with all my strength."

"You are my benefactor in my career. I will definitely repay your kindness. This is a matter of course, even if there is a conflict with my superiors. I implore you, please continue to trust me. Because I also Only by relying on your trust and continuing to serve you can I continue to work in this company."

At this point, Zuo Chuan's voice was choked with sobs.

Then he knocked his head to the ground again, and even his body began to tremble with excitement.

Although he couldn't see his expression, Ning Weimin could guess that Zuo Chuan might have shed tears.

What a sad scene! This fucking evil country, look what it has forced people into? How can we cultivate social animals!

Ning Weimin could not help but think of the way Director Taniguchi apologized to him.

In particular, I thought of Master's teachings before leaving - when you are subordinate to others, you must treat yourself as a human being, and when you are superior to others, you must treat others as human beings. Remember, remember!

He couldn't help but feel soft, and finally spoke.

"Okay. Director Zuo Chuan, I have received your sincerity, and I also understand your wish. Then I will have to work hard for you from now on. Please arrange this matter for me. I agree to work with Banhe Xingye's Beimao Society See you soon."

This comforting voice reached Zuo Chuan's ears, just like God spreading the gospel.

He immediately grabbed Ning Weimin's hand, and was so moved that he held it on his forehead with both hands. He really burst into tears.

"Thank you, thank you very much, President, please leave it to me. I will not let you down."


"Millions of Pounds" is an old movie starring American movie star Gregory Peck.

This classic work adapted from Mark Twain's novel of the same name was filmed in 1953 and translated to mainland China in 1958.

The story played out in the play is this.

An American named Adams came to England penniless by accident.

There happened to be two rich British people making a bet, so they gave him a million-dollar banknote.

The two Englishmen asked Adams to survive in London for thirty days without using the money to see if he could survive.

To put it bluntly, this banknote was just a symbol in British society at the time and had no practical significance.

Because the denomination was so large, Adams couldn't spend it at all, and no one could give him change.

And he must return it intact after thirty days.

However, just because the Bank of England confirmed that the banknote was genuine, Adams' situation changed drastically from the moment he got the huge amount of money.

When Adams was a penniless poor boy, he was always met with blank looks and contempt.

But with millions of pounds in hand, he was welcomed and respected by people, and soon became a celebrity in London.

At the end of the story, Adams only relied on the symbolic value of this banknote. Not only did he live a pleasant life, but he also got a beautiful woman and earned himself two hundred thousand pounds.

Such a ridiculous plot not only made the audience laugh, but also vividly revealed the bleakness of the world and the warmth and warmth of human nature.

It is said that art comes from life and is higher than life. This is true.

We must admit that similar things do exist in reality and are very common.

It’s just that most people have never paid attention to it and can easily ignore it.

From a business perspective, the social phenomenon explained by this story can actually be explained by another term, the "Matthew Effect."

The "Matthew Effect" comes from the New Testament Matthew.

The original text is, "To everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have an excess. But whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him."

In fact, the "Matthew Effect" reflects a very cold social law, that is, resources will always be tilted towards those with high efficiency.

This is why it will never be possible to eliminate the polarization phenomenon in which the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

This is also the reason why the United States is so confident in seeking hegemony and dares to dictate and interfere arbitrarily around the world.

In the past, Ning Weimin's understanding of this principle was superficial and partial.

Although he understands that it is the same in any country to look at people's food, even though he understands that the most essential difference between the poor and the rich lies in the attitude of others towards you.

But because in his previous life he only had enough food and clothing, he was never high in the social hierarchy.

What he realized most deeply was that having no money would make people look down on him.

My personal philosophy of struggle only remains at the level of "God rewards those who work hard", plus "If you want to be prominent in front of others, you have to suffer behind your back."

Yes, nearly 20 million yuan in assets sounds pretty good, but in Beijing it is actually equivalent to a school district house in XC district.

Although he is also a small boss with an annual income of two million, he can't even afford a real luxury car.

He drove on the road in the capital, and when he saw the Lamborghini, he didn't dare to make any mistakes and stayed away.

In his previous life, living in a place like the capital, he had nothing to do with "wealth".

But this life is different.

He came to Tokyo before the birth of Japan's economic bubble.

Taking advantage of the foresight to free ride on history, in a short period of time, we have earned wealth that is far beyond the speed of the times.

Such sudden wealth made him feel the power of wealth very clearly.

He soon discovered that money has a siphoning power and realized the principle of "the strong always become strong".

And thus re-realize how unfair society is.

Not to mention anything else, it can be seen from the way Nomura Securities treats him.

Last September, when Ning Weimin opened an account with 200 million to 300 million yuan, Zuo Chuan Jianyi became his stockbroker.

At that time, this guy was polite to polite and enthusiastic to enthusiastic, but it was really hard to say that I had any flattery towards him.

Since the Japanese stock market was only rising moderately at that time, there were not many ordinary people participating in the securities market.

The capital of individual clients of Nomura Securities Central District Sales Department starts at a minimum of several million yen.

There are also many people with capital of hundreds of millions of yen.

Therefore, Ning Weimin was completely lost among the many customers, and of course he did not enjoy any special treatment.

In fact, not only did he have to tolerate Kenichi Zuokawa's never-ending phone harassment, he also suffered from Nomura Securities' stock recommendation.

On the contrary, because he is a foreigner and is not proficient in Japanese writing, he often causes trouble to the other party in stock transactions, and he feels guilty.

He also pays special attention to the problems of dealing with others.

Every time Zuo Chuan lobbying provides operational advice, even if he doesn't agree with it, he can only explain it politely with sufficient patience.

You even have to spend a few small sums of money and rely on gifts to maintain the stability of the cooperative relationship between the two parties.

To put it simply, the relationship between supply and demand is reversed.

At that time, in order to smoothly attract funds and ensure the normal conduct of the transaction, it was Ning Weimin who begged Zuo Chuan Jianyi to some extent.

This situation did not end until around New Year this year, when the value of Ning Weimin's stock holdings exceeded one billion yen.

It was also from then on that the roles of the two parties began to reverse, and he felt what it was like to truly relax and trade with peace of mind.

From then on, it suddenly became easier to face Zuo Chuan's phone stock recommendations and business harassment.

Sometimes when Ning Weimin is busy with important things, he doesn't even need to say anything.

Zuo Chuan himself could sensitively detect that he was emotionally out of state, apologize politely, and end the call as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, when Ning Weimin asked about something, Zuo Chuan became patient and considerate and took the trouble.

Even the event Nomura Securities invited Ning Weimin to has changed from a financial management lecture designed to deceive people into investing more, to a social gathering in the form of a buffet and cocktail reception.

If you participate, not only will the meals be completely free, but you will also get to know some Japanese people with a higher social level.

Because this kind of association is determined by the number of assets, the threshold is relatively high.

Therefore, in addition to business entrepreneurs, there are also many people in industries such as hospital directors, lawyers, and artists.

In fact, Ning Weimin was really excited. If he hadn't been too busy at that time, he would have participated long ago.

But that's nothing.

When he returned to Tokyo this time, Ning Weimin's securities assets soared again to 3.3 billion yen, and the changes he felt next were even more earth-shaking.

Not only did Zuo Chuan really show off his loyal dog-like slave image, he also changed his title from "president" to "president" one by one.

He wished he had disembowelled himself to prove his loyalty, and even tried to make suggestions for the people of Ningwei.

The reception standards have also risen and all boats have been upgraded simultaneously.

That's true private customization, VIP treatment.

Snacks, drinks, and alcohol are just child’s play.

There is no need to queue up for registration, and the procedures for opening an enterprise account are also trivial.

The most incredible thing is that when Ning Weimin opened an account and left Nomura Securities that day.

Although out of caution, he decided to temporarily transfer only 700 million yen from the Dadao Trading Company account to the enterprise account, and did not add financing leverage this time.

But Zuo Chuan still presented Ning Weimin with a large number of various consumer coupons on behalf of the sales department.

Among them, the taxi ticket is 300,000 yen.

Air ticket discount coupon 100,000 yen.

A coupon worth 150,000 yen from the Japanese clothing brand D'URBAN.

One coupon for a luxury suite experience at the Tokyo Prince Hotel and two coupons for a lunch and dinner buffet.

Two Tokyo Golf Club experience tickets.

There is also a free gift certificate for a bottle of 1986 Suntory brandy.

Ning Weimin simply held it in his hand and counted it.

I discovered that not only was it fully equipped with basic necessities, food, clothing, food, drinks, and entertainment, but its economic value was also as high as one million yen!

He couldn't believe it.

To actually get one million yen for nothing, which is equivalent to Nomura Securities taking the initiative to waive the commission of 700 million yen for increasing his stock holdings.

It's such a arrogant way to give a gift, as if it doesn't cost anything.

Even he couldn't help but worry about Nomura Securities.

They only increased capital by 700 million yen and got so many benefits.

It is conceivable that if he puts all the loans on the gambling table and adds leverage, what kind of treatment will he get?

It is indeed worth looking forward to.

And the most important thing is not these.

Yu Zuochuan was actually like a dedicated personal assistant, seriously preparing everything for him to meet with President Banwa Industrial Kitimao.

Ning Weimin didn't worry about the contact time, confirming the location, and pick-up and drop-off vehicles, as well as how to properly explain the misunderstanding during the meeting.

To be honest, when Ning Weimin got into the Cadillac car driven by a professional driver.

Looking at Zuo Chuan next to him, who is nodding and bending down to serve him, he really feels like he has transformed into a chaebol.

Of course, Banhe Xingye's side will definitely not be the only one Beimao comes to meet with.

At the meeting, Ning Weimin discovered that this influential figure whom he had seen in documentaries - the leader of the Six Ghosts of Tokyo - was not only accompanied by his secretary, but also had a lawyer acting as a legal advisor and a financial specialist from Yamaichi Securities.

The other party is quite well prepared.

What surprised Ning Weimin even more was Beimao himself. He was not as happy as in the documentary, but more majestic.

Although he has a short stature, thin hair, and big gold teeth, he is completely vulgar.

But he is very dignified in front of his subordinates. He looks like the kind of person who speaks his mind and is extremely authoritative.

So in an atmosphere where Ning Weimin's side was slightly weaker, the two sides conducted frank and serious negotiations.

The whole process should be said to be uneventful and relatively smooth.

Although the other party was unsmiling, he was full of concerns about Ning Weimin's motives for buying Ban He Xingye at a low price, and repeatedly asked them suspiciously why they were interested in this stock.

But it also shows respect for capital.

Especially I admire Ning Weimin for being so valuable at such a young age.

On Ning Weimin's side, Zuo Chuan was the one describing the situation almost the entire time.

Although the investment reasons given by this guy on behalf of Ning Weimin are completely lies, they may not be convincing to the other party.

But because Zuo Chuan moved away from Nomura Securities, he used the name of the securities firm to guarantee Ning Weimin's motivation for holding shares.

Ning Weimin himself also made a promise on the spot, saying that he was only optimistic about Banhe Industrial's business transformation, and his shareholding would not exceed 5% of Banhe Industrial's market value.

He also promised to unconditionally support President Beimao's business decisions during his shareholding period.

After several people from Banhe Xingye's side discussed in whispers, they still trusted Ning Weimin and were generally relieved.

In this way, after both parties drafted and signed a document on the spot, the things just agreed verbally were implemented in writing.

The matter was almost settled in an amicable manner.

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