National Tide 1980

Chapter 1004 Professional Shareholders

What's going on?

I have to admit that Japan, a weird country, has a unique and weird system that will always lead to weird things.

No one would believe that such a serious thing as doing securities investment and being a shareholder in Japan could actually evolve into an immoral and gray profession.

The first prerequisite for people in this industry is to have a certain amount of financial resources in order to buy and hold stocks in multiple companies.

Therefore, the barriers to entry are not low and the personnel composition is also very complex.

They range from Yakuza who rely on community organizations to nouveau riche who work alone.

As for the work he has to do every day, he is to attend the shareholders' meetings of various companies, express serious questions or opinions, or interfere with the proceedings of the meetings.

The purpose is to be a troublemaker so that he can charge management fees and extort benefits from the companies he holds shares.

They take advantage of the corporate management's fear of causing trouble, seize on various shortcomings in corporate operations, use this to put pressure on the company, and use professional and intellectual violence. They are dubbed "professional shareholders" by Japanese society. .

To put it bluntly, the behavior of these professional shareholders in collecting benefits from the company can be regarded as intimidation and extortion.

In essence, it is a case of using the power of shareholders to interfere with the normal operation of the company.

They just figured out that the management was afraid of "difficult to deal with in the future" and did not dare to report the case to the police, so they succeeded repeatedly.

This kind of evil behavior was prevalent throughout the 1960s, when most Japanese companies would determine the amount of payment based on the other party's level.

Even when those professional shareholders who are like little gangsters come to "visit" during the Ghost Festival or the end of the year, most Japanese companies pay them with "travel expenses".

In fact, at that time, Japanese companies had received instructions from the police and often discussed countermeasures on "how to expel professional shareholders." Unfortunately, the results were not great.

Later, in the 1970s, as this situation worsened, Japanese companies finally became united in disgust and finally found ways to fight against professional shareholders.

First, Japanese companies have adjusted their corporate rules and regulations and decided not to have external independent directors from now on.

Second, in order to reduce the number of external shareholders, many small and medium-sized enterprises have also followed the example of large enterprises in the chaebol system and started cross-shareholdings with each other based on operational connections.

Third, in order to prevent those shareholders and reporters who deliberately cause trouble to make things difficult for corporate management, hundreds of listed companies will even tacitly choose to hold shareholders' meetings at the same time.

It is by relying on this method of grouping together among companies to keep warm that the room for professional shareholders to make profits is basically blocked.

However, nothing is absolute and there are always some exceptions.

For example, listed companies with small and medium-sized market capitalization like Banwa Industrial have the most obvious weaknesses.

Especially when a company encounters difficulties in its operations and its market value drops sharply, it is easiest for outsiders to take advantage of it.

If there is no internal unity, once the stocks held by outsiders are enough to affect the appointment of board members, or the change of actual control candidates of the company.

Then such shares are valuable, and you can still get certain benefits.

So it is conceivable that from the perspective of Banwa Kogye.

Suddenly, I discovered that after the market value of my company experienced a sharp decline, an outsider holding as much as 3% of the shares appeared in the shareholder list.

Especially a foreigner.

It is normal to have concerns about this.

At this point, Ning Weimin finally understood that the co-author regarded him as a hooligan like a professional shareholder.

"You mean that Banhe Xingye regards me as a dangerous person with ulterior motives? Then you still say it doesn't matter?"

"Because I know exactly who you are. This is a misunderstanding. Your investment returns are so huge, and all the stocks you hold are skyrocketing. You also own your own company, how could you still do such a thing? This kind of meeting is just a meal for you."

"That's true. But I feel very bad. Being suspected of having bad motives for no reason, and having to undergo interrogation. This is an insult to my character."

"I understand your troubles very well. Of course your dissatisfaction is justified. No one will be happy to encounter this kind of thing, let alone a person of your status."

Director Zuo Chuan nodded in agreement, fully understanding Ning Weimin's dissatisfaction.

Not only was the flattery very good, but Ning Weimin also heard something interesting from the words he said.

"However, because of this, once the misunderstanding between the two parties is clarified, the other party will also feel deeply guilty, right? After all, the other party does not trust you first. This is also a kind of disrespect. You cannot be allowed to suffer such unreasonable treatment in vain. Suspect?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Perhaps because he was worried that Ning Weimin, as a foreigner, would not understand Japanese euphemism, Zuo Chuan also took the risk this time.

He deliberately came closer, then lowered his voice and whispered like a dog-headed military counselor.

"If you still want to continue investing in Banwa Kogye, then there is something I should tell you. Although Banwa Kogye's annual financial report profits have soared, their president Kitashige-san has almost completely abandoned traditional ownership. Business, the practice of investing all the company's resources in financial investment. There are also different opinions within Banwa Kogyo. Many senior cadres seem to be deeply worried about this."

"When Banwa Industrial held a shareholders' meeting last month, I heard that some company veterans questioned it on the spot, which even triggered a dispute between the two groups, and a quarrel broke out on the spot. In this case, Beimao of Banwa Industrial The president wants to meet you, and it is obvious what he is worried about. This is actually an advantage for you."

"What I mean is that although you are not a professional shareholder, you will not make any unreasonable demands on Banwa Kogye. But on the other hand, you can also use this opportunity to reassure the president of Banwa Kogye and establish a certain relationship with him. Get in touch. In fact, no matter from that perspective, they will not reject your kindness and will definitely express their deep gratitude to you. Then won’t you have the most reliable source of information in the future? Meet the other party In fact, you are not at a disadvantage in the above aspect..."

Depend on! Pretending to be mysterious!

After all, this co-author was trying to convince himself to engage in insider trading!

Ning Weimin felt angry and funny.

My heart said, how can I use such despicable means?

However, when he thought about his trolley suitcase and the Tan Palace Restaurant that was about to open, he felt moved in his heart.

Although Zuo Chuan's suggestion was tasteless, it was logically correct.

After all, the other party is the president of a listed company. There is definitely no harm in getting to know each other and talking things over.

Even if there is no possibility of cooperation, at least I don't have to worry about violating other people's taboos or being troubled by others.

While he was deep in thought, Ning Weimin heard Zuo Chuan say, "President, there are a few more words, and I think it is my responsibility to remind you. Although you are innocent in this matter, you are completely clear about it. But if you refuse to meet the other party, , then there may be situations that are detrimental to you..."

"What? Harmful to me? Who would be detrimental to me? You are..."

Ning Weimin was shocked again. He didn't expect to hear a vague threat from Zuo Chuan.

However, this time he was wrong again.

Because Zuo Chuan had a flattering look on his face and tried his best to express his feelings, he looked like a pitiful loyal dog.

"President, I absolutely have no ill intentions. Although my words may sound a little offensive, I really just want to give you a friendly reminder and I am thinking about you. What I want to say is the unspoken rules of the Japanese securities market. On the surface, Japan's securities industry is very standardized and is promoting financial liberalization. But in fact, there are many unfair inside stories. Investment traps always exist. 'Precautionary measures' are one of them..."

"Prudent measures?" Ning Weimin frowned in confusion and repeated this special term.

Based on his intuition, he already had a hunch that what Zuo Chuan was going to tell him was something very important.

Sure enough, Zuo Chuan's next explanation was as expected.

"Yes, the so-called precautionary measure. To put it simply, it is a specific measure specifically targeted at foreigners. There is an unwritten tacit understanding among Japanese securities firms. If the listed company whose equity is acquired has no intention of acquiring the equity for foreigners, If there is unfriendly suspicion and it is supported by the securities company, a special investigation can be initiated. And during the investigation period, the securities company has the right to stop the customer's buying and selling of this stock. The stock held by the customer will be Completely frozen by the securities company. Trading cannot be resumed until the investigation is completed.”

These words made Ning Weimin shudder, and his heart suddenly hit him.

If nothing else, the stock market is changing rapidly, and if you are not careful, you can miss good opportunities and cause losses.

If the stocks you buy on the open market may no longer be available for trading at any time, what are you going to do with it as an investor?

Isn't this just being a hooligan?

"What? Doesn't this violate the principle of fair trading of stocks? The essence of securities trading is that you can buy and sell at any time?"

"That's right. It's indeed unfair, but there's nothing you can do about it. This is the objective status quo of Japan's securities industry. I can even reveal some more specific inside information to you. You should know about Oji Paper, a listed company, right? Former In the past few years, because this company was dissatisfied with a few people from Hong Kong who took advantage of the low value of the company to take a large number of shares, it used Nomura Securities, Daiwa Securities, Nippon Securities, Yamaichi Securities, as well as Wako, New Japan, and Nippon Quanyipiao. Eight securities firms, including Maru and Okazo, jointly froze a total of 12% of Oji Paper's shares held by five port city investors. The so-called investigation has been going on for several years, and so far, these five People’s shares are clearly making huge profits, but they are still unable to trade.”

Ning Weimin couldn't imagine how a Japanese securities company could have such damaging tactics and dare to blatantly violate the world's accepted financial rules.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst.

If this trick is used on him one day, he will have to be forced to death.

"What's the reason? There must be a reason for securities companies to do this, right?"

Ning Weimin suppressed his displeasure and asked.

As a result, the answer Zuo Chuan gave almost made him get angry.

"Malicious hoarding!"

"Malicious hoarding? Are you kidding? This excuse is too perfunctory. How can the people of Hong Kong agree? They will definitely sue, right?"

"Yes. You are right. They have taken legal channels, but it is useless. Neither the Tokyo Stock Exchange nor the Japanese courts will support the claims of a few foreign investors. In fact, Japan's securities market, In essence, it is still a corporate club. The purpose of its existence is to facilitate companies to raise funds, which is also the general consensus of Japan's upper class. So no matter what, you should agree to Banwa Kogyo's request and meet with President Kitashiro. Otherwise, it will make the other party suspicious and think you have some bad intentions."

Zuo Chuan's words revealed the helplessness and cruelty of reality, and immediately blocked everything Ning Weimin wanted to say.

It's too cowardly to not even be able to control whether or not to see the co-author.

But it happened that he was angry and it was hard to get angry.

After all, Zuo Chuan meant well, not to mention that this phenomenon was not caused by him.

He should be grateful if someone can remind him to avoid this potential risk that is very likely to happen.

If all this is true...

After a moment of silence, Ning Weimin couldn't help but complain.

"Is it because I don't agree to meet that your sales department will do this to me? If so, how can I invest with confidence? It's really troublesome! It's better that I just sell all the stocks and stay away completely. Japan’s securities market is doing well!”

Of course he was speaking out of anger.

Japan's economic bubble has just begun.

How could he part with such a once-in-a-lifetime meal?

How can we give up eating because of choking?

But Zuo Chuan didn't know this.

He thought Ning Weimin was telling the truth, and immediately regretted it so much that his intestines turned blue.

Why did he spend so much time spitting?

The purpose of not being in a hurry is to gain the trust of your customers.

But if it goes too far and scares customers away, then it’s not counterproductive.

For this reason, Zuo Chuan broke into sweat again, his pale face forced a smile, and he quickly changed the subject in an attempt to redeem himself.

"President, I understand your concerns very well. But you don't need to worry too much about this matter. The reason why I remind you is not to say that this will definitely happen. It is just a possibility. I hope you can be prepared. And maybe what I just described is not comprehensive enough. In fact, listed companies also need corresponding conditions for proposing self-cautionary measures, and ordinary companies are not able to do this."

"The reason why the company Banwa Kogyo has this possibility is because of its special characteristics. First, its main business is steel manufacturing, which is the basis of all industries. This is an industry of key concern to the Japanese government. Second, its main business is steel manufacturing. , Banwa Industrial and Yamaichi Securities also have a very close relationship. All of Banwa Industrial's financial investments have always been traded through Yamaichi Securities. From the analysis of its financial report data this year, the scale of funds has exceeded at least 50 billion yen. So Yamaichi Securities is driven by sufficient interests to firmly support Banhe Industrial."

"But by the same token, we at Nomura Securities attach great importance to high-quality customers like you. Even if we are forced to follow the common principles of the securities industry, we at Nomura Securities will not be willing to blindly sacrifice our customers for the benefit of others. Especially for me, as your exclusive stock broker, it is impossible to betray your trust, and I must do my best to protect your interests. In fact, since I have disclosed these things to you, it is just to help you. It eliminates worries and eliminates hidden dangers.”

"Do you think this is good? If you allow me, I will accompany you to meet with the other party. On behalf of Nomura Securities, I can plead for you face to face and do my best to prevent such a thing from happening. I assure you that the final result will be certain You will be satisfied. Please give me a chance to argue for you and let me work for you."

At the end of the day, Zuo Chuan also showed up with a Tuxia seat.

He slipped out of the sofa onto the carpet and knelt down directly. This was so sincere.

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