National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,333: Furious

With Matsumoto Keiko's reputation restored, the situation reversed.

The producer of NHK TV station who terminated his contract with Keiko Matsumoto, and the reporter of "Nihon Sports News" who "killed people" with his pen, are of course terrified and regretful.

But no matter what, they are still accomplices at most, and the impact of this incident is relatively limited.

Compared with them, those who were really furious and completely broke the defense were the two masterminds who were really designing and promoting all this behind the scenes.

The Monterey Hotel in Ginza, Tokyo, has a luxurious suite that has recently been used for private meetings between a dog and a man.

There was a loud "bang", and a 21-inch large color TV was suddenly pulled out of the TV cabinet.

But it must be said that the quality of Hitachi TVs in this era is really reliable.

The fallen TV was lying on its side, but the screen was shaking a few times, but the program continued to play.

On the TV screen, Keiko Matsumoto, who was being interviewed by a reporter from Fuji TV, was talking with a smile on her face and her face was radiant.

The host next to him covered his mouth and smiled, obviously showing his support.

The veteran director Yoshitaro Nomura who accompanied the guests, as well as Shinobu Hashimoto, the former screenwriter who worked with Nomura Yoshitaro on "Sand War" and was appreciated by Akira Kurosawa, were also willing to be the green leaves to accompany the red flowers.

The two gray-haired old men not only smiled like old fathers looking at their daughters, but they also spoke with the same words of praise.

It’s impossible not to praise it.

Usually, the careers of Japanese actresses tend to go downhill once they turn thirty.

But Matsumoto Keiko is a special case. Not only does her appearance become more and more beautiful, but her attraction to men becomes more and more powerful.

After winning numerous awards as an actress, she unexpectedly turned around and became the owner of a studio.

No matter how small the studio is, theoretically she has become the person who has the power to share the pork and give others job opportunities in the Japanese entertainment industry.

The status and level in the entertainment industry are completely different.

What's more, she respects the seniors in the film industry so much that she is still willing to hire these first-generation filmmakers who are considered outdated by the younger generations to participate in the filming of the film.

What senior in the film industry wouldn't like such a person who is both beautiful, polite, and loyal?

People who have lived to this age, these first-generation Japanese film industry elites who have already become famous, have long thought about such a thing as fame.

At present, they only want the opportunity to engage in specific work, and are unwilling to completely become a symbol in history.

But the problem is that even Akira Kurosawa has not had a movie to make in several years. Can the situation of other filmmakers of his generation be better?

Therefore, Yoshitaro Nomura, who has never made a blockbuster movie in recent years, can return to the director's chair this time with a director's fee of up to 10 million yen.

Shinobu Hashimoto, who has been unemployed at home for many years, was still hired as the first screenwriter of the movie "Li Xianglan" with a salary of 7 million yen.

Matsumoto Keiko really gave the two of them great face and trust, which was also their greatest luck.

So since they have received such great benefits, of course they are grateful from the bottom of their hearts and don't mind using their respective reputations to add some halo to Matsumoto Keiko.

Even if it is a grateful feedback, you have to praise Matsumoto Keiko as a flower.

That's why Keiko Matsumoto on TV smiles brightly, and her flowers tremble so much that she can't hide her joy in the spring breeze.

After all, it is extremely rare to receive face-to-face recognition and praise from two such master-level figures in the Japanese film industry.

Even if there are interests involved, it is still an honor and can increase one's reputation and halo.

But conversely, this is also the scene that Kinji Fukasaku, a representative of Japan’s second generation of directors, least wants to see.

"Asshole! Baga! You old guys! It's okay to just retire honestly. Why do you have to come out and join in the fun and go against me!"

Cursing, Fukasaku Kinji couldn't help but step on the TV set on the ground.

Then the big ass stood there looking at the TV for a while, and then suddenly lost strength.

He took several steps back and sat on the sofa, breathing heavily.

In fact, it's no wonder he was angry.

You know, how long has it been since Keiko Matsumoto was attacked and unilaterally smeared by public opinion?

Some time ago, Keiko Matsumoto was so embarrassed that Fukasaku Kinji felt sincerely happy from the bottom of his heart.

Originally, he expected that Matsumoto Keiko didn't have much experience in this kind of thing, so she would definitely not be able to react, and might be in serious trouble.

Finally, by pretending to be a good person, he might be able to completely destroy her arrogance, be able to kiss her again, and get what she wants.

As a result, I didn't expect that the ban was already becoming a trend, but it was still broken by Keiko Matsumoto, and the situation where she had nothing to film still didn't happen.

After Matsumoto Keiko had been silent for more than half a month, she just convened a press conference and completely changed public opinion.

And those who followed him to add insult to injury have not only shut up now.

Some people even began to change their stories, saying that they had been misled by some bad media and had been quoted out of context.

Instead, he began to praise Matsumoto Keiko without any excuse.

What's even more terrible is that these days, there is news about the progress of the filming of "Li Xianglan" on TV every day.

A group of old guys employed by Keiko Matsumoto, as well as a group of anti-war people, and old guys led by Yoshiko Yamaguchi who are committed to deepening friendly cultural exchanges between China and Japan, help to praise it every day.

If I change the channel, it’s Matsumoto Keiko, if I change the channel, it’s Matsumoto Keiko, and if I change the channel again, it’s still Matsumoto Keiko. There seems to be no other people in the entertainment industry doing anything lately.

Fuji TV even compared "Li Xianglan", which Matsumoto Keiko is planning to film, with another Sino-Japanese co-production "Dunhuang" with an investment of up to 4 billion, and compared and discussed the two films.

Fukasaku Kinji really couldn't stand it anymore. Keiko Matsumoto's successful whitewash was biting his soul like a poisonous snake.

Now he doesn't know whether his love gave rise to hate, or whether hate gave rise to love!

Over and over again, I want to take Matsumoto Keiko as my own more and more.

Think about it, how wonderful it would be if he had made up his mind to file for divorce from his wife, Sanae!

So now he not only has a beauty, but he is also more likely to become the actual owner of that studio.

Perhaps in the future, he can achieve more than Kurosawa Akira and Mifune Toshiro combined.

Fukasaku Studios!

Thinking about this name makes me excited!

He knew that Matsumoto Keiko had a certain influence on Matsumoto Seicho.

The lecherous old man has publicly stated many times that the role played by Keiko Matsumoto is the most ideal female character in his works.

But he didn't expect that Matsumoto Seicho would be willing to directly package and sell his most precious studio to Matsumoto Keiko.

That was a studio that even Japan's five major film companies wanted to get, but they couldn't win after talking for a long time.

In terms of copyright resources, it is actually more valuable than Toshiro Mifune's Mifune Studios.

If things are really as disclosed by Matsumoto Keiko, then with his ability, he can definitely pay for the studio together with Matsumoto Keiko.

Then they worked together to develop and expand this studio, and even became the most promising studio in Japan.

Yes, that is the name he deserves as Fukasaku Kinji!

The most beautiful husband!

The most commercially talented director!

The hope for the future of the Japanese film industry and the president of the largest studio!

But why don't you give me time to think it over?

Why do you refuse to continue a relationship with me?

If the two of us are together, we can obviously make Japan's greatest movie, become a master in the Japanese entertainment industry, and even go to the vast world film stage.

Why don't you?

Why would you rather leave your emotions and future to an ordinary person outside the circle than to me? !

He really hates it.

It is because after Matsumoto Keiko bought the studio, her industry status changed, and now even Shochiku's attitude towards him has changed.

President Akimoto has sternly warned him not to make any unfavorable remarks about Keiko Matsumoto, and promised to reduce the funding and remuneration for his next film.

He said that this was his punishment for almost ruining the reputation of Shochiku's number one actress, and it made him reflect deeply.

If we can't do this, we probably won't get any chance to cooperate with Shochiku in the future.

Fukasaku Kinji truly felt the power of capital!

This woman was originally his!

This success was originally his!

He sat on the sofa with his head in his hands, filled with hatred.

I feel extremely disappointed and painful that my status has been reversed and I have become the weaker party.

Now he didn't even dare to speculate whether Matsumoto Keiko was telling the truth.

Is it true that she achieved this situation by herself?

Because if not, Matsumoto Keiko would be in big trouble if there was a powerful boss standing behind him.

To be honest, even he himself didn't know whether it would be less harmful to him if Matsumoto Keiko fell in love with an ordinary person or if she became the concubine of an elder.

He just sat there and resented it, wishing he could go back to a year ago.

He will definitely divorce his wife Sanae without hesitation, even if he doesn't want his son anymore, he can just clean up and leave the house.

He would hold on to this woman and cherish her forever.

As for the other person in this room, it was actually more difficult for him to accept this reality than Fukasaku Kinji.

In fact, all the time Michiko Harada saw Keiko Matsumoto's beauty on TV was when she screamed loudly.

He just kept sitting on the bed, his eyes were blank, his lips were moving lightly, as if he was mumbling something,

To someone who doesn't understand the situation, it would look like a person is mentally disturbed.

For no other reason than because she couldn't understand why the world was so unfair and why Keiko Matsumoto had such a good life.

It can't be defeated no matter what, but it gets stronger and stronger?

What's wrong with this?

She had been recalling it for most of the day, but she still didn't find any unreasonable step or omission in what she did.

But the fact is that it went in the direction she least wanted to see.

What should she do next?

She really regretted it!

Thinking about it, many senior actors from Shochiku Pictures once told her that it was not easy to get involved in the entertainment industry, but it was even harder to make a career on their own.

However, Matsumoto Keiko can trust her and have some good feelings for her, which is her blessing.

These people all told her to be more steady and down-to-earth, to think about her acting skills, and to stop rushing to make money and learn from Keiko Matsumoto.

As long as he works hard to please Matsumoto Keiko, he will have a foundation in Shochiku Pictures.

Regardless of whether her final results are good or bad, Keiko Imatsumoto's character will not ignore her and will definitely support her if she has the opportunity.

Slowly, she turned red.

It’s just that she really doesn’t want to be someone else’s follower forever! How long does a woman's good years last? She didn't dare to wait!

I originally thought that as long as I flattered the director and was willing to take off my clothes and lie down, I would be beautiful, comfortable, and loved by a man, and I would become famous easily.

But in fact, she slowly discovered that it was not easy to please men by sacrificing her body. She had to accept many men's disgusting habits.

In comparison, a good-tempered person like Matsumoto Keiko is much easier to serve and gives her more things.

What she didn't expect even more was that she betrayed Matsumoto Keiko at all costs and escaped death. Instead, this woman became the boss of a studio and had a different voice in the entertainment industry.

Now many others have followed suit, and what worries her even more is that the awards committee will give face to Keiko Matsumoto, right?

Will it affect her film’s awards?

If you can't win the award, then what are your efforts?

It's not all a joke!

If she had known this, she wouldn't have done things so perfectly.

She didn't speak for a long time. The more she thought about it, the more she regretted it. She wished she could go back in time and make a new choice.

What on earth should I do?

what to do?

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