National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,334 Misjudgment

He also has a bad coveting for Matsumoto Keiko, and also faces Matsumoto Keiko's unexpected success. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

However, compared with Kinji Fukasaku and Michiko Harada, who were just full of envy, jealousy and hatred, the reaction of Haruki Kōgawa, the owner of Kōkawa Bookstore and Kōgawa Pictures, was quite different.

Because he is also a member who can "distribute pork", he has a higher position in the Japanese entertainment industry.

He was more sensitive to the news released by Matsumoto Keiko and saw more things from it.

Although he still doesn't understand what's going on inside, he is very curious.

But from his perspective, it was already a bit scary that this matter could become like this.

Could such a strange thing still happen in the world?

A woman who has been repeatedly suppressed by public opinion but has no ability to fight back, after having to hide and avoid herself in recent months, has miraculously been cleared of all scandals about herself.

Instead, with the support of fans, she began to denounce the media that pursued her.

Moreover, he transformed into the owner of a film company and bought the Fog Studio, which is quite famous in the industry.

At the same time, it was officially announced that it would invest one billion yen to co-produce the movie "Li Xianglan" with three Chinese studios.

And will become the advertising spokesperson for Pierre Cardin's new suitcase.

No matter how you look at it, Matsumoto Keiko's victory was so beautiful, it was a counterattack that completely transcended reality.

Not only did the situation completely reverse in just one month, it was without any warning and it was so unexpected.

And in the end, the situation was controlled without escalating. The enemy fell without any injuries. He also advertised his business and earned a good reputation.

When did she start to have such financial resources and connections?

Why is there such a forward-looking vision and means of turning defeat into victory?

To put it bluntly, there is no need to think about this. It is said that if Matsumoto Keiko has the brains and courage to plan these counterattacks.

She shouldn't have encountered such a predicament in the first place and let herself be reduced to such an embarrassing situation.

It is even possible that she has already reached a high level in the Japanese entertainment industry, so how could it be possible that she only showed her prominence today?

So there is only one answer.

That means Matsumoto Keiko must have found a powerful sponsor to give her a hand when she was in the most critical moment.

And the price she paid for this is self-evident

Jiaochuan Haruki is absolutely certain of this.

If nothing else, he is the boss of a film company.

He is also a director and producer who is very good at bringing famous literary works to the screen.

In fact, this is how his film company started.

The mystery novels of the famous writer Henggou Zhengshi were the first examples of successful film and television adaptation of his work in the film industry.

And with this, he made a lot of money, and only then did he have the Jiaochuan Pictures he has today.

Of course, then he understands better than anyone the huge risks involved in investing in a movie with a production cost of one billion yen.

You know, the "Li Xianglan" to be filmed is a biographical film with historical themes.

It's very difficult for a movie like this, which is inherently lacking in entertainment, to be a hit.

A good script, a good director, good actors, as well as costumes and props that fit the history.

All of these factors are indispensable to successfully preserve capital.

Especially since this movie relies on old antiques such as Nomura Youtaro and Hashimoto Shinobu who are getting further and further away from the mainstream film market, Kōgawa Haruki is really not optimistic about it.

I always feel that with the outdated shooting concepts and creative methods of these old guys, even with sufficient investment, there is a high probability that they will make a lifeless and mediocre movie.

The probability of losing money is too high, and he will definitely not do such a stupid thing.

Although co-shooting with a Chinese film company is a great move.

At least it can ensure the film's attention and some overseas income, while also effectively reducing production costs.

But this kind of thing is not something ordinary people can accomplish.

Therefore, as for the so-called marriage discussions with outsiders, Haruki Kakigawa believes that it is just an excuse that Matsumoto Keiko came up with to deal with the media.

In fact, I'm afraid she betrayed herself and became the concubine or lover of some powerful figure.

If she really wanted to find an ordinary person to marry, why would she be so excited to buy a studio and spend huge sums of money to make movies?

Which female celebrity doesn't want to return to her family after getting married, to support her husband and raise children?

Which ordinary person is so mentally strong that he dares to start a family with a woman whose career far exceeds his own?

If you take it seriously, it is a lie that can be easily exposed.

But then again, who on earth can facilitate such a thing?

Who on earth could give up such a huge amount of money to Keiko Matsumoto for a gaming experiment?

This is what makes Haruki Jiaochuan feel his scalp is a little numb and he is puzzled.

According to his judgment, business people would not do such a thing.

Because businessmen value practical profits most, and what they are best at is calculating gains and losses.

Although he is rich, no matter how much he likes a woman, no one will spend the money that can almost buy an entire apartment in Tokyo to let the woman buy respectability and squander it at will.

How much does it cost to keep a geisha?

It’s only 30 million yen a year.

Even for a movie queen like Matsumoto Keiko, one or two billion a year is enough.

Why do this nonsense that has no practical meaning?

It is possible to say that he is a politician.

In any case, political donations are easy to come by. They are donated by business people who want something for themselves, and they don’t have to earn it themselves. Of course, they can be spent generously.

So those guys are willing to pay any price to make Pomeranian smile.

What's more, someone who understands the mind of the media so well and uses so many explosive news to induce public opinion is not something that ordinary people can master. He is definitely a guy who is good at calculating people's hearts and is well versed in human nature.

Thinking again of all the career support Matsumoto Keiko has received, almost all of it is related to China.

This kind of commercial and cultural cooperation involving overseas countries cannot be achieved with money alone.

Well, this is getting closer to reality, maybe it’s...

Although Haruki Kakigawa was not sure who did this, his intuition told him that it was very much the work of a pro-China left-wing politician. I am afraid these things are really related to political power.

In this case, Keiko Matsumoto is really not easy to bully.

No wonder someone from the Main House Club went to the restaurant to pick a fight some time ago, but the other party was completely indifferent, and there was no reply afterward.

Is it because of the political elder who supported her that the other party didn't take these Yakuza seriously at all?

Oops, it seems like I was really sloppy.

Taking too many drugs was too much and it was too much trouble. What did I think at the time? Why did I have to ask those guys to tell me my name?

I don’t know if this woman has offended someone who can’t afford to offend her.

In short, although he didn't know the specific details, Jiaochuan Haruki felt that his guess was correct.

Matsumoto Keiko has most likely quietly clung to a high branch, and it may even bring a faint sense of threat to his career.

This is a bit respectable and awe-inspiring, and we have to worry about it.

What to do next? Are you trying to find a way to apologize? Or make a special trip to ask for forgiveness?

Jiaochuan Haruki is not ready to sit still and wait for death.

It's not scary to make a mistake, it's just that you don't realize it and don't know how to make up for it in time.

He's not that stupid.

Anyway, the demands to coerce Matsumoto Keiko were not made face to face, so he could just blame them on others.

It stands to reason that his resources should be very beneficial to Matsumoto Keiko, and the other party should be willing to accept his apology.

The key is how to do it, so as to save face as much as possible and pay less price. It is even better to find out Matsumoto Keiko's background to see if there is an opportunity to use the other party's strength to strengthen herself.

After thinking for a while, Kagekawa Haruki picked up the phone and dialed the number of the president of the "Toto Soya Club".

"Hey, Brother Nishizawa, I'm Haruki. The last demonstration at the Ginza restaurant was a bit tricky. That woman has been very popular recently, and she seems to have found a big backer..."

"No, no, don't investigate. I suspect it's the people in the political circles. They are the most disgusted with this kind of thing. If we really notice it, we will be in more trouble. I'm sorry, I made some mistakes in judgment. Now in order to avoid the appearance of letting go For the things we regret, you should arrange the swamp and apologize as soon as possible. Bring one million yen as compensation..."

"Of course, all the expenses will be covered by me. Please comfort me in the swamp. It's about responsibility... Okay, okay... Thank you, brother, for excusing me. I will solve this matter as soon as possible. Let's have a drink together when we have time. Come on, let’s go eat puffer fish..."

I have to say that Haruki Kawakawa's initiative to show weakness in this round was a bit unfair.

If nothing else, it was because monsters like Ning Weimin should not exist in the world that he made such a misjudgment.

But having said that, he was not the most unjustly accused. After all, he had done something immoral, and he deserved such retribution.

But some people feel extremely wronged by being implicated in this matter.

For example, Fuji TV has been a fan of Ning Weimin's opening of Tan Palace Restaurant and Matsumoto Keiko's film project.

Who knew that the drama "Li Xianglan" was also included in their drama plan.

It's a pity that as soon as the producer selected a favorite actress, Yasuko Sawaguchi, who looked like Li Xianglan's youthful appearance, to star, she was overtaken by Ning Weimin and Keiko Matsumoto.

Now Fuji TV, the producers who originally planned to film this drama are extremely embarrassed.

I didn’t get the copyright, couldn’t get the project approved, and just collided with others.

Moreover, the news team of your own TV station is still advocating for those who have taken advantage of them. How does that make you feel?

Vice President Takada and Supervisor Ishikawa of Japan Pierre Cardon Co., Ltd. also feel similar to the producers of Fuji TV.

Recently, reporters rushed to their company like a swarm to request interviews, and all they asked about was Matsumoto Keiko’s advertising endorsement for “new products.”

Not only did it affect the company's normal operations, it also embarrassed the Japanese branch.

Because they have already refused to provide any sales channel assistance for the Huaxia Branch's products, they don't even know what Ning Weimin's trolley suitcase looks like.

As a result, because of this incident, both of them became the target of scolding and censure by President Hidehiro Hasegawa.

They were also asked to be tough on the joint factory with China.

That was really a lot of trouble, and they really didn't expect Ning Weimin to be such a troublesome person.

If I had known earlier, they wouldn't have sent such a troublesome guy to Japan.

But even though they were all wronged, it was Keiko Matsumoto's family who suffered the biggest emotional blow.

Because Matsumoto Keiko's father, Han Yingming, was very dissatisfied with her engaging in film acting and joining the entertainment industry. He has always had a mostly negative view of his daughter's career developments.

Some time ago, Keiko Matsumoto encountered violence from public opinion. Although her mother was worried about her daughter, her father arbitrarily believed that what the media reported was the truth and was extremely angry.

Not only did he call Matsumoto Keiko without asking any questions, but he also told Keiko's mother not to sympathize with her daughter anymore, saying that she had brought it upon herself.

The result was good this time. Matsumoto Keiko just made a comeback against the wind.

The key is to convey the news about life-long events, and they can no longer afford to remain indifferent!

Since when do daughters who refuse to fall in love have fiancés?

How come we don't know?

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