National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,102: Proud of the Spring Breeze

Unlike Jiang Hao, Nian Jing didn't feel anything was wrong with this matter at all, which allowed Jiang Hui's life to remain ideal for the time being.

Of course, this is not to say that Nian Jing believes in his wife. In comparison, he believes in Ning Weimin more.

First of all, he and Ning Weimin were both poor boys from an alley, and both were determined to make a career in the upper class.

Regardless of whether there is an agreement to form an alliance or not, their origins determine that they will be natural allies.

Secondly, he also built the toilet for Ning Weimin and tried his best to help him. The two of them can be regarded as a true friendship.

Moreover, Ning Weimin's generosity at that time surprised him, and he did not treat him badly, which also left a deep mark in his heart.

But the most important thing is that Ning Weimin has already passed the test of womanizing and is what he considers to be a gentleman.

Of course Nian Jing knew that his wife was not a chaste and martyr woman. She thought that when Jiang Hui and Li Zhong hooked up and became an adulterer, he also hooked up with Ning Weimin.

At that time, Jiang Hui was as delicate as a flower. Compared with now, she was not only younger, but also more enchanting and charming in her movements.

If Ning Weimin wants to have a story with her, why wait until now? It is simply a blessing delivered to your door.

Could it be that Ning Weimin didn't even look down on Jiang Hui at that time? Now that he has become famous and has become a high-ranking figure in the capital, he is attracted by Jiang Hui, who has pregnancy spots on his face, stretch marks on his body, and a big watermelon belly. Belly mother-in-law?

No matter how you think about it, this is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, he can enjoy Ning Weimin's gifts with peace of mind without doubting his presence.

And because of the great success of this business, I also have more hope and beautiful yearning for my future.

Yes, this business is indeed too important to him.

Not to mention that the profit he received from this transaction was enough to almost cover the shortfall of smuggling cars, greatly reducing his debt pressure, and he was now embarrassed to use the abundant public funds in his account to live in peace and prosperity.

Just say that he and Jiang Hui have been married for so long. Due to relatively large expenses, the previous family savings were mediocre, only 20,000 yuan.

It's shameful to say that most of it was probably the meat money he got from "selling his wife" to Li Zhong.

Now, Ning Weimin gave them 50,000 yuan with a push of his hand, which was equivalent to more than tripling their wealth.

All of a sudden, he was ahead of most people in the capital and directly entered the wealthy class at the top of the pyramid.

How many people these days can have 50,000 yuan in cash in their family account?

There are many gods of wealth, but the money earned can only be spent but not taken. In the end, it has to go to the public and you cannot save it.

And this should be the money given by Ning Weimin in the name of friendship with him.

Otherwise, one must rely on friends!

He took it with pride and felt that he had more face.

Even Jiang Hao was only greedy. There was no doubt that he must have been greatly stimulated by his friendship with Ning Weimin.

However, these are nothing. The biggest benefit he gained was that he suddenly opened up the market situation with the help of his reputation with Pierre Cardon Company, which ushered in the spring of his career.

You know, any industry relies on accumulation.

He and Jiang Hao only entered the wire rod market last year, purely to make up for the shortfall in smuggling cars, and they found a temporary scratch.

Naturally inexperienced.

Although there are now large-scale construction projects all over the capital, the price of wire rods is rising steadily, but everyone is rushing to the wire rod market, and there are simply too many scammers in this industry.

So even though they traveled around a lot in the past, and the phone calls in the office were quite busy, and he even had a lot of business cards in his hands, it was still difficult to make a real deal.

Nothing more than that they are afraid that others are liars, and others are also afraid of them.

Everyone has their own concerns, so it is of course difficult to reach consensus and negotiate cooperation.

But things are different now. As soon as the Pierre Cardon deal was completed, the news quickly spread.

They have a lot of credibility in this industry.

At least it will greatly reduce other people's worries about them, knowing that they are indeed doing legitimate business and have certain financial capabilities.

Then the difficulty of starting a business will be reduced by half.

In his specific personal situation, not only did his relationship with the construction company reassure him, but his old superiors began to take the initiative to ask him if he wanted the goods.

Even those who really wanted to trade, whether buying or selling, took the initiative to contact him.

Now every day, the phone number in his office is like fried beans, and it is a scene of prosperous business and prosperity.

In addition, Ning Weimin provided them with a sample of a foreign-invested enterprise with almost no legal loopholes and a very rigorous trading model.

They followed suit and followed Pierre Cardon's trading methods, and the contracts also used Pierre Cardon's text.

Naturally, the transaction risk caused by the order of delivery of money and goods is greatly reduced.

So Nian Jing felt more and more beautiful, feeling that he had matured and became a real businessman.

Even the instant coffee I drink every day in the office feels much sweeter. It really tastes like the advertisement - it's so fragrant and full of flavor.

Just like this day, he walked into the office half an hour later than usual.

As a result, as soon as he walked in, as expected, there was business waiting for him.

Secretary Xiao Wang reported to him when he saw him.

"Mr. Nian, Mr. Cui of Global Trading Company and Mr. Jia of Yanjing International Development Corporation just called. They left messages asking you to keep them for him when the wire rods arrive."

However, Nian Jing just responded calmly, "I know." and nothing more happened.

He also frowned, showing some disdain and boredom.

If nothing else, the two people Xiao Wang told him knew all the details.

They're all fucking wild people who don't know where to go to "change money."

Recently, there are a bunch of empty-handed dealers because they know that they have made a big business, have goods in hand, and have money.

They all swarmed up like flies smelling the smell and couldn't get away no matter how hard they blasted.

And all of them can blow, just based on their mouths, everyone has a good background.

Either the president of the group company or the manager of the investment and development company, they all like to say that we have a shill behind us.

Some said that a certain leader in the city was his uncle, and some said that a certain senior official was a close relative of him.

All in all, the number one is bigger than themselves, and they have repeatedly confirmed that they are the leaders in the capital and even the whole country.

But when it was time to do things, no one could meet his trading requirements.

Either he didn't have enough money and asked for a smaller advance payment, or the goods hadn't arrived yet, so he asked him to wait.

To put it bluntly, they are all talk-mongers with no real substance.

So he has no interest in doing business with these people.

Not to mention the trouble, you won't be able to earn much at all, and you have to bear a lot of risks.

Through this business deal with Pierre Cardon, he has gained a clear understanding and developed an appetite.

He understands that if you want to make money, you have to avoid middlemen making price differences.

If you push the top of your head and press the bottom of your head, everything in the middle belongs to you. Otherwise, your hard work will be in vain and you will be working for others.

So he quickly put the two people's requests behind him, walked into his private room, and made himself a cup of instant coffee. ‘

Then he leaned back leisurely in the leather swivel chair, thinking about the increasingly prosperous situation of the company, as if waiting for real customers to come to his door.

He now enjoys this drink and believes that this Nescafé internationalizes his taste.

He felt that it was too old-fashioned for him to imitate his superiors in government agencies and drink hot tea with a thermos cup in hand.

Yue really doesn't deserve his current reputation.

Now he intends to imitate Ning Weimin's foreign style, using only high-end products.

Not only do I only wear Picardon suits, but I also bought a new pair of "Italian Old Man's" brand-name leather shoes, and even my lighter makes a loud sound.

He even imitated American movies and combed his hair like a Wall Street tycoon.

Then put on a Great Wall raincoat and take out the BP machine from your waist. The style will definitely remind you of the Godfather in the American movie.

It should be said that Nian Jing is indeed lucky enough.

His laziness of adapting to constant changes is almost like a daydream. If he takes one thing alone and puts it ten years later, it will be enough for his company to collapse.

However, in the current chaotic market environment, it has inadvertently complied with the law of rushing, not buying and selling, and shows a steady appearance that is completely opposite to those eloquent swindlers.

Moreover, he accidentally gave others a "reliable" impression of him, which in turn allowed real businessmen to trust him.

As a result, his name and his company were passed around by some of the more reliable people in the industry, which really had the effect of being silent.

This not only brought him some visible and tangible benefits more easily, but also allowed him to interact with more levels of people, people he should not have interacted with in the first place.

No, within half an hour, Secretary Xiao Wang knocked on his door again and reported the news to him.

"President Nian, that person is here again..."


"That's it...that person who wants to sell our company two tons of wire rods, seven or eight tons of cement, and more than ten cubic meters of wood..."

"Oh, why is he here again? How many times has this happened? See you or not. I don't have time to grind my teeth with him. Tell him that we don't do such a piecemeal business..."

"I've always said this, but I can't stand this guy and he's going to do something wrong. However, Mr. Nian, he said this time that he has more than 20 tons of wire rod in hand, and it's in stock. You see... Yes or no……"

"More than twenty tons..." Nian Jing calculated it. It was neither too much nor too little. It could at least build three or four floors. He couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

But Xiao Wang didn't know that he couldn't stand the other party's entanglement, so he still took some benefits and gave him a kind word appropriately.

“He also guaranteed that his price would be the lowest you can find in stock.”

At this time, Nian Jing finally made a move, "Okay, come over. Make him a cup of tea."

Then Xiao Wang went, and two minutes later, a man in a suit opened the door and walked in.

What's interesting is that this guy clearly looks like a rough and tumble guy, and he can't even hide his charlatanism.

But he tried his best to lower his eyebrows, smiled respectfully, and bowed his head to offer cigarettes. It seemed that he knew how to communicate well.

"You must be the President of the Year. Oops, I have finally met you. Thank you for meeting me despite your busy schedule. I finally met the true Buddha today."

"Easy to say, easy to say." Nian Jing saw that the cigarette was a Marlboro and took it.

As a result, before I could get the lighter, the other party's fire was already brought up.

This made him feel even more indescribable.

He felt the pleasure of being a big shot.

"Hey, sit down," Nian Jing asked again while puffing out mist, "You... what do you call me?"

"Oh, me...this is my business card. I also have a nickname. If you want, just call me Hardman..." (End of Chapter)

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