National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,103 The Great Handshake

Life is sometimes a wonderful circle.

Ning Weimin will never know because he bridged the gap and allowed Jiang Hao and Nian Jing to make a lucrative wire rod business.

The person who indirectly benefited from it and whose destiny was greatly affected was actually a person he knew, and that was Hadmon.

Hardman now. Just like the age that longs to hold Ning Weimin's thigh tightly.

He was also very happy that he had found a noble person and had good luck.

He also believes that his acquaintance with Nian Jing this year is a milestone and a watershed in his life.

Why do you say that?

First of all, Hardman has the possibility of making a comeback.

Twenty-five tons of wire rod!

One thousand six hundred yuan a ton!

A total of 40,000 yuan!

The day after Nian Jing transported the goods, he quickly paid the money. Hardman had already received all the payment!

For Hardman, this not only meant that he could live a decent life with plenty of food and clothing.

And he got up again and entered the economic cycle of reform and opening up as a serious businessman!

This is even just the beginning, because Hardman did not do this kind of business by accident. This profit model can be copied and continued for a long time by him.

You know, Beijing is in the first wave of urban upgrading and reconstruction, and there are too many construction sites!

Whether they are under construction or about to start, there are so many projects blooming in all directions.

To put it bluntly, Hardman found a source of goods that no one else could see.

Like a mouse with a keen sense of smell, he obtained building materials that were in short supply from construction sites in the capital that were completed at different times. He gathered pieces of sand into towers.

Although this business looks like collecting rags, it is quite troublesome.

But the key is that the investment is not big, but the profit is considerable.

To put it bluntly, the goods he collected through this channel were so cheap that it seemed like they were free of charge.

The price of wire rod is 30 to 40 cents for scrap iron.

Even if we don't cheat on the quantity, and don't collude with the doormen to cheat, the price of a ton will only be three or four hundred yuan.

Counting it as a serious building material, the official price of wire rod is 1,310 tons.

And because this thing is so in short supply, those who get the approval can even increase the price to 2,000 yuan a ton and sell it to people who really need to build a building.

There is also cement. There are at least hundreds of bags of unused leftovers from the construction site.

Hardman collected it for only one dollar a bag.

It is not a problem to use manpower to transport it and sell it for three yuan, which is twice the profit.

But because cement is afraid of getting wet in the rain, takes up space, and is dirty, this thing is the last thing Hardman wants to get his hands on.

Can you imagine how big the profit is here?

Therefore, Hardman's current ideal is to recruit as many troops as possible, no matter the cost, to win more and more construction sites first.

While no one notices this piece of fat, he can firmly control this industry in his own hands.

It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t understand what a commercial monopoly is and what a trust is.

But he understands that people in the world compete for territory and play chess to get the upper hand.

At least he knew that the only martial arts in the world were fast ones. If he was hanging around outside, he wouldn't be able to eat hot shit if his hands were too slow.

As long as he raises his own banner faster than others, he will have the final say in this field of dumping surplus building materials from construction sites.

His real good days are yet to come.

For this reason, he deeply felt that Nian Jing was closer to him than his biological father and mother.

Because for him who lacks capital, what is essential in this business model is a reliable buyer willing to pay cash.

Otherwise it's all just talk.

Let’s take a look at the current economic environment outside. What is it like?

Most units like to owe money, whether it's a bill of 1,800 yuan or a bill of hundreds of thousands, it's the same.

It's good to be able to settle the accounts within three months. Most of them will have to be entrusted to you for a year and a half, or the settlement will be discounted.

Therefore, one can only say that he and Nian Jing are eager for cash and the other is eager for cash. They complement each other so well and have such perfect complementary needs. It can only be said to be a rare fate.

In addition, getting to know Nian Jing also allowed Hardman to experience a life he had never experienced before, and he also had higher pursuits for his future.

It should be said that although Hadmen and Nian Jing were both born and raised in hutongs, they were children of ordinary families.

But because of their different genetic advantages and development directions, they turned into two completely opposite people when they grew up.

Hardman is the kind of person who is naturally rough and good at playing with his arms.

When he was a child, he dominated alleys and schools, always using arrogance and violence to resolve problems.

If a beating can't make other children convinced of you, then beat him twice. It's that simple.

This is even more true when you grow up. If you like something, others have it but he doesn't.

Then just take it from someone else's hand.

It’s what I like!

If you don’t accept it, talk to me!

Although compared to others of the same kind, he is considered to be smart, his tactics are dark but measured, and he has never caused any serious trouble or murder.

When I grew up, I also learned that I can't fight alone, and I learned how to win people's hearts and become the big brother in the world.

But the way he understood knowledge was not through books.

What he knows can be regarded as a "mind skill". In addition to learning it from the words and deeds of his predecessors, he also heard it through the storytelling series in the chat box.

This is his limitation.

So much so that he doesn't know what a happy life is except for being popular, drinking, and showing off his authority.

But Nian Jing was different. He was born with a pretty face and a good mouth.

The malnutrition caused by the large number of children in the family did not give him a good figure since he was a child, but it gave him the ability to observe words and be attentive, making him particularly easy to please girls.

Moreover, due to his weak body, sports are not his strong point. This has led to him not liking outdoor alleys. He has been friends with books for a long time and regards reading as a pastime in life.

So since his heart beat faster when he sees a girl, Julien Kleiner in "The Red and the Black" has become Nian Jing's idol and goal.

So although strictly speaking, Nian Jing is a master who suffers a bit in terms of physical strength.

He doesn't look like a gentleman from the capital, but looks like a young man from Shanghai.

But in the eyes of most people, he has become a very interesting, interesting and talkative person.

When he opens his mouth to a girl, it's Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven, and Michelangelo.

When I meet and chat with men, they are Dupont, Giannini, Morgan...

You can even make the topic ramble.

Why was Leonardo da Vinci a painter, and how did he study spinning machines and bicycles?

Next, the topic can be extended to what kind of bicycle is the best. In fact, the domestic Phoenix and Forever are not as good as the British Fengtou...

This is Nian Jing's unique ability, and this is exactly what Hardman lacks the most.

In fact, from Hardman's point of view, those foreign words coming out of Nian Jing's mouth are simply awesome.

It seems that he knows almost everything about the world structure and the chaebol giants.

Take the Wall Street tycoons on the other side of the ocean as an example. Nian Jing can even tell the details of who one of them borrowed ten dollars from on a certain day in the last century.

So Hardman learned about Wall Street from Nian Jing's mouth, and how those poor Americans became rich by relying on the oil emerging from the ground, going to the West to shoot Indians, and digging for gold in Alaska.

The prince and general Xiang Ning had a certain idea, and he actually found solid confirmation abroad.

Although he has some doubts about the grand plan described by Nian Jing - sooner or later this guy will have a presence on Wall Street and discuss with his American colleagues the feasibility of making RMB circulate in the United States - Hardman is somewhat skeptical. Feeling unrealistic.

But we have to admit that Nian Jing's imaginative chat content and eloquent descriptions have a very magical power.

It allows his thoughts to fly across the vast Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, to the United States and Western Europe, just like a spiritual journey around the world.

Especially after the two parties drank a few more drinks, when Hardman learned from the drunken Nian Jing that this guy was quite good at dealing with women, he wanted to worship him even more.

Not to mention the unheard of, unseen, and indulgent entertainment in Hainan Island. He was dumbfounded, blushing, and couldn't forget it, as if he had seen a new world.

Suffice it to say that Nian Jing's own love and marriage were enough for Hardman to regard him as his spiritual idol.

Think about it, a poor boy managed to get a noble princess with just sweet words and a few love letters. From then on, he was promoted to a famous family, and it took him twenty years of hard work.

This makes you think of foreign movies or Hong Kong TV series.

However, in comparison, Hardmen himself is simply weak.

Ever since he was a boy in heat, he has suffered from the fact that he only had fists but no literary talent, and could not write passionate love letters.

So much so that it was difficult for him to even go smoothly when "making a fortune", let alone pursue the "White Lotus" he really liked.

Frankly speaking, when it comes to love needs, he secretly harbors a strong inferiority complex.

In fact, let alone those days, even today, a short Tagore poem can still keep a girl in heat awake all night.

For those literary young women as delicate as willow branches, poetry is still more attractive than a man's chest muscles, a decent banquet, an obedient pigeon, and a cool whistle.

For this reason, Harden looked at Nian Jing like a lost lamb meeting the messenger of God.

Not only did he rely on Nian Jing's support and care in business, but he also regarded Nian Jing as his mentor spiritually.

As for Nian Jing, the one who was most afraid of him in the past was a boss like Hardman who was not stingy. Unexpectedly, he now had such an admirer and a loyal listener who was willing to believe all his boasts.

This made him feel proud and accomplished even when he was bragging.

In this way, whether it is because of business complementarity or spiritual complementarity.

Hadmen and Nian Jing, two people who had nothing in common except that they were born in the same alley in the south of the capital, actually grew closer and closer.

They are even incompatible with each other, and it feels like they met at a late age.

As a result, Hardmen's biggest change was that he believed Nian Jing's boastful words and exaggerated descriptions, and his desires became even more expanded.

In Nian Jing's daydream of becoming successful and going international, the bright future he boasted should be like this.

He hired two horsemen to help him carry his luggage full of passports from various countries, and while enjoying the diverse scenery of the world, he earned dollars, francs, lira and so on.

No, he will not see the money, and there is no need. The Bank for International Settlements will take care of it for him.

They would open an account for him in a Swiss bank.

They will also tell him that the US dollar has been weak recently, so he should exchange it for more strong marks and yen, and then exchange it back when the US economy recovers.

Then he would be like those Wall Street tycoons, holding a ten-dollar Havana cigar in his mouth, opening his mouth and saying "Yes" or "No" without raising his eyelids.

After establishing a foothold in the United States, he will extend his business tentacles to all parts of the world.

He was also very interested in the Arab world.

He wants to talk to the OPEC brains and persuade them to hand over control of world oil prices.

If they dared say "no" in Arabic, he would spend huge sums of money to develop a new energy source to replace oil.

Then these guys and their country will be soaked in oil, raising suspicions that a new African continent has been discovered.

In short, his plan is too huge and complicated, and he can't complete it all even if he works hard all his life.

No, he can't be exhausted, he still has to enjoy life to the fullest.

He also has a colorful plan. He wants to go skiing in the Alps; ride a dog rake in Alaska; go surfing in Hawaii; and kiss the Statue of Liberty in a private helicopter.

Then I went to New York’s Chinatown and tried the three-delicacy stuffed dumplings made with American bread.

Don’t overeat and save your belly for grilled lobster in Paris.

Then hang out with a French honey on the banks of the Seine and stroll along the Champs Elysées.

By then he miraculously spoke French.

Otherwise, it would be so disgraceful in such an emotional atmosphere.

Later, she would drive with him to the outskirts of Paris in the Mercedes he just bought. Here is a garden villa with dozens of hectares of lawn that he bought for 10 million francs.

Lying on the pure Persian wool carpet beside the warm fireplace, the French honey will sing lyrical French folk songs to him.

In the thick warmth, the two people's emotions are constantly sublimating, and the passion of combining Chinese and Western styles harmonizes with the flame in the fireplace.

Maybe the French honey will stupidly ask him if he loves her or marries her.

He would flatly say "no" because he didn't want his son to be called a "bastard" when he got into fights in the future.

When leaving France, he would visit President Mirante to ask whether his cancer had been effectively treated.

"Air Force One" will fly him directly to Washington.

On Capitol Hill, he will sit in on a hearing before the House and Senate. Because they will vote on his proposal to "bring the renminbi into circulation in the United States."

What a magnificent picture of life!

Nian Jing may have said it because he was drunk and forgot about it.

But Hardman didn't.

He thought of it when he was drunk, he thought of it when he got up every day, and he thought of it when he achieved a small success.

Whenever he thinks of these, he will be inexplicably excited, as if he is immersed in it.

Although that was Nian Jing's dream, it was not a dream he could imagine.

But that doesn't stop him from truly liking it and following suit.

Thank God for letting him get to know Nian Jing and have a great handshake with him! (End of chapter)

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