National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,123 Find a new way

"Why? Just because there is such a disparity in strength!"

Ning Weimin sighed and tried to tell Axia the reality she had to accept in a calm tone.

"You just said that Genshiro Kawamoto's Genji Group doesn't even dare to provoke Inagawa Kai, and this guy is still using other stores he bought to attack you. Do you really think that you got the money and blocked the bank? Can a loan solve everything?”

"Let me tell you, this is just the beginning. The other party wants to make you feel uncomfortable, and there are too many ways. If I were him, the next step would be to start a relationship, let the Japanese tax department inspect your taxes, and let the Japanese police come to investigate whether all your employees are You all have legal status. In short, let everyone who can check you check you. Can you still do business with peace of mind?"

"You might as well think again, how many companies rely on the Genji Group to survive! Why does the Genji Group want to say hello and let these people make things difficult for you? Your purchase is more expensive than others, and if there is a problem in the store, no one will repair it. If the salary is removed from the cauldron, the business can How good is it? If Chixia doesn’t make money, how long can you hold on? Then you will be faced with a situation where you are attacked from both sides and are attacked by groups.”

"And have you forgotten how Mr. Hong got into trouble? How dirty the Japanese judiciary is, and where their moral bottom line is, none of us know. Let me use an analogy, if someone is in your store What can you do if there are some prohibited items hidden in it? It’s not impossible to seal your store. After all, we are foreigners after all, and this is a natural weakness."

"If there really is a problem with your residence status and you can no longer stay in Japan, can you still keep this store? At that time, I'm afraid you will have to take Mr. Hong's child with you again without having anything left. Your gangster brothers have gone to find another place to wander. As long as Daochuan will show mercy and not follow you to plot against you..."

Don't tell me, Ning Weimin is really not an alarmist.

These words may sound scary, but they are certainly possible.

No matter how unfair it is, it is legal!

Who asked you to go to other people's territory to make money?

People can easily harvest you in their own territory, why should they be so arrogant?

As a result, Axia was horrified but couldn't find any reason to refute.

"What then? What should I do?"

At this time, A'Xia's mood was in chaos and she was no longer the shrewd and strong woman.

Even because of excessive fear and anxiety, she stared at Ning Weimin's face, tears streaming down her face.

However, even so, Ning Weimin still told her the cruelest truth with a hard heart.

So the poor girl's vision was blurry and she almost fainted.

"Sell it, sell the store. There is no other way. A bachelor will not fight for power, and a hero will not suffer the consequences. Who told us to think of Tokyo as a simple place. When things happen, it will not work if we don't admit it. Listen to me In a word, take a step back and the world will be brighter for you, just bear with it.”

"Really? Can I just sell it? Is this...the advice you gave me?"

Axia suppressed her emotions in extreme pain and panic.

"Yes, this is my suggestion." Ning Weimin looked at Axia calmly.

"This is too much! I can't do it! Are we really friends?"

Axia gritted her teeth, her eyes were filled with anger, and her body was trembling with extreme anger, as if Ning Weimin was the enemy who forced her.

Ning Weimin sighed. A kind-hearted person will always be misunderstood.

But he couldn't get angry with an emotional friend because of this. Who hasn't been anxious yet?

He believed that Axia would eventually figure it out.

"Of course, if you don't want to, I will give you the money. It's not a loan, I'll give it to you, 300 million yen. I only ask for one thing. That is, you don't reveal that I gave you this money. From now on. , your matter has nothing to do with me. Please forgive me, I also have to think about myself, I really don’t want to provoke a tiger..."

Three hundred million yen!

Equivalent to two million US dollars!

Just give it away!

Not to mention in shopping malls, it is almost impossible to happen in Jianghu.

Ning Weimin used his generosity and loyalty to make Axia no longer doubt the value of this friendship.

So he had to reconsider his suggestion.

So after a while, Axia finally recognized the reality and nodded slowly in despair.

"It seems... it seems... this is the only way... Mr. Ning, you are right... I understand..."

But at this moment, only the weak and murmuring Axia was left. Her heart was not only filled with frustration and loss, but also with unspeakable grief and indignation and an unprecedented sense of humiliation.

It was inevitable that she would not be angry with Ning Weimin, who revealed the truth for her, thinking that he lacked courage, was bloodless, and was too cowardly.

Yes, she knew that Ning Weimin was a good person and her true friend.

But unfortunately, in the face of bullying and oppression, he would only respond by swallowing his anger and making concessions.

For a 14K person, or even a 14K woman, this is the hardest fact to accept.

If it weren't for the safety of a child on his body.

She will definitely risk her life to fight to the death with anyone who dares to take advantage of her.

Therefore, Ning Weimin's suggestion is even the most reasonable suggestion and the most rational approach at present.

But Axia will inevitably be disappointed, and therefore she can't help but compare Ning Weimin and Mr. Hong together, and can't help but think, how wonderful it would be if nothing happened to Brother Teddy!

If Brother Teddy was still around, this would definitely not be the result...

But things in life are often so unexpected.

Most of the time, even the smartest people can rarely guess the beginning and the end at the same time.

The same goes for Axia.

In fact, it was exactly when she missed the tough guy in jail and lamented that she had been reduced to being bullied at will.

Ning Weimin, who disappointed her today, started a brainstorm for her again.

He actually taught her a new lesson with his new business wisdom and never-say-die patience, showed her another strong demeanor, and refreshed her cognition.

"How's it going, A'Xia, are you feeling better? I know it's difficult to make this decision. You need time to calm down completely. However, the matter is imminent now and we don't have much time. I'm afraid we have to talk about it again. What should I do when I get down..."

"Ah? What's next?" Axia was really surprised by Ning Weimin's words.

"What else are we going to talk about next? If I sell the store, won't it be over?"

However, she didn't expect that Ning Weimin would show an even more incredible expression than hers.

The questions that came out of her mouth left her speechless.

"What do you mean? It's all over? How is that possible! Don't we want to make money anymore? Don't our people want to eat? Don't you want to continue fighting the lawsuit on behalf of Mr. Hong?"

But what he said next cheered up Axia, who had already lost interest in the conversation, and gave her hope in life.

"Axia, don't be discouraged. You should think on the bright side. Although those idiots can take away our house and prevent us from getting the maximum benefit, they have snatched away the fruitful fruits that should belong to us in the middle of the process. . But we started early, and the market is good, so we will definitely still make money. Even if our house is forced to sell, our previous efforts have not been in vain, and we have made a lot of accumulation. Then this road will not work anymore. Just take another path and remember the losses we have suffered. As the saying goes, there are always more solutions than difficulties. How can we, two living people, choke to death? So the most important thing now is to try our best in the negotiation. Strive for better prices and more benefits for ourselves. We also have to think about where we want to invest our money in the future. Do you think this is true? "

"That's right."

Axia couldn't help but swallow her saliva, she was already a little bit overwhelmed by Ning Weimin.

She stared straight at Ning Weimin's face, completely unable to guess what Ning Weimin would say next.

On the other hand, Ning Weimin was very satisfied when he saw Axia listening so engrossedly, and the conversation became even more interesting.

"I'm not hiding it from you. This Genshiro Kawamoto plotting against your store is a natural disaster for you, but having said that, a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. Guess what? After listening to your introduction just now, I learned that he After experiencing these situations, I realized the shortcomings of my previous business strategies and found a better investment direction. This is also a blessing in disguise."

"First of all, I think the biggest mistake I made when I came to Japan was to believe that the laws of developed countries are omnipotent. In a place where I am unfamiliar with my life, I act like a fool and boldly start with the best things from others. Thinking that spending money If you buy it, you can get benefits for yourself, but you don't consider whether your overall strength is enough to eat this big piece of meat."

"Think about it, where is Ginza? It's the most prosperous area in Tokyo. It's a blessing for outsiders like us to have it in our hands. How can we not attract other people's attention afterwards? Don't make the Japanese jealous. And covet? This is equivalent to the Japanese buying the best courtyard house in our capital and buying the palace with a long history. If this kind of thing should be known to the people in the capital, it will not be as simple as an ordinary transaction. Because it will hurt the national self-esteem. . It is inevitable to scold someone behind the scenes. If the negative emotions become too great, troubles will inevitably arise."

"So we wanted to get rich peacefully? This is impossible in itself. There is no such good thing. I dare say that as long as we have the real estate in Ginza, even if Genshiro is not there, Fangshiro will come to us. Do you still remember my altar? Have any gangsters ever come to the palace? If I hadn't been quick to think and scared them off, I still don't know how it would have ended. And this is not safe. If the land price continues to rise, my altar palace may be in danger again. So this time we will do it again. When investing, you have to do the opposite and pay attention to concealment, so that you can have the last laugh in a safer manner."

The truth is correct, but these words made Axia more and more curious.

She was not in the mood to introspect like Ning Weimin, so she couldn't help but urge him a little anxiously.

"Mr. Ning, please stop being so secretive. Tell me quickly? What are you going to do? Where will you invest your money?"

"parking space!"

"parking space?"

"Yes, or it can be said to be the parking lot!"

Ning Weimin's words shocked Axia. She really didn't expect that Ning Weimin would be interested in such a grassroots industry.

To be honest, Axia is really no stranger to the parking lot industry.

Because the port city is also a place where land is at a premium and population density is extremely high.

Parking in Hong Kong City is a problem due to the scarcity of parking lots.

Therefore, luxury hotels and high-end entertainment venues in Hong Kong City all use "valet parking" signs.

In fact, some Hong Kong people were asked to drive the guests' cars to a parking lot far away, and then notify them in advance to bring the cars back during dinner.

And this industry has always been monopolized by the Hong Kong underworld.

If not for any other reason, it is because this industry is considered a good source of income for those at the bottom of society who have no academic qualifications.

Although many five-star hotels and other high-end hotels have free parking spaces, this is only "free" in name.

Taking a five-star hotel like the Peninsula Hotel as an example, the price for valet parking usually starts at HKD 500.

If the guest stays from afternoon to evening, it is more appropriate to pay 1,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Ah Xia and Sheng Zai, along with Mr. Hong, had managed the valet parking in front of the Peninsula Hotel for 14K.

She still remembers a time when her younger brother couldn't find a place to park a car for a customer and didn't know what to do.

Mr. Hong took the car from his younger brother and drove the guest's car on the road until the guest finished his meal.

Three hours later, when the guest was about to leave, the car's odometer had already driven 200 kilometers.

She didn't expect that she had already opened a nightclub and became the owner, but now she had to go back to the past and deal with the parking lot. Isn't this like living longer and going back again?

So based on past experience and instinctive conflict, she immediately expressed doubts.

"Mr. Ning, is this idea really feasible? The return rate of the parking lot does not seem to be very high. In Hong Kong City, public transportation is not as developed as in Japan, but even in the city center, the parking fee is only three Hong Kong dollars. Commercial Private parking lots are a bit more expensive, costing 8, 10, or 15 HKD per hour, but those locations are very good, just like the parking lots in Ginza and Toranomon, which are also not affordable to ordinary people. Hong Kong The real money maker in this industry in the city is the valet parking service. But the Japanese don't seem to be into this. The Japanese seem to be very precious about their cars when they buy them. They don't drive them out often and don't like others to touch them. Especially for the Japanese, tipping is very important. , but it’s more like an insult and will be disliked.”

It was normal to be questioned. Ning Weimin was mentally prepared for this, but he didn't expect that Axia would agree with him as soon as he opened his mouth.

As the saying goes, if the light is not turned on, it will not turn on, and if the reason is not discerned, he will start to explain very patiently.

"Yes, Axia, what you said is all right. Especially the cultural differences, which require special attention. But you also ignored some issues. The differences between Tokyo and Hong Kong City will also lead to another side, which is the impact on this industry. On the plus side. For example, the taxi charges and parking fees in Tokyo are much higher than those in Hong Kong City. Taxis are not so expensive in Hong Kong City, right? The same is true for parking lots in Tokyo. Japanese parking fees are really exciting. !”

"Maybe because you don't drive, and you have worked and lived in prosperous areas like Roppongi and Ginza for a long time, you may not have paid much attention to the parking fees in Japan. Let me tell you this, the high parking fees in Tokyo are not limited to In prosperous areas, the Japanese government seems to be intentionally using high parking fees to restrict private car travel. Parking fees in the 23 wards in Tokyo are generally very high. The cheapest place costs 300 yen per hour, which is two US dollars. , fifteen Hong Kong dollars."

"And this is just the starting price. In the central business district, it is charged every ten minutes or half an hour. The parking fee for one hour can reach thousands of yen. This is the normal standard. If you want to charter It’s not unusual for a parking space to cost 60,000 to 70,000 yen per month in the city center.”

"And don't be too expensive for it, because in some places, parking is limited to a limited time, such as one hour or two hours. If you park over the time limit and don't drive away, someone will immediately come up and post a note. Overtime parking is the same as illegal parking. The fine for being slapped with a sticker is quite severe, starting at tens of thousands of yen and reaching a maximum of 30,000 yen.”

"If you look at it from the perspective of an office worker, if you don't take into account Japan's overtime culture and only work eight hours a day, in a big city like Tokyo, if you drive to work, the daily parking fee will be at least 5,000 yen. That's 15 per month. It’s about 10,000 yen, accounting for almost half of the income! This is the real reason why Japanese people are reluctant to drive private cars. If you rely on your work salary, you really can’t afford it.” (End of Chapter)

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