National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,124 Touching the truth

"What? Could it be like this?"

After hearing Ning Weimin's words, Axia was not only surprised, but also inexplicably excited as if she saw her own future.

"Please wait a moment, let me do the math first."

With that said, she ran to the bar, found paper, pen and calculator, and then devoted herself to calculating numbers.

After a while, Axia's expression became obviously brighter when she raised her head again.

"Okay, I admit that the parking fees in Tokyo are indeed much more attractive than those in Port City. From the perspective of return rate, it seems to be pretty good and worth it. Especially, parking lots are different from other real estate investments and do not require buildings. The initial investment is small and you can start operations quickly. Considering Japan's frequent earthquakes, this kind of real estate investment has great security..."

But the good times didn't last long. As soon as she said a few words about the benefits of investing in a parking lot, Axia gradually frowned again, seeming to still be troubled.

"But is this the whole reason why you decided to invest in a parking lot? I'm still a little worried. I don't have to pour cold water on it. The main reason is that the land in Tokyo is rising like this. The parking fees can't rise as fast as the land, right? There is a ceiling on the fees in this business. There is no way like I run a nightclub, where I can just write a note to the customer, as much as I want. For the sake of dignity, those high-rollers will never express any objection. "

"If you take into account the long-term rising trend and speed of land in Tokyo, then there is a problem with the rate of return in this industry. If you want to make the investment more cost-effective, that is to say, we can only buy parking lots, not rent them. But this will cause another problem , the scale of operation will be very limited.”

"But even so, judging from the current increase in land prices, the parking lot seems to have the smallest increase among all commercial real estate. It is not as big as the return on investment we can get from directly buying other types of commercial real estate. So it is still worth it. Do you want to do it? Even if the parking lot is easy to operate, it still needs to be operated. If we haven't bought the store and rented it out to make money, wouldn't it be unnecessary? "

"The most critical issue is the land. It will definitely not be easy for us to get those good lots that can be full of cars. No one is willing to sell the golden chicken that lays golden eggs. Besides, even if we get it, we will inevitably make the same mistakes again. But if the land is No, if we buy it, how can we guarantee that there will be enough vehicles willing to park in our parking lot?"

"As you yourself just said, ordinary office workers in Tokyo cannot afford daily parking fees. Then they can only drive their families on weekends. If we only have very few vehicles to park on weekdays, wouldn't we? It’s a big loss…”

Having said this, Axia's face began to turn gloomy again and she became worried.

It seemed that she already thought that Ning Weimin was a little too optimistic, that he just came up with this idea on a whim, and failed to fully consider all the disadvantages in advance.

However, this was not actually the case. Her troubles were nothing to Ning Weimin, and they did not bother him at all. Instead, they made him laugh.

"Axia, you are really good at calculating accounts. I still have a clear memory of your grace when you were in charge of the underground bank. But your expertise also limits you a bit. I'm not telling you, you are too focused on numbers, and your business can be ruined." It's not a purely mathematical question. In this matter, you have just ignored one of the most important issues at present, which is to consider the changes in people, the changes in the city, and the changes in Japan's economic model. That is, the future trend .”

Ning Weimin's words were immediately met with an unconvinced rebuttal from Axia.

"Isn't it? We are just considering whether to invest in parking lots. Do we still need to study psychology, urban studies, and relevant professional knowledge in the financial industry? Mr. Ning, please, don't be so exaggerated, right? It seems like you are just It’s the same as being able to accurately predict future trends! If that’s the case, you might as well go to Hong Kong City and become a Feng Shui practitioner. A single building worth at least a million..."

Although the words were polite, they were obviously full of sarcasm.

But Ning Weimin didn't mind at all. He had the urge to laugh because Axia accidentally touched the truth without knowing it.

"Yes, I can't accurately predict the future. But people's needs must always be considered, right? The most profitable business cannot be separated from people's needs. In my opinion, business is the study of people, because economic activities are all driven by It is driven by people. So once you understand people thoroughly, business will work. This is true whether it is a speculative business or an investment industry."

Ning Weimin lied against his will, but his uncontrollable smile and continued pretentious words gave Axia the illusion that he was magnanimous and gave her an unfathomable feeling.

She couldn't help but feel that what she just said was a bit excessive, so she immediately stopped being frivolous and paid attention to his opinion again.

"Mr. Ning, do you mean that parking lots in Tokyo will soon become scarce? Will the Japanese no longer mind the high parking fees? Is this possible? Are you really so sure?"

Axia's question this time was definitely not due to emotional rebound, but simply out of curiosity and sincere asking for advice.

Ning Weimin did not hesitate to teach her and explained all his thoughts to her in detail.

"Why is it impossible? Tokyo is the largest city in Japan... No, as the largest city in Asia, the city's population density is too high, and it is now in an extremely prosperous period. The appreciation of the yen has caused the stock market and real estate market to soar, and many The Japanese have all made money. Not only are they happy to spend money, but there are also more luxury imported cars on the street. You should feel this, right? Now there is a new professional vocabulary in the economic field to explain this kind of economy. This phenomenon is called the 'wealth effect', which means that when people have more assets, their willingness to consume will be relatively enhanced..."

In response to these situations, Axia nodded in agreement, but she still had her own reservations.

"I admit that since the opening of the store, as the stock and property markets have risen day by day, the customers in the store have spent more and more lavishly. But those people are either the president or the president, or they are doctors, lawyers and famous artists. After all, They are Japan's high-end class and belong to a minority group. You wouldn't expect the luxury cars these people buy to fill all the parking lots in Tokyo, right?"

"No, you are wrong. This economic phenomenon has just begun. Its real impact covers not only individuals, but also families, businesses, and even the entire economic system. If you don't believe it, you might as well look at the taxi industry. I The next time I returned to Tokyo, I felt that the biggest change in the city was that it was harder to get a taxi. Especially at night, it was not the customers who chose the taxis, but the drivers who chose the customers. Even if you have money, you may not be able to get a taxi. I Using taxi coupons will be frowned upon. Taxi drivers only like customers who wave 10,000 yen bills and don’t need to use odometers. Look, is the taxi fare ceiling starting to disappear? This can’t be explained by just numbers. question?"

This remark hit home, leaving Axia speechless on the spot.

Seeing Axia starting to think silently with a confused expression, Ning Weimin explained further.

"I personally understand this situation as a 'run on social resources'. Axia, the expansion of the speculative market will stimulate people's desires. And no matter how fast a city develops, it cannot keep up with the expansion of people's greed and luxury. Don't Underestimating human desires, people in ancient times could be extravagant and indulgent to the point of creating a wine pool and a forest of meat, but today’s people can buy all the brands of luxury cars in the world just to show off.”

"The key point is that this phenomenon can also spread from top to bottom, and spread horizontally. When the company boss makes money, of course he wants to improve the company's operating efficiency and the treatment of employees. Since he is willing to provide free taxi tickets to employees for business needs, then if What should we do if the supply in the taxi market exceeds demand? Won’t companies purchase special cars to meet business needs? Won’t they reimburse parking fees for employees? It will definitely happen. For employees, their company provides This kind of convenience, because you no longer have to worry about not being able to hail a taxi, you will show off about it. This will in turn cause jealousy, envy and imitation by companies in the same industry."

"In short, the abnormal and rapid prosperity of Japan's economy will eventually cause some things that could have adequately met social needs to become strained, and things that were already scarce will become even scarcer. In the end, the highest bidder will get it, so that the people here will The cost of living has increased to an incredible level. The key to determining how profitable this business is is just how long the Japanese economy will prosper and how greedy and bloated the Japanese are. This is why I am optimistic about the future trend of this industry. Basics. I am willing to spend money to invest in parking lots. To put it bluntly, I am seizing social resources that are destined to become scarce in the future.”

From shallow to deep, there is evidence.

Although all analyzes are still speculation, Ning Weimin's rigorous thinking logic and sufficient understanding of Japanese society and human nature make Axia unable to help but admire and respect him.

And this is not over yet, Ning Weimin's eloquence is also full of bewitching tension.

"Seriously, do you know what's the best thing about the parking lot business? That is, this need for space is just like people need to eat. It is an almost unavoidable rigid need for people. As long as there are cars, they need space to park. , unless you are willing to let the car you bought be used as a decoration, never drive it on the road. And because it is too grassroots, no one will notice what we do. Believe me, the abnormal situation in the Tokyo taxi market will soon be transmitted To the parking lot industry. We won't be worrying about a lack of customers in this business for too long."

"Listen to my advice and don't waste your energy worrying about prices. Don't forget, I am a mainlander, and I have the deepest feelings about social resources. I know better than anyone else that even the most equitable rationing system will Even the strictest control methods and punitive measures cannot limit the price of a scarce resource. Everyone will always compare themselves to a truly reasonable price for what they need. In the famine years, even a humble wotou had to be purchased with gold. Change."

"If you still can't rest assured, you might as well think about it again, how do the really rich people get rich? Needless to say about other places, let's talk about the place you are most familiar with - Hong Kong City. Do you know? Those real tycoons rely on nothing else but collecting rent. As far as I know, almost all people's livelihood industries in Hong Kong City are firmly controlled by the four major families. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the people of Hong Kong City open their eyes in the morning, We must put the money into the pockets of the four major families.”

"Among them, Tycoon Li of Cheung Kong Industries, in addition to the real estate industry, is trying to control the electricity industry, water conservancy and other people's livelihood industries in Hong Kong City. The Zheng family has always firmly controlled the bus and jewelry industries in Hong Kong City. Another one Tycoon Li controls the shipping and natural gas industries in the port city, and the Guo family controls most of the properties in the port city. Although they only collect rent and make no contribution to society, it is this kind of business that no one can escape that is the most nourishing. Talent creates a wealthy and famous family. And now we have also found an opportunity that few people have noticed, a project involving people's livelihood. Even if it is not as good as we expected, it can at least allow us to sleep as peacefully as these successful people. This kind of This opportunity may only come once in a lifetime, are you going to miss it?"

Axia was finally convinced. At this time, she showed her playfulness that "a little girl is willing to be defeated" and praised her heartily.

"Mr. Ning, I understand, you still have a unique vision. This matter... I listen to you. Even if I have to suffer a loss in the return rate of the land price, I will admit it. I will not let go of the wrong ones. I can't help it, you are too eloquent. Okay. The worst case scenario is that I was impulsive and my brain was funny."

Suddenly he changed his mind and his whole spirit became happy.

Although admitting defeat is not a happy thing, Axia is still mostly happy at this time because Ning Weimin has relieved her of her psychological burden.

But the problem is that when Ning Weimin heard what she said, it was different.

Ning Weimin couldn't help but put down the wine glass in his hand and drank it with displeasure.

"What are you talking about? It's like I'm deliberately tempting you and deceiving you. You little woman is really difficult to deal with. I'm obviously trying to make you rich with good intentions. How come I'm asking you to take risks together? ? Good intentions are like donkey liver and lungs. If you want to force it, then forget it..."

As expected of her mother-in-law, Axia immediately took action and poured Ning Weimin a glass of XO in time to apologize.

"Mr. Ning, don't argue with me. You also said that I am a little woman. Of course I have no knowledge. To be honest, I am very grateful to you and I have absolutely no intention of doubting you. In fact, I know very well what you mean. You have helped me much more than I have done for you. I will repay you..."

This statement actually works. Every man in the world is a bitch who cannot bear to say a few nice words to a beautiful woman.

This is natural gender suppression engraved in genes.

Ning Weimin's complexion immediately improved.

"Forget it, you said that, then I will completely dispel your worries. You might as well seriously consider whether to do it with me. I really don't force you..."

Axia didn't say anything this time, but smartly brought another plate of cut oranges to Ning Weimin.

Use a smiling expression and gentle service to resolve his remaining dissatisfaction. (End of chapter)

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