National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,125 Huge Cake

As expected, Ning Weimin had nothing to do with her, and he never had any unpleasant words to say after that.

"Axia, aren't you also investing in stocks? Then you should be aware of some abnormal situations in the Japanese stock market now, right? The problem that people generally ignore price fundamentals when buying stocks is reflected in various aspects. Different stocks in the same field have risen together. They all fell together, regardless of the differences in profit performance and prospects of different companies. When the company issued additional shares, although the original equity was diluted, the stock price continued to rise. Not only this, when the company announced the allotment of bonus shares At that time, even though this was just a simple split of stocks and did not create any actual value, the stock price still rose, and it rose sharply. Although the profitability of Japanese exporters was declining and the manufacturing base was hollowing out, the stock price But it continues to rise. What does all this mean?"

Axia was stunned for a moment, then shook her head.

After all, we are not yet in the information age, where lines are separated by mountains.

It was really difficult for Ning Weimin to ask such a professional securities investment question.

However, because her own stocks were also at a loss, Ning Weimin was talking about issues that she was concerned about but couldn't understand, and she was immediately attracted.

His eyes were sparkling, full of desire and expectation to explore.

So Ning Weimin didn't bother to hide it, and took the initiative to tell the answer.

"It shows that the market is coming. Under the bull market, Japan's stock market rewards the growth of market share, rather than the improvement of profitability. To put it more bluntly, the reason why these stocks will rise is because they are stocks and a kind of energy. Participate in this speculative game and share the special chips of economic dividends through the securities market. When everyone is rushing to invest money in the Japanese stock market, as long as you buy it, you will make money. Who cares what you buy? As long as it is a stock, As long as it goes up, that’s fine.”

Now Axia finally understood it, and she was somewhat overjoyed.

"Mr. Ning, do you mean that I don't have to worry about the money I lost on the stock? There are too many people buying it, so I will definitely make it back?"

She never expected that Ning Weimin's reply to her was extremely surprising.

"Of course. Not to mention the stocks you bought, even junk stocks without any actual value will still rise in the future. As the saying goes, there are still eggs left behind when the nest is overturned. In fact, the opposite is true. Catching up with the trend, even pigs can fly. You have to know, Japanese news reports, now even retail investors who have no knowledge of stocks are withdrawing deposits from banks and starting to enter the market. Then it will come to an era when all stocks will rise together. This In this market situation, the stocks that are easiest to rise are low-priced stocks. Just because compared with the sky-high price stocks worth millions of yen, their prices are relatively low and everyone can afford them. In the eyes of ordinary people, these low-priced stocks Stocks will one day catch up with those high-priced stocks.”

And this is not the end, Ning Weimin’s next words are the core content that has laid the foundation for so much.

"The current market situation in Japan caused by the appreciation of the local currency, the two major speculative markets, the stock market and the property market, are complementary to each other. The threshold for postal savings operations is different, and the stock market is one step ahead of the property market. So we can basically know the property market by looking at the stock market The next change. Needless to say, as a bargaining chip, land is of course more scarce than stocks. After all, stocks can be increased through the company's listing and additional issuance and expansion of shares, but land cannot be created out of thin air. Here, I can tell you responsibly. Axia, after the Japanese stock market takes off, the next step will be to repeat this step for Japanese land. Think about it, it is obviously land with different uses and properties, so it is not good to renovate it. As long as it is similar Why is this piece of land more noble than that piece of land? It doesn’t make sense.”

As the saying goes, a horse does not need a whip to make a horse run fast, and a drum does not need a hammer to make a sound.

Axia is not only a woman who has seen the world, but also an expert in calculating economic accounts.

Of course she could tell whether Ning Weimin's analysis was reasonable.

Then the frustration and loss disappeared, and my face was almost flushed with excitement.

"If this is the case, if this is the case, based on the current price difference between parking lots and other commercial properties, then we will get a big bargain if we buy it. Buying it now means it is far more cost-effective than other properties in the same location. !Mr. Ning, you are amazing!"

At this time, Axia had a sudden enlightenment and finally discovered the amazing charm of this big cake in the parking lot.

Not only was he excited by Ning Weimin's amazing insight and keen sense of money, but he also finally realized why Ning Weimin said it was a blessing in disguise.

is not that right? Who doesn’t like a bargain?

Now that we have such a good investment target, even if we sell the Ginza store now, we won't necessarily lose money.

Instead, I used the money I earned from Ginza to hunt for bargains. It was a time lag in the property market, which was very cost-effective.

But even after reaching this point, Ning Weimin still didn't explain all the benefits. He actually had an even more surprising additional explanation.

"Axia, when we start now, it is not just as simple as picking up a bargain. Most of the Japanese people I know are very conservative and lack the courage and knowledge to use financial leverage. However, they are also very greedy and conceited. Big. Because the stock market is easier to cash out than land, once it starts to skyrocket again, and more and more people are speculating in stocks, I believe that many parking lot owners will inevitably be tempted. And many people are unwilling to take on debt and are anxious I can’t wait to speculate in stocks.”

"At that time, they may be more willing to sell the parking lot than to use the parking lot mortgage to speculate in stocks. So we may not be able to get a good location. By chance, maybe the price is surprisingly cost-effective. Then we can use the parking lot Go to the bank and get a loan, buy more land. Like a Russian matryoshka doll, scale is no longer an issue.”

"Hey, by the way, do you want to take revenge on this bank for scheming with you? If you want, wait until the land price really rises and dig a hole for them. I suggest you pick the worst land to find it. They get the loan, and then when the real estate market collapses and these bad lands are worthless, they will know that we Chinese people are not easy to mess with. We are not just allowed to be bullied by them and take a bite whenever they want."

The prospect described by Ning Weimin is really not too good!

Thinking of such a magnificent prospect and the opportunity to avenge today, Axia couldn't help but her heart beat wildly.

At this moment, she no longer disliked Ning Weimin for being bloodless and lacking in masculinity.

Ning Weimin's image suddenly grew taller like a towering mountain.

At least, he can be compared with Mr. Hong.

They are by no means the same kind of people, but they are indeed equally good!

"Mr. Ning, thank you for helping me make a fortune! You are really a business wizard! I, Axia, am convinced of you! I really don't know how to thank you. Come, let me toast you again..."

Picking up the wine glass in response, Ning Weimin was actually quite modest.

"Hey, thank you, you are too polite. Where is the genius? I just spent all the time you spent drinking coffee eating braised pork..."

But these words made this girl who grew up in Hong Kong City feel dizzy.

What popped out of Ning Weimin's mouth was a term that Axia had never heard of before.

"Ah? What...what?"

Ning Weimin was still smiling.

"Hey, you don't know what's normal. When you have the opportunity to go to the capital, I'll ask you..."


Logically speaking, after discussing the investment in the parking lot with Ning Weimin, Axia's pressure should be relieved, the burden in her heart should be dissipated, and her tense nerves should be relaxed.

But in fact this is not the case.

Due to the seriousness of the matter, I thought that I would have to sell the shop and put all my wealth on it this time, which was similar to a desperate move, and there was no way out.

After the initial excitement and short-term joy, Axia felt even more stressed and was so nervous that she couldn't sleep.

I don't think she was going through such a torment at the time, even when she didn't hesitate to borrow money from a bank to invest in the Ginza nightclub.

After all, she is also responsible for the safety of Mr. Hong's daughter and a group of brothers.

But she had never had such a deep and important cooperation with Ning Weimin before.

This is equivalent to adding a lot of variables out of thin air and handing over half of your destiny to others.

If she really made a mistake and took this wrong step, she would definitely lose more than just money.

I'm afraid the final result is something she can't bear and absolutely unacceptable.

There is no turning back when the bow is drawn!

We can only win but not lose!

So in the next few days, Axia began to repeatedly study the plan proposed by Ning Weimin, desperately trying various methods to verify whether it was really feasible.

As the saying goes, seeing is believing, and she doesn't just sit at home and figure things out.

During the day when the nightclub was closed, she mobilized all her brothers to go out to investigate the operation of Tokyo parking lots.

She herself took Shengzai to Sumida District and Taitung District, which are closer to the Central District, to investigate.

Even out of caution, she hired a detective to help track Ning Weimin and record his whereabouts and private activities.

Fortunately, the results of all investigations are quite good.

The charging and operating conditions of Tokyo parking lots are indeed generally as Ning Weimin said.

There is also a big gap in price between parking lots and commercial real estate for other uses.

If you even want to buy one, there are two existing parking lots for sale in Sumida Ward.

One is near the Kokugikan. The terrain is relatively regular, but the area is small. There are only 30 parking spaces, and the listing price is 155 million yen.

The advantage is that major sumo wrestling events are held here every January, May, and September, and the fees will be relatively high.

But the disadvantage is that the area is too small. Even if it is full, you will not make much money.

The other piece of land is quite large, covering hundreds of square meters, in the Oshiage area, but the terrain is irregular. It is located between several buildings and has a listed price of 230 million yen.

The area around this land is a bit deserted, and I'm afraid it's rarely full of cars.

But the advantage is that the sales price is also lower. Once the land value rises, it will undoubtedly take advantage.

She expected that the land could be acquired for 200 million yen. If Ning Weimin said it, the land price would be the same one day.

That means there are currently tens of millions of yen worth of bargains available, and this is based on the average price.

The most important thing is that Ning Weimin is not idle in private.

Judging from the records and photos given to her by the detective agency, Axia found that Ning Weimin had been investigating parking lots in Shinjuku, Bunkyo and Meguro districts in the past few days, and had frequently visited two housing agencies.

This is tantamount to him using actual actions to prove his sincerity, indicating that he has no other plans and that he is indeed consistent with his words and deeds.

In other words, it is obvious that Ning Weimin is also seriously studying the plan he proposed and thinking about how to implement it next.

There should be no conspiracy in this matter.

But the problem is that the interests are attractive.

Having reached this point, although Axia lost most of her worries and felt a sense of security, she was even less calm.

Due to occupational diseases, under the stimulation of money, and as the specific implementation time of this plan is approaching day by day, she feels even more nervous and excited.

She was desperately trying to figure out how much her Chixia Club was worth, how much it could be sold for, and how she would negotiate with the Genji Group that wanted to acquire the nightclub.

And she was also secretly guessing how much Ning Weimin's Akasaka apartment could be sold for, and how much money he could raise based on his ability.

Especially when it comes to the final cooperation and the division of shares, Axia feels even more upset.

On the one hand, she was very grateful to Ning Weimin. She was not an ungrateful person and wanted to do something to repay Ning Weimin's kindness for rescuing her from the predicament.

But on the other hand, she saw that there were huge benefits in this matter that were hard to calculate.

We know that once we easily give up one percentage point of our shares, we will give up an unknown amount of actual benefits in the future.

So she was really in a dilemma and didn't know what to do?

Precisely because of this embarrassment, her views on Ning Weimin were also constantly changing in her heart.

Sometimes she would think that Ning Weimin was really a good person, so kind that he was almost stupid.

Just like investing in a parking lot, he can obviously do it by himself, and all the benefits belong to him.

However, he was kind enough to bring up the idea and took the trouble to explain it clearly.

Does he have a grudge against money?

This does not mean giving the benefits to yourself for free.

This person is really too kind. I will remember this kind of kindness for the rest of my life and cannot live up to it.

But sometimes, she would think that although Ning Weimin was of great help to her, it was clear that all his words were just an idea.

If we really want to implement it in detail, don’t we have to rely on the 14K brothers?

Ning Weimin came to him for cooperation, probably because he was weak and had no one available.

Otherwise, you might not be able to pull yourself along.

Therefore, it would be understandable and justifiable if I could occupy more shares.

If you don't kick him away, you will be worthy of him.

Isn't he still satisfied with giving him free money from now on?

In short, angels and demons, heaven and man are at war.

Before taking that substantial step, Axia's heart had been experiencing the test of the intersection of morality and interests.

She wanted to be greedy and rescue Mr. Hong from Hong Kong City as soon as possible, but at the same time, she felt that doing so was really a disgrace, like a Zhongshan wolf biting back, it was so sorry.

In this case, she felt like she was paddling a small boat, sailing in a rough and uncertain sea.

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