National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,206 Frustrated and Proud

After experiencing this embarrassing and wasted meal.

Just two days apart, Mi Xiaoran booked air tickets with Zhao Hanyu, quickly packed his luggage and returned to the United States.

They didn't even finish the Lantern Festival and left in a hurry.

So much so that their packing for the return trip was very simple.

The original plan to buy tiger bone wine, ginseng, and deer antlers for Zhao Hanyu's parents, as well as the silk, clothing materials, and cloth shoes that Zhao Hanyu's brother and sister-in-law wanted, were all ignored.

They could only pack some tea and cakes with what they had at home, smoke and drink, and then hurried back.

Well, now, each person can check in 20 kilograms of luggage, and it is impossible to exceed the threshold of 5 kilograms in carry-on luggage without being punished.

But just going back like this would inevitably seem shabby.

Mi Xiaoran will most likely be laughed at and despised by the Zhao family in their hearts.

Moreover, she failed to accomplish what she promised, and she was also sorry for Wang Dadong, who solemnly asked her for help.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. Who could have forced things to this point?

The reasons claimed by Mi Xiaoran and his wife were so high-sounding that no one could find fault with them.

Even the Zhao family cannot say that what they did was wrong.

Love Mi Xiaoran, she is using the child in her belly as a shield.

She said she felt really unwell and had not been able to adapt to life in the capital since she came back.

Now I feel that my morning sickness is getting more and more serious, so I am worried about something going wrong with the baby in my belly.

To be safe, she wanted to return to the United States as soon as possible for a good check-up and to recuperate her body and bones.

Of course, only Mi Xiaoran knows the real reason.

It's true that I feel unwell.

But why he is becoming more and more uncomfortable is not because of the poor conditions in the capital, but simply because of Ning Weimin.

In fact, Mi Xiaoran woke up after experiencing this gathering of old colleagues.

She believed that this bastard Ning Weimin was in this world just to torture her.

Only by staying far away from this guy can he continue to live in peace.

Otherwise, he might be so angry that he might have an abortion and not be able to keep the child in his belly.

For this reason, she almost had a sworn hatred for Ning Weimin.

I don't want to hear his name, nor do I want to hear any more news about him.

Don't say that you don't want to see him again, you don't even want to see the same sky and breathe the same air with him.

Anyway, she seemed to have figured everything out and thought it through.

I don’t want to have any contact with this person in any form or way in this life.

It was not until the moment he decided to leave and never come back that Mi Xiaoran felt a particularly wonderful sense of relief. It seemed that she had finally stepped out of the dark haze she had felt under Ning Weimin's shadow.

It's just easier said than done. Many things and people can't be forgotten just because you want to.

On the contrary, the more you want to forget things and people, the more firmly and clearly you remember them.

For example, on the day of departure, when Mi Xiaoran and Zhao Hanyu were seen off by their parents and Luo Guangliang, they arrived at the Capital Airport again.

Inadvertently, I saw the Pierre Cardin store in the airport terminal.

Her mind suddenly flashed back to that person's arrogant and unattainable figure.

So much so that tears actually flowed down.

And it also made my parents misunderstand.

"Daughter, we can't bear to leave you. Otherwise, don't leave yet, Xiaoran. If you stay a few more days, you have to celebrate the Lantern Festival. There is also a lantern festival in the Temple of Heaven Park. I heard that it is also a Wei …”

"Stop, stop, please, Mom and Dad, please don't say that name again. I'm leaving, I'm leaving right away, really. I'll write to you when I get to the United States..."


Mi Xiaoran is frustrated, but she is not alone.

Because the capital city has never lacked frustrated people since ancient times.

Jing Ke was used to assassinate Qin and defeated Prince Dan of Yan who was killed by his own father.

Among them was King Hailing who died at the hands of the clan.

Later, Yu Shaobao defended the capital but was slandered as a rebel.

There was also Cao Xueqin who was impoverished and starved to death.

And the unlucky emperor who was blasted out of the palace wall and taken away by the Japanese to establish the puppet Manchukuo.

There are tens of thousands of people who can be called miserable.

Even the royal family members, phoenixes, dragons and grandsons are like this, let alone Mi Xiaoran, an ordinary person.

If these people compare, what happened to her is really nothing.

Not only the ancients were like this, but even among the contemporaries in front of us, there were people who were more miserable than her.

You know, although the 1987 Spring Festival Gala was the Spring Festival Gala that made Fei Xiang famous, it was also the most depressing Spring Festival Gala experience for the duo actor "Zhao Laowei'er".

Originally, the performance video tape of "Zhao Laolan'er" was sent to the Spring Festival Gala crew on the recommendation of crosstalk actor Jiang Kun.

Considering that this year's redemption does not include the participation of the sketch king Chen Peisi, language programs seem to be a weakness.

Then "Zhao Laowei'er" was summoned to the capital for an interview.

For this reason, "Zhao Laowei'er" specially brought ten bottles of Maotai liquor to give as gifts.

However, no one from the Spring Festival Gala crew accepted his gift, and while he was waiting, disappointing news kept coming.

In the end, "Zhao Laowei'er" still had no chance to participate in this Spring Festival Gala, so he could only close the door and drink.

Also a week after the Spring Festival Gala, "Zhao Laowei'er" left this ancient city in disgrace and embarked on a journey back to Tieling.

It was not until three years later that the king of sketches in the 1990s was able to step onto the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

So even though Mi Xiaoran is now swearing to never come back and never get involved with Ning Weimin again, who can predict the fate of life?


Completely different from Mi Xiaoran, Ning Weimin is now at the peak of his fortune.

The news revealed by Zhang Shihui at the party was indeed correct.

Since Ning Weimin's labor contract expired, Pierre Cardin China Corporation wanted to retain him.

His position was directly promoted to the third rank among the Chinese staff in the company.

Moreover, both Song Huagui and Zou Guodong knew that Ning Weimin was a free-spirited boy and did not want to take on any unnecessary responsibilities.

Therefore, the position of Minister of Asian Overseas Affairs was thoughtfully created for him.

This is basically equivalent to an honorary title.

There was no separate department established for Ning Weimin at the Huaxia Company headquarters.

Ning Weimin's work content has not changed much.

In Japan, he is still mainly responsible for the two businesses of Danmiya Restaurant and trolley suitcases.

However, this position represents real money.

First of all, from the day Ning Weimin accepted his appointment, his basic income has jumped from more than 3,000 yuan for a department deputy to 8,000 yuan, and that is after tax.

This even exceeds the full-time supervisors of other departments and reaches the same level as Zou Guodong.

In the entire Pierre Cardon China Corporation, the only one with a higher salary than them is Song Huagui.

Secondly, the daily welfare benefits will be much better, at least the company will provide Ning Weimin with a special car and driver.

Although Ning Weimin can drive himself, in order to have more freedom. He also voluntarily declined the treatment of a full-time driver.

But he welcomed the benefit of a private car.

Out of pragmatic principles and considering that I am too young, driving a very good car would be too flamboyant.

He did not want an imported car, but chose Santana, which had just been launched.

If nothing else goes wrong, when he comes back, the company has already purchased a special car for him.

Finally, strictly speaking, with Ning Weimin holding this title this time, his status in the company has entered a new level, and he has distinguished himself from the level of senior executives of other departments.

He can be regarded as the company's real giant with the power to control and interfere in the work of any department.

Although he won't really dictate other people's territory and work.

But in theory and principle, he has this authority.

What's more, even if it's obvious that he can't come, even if he claims that he needs special support and support from that department because of his overseas work, it's enough to make that department drink a pot.

Because if you do it well, it’s your duty; if you don’t do it well, it’s a mistake.

No matter how you put it, at twenty-six or seven years old, he is too young to achieve this position.

Speaking of which, it is really a legend. With no background, most people would never dare to think of reaching this point alone!

And with a role model like him, I am afraid that in the future, the man named Tang will not dare to claim to be a "employee emperor".

Because no matter how awesome he is, he can't become the overlord of the company at Ning Weimin's age, or even become a shareholder who actually owns the company's shares.

But these are nothing. The most rare thing is that the company will promote Ning Weimin this time.

No one in the whole company objected, and everyone was convinced that Ning Weimin had won this honor. Everyone sincerely supported it.

This has to do with ability level.

Ning Weimin has never made any mistakes.

Moreover, after he went to Japan, he was able to help the company earn two buildings and a factory out of thin air.

Although no one took the initiative to say these things, everyone saw it.

In addition, this kid is getting better and better at being a good person. Every time he comes back from Tokyo, he will send Japanese local products to various departments of the company.

He is not only capable of making suggestions for the company, but also has outstanding ability to make money.

The key is that his popularity is getting better and better.

From this perspective, Ning Weimin's possibility of "inheriting a great treasure" is actually much higher than that of Zou Guodong.

I believe that if everyone is asked to choose who will take over from Song Huagui in the future, maybe Ning Weimin will win with an absolute advantage.

So it's no surprise that because of Ning Weimin's promotion, his old friends in the company will definitely celebrate him.

He couldn't push this kind of thing away, otherwise he would be too conceited.

Of course, everyone gathered at the VIP Building of another five-star hotel that had just opened, chatting over high-end wine and food. In addition to congratulating Ning Weimin on his promotion, the topic inevitably turned to another topic as the conversation continued. This brings up an issue that most people have been thinking about for a long time - stamps.

After all, the sweetness I ate last time was so great that I will never forget the taste.

And everyone can clearly feel that the winter in the postal market has passed, and the market has begun to pick up significantly.

Since New Year's Day this year, not only have stamp prices started to rise again, but new stamps have also been issued.

Just like this year's zodiac tickets have begun to sell out again, and more and more people are entering the market day by day.

Of course they are eager to have the opportunity to achieve greater glory, but there is still some distance before the stamps become popular, and they are not sure whether they will have the opportunity to make as much money as they did last time.

If possible, I would naturally come and ask Ning Weimin for advice on which varieties to fry.

Ning Weimin didn't refuse. This time he really nodded and said that it was almost time to enter the market and have some fun.

Because according to his memory, another small postal market craze in the 1980s should have occurred from the second half of 1988 to the spring of 1989.

And this market has been brewing since 1987.

You know, this year's stamps not only have excellent themes, but also have excellent design and printing.

For example, "Birds of Prey", "Xu Xiake", "Water Margin (1)", "Famous Ancient Buildings", etc., and the circulation is about to be significantly reduced.

In 1988, the circulation policy of 1987 will be continued, and there will be popular themes such as "Three Kingdoms (1)", "Taishan" and "Orchid".

In addition, the Stamp Corporation will significantly increase the price of stamps in 1988. The combination of these factors is the basic cause of this market.

To put it simply, this year's stamp issuance has decreased and unit prices have increased. These policy changes have made the chips to support stamps scarce, and thus have an upward momentum to escape the decline.

If coupled with the overall economic situation, money is getting richer and thicker.

The increase in stamps is much greater than bank interest.

In this case, it makes sense that stamps are highly sought after.

For this reason, Ning Weimin ostensibly revealed his judgment and plan, as if he was above board and had no secrets.

In fact, he does not change his selfish intentions.

Because he recommended three varieties to these people, all of which were huge amounts of chips he had collected through Yin Yue, Luo Guangliang, and Xiao Tao in recent years at prices far below their face value.

He knew very well that although his financial strength was sufficient to be a banker, he was already a bit overwhelmed because he was paying attention to the more important speculative market in Tokyo.

It is too tiring to rely solely on remote operation and international long distance to understand market conditions and issue instructions.

Even if it rises, he will not be able to control the situation properly, and may miss the opportunity to fight.

He has such self-awareness. Therefore, he simply decided to give up part of the chips in his hand to these people at the current market price, leaving only 30% to wait for the sedan chair.

There is no doubt that he did the right thing by doing this. This is the so-called win-win situation.

Only by letting others make money can you get the most from them and maximize your benefits.

And what he gained from it was not only the doubled profits and future expectations that were pocketed in advance.

He also vaguely grasped a power that was enough to control the direction of the postal market.

As long as this wave of market occurs and everyone makes money, then everyone will trust him more and thank him.

With these friendships and trust, it will not be easy for him to make markets in any variety in the future.

That's the meat of the deal.

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