National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,207 Conditions of Cooperation

At the same time as Ning Weimin's salary and company status rose, there was also his relationship with his cheap cousin, Shen Cun.

You know, Ning Weimin didn't just drop his paws and forget about the fast food chain.

Before Pierre Cardon even opened for business, Ning Weimin found a time to drive Shen Cun to the site to see the locations of six fast food chain stores and the equipment of the central kitchen.

Then he spent two nights having a good chat with Shen Cun about the business model of Salia in Japan.

He told Shen Cun that as long as they follow Salia's example and adopt the business model of taking out the products from the production site - processing them in the central kitchen - and delivering them to stores, they can minimize the cost of ingredients and labor.

In this way, not only can we attract a large number of loyal customers with high cost performance, but we can also achieve the highest work efficiency and table turnover rate.

In addition, the business location is good, there is no reason not to make money.

Ning Weimin even provided Shen Cun with some data that he had initially calculated.

As for Shen Cun, he fully recognized everything Ning Weimin showed him.

After he inspected the specific conditions of the store on the spot, he took another look at Ning Weimin's "feasibility report."

By this time, he knew very well that Ning Weimin had really made great efforts to do this well.

Because all those shops are located in the commercial areas in the core of the capital.

Even though the signboards haven't been put up yet, the decoration style of each store that resembles a Western restaurant has already made many people poke their heads around.

This completely shows the attraction of exotic customs to people in the capital.

What's more, even the clothing store opened by Ning Weimin in a piece of space between two restaurants was overcrowded, there was an endless stream of people, and the business was booming.

In addition, Ning Weimin has done sufficient research and investigation work, and the data is detailed and credible.

Shen Cun, who originally thought that this matter was going to be a big deal, naturally no longer had any doubts at this time.

The reason is obvious as there are no domestic competitors.

This kind of Western-style fast food restaurant that focuses on high cost performance and represents exotic customs is very attractive to ordinary people.

In mainland China terms, it has a strong mass base and I believe that we will never worry about running out of business in the future.

Shen Cun even felt that the actual situation was much better than he originally imagined.

Because in addition to the hardware and operating procedures, they are already ready.

He really didn't expect that his little cousin was so organized and had already figured out the general direction of how to run the business.

It is not an exaggeration to say that "everything is ready, all we need is the east wind".

So what's the problem?

Although it seems that he got this fast food chain through plagiarism.

But the problem is that this kind of plagiarism is not called infringement. Everyone in the industry is learning from each other and imitating each other.

What's more, not everyone has the ability or ability to copy.

Ning Weimin was able to discover the value of Salia's business model before others, and he could see through the secrets of Salia's business model at a glance.

Then he was able to take decisive action to get this matter to where it is now.

In Shen Cun's opinion, that's his skill.

To be honest, he was really tempted.

Besides this incident, Ning Weimin actually didn't forget to fulfill Shen Cun's wish to open a design office.

On the tenth day of the lunar month, Ning Weimin took Shen Cun to the Pierre Cardin Company's construction site next to the International Trade Center and took him to see the completed building.

And then he was taken to the headquarters of Pierre Cardon Company and met with Song Huagui and Zou Guodong.

According to the introduction from Ningwei Folk Residence, Song Huagui and Zou Guodong naturally valued Shen Cun very much.

In addition to being worried about An Shen, he told him that the split of the fast food chain was a formal decision of the company, and there would be absolutely no recurrence after the transaction between the two parties was completed.

After hearing Ning Weimin introduce that Shen Cun studied Western architecture and planned to open his own design office in the capital.

They also made a request to Shen Cun, hoping that he could provide ideas for the hotel's decoration style.

Not to mention, Shen Cun did have real talent and learning.

Although he studied architecture in the United States, he has unique professional insights into the architectural styles of European countries.

Considering that Pierre Cardon is a French company, he made a few sketches and then made annotations and distinctions between Italian and French styles.

The luxurious sophistication shown in his paintings is a combination of classical French elements and Parisian decorative features.

Key features include herringbone floors, high ceilings and a neutral color palette punctuated by vibrant colors and gilded accents.

Crystal chandeliers and luxurious fabrics enhance the ambience, adding a layer of luxury to every room.

The most important thing is that he also knows how to use art paintings, utensils and lighting to reflect the inheritance and elegance of history and humanity.

This kind of design concept really cannot be supported by a million granite pillars or a marble floor with a pattern.

In this way, Shen Cun's design ideas and artistic taste were greatly appreciated by Song Huagui and Zou Guodong.

They didn't want to end up with a formalist monstrosity packed with luxurious elements like a noisy mess.

After all, the domestic environment is still too closed.

Designers always use "foreign style" as a symbol to show off, which in turn makes them inferior.

So Song Huagui said on the spot that if Shen Cun was willing, Pierre Cardin Company was willing to temporarily hire him as an art consultant for the hotel project at a price of 100,000 yuan. He would be responsible for grasping and adjusting the overall decoration style during the completion of the building's decoration project.

Even at Ning Weimin's initiative, Song Huagui gave an additional nod and agreed that after the hotel project in the Pierre Cardon Building was completed again, Shen Cun could be allowed to create outdoor courtyards and landmarks based on the demolished area. design.

If this plan satisfies them, the decoration project completed under Shen Cun's supervision and guidance will have a good final effect.

Then when the next building of Pierre Cardon Company is completed, including outdoor and indoor, all decoration project design can be handed over to Shen Cun.

For this reason, Shen Cun was overjoyed.

Because to be honest, even in the United States, designing the decoration and exterior scenery of a hotel is a project that major design firms are competing for.

The design fees involved are calculated in the tens of millions of dollars.

Even if the domestic withdrawal fee is not so high, it can still cost tens of millions of yuan.

This project is also something that will make every construction unit in mainland China look at it with eager eyes.

With Shen Cun's current qualifications and conditions in mainland China being completely blank, it was originally impossible for him to take over.

But now, because of Ning Weimin's introduction, this project was almost given to him.

As long as he has some real ability and can keep his design in check, this should be what he has in his bag.

Needless to say, compared to the projects I worked so hard to come up with in the United States and finally won, I ended up in the position of making wedding dresses for others.

At this moment, Shen Cun's inner feelings were really complicated and inexplicable.

He never expected that after returning to the mainland, everything he had learned in his life would be put to use so quickly.

Now he really understands what his mother means by "one of his own", and he doesn't seem to be so disgusted and resistant to the world's sophistication.

He didn't know if it was because he was Chinese after all, so he might be born with this gene in his body.

Anyway, if he comes back to the United States.

If his past boss still left a message on the phone, urging him to return to the company, and using "official business" as an excuse to ask him to accept this hidden rule of racial discrimination.

Then he will definitely reply to a call and leave a cordial message, "Fuck your business!"

Of course, what Shen Cun realized more deeply was the value of Ning Weimin.

Don't underestimate his youth. Judging from the fact that the top and second-in-commands of Pierre Cardon Company all obey his words, his weight is extraordinary.

Thinking about it carefully, he basically finalized a design project worth tens of millions and a fast food project worth five million with just a few words.

Even in the United States, a person with such energy can easily decide a business project worth two million US dollars, which is enough to be respected by others.

The key is that this person can make his career so prosperous in a country that is still very poor.

Unfortunately, he is not a child of a well-established family. He is just an orphan with no education and no parents. Everything he has today is achieved by his own mind.

This made Shen Cun have to admire him and feel ashamed.

I even started to believe that there really is such a thing as "genius" in this world.

So to sum up, Ning Weimin has actually helped Shen Cun gain a foothold in the capital and pointed out the direction for his future career development.

It is conceivable that Shen Cun would also like to reciprocate the favor and reach an agreement with Ning Weimin on the fast food chain project as soon as possible and sign a cooperation contract.

If Guo hadn't already made a deal with Jiang Nianyun, he promised his mother that he would wait for Ning Weimin to take the initiative to ask for the conditions.

In fact, he couldn't wait to discuss with Ning Weimin the issue of dividing the shares of the fast food chain after the joint venture.

The progress of the facts was exactly as Jiang Nianyun expected. After Shen Cun understood almost everything, Ning Weimin came to Shen Cun and offered conditions to Shen Cun.

"Brother, don't blame me for being anxious. This matter can't wait. Don't blame me for being reckless. We need to hurry up and let's work together. To be honest, since I started doing business, I have never suffered a loss unless something unexpected happened. And I I won't and can't cheat you. We are not ordinary. We have the friendship of the previous generation. Right? So I just opened the terms. If you feel that something is unreasonable and you are not satisfied, don't be embarrassed. Please tell me directly. "

"To be specific, you don't have to worry about funds. I can come up with the money. Not only do I have the five million to buy a few shops and a central kitchen, but I also have the money for subsequent operations. I can also spend three million. And I don’t have any worries about you. The money is entirely yours to allocate, and I will not interfere with the specific business affairs when I am abroad. As long as you don’t deviate from the general direction I set in terms of the business model.”

"As for you, all you need to do is actually help me manage the store for three or four years. When I am free in a few years, you can do whatever you want. As for the shares, if you are willing to invest, If you can come up with 1.5 million yuan, I can give you 15% of the shares."

"If you don't want to invest, it doesn't matter. In the past few years, I will give you the same 15% dividend right. Even after I take over the store, I will continue to give you the same proportion in the next three years." You share the dividends. In addition, if you don’t make one million yuan a year from this fast food chain business during the few years you run it for me, I will be responsible for making up for you. What do you think?”

Shen Cun was surprised and found it a bit funny. He had never expected that Ning Weimin would offer such conditions.

To be honest, in terms of share of shares, what Ning Weimin was willing to give him was less than what he wanted, much less.

But Ning Weimin was willing to give him one million yuan a year, and he was willing to pay six to seven million yuan for the few years he had spent, which he did not expect.

At the official exchange rate, that's $1.5 million.

If calculated over three years, the annual salary would be US$500,000 per year, which is a very generous salary.

Even in the United States, a medium-sized fast food chain company with dozens of branches probably doesn't need to spend so much money to hire a CEO.

What does this mean?

If it goes according to his mother's expectations, this is what Ning Weimin thinks is the most generous offer.

That only shows that Ning Weimin's expectations for this fast food chain far exceed his expectations.

And it was obvious that what Ning Weimin really wanted to find was not a partner, but a professional manager who could temporarily handle the business on his behalf.

So even though he could nod his head and agree, the conditions offered by Ning Weimin were actually pretty good.

But in business, Shen Cun didn't want to completely follow his mother's instructions, and directly agreed or refused.

His heart was filled with ice and fire, he was happy and worried at the same time.

Fortunately, this business may be my luck. The more I think about it, the more promising it becomes.

He knew very well in his heart that Ning Weimin was just unable to distract himself and he had more important things to do.

If he hadn't happened to appear when he needed help.

Moreover, I am not unfamiliar with Western fast food, and I have an American passport.

Otherwise, I'm afraid this matter won't be my turn at all.

The worry is that Ning Wei Minshe will not get a share of the cake, and his rash request for shares will hurt the fragile friendship between the two.

After much thought, Shen Cun finally considered a more suitable compromise plan, and wanted to discuss it in a gentle manner.

"Wei Min, since we are cooperating together, what can we do if I don't contribute funds? I also have almost one million US dollars in hand. I was originally optimistic about you and prepared to invest half of the joint venture with you. But I didn't expect you to think so. Yes. I understand your idea of ​​​​taking control of the company, but now it seems that you basically provide funds and do not participate in the operation. As an actual operator, I am a little unwilling to only hold 15% of the shares. I am willing to provide more funds. Do you think I can ask for more shares? As for the one million you mentioned, I thank you for your kindness. But it is not necessary. I not only believe in your vision, but also believe in it. own ability, and from the perspective of cooperation, we need to bear all risks together. Isn’t this fair? I won’t talk to you about remuneration. As long as I make achievements, I will get my own dividends; if I can’t make it, I will I don’t have the shame to ask for compensation. What do you think of such a simple cooperation?”

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