National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,213 Urgent Urination

Kaga Isako stood on the podium, her face with exquisite makeup shining with excitement.

For her, I'm afraid this moment is the real highlight of her life.

And she hasn’t forgotten her past career skills.

After standing in front of the microphone and looking around the scene with a professional anchor's smile, she said quite freely, "Everyone has been delivering congratulations just now. Some of the polite guests didn't even drink, they just listened intently to the speech. So, I just want to say a few words. Today, I sincerely thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and participate in this grand event and support my beauty salon."

"Seeing so many people congratulating me and cheering for me, I was filled with courage and energy without realizing it. I will work hard to run the beauty salon well. To be a bit arrogant, I even hope that in a few years , we can also open a second and third branch in Tokyo. So please don’t think that this kind of gathering is just for this one time and ends here. Maybe it won’t be long before I shamelessly invite you back, Congratulations on the opening of our branch."

"Of course, I will also work hard to run the beauty salon well. As for the style and service of our store, one thing I can proudly say here is that in my beauty salon, no matter the level of technicians or the level of hairdressing, The supplies are all world-class. We even have professional stylists from Paris, France and Milan, Italy. So the prices are also very international, and they are definitely worthy of your noble status. Thank you all, and look forward to it If you have a heart for beauty, you are welcome to visit us.”

Just after she finished speaking briefly and concisely, she publicly expressed her business philosophy of "I can obviously rob you, but I am determined to make money from my services."

Not only did the head table burst into unabashed laughter, but the venue also burst into thunderous applause again.

However, there is still a difference between guests.

Ning Weimin noticed a particularly clear point: there is a huge power contrast between seats.

For example, those people in the beauty industry and relatively ordinary guests who were sitting around the entrance all had to resist the urge to squirt.

It wasn't until the guests at the head table laughed, and laughter also spread from the tables of celebrities in the entertainment industry, that they dared to snicker implicitly.

From this we can completely see how hierarchical Japan is, and even the right to laugh is different.

It’s no wonder that Japanese people always complain about living a depressing life.

It turns out that they feel the inequality of life all the time and live within the framework of clear class boundaries.

Even the bubble era was like this, it was really pitiful.

Next, Matsumoto Keiko took the stage again and invited the guests who needed to speak to the podium one by one.

These people include the president of the Association of Cosmetology Doctors, the lifestyle editor of the Mainichi Shimbun, and the secretary of the Tokyo City Council. They all also expressed their congratulations on the opening of Isako's beauty salon, but these speeches were very short.

After almost all of these distinguished guests had spoken, what finally arrived was a truly relaxing and happy time of eating and drinking.

You know, today's meal is definitely expensive.

Because it is similar to Chinese customs, Japanese people also pay attention to the appearance of cards.

Everyone came to cheer and sent wreaths. The banquet venue and Isako's store in Jiyugaoka were decorated like the most luxurious mourning hall in China.

So as a master, you must be good at wine and meat, otherwise you will be really unjust and become a miser.

What's more, in this era, everyone yearns for luxury. If the treat is too shabby, people will laugh at you.

Not to mention that the purpose of the banquet was for the Kaga couple to create publicity for the store.

Think about it, if you are reluctant to spend money on a treat, do you still expect these guests to support you with real money?

Therefore, even if the money is borne by the Kaga couple themselves, they will set the standard of hospitality very high.

Ning Weimin scanned the general contents of the banquet menu, and he discovered that this meal not only included the best champagne and French red wine, but also the best seafood and steak.

However, he did not stay at his seat and wait for the delicious food to be served, or accompany Matsumoto Keiko to socialize with the political and financial figures next to him, and talk about those non-nutritious scenes.

Because he had actually drank several glasses of champagne during the initial social interaction, he had been enduring the urge to urinate while listening to the guests' speeches.

When the speech ended, he urgently needed to go to the toilet to solve the water problem.

However, he did not expect that when he excused himself from the banquet, shuttled between the tables, and was about to walk out of the banquet hall door, the voice of "President Ning" suddenly came from behind him.

He turned around and saw that it was Director Yoshimoji of Sumitomo Bank.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Ah, there's a little something."

Jimao didn't deny it, but he didn't say it directly, "Are you going to the bathroom? Why don't we go together and have a chat..."

"Okay, please..."


Frankly speaking, since meeting Jimao today, Ning Weimin has a vague feeling that his enthusiasm is not without reason.

After all, this is the head of Sumitomo Bank headquarters.

His status in Sumitomo's banking system is not low, at least equivalent to a branch president.

In addition, Sumitomo Bank has been expanding rapidly in recent years.

In 1980, the bank's assets ranked sixteenth among the world's largest banks.

Ranked fifth in 1983.

Ranked fourth in 1985.

By October 1986, Sumitomo Bank merged with Peace Mutual Bank.

So far, its assets have surpassed Fuji Bank, becoming the second largest commercial bank in Japan and the world.

Minister Yoshimo's status has naturally grown as Sumitomo Bank's assets have grown.

If measured in society as a whole, his status should basically be comparable to that of a prefectural governor or a university president, and only higher, not lower.

Of course Ning Weimin would be paranoid if such a person took the initiative to show kindness to him, even regardless of the age gap.

To be honest, from the beginning, he had a vague hunch that the other party must have something to want from him.

In addition, now that the other party had such a coincidental peeing spot with him, and he insisted on walking side by side, he was even more certain of this.

You can even guess that it may be something that is a bit difficult to disclose.

Sure enough, when he entered the toilet, Ning Weimin found that he had guessed exactly right.

I dare say that this guy Ji Mao actually asked him to lend some money for the sake of his son.

This is actually quite interesting.

Jimao has a son and two daughters.

The eldest son graduated from college a few years ago. Because of my care, he not only successfully entered the job of Sumitomo Bank and became a veritable "second generation banker", he was also assigned to the credit department of the Minato Branch, one of the three core districts in Tokyo.

However, Jimao's eldest son's ability in study and work is really average, but he is the kind of son who is not very talented and is particularly unsatisfactory.

For example, in college, I was barely admitted to Chiba University, which is a mid-range among second-rate universities.

Moreover, he was not lucky enough to catch up with the special era of the biggest changes in Japan's financial industry.

You know, originally the bank's credit department was a high-ranking, relaxed and comfortable department that didn't have to worry about customers at all.

However, due to the signing of the Plaza Accord, Japan's financial market has been fully opened and financial products have become increasingly rich.

The survival situation of banks has also undergone great changes in recent years.

Many Japanese companies have relied on other ways to raise funds, and large companies prefer lower-cost debt issuance.

This has greatly impacted the traditional credit business of Japanese banks.

As a result, gradually, under the guidance of the window set by the Bank of Japan, the credit departments of various branches were under pressure to achieve performance.

Needless to say, in a branch with many elites like Minato City, Yoshimo's eldest son, the "second generation silver generation", naturally has his abilities and studies completely crushed.

It's not like he will always be ranked last. After all, there is a second son who is the general manager of Sumitomo Bank headquarters who is in a similar situation to be at the bottom.

But to put it bluntly, these two are just the relationship between Ah Da and Ah Er. Anyway, it’s either you or me who is holding us back.

The only comforting thing is that I don't know if they have discussed it with each other. Every so often, the two brothers know to change places, so as not to embarrass each other too much.

In this way, even for Yoshimo's sake, everyone at the Sumitomo Bank Minato Branch treated his son well.

But the lack of outstanding results at work put the future of Jimao's eldest son into question.

Even if Jimao knows how to operate behind the scenes, it will be difficult if his son never has any outstanding work achievements and his personal resume is too stretched.

Forced promotion will not stop Youyou from talking, and will make the person who promoted him a blind bastard and become the laughing stock of his subordinates' behind-the-scenes discussions.

Even the next best thing is to transfer directly or change positions.

Because if that is the case, it will leave an indelible stain on one's career resume, which will instead cause greater difficulties for the future.

Then Minister Yoshimoto became worried.

This means that not only does he have to find promotion opportunities for his son, but he also has to take care of the performance, and even have to do it flawlessly.

Don't forget, the second son of the executive also faced the same situation. He had to solve the problem while ensuring that no one could grasp the problem.

So there is no other way, Ji Mao can only sell his old face everywhere, but use his own connections to find career for his son.

No, seeing Ning Weimin here today is an unexpected surprise for Ji Maolai.

He not only remembered the 300 million yen loan Ning Weimin borrowed from Sumitomo, but it was paid on time every month even if the annual interest rate was as high as 10%.

Moreover, he still remembered that Ning Weimin's altar palace had an official background of the Republic, it was opened in Ginza, and the celebration was very grand.

On the opening day, not only many celebrities came to add to the fun, but the guests were also quite sophisticated.

Especially when he saw Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko accompanying him to the banquet today, he was even more certain that Ning Weimin was doing well in Tokyo.

Although such customers are not well understood, they are targets for lending with confidence.

That's why he took the initiative to chat with Ning Weimin before the celebration began.

And the courtesy after the meeting was actually the process of confirming all his guesses.

Just like this, when the celebration program is over and the banquet begins.

With eyes and ears in all directions, as soon as he realized that Ning Weimin had left the table, he rushed after him and must seize this opportunity.

There is nothing we can do. Who can make the parents in the world feel so pitiful? No one can save a coward child who is as good as a useless snack!

Japanese people also have a passion for licking calves, okay?

As for Ji Mao's expectations, they are really not too high. As long as Ning Weimin is willing to use Tan Gong Restaurant as collateral to get a loan of 350 million within this month.

Needless to say, although it was impossible for Jimao to tell Ning Weimin the whole story, he definitely had a certain degree of reservation for the sake of face.

But such a good thing delivered to his door was enough to impress Ning Weimin.

If he hadn't encountered it himself, he wouldn't have believed that such a ridiculous thing would happen, that a Japanese bank would ask for a loan.

He didn't need to find out what was going on. It was enough to know that Sumitomo Bank was willing to give him money for free. What reason did he have not to agree?

It can even be said that this is a surprise that fell from the sky for him, and he can't even ask for it.

Don't forget, he is not Japanese, and he cannot participate in many lower-cost financing methods in the Japanese financial market.

Originally, because he could not get a loan from a Japanese bank, he resorted to the French as the next best option.

If the two are compared, the loan interest rate given to him by Caisse Suez is like a loan shark.

In addition, he originally planned to open a branch in Osaka or Kyoto this year, so he really needs money.

Wouldn't this hit it off?

He really wanted to sleep, so someone brought him a pillow.

So after he learned about Jimao's request, his first reaction was to nod and express his willingness to help.

However, Jimao was not happy. He then apologized again, frowned and shook his head.

And his attitude is so repetitive, of course it is not because he is unreliable and expresses his opinions randomly without thinking carefully.

Rather, it is because he knows very well that it is best to express embarrassment appropriately when helping, so that the other party can be more sympathetic. This is what he did deliberately.

In addition, it was also because he had a big appetite and wanted to see if he could get more money from Jimao.

If you agree directly, what’s the point?

Sure enough, Jimo was a little anxious first, fearing that he would waste a long time spitting.

"President Ning, what are your concerns? With the size of your restaurant, you can't even afford a loan of several hundred million, right? Maybe you don't know yet. Not long ago, at the beginning of this month, the Bank of Japan It was announced that the central bank's discount rate will be reduced from 5% to 2.5%. In fact, the interest rate is not much. If you borrow 300 million yen, you will need to pay our bank's interest per year, which is only about 10 million yen..."

"I'm afraid you misunderstood." Ning Weimin smiled slightly, "The main problem is actually the time difference. You also know that the investors of Tan Gong Restaurant are relatively complicated, and there are two units with official colors. So according to According to the rules, if I want a loan, I must apply for it in China, and I can only proceed after it is approved. Otherwise, I can't explain it. But if this is the case, it's hard to say when. Anyway, I will definitely not be able to apply for a loan within this month. What do you mean, I don't know your bank Can I first accept loans from other businesses under my name as collateral, a bookstore that belongs entirely to me. This does not require me to communicate with the country..."

However, after he said this, he saw Ji Mao's expression dimming a bit, "Well, that would be more troublesome. Although I can understand it, our bank still has strict requirements on business operations for loans. Generally speaking, I’m afraid it will be difficult for a small private enterprise to get its application approved. President Ning, can’t you really think of a way?”

This is obviously looking down on Ning Weimin, but it is normal. After all, China is still an economically backward country.

A business run by a young man like Ning Weimin is certainly not as reputable as a restaurant with an official background.

Moreover, bookstores in Japan do not make much money, and the Bank of Japan cannot grant loans to people at will. There are still thresholds for applying for loans, otherwise Yoshimo would not have to worry about his son.

However, Ning Weimin was not discouraged. He just pretended to be helpless and spread his hands, using a desperate move.

"It's not that there is no way. I can still talk to the top figures of several domestic investors. Maybe we can go through special procedures. But, the 350 million seems to be too little. To be honest, Because the restaurant is indeed very profitable, my current turnover is 10 million yen a day. I am actually considering whether to open a branch. If I hadn’t met you today, I might have contacted the French bank Caisse Suez about this matter. , I have an old relationship with them that we have cooperated with several times. When I started doing business in Japan, I took the loan from them. I believe that if I use the restaurant as collateral this time, it will not be a problem to borrow several times more money. . However, the interest rate for the French will be a little higher. That’s why I think it would be good to make a deal with you.”

These words made Jimo's eyes flash. As a Chinese, Ning Weimin had the courage to take on more loans. This was something he did not expect.

He quickly said, "Yes, the French bank interest rates are very high. I'm afraid you will have to pay more than double the interest. Since your restaurant business data is so good, we can also adjust the loan limit for you. I don't know. What do you think of one billion yen?”

"Two billion yen, how about it? My restaurant has a net profit of at least one billion yen a year. According to the bank's guidelines, it should be double credit based on the company's revenue, right?"

"Well, okay, you really impress me."

Ji Mao couldn't help but take a deep breath, he couldn't help but be a little surprised by Ning Weimin's responsibility and ability to pay debts.

And he didn't forget to add, "But you have to ensure that your restaurant's operating conditions are indeed as you said. Our bank will also send special personnel to investigate before approving the loan."

"Of course, I'm definitely not lying about this. Ah, by the way, I also want to ask, how about the bookstore I mentioned just now? I can guarantee that the bookstore has no debt and is making money, just a little less. Everyone I only have a profit of one million to two million yen per month. Can you also lend me some personal loans? Since you have made a loan for the restaurant, I can’t just take the bookstore and then go to the French."

There is no doubt that what Ning Weimin means is that this bookstore is a good match.

Ji Mao did not refuse this time. He pondered seriously for a moment before saying, "This is it. Do you think this is okay? If there is really no problem with the situation of your restaurant and the loan is successfully approved, I will also apply for a loan for your bookstore." , but the amount will not be too high, I am afraid it can only be 80 million to 100 million yen at most. I hope you can understand this..."

Of course Ning Weimin can understand.

Anyway, it's just a mortgage business, not including real estate, so if you can get money, you've earned it.

And the most important thing is that he tore a hole in the credit department of Sumitomo Bank.

"No problem, happy cooperation." Ning Weimin happily extended his hand decisively.

Attending the celebration this time, he originally thought that he had to come and it would be a boring social event. He never expected that he would have such an opportunity and gain.

Jimao also breathed a sigh of relief and happily extended his hand in response.

In this way, the two people stood in front of the sink and shook hands solemnly for the "loan package" they had just negotiated.

Although it is said that the content of this transaction is not very clean, many aspects may involve operational violations within the Sumitomo Bank system.

But their hands have just been washed, and there is no doubt that they are absolutely hygienic.

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