National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,214 No. 1 in Asia

I just went to the bathroom and got fifteen million dollars.

Whoever would let such a good thing happen would be happy to death.

Ning Weimin truly felt that it was more enjoyable to urinate with Jimao, an old devil, than to take a girl into the toilet cubicle.

What was rare was that even though Jimao, an old devil, rushed to give him money, he actually smiled brightly.

This inevitably made him more convinced of the inherently despicable nature of the Japanese.

What a good slave, kneeling down to give me money, right?

Okay, let's take it slow. I want to see how much your good grandson can honor me.

With such a mood, Ning Weimin and Jimao naturally hit it off immediately, and the relationship between the two naturally became much closer on the way back.

Originally, they should have returned to their respective seats together, then toasted to each other and had a good time drinking.

But just when Ning Weimin and Jimao walked back to the banquet hall, an episode similar to when he left happened again. Suddenly, the call of "President Ning" came from the table next to the window.

But this time the voice was a sweet and gentle female voice, and Ning Weimin could tell who it was without even seeing the person.

So Ning Weimin had no choice but to say goodbye to Jimao temporarily and look for the voice.

The voice calling him came from people in the entertainment industry.

Ning Weimin immediately walked over there, first bypassing Japan's most popular host and well-known actors.

It wasn't until he walked to the corner that he discovered Teresa Teng in a cheongsam.

She was standing waving to herself, smiling innocently like a child, with a relaxed and natural expression.

"Long time no see. I knew I would meet you today. How are you?"

As soon as Teresa Teng saw Ning Weimin approaching, she greeted him in Chinese from all the distance.

However, Ning Weimin felt that Teresa Teng was being treated lightly, and he looked somewhat worried.

You know, Teresa Teng clearly sat down at a very remote table that was not full of people.

The position of this table is not good, it is absolutely sideways and the podium cannot be seen.

Moreover, there were only five people at this table, including her, and it looked quite deserted.

It was obviously a reserve seat set aside by the Kaga couple to prevent too many guests from coming.

So Ning Weimin didn't answer the question at all. Instead, he approached her and asked her in Chinese softly.

"Why are you sitting here? Who put you at this table?"

If nothing else, in Ning Weimin's mind, Teresa Teng is the most popular singer in Asia.

In addition to Japan and mainland China, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, her songs are also being circulated in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and even the Chinese circles in Europe and the United States.

She is truly a superstar who has countless fans supporting her wherever she goes.

Not to mention that she just broke the record in the Japanese music industry and became the first foreign singer to win a double crown in Japan.

Such Teresa Teng is already equal to the face of the Chinese people, so it is certainly unacceptable to receive such cold treatment.

Of course, Ning Weimin didn't believe that this was the master's intention.

After all, both Mr. and Mrs. Kaga are like grasshoppers on the same rope as them. Teresa Teng’s record award cannot be achieved without the help of Mr. Kaga.

How could they embarrass Teresa Teng who came to cheer them up?

If this is the case, wouldn't it be equivalent to them slapping themselves in the face? This doesn't make sense.

So Ning Weimin frowned and asked, "Where is President Funaki? Where are the others?"

In his opinion, the person who should be responsible for leading the seat made a mistake, and Teresa Teng's agent failed to fulfill his responsibility, which led to such a result.

However, he really misunderstood. Teresa Teng saw that he looked bad and immediately explained to him.

"President Funaki suddenly felt a little unwell and didn't come. Don't get me wrong, I asked for this table to be transferred here. I'm sorry to say it, but in fact, I took these Taurus colleagues here on my own initiative. Let’s eat and drink together. There were so many people that I couldn’t sit at the seat originally arranged for me, so in order not to cause too much trouble to Mr. Kaga and Ms. Isako, I took the initiative to sit here. Now. Look, how nice it is here. There are no reporters chasing you to take pictures, and you don’t have to worry about your image. You can eat and drink as much as you want. If I were asked to trade with someone else, I wouldn’t want to..."

At this point, she deliberately winked at Ning Weimin, showing her girlish playfulness.

Ning Weimin didn't expect such an answer.

I bet this Miss Deng has not been wronged, but she is just being pampered and coquettish, and she is here to pluck wool.

Especially looking at Teresa Teng's gluttonous expression, and thinking about the scene where she gorged herself on all the fried puffer fish in a restaurant, it's even more funny.

Don't tell me, Teresa Teng is not stupid. The table she chose is really much more comfortable than the one Ning Weimin sits on.

So Ning Weimin suddenly understood why Zhou Mumin "suddenly felt unwell".

If he were to be the president, he would still feel embarrassed.

Probably under this situation, Minoru Funaki has nothing to do with Teresa Teng, the "No. 1 Sister of Taurus Palace", and the best thing is not to come.

As expected, Teresa Teng has quite a sisterly demeanor.

She then acted as an introducer and took the initiative to introduce the people at the same table to Ning Weimin one by one, and then revealed Ning Weimin's identity to everyone.

Only then did Ning Weimin realize that the people at the table with her were ordinary employees of Taurus Palace.

Minoru Funaki assigned Teresa Teng a new life assistant Suzuki Akiyo.

There is also Japanese actress Yukiyo Juju who is also signed under the Taurus sign.

There are also Japanese actor Tetsuya Watanabe and newcomer singer Yuji Kimura who just released an album.

And the last person was sitting next to Teresa Teng as intimately as a heterosexual couple.

It was her best friend who was easily misgendered, and people always suspected that they were related to Lily - Angelina Mai, Mai Lingzhi.

Mai Lingzhi is indeed worthy of being a former kung fu actress.

She was wearing plain men's clothing today. No matter how Ning Weimin looked at her, she looked dashing, much like Teresa Teng's bodyguard.

So Ning Weimin greeted these people very politely.

"It's an honor to meet you all. Although it's just the first time, I'm also happy to know so many friends from Taurus. I sincerely hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you in the future. Oh, by the way, like you, I am Teresa Good friends, so let’s get along easily with each other.”

Unexpectedly, Mai Lingzhi seemed to take him seriously.

Probably relying on the unusually close relationship with Teresa Teng, I didn't feel out of place at all.

As soon as Ning Weimin finished speaking, she asked.

"Now that you said that, let me be blunt. Theresa said that you and Matsumoto-san plan to make a big-budget movie tailor-made for her this year. Is this true?"

Ning Weimin was actually a little confused.

Because she didn't expect Mai Lingzhi to speak so directly and without any twists and turns.

This is Japan, even if you do as the locals do, you have to learn to be subtle, right?

But soon he found that everyone around him was staring at him with eager and expectant eyes.

Teresa Teng was the only one who smiled and said nothing, and even showed a sly smile on her lips.

He then understood what was going on.

No need to ask, Mai Lingzhi’s inquiry must have been prompted by Teresa Teng.

Most likely, the diva herself wanted to know the follow-up news about this incident, but was a little embarrassed.

And it seems that she hopes to take care of her colleagues in the Taurus Palace and strive for some career opportunities for those close to her.

However, he was afraid of embarrassing himself, so he asked Mai Lingzhi.

In this case, it is better than Teresa Teng speaking herself.

No matter what the outcome is, how can we leave a little more room for each other.

For this reason, Ning Weimin must admit that Miss Deng is really thoughtful.

Of course, he will not let these people down, because after all, this shows that Teresa Teng is really serious about this matter.

The diva's willing cooperation is the basis for the success of this film. If this can be guaranteed, he doesn't mind doing some favors.

"This thing..." Ning Weimin paused deliberately, "Of course it is true. As I told Theresa before, the investment budget for this film is at least 2 billion yen. If Tai There is no problem with Lisa's schedule. If we can sign the contract as soon as possible and finalize the script as soon as possible, we should be able to start filming in the second half of the year."

As a result, by the time he finished speaking, everyone at the table could no longer remain calm.

"Ah, it's true. It's actually two billion yen!"

"Oh my god, this is such a big production. Teresa is so enviable. Being able to star in such a high-budget movie is sensational news in itself."

"Yeah, it's really unbelievable. In the history of Japanese film, such a large-scale production is rare."

But Mai Lingzhi was not satisfied. Next, he asked the core question that most concerned everyone.

"President Ning, do we people have the opportunity to participate in it? You just said it..."

"Haha, of course I keep my word. I really hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you, but in addition to the male and female protagonists, we still need to respect the director's opinions and retain creative freedom for the director. At the moment, I can only tell you , there are many roles in this film, and they are very rich. Everyone here should have a role that they are suitable for. And for Teresa's sake, I promise you that if you are willing to participate, under the same conditions, Priority is given to everyone. As for Angel Ling, there is no doubt that you must join the crew. We have communicated with Teresa for a long time, and you, who know Teresa best, will serve as the special art director and be responsible for the relevant matters. Only with Teresa's image design and music selection issues can she feel at ease. And I heard that you also intend to be a director, so if you have time, you can be allowed to learn from the crew during the filming. What do you think?"

As soon as he said this, not only several Taurus artists beamed with joy, but they all looked at Teresa Teng with grateful eyes.

Mai Lingzhi was even more excited when she received the accurate recruitment news. She was very excited and took Teresa Teng's hand to express her gratitude and happiness with more intimate body language.

So seeing everyone so happy, Teresa Teng, who felt so radiant on her face, could no longer remain silent.

He took the initiative to respond to Ning Weimin with a joyful tone.

"It seems that you have made all the arrangements. If you really decide to do this, then my schedule is completely fine. I only have work in April. Under the company's arrangement, I need to go to Hong Kong City Release a Chinese album. After that, my time can be completely coordinated with your side. In fact, there is no need to shoot in the second half of the year. We can definitely advance it to May."

"Sorry, this may not work."

To Teresa Teng's surprise, Ning Weimin actually expressed his objection to her words.

She was completely thinking about the crew. Wouldn't it be better to start shooting the film as soon as possible?

But what surprised her even more was Ning Weimin's objection. "It's like this. Although we have no problem here, we still have to look at the male lead's schedule. To be honest, I have already selected the male lead and have almost reached an agreement with his agent. It will be soon. The contract can be signed. But the other party is currently filming a more important film, and we have to wait until the film is completed before he has time to film our film."

"Ah? Have you found the leading actor? Who is he?" Teresa Teng was naturally very curious. "Are you from Hong Kong or Japanese?"

Of course, others also had the desire to inquire about the situation, and Mai Lingzhi couldn't help but ask, "No way? A more important movie? Is there any other movie that will have a greater investment than the one we are going to make?"

"Of course." Ning Weimin replied without hesitation, "The male protagonist I'm talking about, his name is Zun Long, and he is a Chinese actor from the United States. The movie he is filming is currently directed by Italian director Berna "The Last Emperor" was shot live in the Forbidden City in Beijing by Roberto Bertolucci. It invested US$25 million and mobilized an extra group of 20,000 people. It has been filming for a full year and it will take several months to complete. , no one can say for sure. After all, he is also the protagonist in this drama. The only thing I can be sure of now is that this "The Last Emperor" will definitely be a big hit around the world, and this Chinese actor named Zun Long will also soon Become world-famous. He is completely worthy of our heroine. That is why I agreed to the $600,000 salary proposed by his agent."

Ning Weimin's answer immediately made these people dumbfounded.

In particular, the data he provided was something that relevant practitioners in Japan could not even imagine.

If nothing else, let’s just say that the leading actor’s salary is as high as $600,000, which is 90 million yen!

At this time, there is no male star in Asia whose net worth reaches this level.

Neither can Takakura Ken and Mifune Toshiro.

Ning Weimin dared to find such a leading actor to play with Teresa Teng, which is enough to show his expectations for this movie.

However, perhaps Ning Weimin was too arrogant in handling this matter, which affected Teresa Teng's self-confidence to a certain extent.

After being silent for a long time, Teresa Teng finally spoke again, but this time she revealed a faint worry.

"Ah, isn't it? Do I have to play with such an outstanding actor? President Ning, why don't you change to an ordinary actor? I really don't have confidence in my acting skills? What if our acting levels are too different? If so, then..."

As a result, she was not allowed to finish expressing her worries, so Ning Weimin interrupted her expression of guilty conscience.

"Hey, hey, Teresa, what's wrong with you? There's no need for you to worry. If the male protagonist is acting, then you just need to reproduce your true side. Are you playing yourself? Are you still struggling? Believe me, no matter how you act, you are right. But it is up to you to find fault with the actor's acting skills. Let me put it this way, if the actual photographer, Zun Long's performance style is different from your personal experience Yes, what you have experienced is different. You have to say it outright. We focus on you in everything, and you are the well-deserved center. And your salary is higher than that of ordinary heroines. Five hundred thousand US dollars, no counter-offer. How about it?"

ah! Say this price! Another king bomb!

Teresa Teng was really confused by Ning Weimin!

She never dreamed that Ning Weimin would give such a high price.

In the first few years, she became more and more popular in the music industry, and she had no time to act in order not to offend everyone.

She can only raise the salary as high as possible, hoping that people from all walks of life will understand that I am very noble, but you are not worthy of it.

But even so, the asking price is only $300,000.

Now Ning Weimin has offered her $500,000, which is 75 million yen, which is already more than Matsumoto Keiko's "Li Xianglan", and she is undoubtedly the number one in Japan.

No, No. 1 in Asia.

Can she not faint?

At this time, the way she looked at Ning Weimin changed, and she couldn't help but wonder if Ning Weimin had a mine at home.

How generous he was in spending money!

Others looked at the scene in front of them with disbelief, envy and surprise.

Some people even couldn't help but wonder if there was some kind of super-friendship between the two people.

After thinking about it, Teresa Teng took a deep breath and finally faced everything calmly.

In return, in addition to deciding to take the filming seriously and cooperate with her wholeheartedly, she also remembered that Ning Weimin had asked her to find someone.

"President Ning, I understand. I will do my best to cooperate with the shooting. In addition, I have sent people to do the search for the person you asked me to do. Don't worry, I will use my best efforts to help more people." The channel helped you find out..."

However, she didn't expect that Ning Weimin not only had a lot of money, but also gave her peace of mind, and actually gave her another unexpected reply.

"Ah, no, no, the search is over. I wanted to tell you during the Spring Festival that my uncle won't let me search for him no matter what. Unfortunately, the communication conditions in Beijing are too poor. The phone number you left me , I can’t get through no matter how hard I call. I’m sorry for causing you trouble.”

"Ah? You don't want to look for anyone anymore?"

"Yes, I won't look for you anymore. Just pretend that I have never mentioned this to you."

Think about how Ning Weimin asked him to ask for help in the first place, and then look at Ning Weimin's attitude now.

Teresa Teng suddenly had the inspiration to create a song.

Deep down in her heart she really wanted to sing for Ning Weimin.

Play! What are you doing, I'll give you an ice cream cone...

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