National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,232 Bubble Atmosphere

The wedding ceremony ended after taking photos, and then entered the feasting and drinking session.

In fact, Japanese and Chinese customs are similar. So many people came to support me and all of them gave away some money.

Even Japanese brides and grooms cannot sit and dine with champagne glasses in hand in front of the golden screen that represents the wedding ceremony.

Of course, the newlyweds had to get off the stage and toast each other.

Otherwise, it is really unjustifiable, and he will really become a country bumpkin who does not understand etiquette.

And similarly, toasts must be made to the guest of honor first.

Logically speaking, Ning Weimin is undoubtedly one of the more important guests.

With his worth and the fact that he has a celebrity fiancée like Matsumoto Keiko by his side, he is most likely the most prestigious and distinguished guest here, so he should be the first to drink this glass of wine with the bride and groom.

However, Ning Weimin himself didn't take himself too seriously and barely gave the bride and groom a chance.

Not only did he fail to sit at the guest of honor seat as arranged, but he also pulled Keiko Matsumoto away who was already sitting at the guest of honor seat.

The two of them turned around to find Director Taniguchi and took the initiative to sit at the same table with the family.

To put it bluntly, Ning Weimin came here purely to relax. He was still willing to gather with familiar people and chat casually about home affairs. It was more comfortable, so there was no need to wrong himself.

It's a pity that although his simple wishes are good, his own strength does not allow him to keep a low profile.

Because even if he doesn't come to others to socialize, others will come to him.

No, just when he was dragging Matsumoto Keiko to choose food at Buffet Terrace, he was standing between the various fish sashimi and teppanyaki.

The owner of Qingshan Real Estate who had done business with him had his eyes sharp. When he saw him, he came over and found him before the bride and groom to get close to him.

This guy is the woman's wedding planner. He has a different status and is a businessman. He has a thick skin that is difficult for ordinary people to match.

So when we met, we first asked to take a photo with Matsumoto Keiko, and then asked Ning Weimin to chat about the real estate market.

The steak and seafood that Ning Weimin asked the chef to cook were so stunned that the steaks and seafood cooked by Ning Weimin were cold, but this guy was still talking about it.

Later, thanks to Kagawa Rinko seeing this scene, she found an excuse and thoughtfully came to rescue Ning Weimin, and invited Ning Weimin and Matsumoto Keiko away together.

Otherwise, Ning Weimin wouldn't be able to sit down to eat, and even his legs would be numb while standing.

But to be honest, we can’t blame Aoki Real Estate, the “bubble pusher”, for not being able to tell the difference.

If he is really so stupid, how can he be the boss?

The key was the social environment that made him so greedy for profit that he never missed any opportunity to make money by soliciting customers, and even forgot to consider Ning Weimin's mood.

You know, Japan's bubble economy has developed to this day and has completely entered a climax stage.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Japanese people nowadays, from top to bottom, only have money in their eyes.

The superposition of various factors has caused the whole country of Japan to join in the speculative behavior. The entire society is filled with an atmosphere of drunkenness and wealth, and both men, women and children are doing their best to chase money.

There are very few people who can remain completely unaffected and remain conscious while being in it.

If you don’t believe it, just take a look at the revolving restaurant at this time. Almost all the guests are dressed decently and richly.

Designer leather bags and designer watches are must-haves for every man and woman. From the outside, no one looks like an ordinary person who relies on his salary to support his family.

The topics they talked about were all economic-centered and extremely tacky.

There is no doubt that real estate is certainly a mainstream topic.

With the news of the start of construction of the Tokyo Bay Rainbow Bridge, the related land prices have skyrocketed, causing housing prices in Tokyo to rise further.

The actual situation now is that there are fewer and fewer plots of land at affordable prices. The land prices in Tokyo have reached prohibitive and terrifying figures. Ordinary office workers want to own a house of their own in Tokyo, which is like a wishful thinking.

It can even be said that the background of nationwide land speculation has created a kind of panic. If you don't buy now, you will be unable to afford it later, forcing people to pay all their wealth and be willing to take on loans for decades to buy a house in the suburbs far away from Tokyo. situation.

Even if I spend a few hours commuting to and from work every day, I still have no regrets.

Therefore, the boss of Aoyama Real Estate and Miyoko’s colleagues are very popular at today’s wedding banquet.

Even if Ning Weimin is no longer with them, they are still not alone or lonely. There are people who are willing to listen to the market and chat with them.

Especially for Yujiro Sakai's colleagues who are of marriageable age in the insurance company, it is a natural fit.

They both cooperated with each other and were potential customers. The chat was extremely close and lively.

It looks like two companies holding an exchange meeting, or a business promotion meeting between two companies.

Even if Ning Weimin didn't want to listen, the real estate market and the persuading people to buy a house kept coming to his ears.

"...Young people, don't hesitate any longer. The price of the house that Yujiro Sakai and Miyoko bought last year has now doubled. You should stop having such unrealistic ideas. Even I do. It's impossible to buy a house like theirs at the same price. Take my advice, don't be too expensive and buy it as soon as possible. Houses in Tokyo will continue to rise..."

"But you also said, President, Zuo Hai's house prices have doubled, how can we afford it? Only as a team leader can he afford to repay the bank loan. We are just ordinary members. Our income is almost Relying entirely on commission is really unstable. Even if we want to find a bank loan, I'm afraid the bank won't trust us and won't lend us an excessive amount. "

"Oh, if you can't afford it in the city, just go to the suburbs. Adachi City is still very cheap now. The average price per square meter is 450,000 yen. Even with an annual income of 3.3 million yen and a house of more than 20 million yen, even if With a 10% down payment and a loan of eleven or twelve years, you can buy it. Besides, your insurance business should be easy to do now. Young people should have some ambition..."

"It's true that the price is not bad, but commuting will be painful. Even if you buy a car, parking fees are a problem, which is completely unsolvable. Although it will be said that you will have a house in Tokyo, in fact, it will be different from those who live in Kanagawa and Kanagawa every day. What’s the difference between people from Saitama or even Utsunomiya who come to Shinjuku, Tokyo? It’s too hard. To be honest, the price of the house in “My Car” is more realistic than that in “My Home”. I'm quite stressed, but not the car. I actually plan to buy a better car, such as a Mercedes-Benz, which costs about 4 million yen. Even if I don't drive it on weekdays, it will be a lot of fun to go out with girls on weekends. Windy..."

"Oh, young man, don't be confused. You'd better buy a house first. Why worry about a car? Speaking of transportation needs, doesn't your company have transportation expenses? Besides, the houses in Adachi Ward are It’s a little further away, but if you buy it, you don’t necessarily want to live there yourself.”

"What do you mean by this? If I can't live in my own house, then why should I buy it? At least I can improve my life with a car..."

"You young people should be more flexible in your thinking. You can treat buying a house as an investment. Of course buying a house is much more suitable than saving money. How much is the interest now? On the other hand, if you borrow money from the bank, the repayment will be easy. Buy If you don't live in your next house, you can still rent it out. In this case, you are asking someone else to help you pay the mortgage. You can rent a smaller room near your company and only need to pay a small extra fee. , you will have a house of your own in a few years. Even if you never live in it, you will still make money by selling it. But if you buy a car, it will be worth 40 million. How much is it worth, even if you buy a Mercedes-Benz or a Porsche?”

"Hey, President, what you say makes sense, then I'll think about it seriously..."

"What are you still thinking about? If I were you, I wouldn't dare to waste time like this. You have to know that housing prices rise faster than wages. If you think about it for one more day, it may be an economic loss of hundreds of thousands of yen. Okay, you can pass us If the company buys a house, the worst case scenario is that I will introduce you to a few more customers and let you sell some house insurance and fire insurance, okay?"

"Really? President, are you kidding me? If that's the case, thank you so much. I'm really tempted..."

Hearing this, Ning Weimin knew without even looking that the cunning Qingshan Real Estate probably wouldn't have come in vain today, and would at least bring back a few sales.

In addition, stocks are of course another focus of discussion at the scene.

What’s particularly interesting is that when everyone talks about the Japanese stock market, they are almost all focusing on the same stock, which is NTT, which was just listed in February this year.

The full name of NTT is Japan National Telephone Company. It was originally an old state-owned enterprise with a history of 115 years.

As long as it is a state-owned enterprise, it must have a series of problems such as closed monopoly and lack of ambition.

The current Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone, under the general situation of "neoliberal economy", also hopes to follow the example of Europe and the United States and reform state-owned enterprises.

By the way, you can also use the listing to sell some stocks to cash out and reduce the government's deficit problem.

That's why the great "privatization reform" was proposed, aiming directly at Japan's three major state-owned enterprises-JR, JT, and NTT.

As for the three major iron roosters, JR Japan Railway has a huge debt of 37 trillion yen.

JT sells exclusively in Japan and has the support of powerful left-wing trade union organizations.

In fact, these two companies are not easy to do.

So Nakasone Yasuhiro looked over and over, calculated over and over again, and it seems that NTT, you are the weakest persimmon—then I’ll pinch you.

In this way, NTT, Japan Telecom and Telephone, took the lead in launching privatization reform and became the vanguard of privatization of state-owned enterprises.

In 1985, the privatization reform of Nippon Telephone (NTT) was launched.

After a series of privatization reform procedures, in 1986, NTT Corporation began to enter the securities market and publicly issue new shares.

Everyone knows that you can definitely make money by investing in new stocks, and when NTT shares were publicly issued, it was a period when low interest rates were accelerating bubbles.

Therefore, this news, coupled with the unprecedented good situation of the Japanese stock market, made the Japanese people who had never set foot in the stock market become excited when they heard it. Many people enthusiastically joined the "new army".

The Japanese government itself may not have expected that the people's enthusiasm would be so high that it would trigger a buying frenzy.

What should I do if there are too many people applying?

The Japanese government has proposed that "the stock market in the new era should provide the general public with fair purchasing opportunities."

To put it simply, don’t worry, everyone has a share.

Japanese residents can subscribe for one share with their "resident certificate", and the price of one share for public subscription is as high as 1.19 million yen.

However, this "fair purchase opportunity" was in short supply. There were too many people who wanted to apply for it, and the total number of applications finally reached 10.5 million.

In desperation, Japan had to use the old method, lottery.

The winning rate was one in ten people, one in three households.

Because the voucher for participating in the lottery was a resident ticket, and all Japanese had a resident ticket.

So the Japanese took the resident tickets of 90-year-olds and newborn babies and joined the lottery army crazily.

On the day when the results were announced, at the door of the securities store, you could see husbands or housewives who couldn't get the stocks secretly crying.

And the "lucky ones" who successfully subscribed to NTT's new shares excitedly held a banquet, as if this new stock subscription was really a sure win.

Well, yes, it turns out that this thing is really "sure win".

At least it was like that at the beginning.

The public offering of new shares by the state-owned enterprise NTT was likened by the Japanese to "the arrival of God on earth". The closing price on the first day after listing reached 1.6 million yen (February 9).

Thus, the largest Japanese company with a market value of about 25 trillion yen was born.

That's not all. Just two months later, on April 2, NTT's stock price reached a high of 3 million yen.

It actually rose by 200% in such a short time.

So, just like the huge success of "Hanwa" triggered Japanese companies to frantically get involved in financial speculation and real estate speculation.

NTT is similar. I think the social significance of this stock is far greater than its stock value.

It is NTT that leads the Japanese people from financial spectators to financial participants.

It is precisely because this stock held by the whole people has skyrocketed this year that a large number of Japanese who were originally indifferent to stocks have gradually fallen into stock speculation after constantly hearing their relatives and friends around them talking about the NTT myth and how easy it is to make money from stocks.

The social atmosphere of getting something for nothing is becoming stronger.

In addition, the general environment at that time was extremely conducive to the growth of the "bull market". The yen appreciated, traditional export income dropped sharply, a large number of Japanese companies joined the financial speculation industry, and the Japanese government implemented tax cuts and interest rate cuts, investing huge funds to stimulate the market.

This is more conducive to the trend of "everyone speculating in stocks" to expand like a snowball.

Imagine that when our Chinese people face the "bull market" in the future, won't their friends and family around them also say "stocks make money, stocks make money" all the time?

The same is true in Japan at this time.

What's more coincidental is that Director Taniguchi's family is actually one of the lucky new investors. The four stocks of their four people have now become 12 million yen.

So even if Ning Weimin came to chat, Director Taniguchi and his wife couldn't help but turn the topic to this stock.

Because they trusted Ning Weimin too much, they sincerely asked Ning Weimin for advice on how to operate this stock.

So Ning Weimin had no choice. He knew that he couldn't avoid it. Because of his friend's face, he was happy for Director Taniguchi and had to give him some advice.

He was advised to sell the shares since he had made a lot of money and put the money in safe hands.

However, he did not expect that such a private conversation in such an occasion could actually cause him trouble...

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