National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,233 The Rude Person

"Do you really need to sell NTT? Ningsang? This stock is the one that has risen the best among the stocks I have bought so far..."

"Hey, yes, my suggestion is this. In view of the fact that NTT has already tripled its price in just two months after its listing, its current market value is too huge. It is not even the first in Japan, it is already the well-deserved No. 1 in the world. 1. Based on this price, the price-to-earnings ratio of this stock is already as high as 300 times. From the perspective of the rationality of the indicators, I really feel that the accumulated risks of this stock are already very high. "I just can't imagine the amount of capital it would take for this stock to go up from where it is now."

"However, NTT's largest shareholder is the government, and the government promoted the listing of this blue chip stock. Is it possible that such a stock will fall?"

"Director Taniguchi, NTT is indeed a good stock. But no matter how good the stock is, it will not rise every day. Every stock needs to be adjusted. If it rises too much, some people will sell it. When the price drops, some people think it is a good deal. Pay money to buy again. The same is true for the Nikkei Index. Even if it continues to rise, it cannot be positive every day. If a big shock comes, the overall stock market will adjust together, and many stocks will retreat by 20%-30. % is not uncommon, and retracements of 13-15% are even more common! That’s why the stock market always rises and falls. Especially for stocks like NTT, it requires an astronomical amount of funds to rise. , it is much easier for other stocks with small market capitalization to rise. If you think about it, now that NTT stock has risen so well in the short term, many people must have made profits. If the rise is weak, many people will rush to sell. At that time, the decline will be relatively large? So even if the Nikkei continues to move forward, NTT has accumulated enough risks."

"Well, that makes sense. Then I will sell all the stocks tomorrow. It would be really bad if the landslide and the ground fell..."

"Haha, don't be so anxious, it shouldn't be such a coincidence. I just think that since you have already made a huge profit, it is better to settle down. Why do you have to sell to the highest price? The decline of NTT will not happen immediately, but maybe one or two I think it will happen in a week, maybe a month or two, so why would you stick to this stock and chase the last few coins when the risk is high?”

"Yes, you are absolutely right. As expected, Ning Sang, your foresight is really admirable. Well, I will sell this stock as soon as possible. But... sell this stock, and get What should I do after I get the money? Should I buy some other stocks?”

"After selling, there is no need to buy for now. On the contrary, considering that the average price-to-earnings ratio of Japan's overall stock market is as high as 48.5 times, investor enthusiasm is still rising, and other stocks also contain huge risks. So my follow-up advice to you Yes, in addition to NTT, you must also sell at least half of your positions in other stocks. Then, you must first deposit the money you originally invested in the stock market back into the bank and never use it for speculation again. If you take out a portion equal to your capital, you can buy some physical gold, such as gold jewelry, to make your wife happy. With the remaining money, you can also buy stocks, but you will have to wait. When the big adjustment I mentioned comes and all the stocks fall together and then turn up, then there is basically no risk.”

"Well... I agree with waiting to buy stocks. This is easy to say. But... the money taken from the stock market, whether it is placed in the bank to earn interest or to buy gold, the income seems to be too low. There is absolutely no way to compare with the profits from the stock market..."

"Haha, it's normal for you to think so. But it's also very dangerous. Because you probably don't know yet that the joy of profit from speculation and the pressure of loss from speculation are completely unequal. Take you now, even if you make money With more money, your life will not fundamentally change. You will still work diligently and your daily expenses will not change much. At most, you can use the extra money to go out with your family for luxury on weekends. If you lose money in the past, you will not only cut back on food and clothing every day, but you will also live in unspeakable worry and suffering. In addition to losing money, you will suffer even greater losses in terms of health. I know how it feels to be ashamed of your family. If you do this, you will definitely miss out on a lot of profits. I can also imagine that after you sell the stock, you will definitely feel uncomfortable if you see the stock rising. But the problem is, no one can sell it. At the highest level, you are at least making money. If you don't sell when it goes up, it will be more painful if you sell when it goes down. The most important thing is that if you sell the stock now, you can not only recover the investment cost, but also make money. And there will be huge profits. From now on, you will be in an invincible position in the stock market. No matter how big the adjustment is for the stocks you keep, you will still have a good attitude even if you lose all. . Isn’t it? You should think that health and stability of life are the most important. If you make less money, wouldn’t it be worth it for a safety net that will never lose money?

"That's right, Ningsang, that's the truth. It's okay not to be convinced. People like you are beyond the reach of ordinary people like us. Let alone losing money, even if I make money, now I am starting to feel anxious every day. I can't be as calm and calm as you. You still have insights. You can easily see my pain and free me from worrying about gains and losses. Thank you very much for your advice..."

"Don't say that. In fact, I am also worried, so I plan to start selling stocks. I think sometimes, people should do something that seems stupid..."

At this point in the conversation, the atmosphere is actually quite harmonious.

Ning Weimin indeed deserves Director Taniguchi's gratitude. He has no bad intentions towards this honest man who was not involved in the war of aggression against China, and he never gave the opponent any blind moves.

The reason for making such a suggestion to Director Taniguchi was not only because Ning Weimin knew about October 19th in the second half of this year.

All stock markets around the world will be trembling with trembling as Black Monday approaches.

There is bound to be a wave of stock market crashes that will make all speculators sad and heartbreaking.

More importantly, he knew how painful and dangerous it would be for ordinary people to encounter such a situation.

Again, any speculation is a barbaric game of exploiting the rich first and getting rich later.

It is really not a good thing for ordinary people to be trapped in this kind of drunken and luxurious atmosphere.

Although Japan now has too much money to spend, almost everyone from top to bottom is using it to speculate in real estate, land and stocks, and even ordinary people have benefited from it.

But the problem is that this kind of life is unsustainable.

If the market really changes, the disasters that ordinary people will face are completely different from those of the powerful.

If you accidentally fall into a speculation trap, you may lose your entire family and fall into the hell of abject poverty, or you may be sold as a laborer or a dispatch girl, and you will die without a burial place.

This is a capitalist country with legalized associations. The darkness of society is so dark that even nine suns cannot illuminate it.

Ning Weimin did not want to see Director Taniguchi's originally peaceful life ruined.

Of course, it was also because Director Taniguchi was a down-to-earth person and willing to follow suggestions that Ning Weimin was able to break his patience and give him guidance.

Otherwise, if it were someone else, he really wouldn't waste his time and do useless work.

It may sound like stupidity, but Director Taniguchi bought the stock and just left it alone.

He always followed Ning Weimin's instructions, keeping an eye on his own account, never messing around, and making frequent transactions.

Currently in the stock market, Director Taniguchi has only invested five to six million yen, but he actually has a market value of 40 million yen.

For an ordinary company employee, this is definitely a proud investment achievement.

Therefore, Ning Weimin was even more unwilling to see Director Taniguchi fight in vain, and he did not want to see him lose the hard-earned results again.

Then only by explaining the truth thoroughly, making Director Taniguchi awe of speculation, and establishing the consciousness of restraining desires and avoiding risks, can he keep the fruits of victory and change his life.

Otherwise, even if he successfully avoids the harm of "Black Monday", there will still be countless speculation traps waiting for him.

In this way, these two people, one willing to listen and the other willing to speak, chatted slowly without changing the topic.

They even talked from their seats to the front of Buffy's stage. While the two of them were getting their favorite food, they were still discussing the stock market, how to sell NTT stocks, and how to make safe investments for the purpose of preserving value.

But unexpectedly, their private conversation actually attracted the attention of unrelated people.

And just as Director Taniguchi was curious, he asked Ning Weimin how many NTT stocks he held and whether he had made any money from this stock.

Ning Weimin replied, saying that in fact he had not participated in the speculation of this stock.

A burst of sudden sneers sounded rudely beside them, interrupting their conversation.

And that's not all, the other party actually openly told the contents of their conversation, blatantly provoking and ridiculing them.

"Haha, am I mistaken! There are actually people who are willing to sell NTT! And they are encouraged by someone who owns NTT stocks! Unless I see it with my own eyes, I really can't believe that there is such a ridiculous thing in this world! Hey, you guys These two are simply more ridiculous than comedians! Do you know that?”

"Yeah, it's so funny! How can there be such serious nonsense people in this era! Hey, I said, can you please stop hurting others? What you just said is so stupid! I almost laughed. My stomach hurts..."

Ning Weimin and Director Taniguchi turned their heads almost at the same time and looked over in surprise, only to realize that the people speaking were two young men in suits and ties.

They were all in their twenties, and they all held plates with some food in their hands.

It seemed that the guests who were invited to attend the wedding today were choosing food at the dining table.

But such words and deeds are extremely rude.

Interjecting others' conversations at will is no longer against the good morals of Japanese society, but should be characterized as intentionally provoking trouble.

The two people asked themselves, they didn't know these two people. Such an attitude was simply inexplicable.

Do they have a grudge against themselves? Or have a grudge against the bride and groom? To actually do such a thing!

Did they deliberately want to mess up the wedding and embarrass everyone?

This must be a disease.

Especially Ning Weimin, he brought Matsumoto Keiko with him.

There is no doubt that they attracted everyone's attention when they entered the venue, and no one should know who he was.

Therefore, he felt that these two erratic people violated normal logic.

In order to understand the other party's intentions, Ning Weimin suppressed his displeasure and stopped Director Taniguchi, who was also angry, with his eyes, and asked, "We don't seem to know each other. Are you relatives, friends or colleagues of the groom?"

Among today's guests, Ning Weimin has had a lot of dealings with people from Qingshan Real Estate. There should be no one in this company who doesn't know him.

The only relative of the Xiangchuan sisters was a widowed mother whom he had just met, and their family background was also very simple.

Therefore, there is a high probability that he can identify these two people as guests invited by Yujiro Sakai.

Sure enough, he had expected this.

One of them, a tall and thin man, said with arrogance, "We work in the same insurance company as Yujiro. We work in the investment department of Taisho Life Insurance. We are his colleagues and seniors in the company..."

But what's puzzling is that they really don't seem to know him. Another shorter and fatter person asked him immediately, "Who are you?"

"Me?" Ning Weimin thought for a moment and felt that it was not surprising that they didn't know him.

Maybe the other party was helping the newbie at the time and was not there.

Maybe someone was at the scene and paying attention to other things.

Anyway, he shouldn't think of himself as too important. No matter how handsome he is, he can't demand everyone's attention.

So he said, "I am also Yujiro's friend."

Ning Weimin's original intention was of course thinking about the relationship with the groom, and having Zuo Haiyuerlang as a common link between the two parties, there was room for relaxation.

Next, as long as we give each other a step, it will be easy to resolve the current embarrassment.

But clinker, his wishful thinking was wrong this time.

Because the Japanese are indeed a very contradictory nation. Some people are very polite and restrained, while others are very rude and arrogant.

What Ning Weimin met today was another kind of extremist. The two people on the other side were completely short-sighted snobs and had no understanding of the principle of "people respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot."

After hearing this, the thin man smiled contemptuously, rolled his eyelids, and even Yujiro laughed at him.

"Are you Yujiro's friend? No wonder, his academic qualifications are not high. Why would you say such ignorant words!"

As for Humpty Dumpty, he continued to inflict offense without any scruples.

"Hey, don't talk irresponsibly about things you don't understand! The financial industry is a very professional field, and not everyone can comment casually. You don't look like a professional. You'd better be more careful in public places in the future. Shut your mouth! Don’t spread rumors and bet against our country’s stock market prospects!”

Well, what a waste!

Now, let alone calling Ning Weimin regretful, he thought to himself that he might as well just say that he was a client of Zuo Hai Yujilang, so as not to suffer the consequences of looking down upon others.

Even Director Taniguchi couldn't help but get angry when he saw that the other party was so unreasonable and dared to offend the person he respected the most.

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