National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,234 Bloodline Suppression

As the saying goes, uncles can be tolerated, but aunts cannot.

In order to protect Ning Weimin, Director Taniguchi really blushed and taught him a lesson.

"What are you talking about, you two young people! Why are you so rude! You can say these things!" Director Taniguchi pointed out the other party's mistakes.

"Damn it! What are you talking about! You old guy!" the pudgy man subconsciously retorted.

"You two self-righteous guys! You should be ashamed of interrupting us for no reason!"

"Hey, let me tell you, use your brain! We are helping you, don't you care if you are cheated?"

The tall and thin one actually deliberately provoked.

However, Director Taniguchi was unmoved.

"You guys are so annoying! Stop teasing! I would also like to remind you that you represent the image of your company, please stop it!"

"Haha, there must be something wrong with your head! Are you mistaken? What is your identity? How dare you speak to us like this!" The short and fat man continued to mock.

"You guys are so bad, don't you blush at all? The only thing you should do now is shut up and apologize!" Director Taniguchi said in an upright tone.

"Turns out you're really an idiot. You're out of your mind, old fool! Go see a doctor quickly!" The tall and thin man couldn't help but curse.

"Does it turn out that in the end all you do is swear? It's so bad! You guys are such waste!"

"Damn old man, your money is about to be defrauded! We are scolding you to wake up!"

"This is simply unreasonable! You should learn to be polite! You are simply embarrassing your parents!" Director Taniguchi used the old man's routine.

It's a pity that the other party is not incompetent, he just acted like a gangster.

"Haha, what are you talking about? Stop being funny, okay! Can you go and look in the mirror first? Your nose hairs are all exposed!"...

It should be said that in a society like Japan that emphasizes suppressing oneself and conforming to the group culture.

When most people encounter any unpleasant things in common life situations, they tolerate it as long as they can and try their best to suppress themselves.

If you have a dispute or even a quarrel with the people around you, it will be considered very impolite and abnormal.

This is the main reason why it is rare to see Japanese people angry, which makes people feel that the quality of Japanese people is generally relatively high.

But to be honest, this is actually just an illusion.

The real situation is that the Japanese still care about everything, and they also bully the weak and fear the strong.

Under at least two conditions, Japanese people will completely indulge themselves and show their negative emotions without scruples.

The first is between superiors and subordinates who have an absolute level difference.

The larger the company, the more rude and arrogant the superiors' attitude towards their subordinates, and the more casual and unbridled they are. It is not an exaggeration to say that they do not treat people as human beings.

It is perfectly normal to point your nose at your subordinates and scold them until they are bloody. As a subordinate, you should even be grateful for it.

As long as your boss doesn't put your head in a hot pot and cook it.

The servility of the Japanese is completely acceptable.

Because this at least shows that you are still a human being in the eyes of your boss. If your boss gets angry with you, you can still save yourself.

Real bullying is cold violence in the workplace.

When you make too many mistakes in the company or are not recognized, offend the leader, and are directly isolated from the people around you, then it is not a human kind of sin, and it is more deserving than being scolded.

Therefore, even an honest person like Director Taniguchi, when he met Ning Weimin for the first time, thought that he was a low-ranking subordinate in the same company and dared to act arrogantly out of instinct.

The other is that you can express dissatisfaction as you like with strangers' behavior that violates public customs in strange situations, or things that affect you.

Anyway, no one else knows me, so I just vent my stress for the sake of my mental health.

For example, when something unpleasant happens at a station or platform, Japanese people will directly scold you.

Especially every night after drinking, two half-drunk social animals bump into each other on the street. No one will give in, and they will definitely start fighting each other on the street.

At this time, there is no need to worry about any face issues, and you and I will often scold each other one by one.

It takes at least twenty minutes until you feel your mouth is dry and you collapse from exhaustion.

But don't look at this kind of quarrel, both parties are very energetic, and they seem to be scolding fiercely.

However, the Japanese people are very aware of the rule of law and will not take action as long as they are not taking drugs or drinking enough alcohol.

Whoever strikes first loses.

So this also explains why in the Internet age, the Japanese are the most terrifying in cyber violence than any other in Asia.

The Japanese are good at disguise, one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes.

They will not restrain themselves out of kindness, but will unleash corresponding evil once there is no legal risk.

These two points should be regarded as the bad nature of the Japanese people.

The situation that Ning Weimin encountered today should fall into the second category.

Although they were attending a wedding, when the other party was extremely arrogant and had no scruples, they were treated as strangers who were simply disliked.

And I really have to admit that these two young people are definitely not good at quarrels. They are more experienced in quarreling than Taniguchi star.

Even though Director Taniguchi had the moral high ground, he couldn't stand up to the other party's shamelessness and lack of martial ethics, so he was still at a disadvantage.

Especially the last sentence. It was the ultimate kill, and Director Taniguchi was so angry that he almost burst a blood vessel.

In this case, Ning Weimin could no longer sit by and watch Director Gukou being humiliated, nor did he want this indecent dispute to continue to escalate, attracting the attention of more guests, or even destroying the atmosphere of the entire wedding banquet, so he naturally had to take action.

But action is action. There is no doubt that when there is a conflict with others, the person who yells and loses his temper in the quarrel is often not the winner.

And being able to watch the other party lose his temper calmly and respond calmly is a manifestation of a person's maturity and stability.

So in view of this, Ning Weimin certainly would not open his mouth and scold like Director Gukou, which would be tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

He did not want to continue to participate in this quarrel and become the second person to directly conflict with the other party.

On the contrary, since the ultimate goal is not to quarrel, but to end the unpleasant experience as soon as possible.

So what he should do is not to be affected by the other party's emotions, let alone be led astray by the other party's rhythm.

It is best not to entangle, end it all quickly, and stay away from the bastard who caused this embarrassment, which is the most ideal result.

So in order to grasp the development of the situation, he must find a way to appease the emotions of both parties first.

Director Taniguchi is easy to talk to, but how to appease the other party's emotions?

This requires skills. The first step is to figure out what happened, find the cause of the initial conflict, and then start the conversation from the perspective that the other party does not resist, so that you have the opportunity to express your own views and will not let the emotional conflict between the two parties continue to deteriorate.

To put it bluntly, you have to be able to praise people.

First, put the other party on the shelf, and his temper will be much smoother, and then there will be a chance to resolve the dispute and end the quarrel in a relatively peaceful way.

"Okay, please stop arguing. I just understood a little bit, you two seem to be investment experts of Taisho Insurance, right? So the opinions you gave are based on a professional perspective? You are both firmly optimistic about NTT's future performance, so you can't tolerate our conversation just now, right?"

This is indeed effective. After all, everyone loves to be praised and everyone loves to hear good words.

Although judging from the age of the two people, at most they are just ordinary members of the Taisho Insurance investment team, they themselves will not deny the title of "master".

So the sharpest edge of the emotion was relieved, and unknowingly became a "strain" in the eyes of the people in Beijing.

The short and fat one nodded immediately, "Yes, that's right. It seems that you are not hopeless. You finally understand it. NTT's stock is recommended to the public by the Ministry of Finance. It is the welfare of all Japanese citizens. How could it fall sharply! This is the opinion of us professionals. Do you know how stupid your words are now?" The tall and thin one made fun of Director Taniguchi, "Hey, take a good look. Your companions have understood it. Only you don't know your stupidity. No wonder you are so easily convinced. Even NTT is not optimistic about it. Don't be silly. We are professional investors and we will never tolerate such stupid arguments. You should give up such ideas now, apologize immediately, and thank us..." This is tantamount to a greater humiliation for Director Taniguchi. However, Ning Weimin was unwilling to dwell on this. He continued to change the subject and asked, "Since you two can work at Taisho Insurance and be responsible for investment business for such a famous large enterprise, you must be top students who graduated from a famous university with a finance-related major, right? I wonder which famous university did you graduate from?"

In theory, the other party could choose not to answer this question, but Ning Weimin's question was exactly what they liked to show off, so it was difficult for the fat and thin two little devils to resist the temptation of answering questions.

Instead, they became more proud and introduced themselves without thinking too much.

"Famous university, of course, we are from Keio University. But our major is not finance. I studied science and engineering, and he graduated from sociology."

"Hey, you are not graduates of finance? Then how can you do investment-related work in an insurance company?" Ning Weimin asked in surprise.

"Haha, your question is even more stupid. Japanese financial companies only like to recruit people with good brains, and they don't need the corresponding majors. It's enough for us to graduate from Keio University. Have you ever been to college? How can you ask such an ignorant question?"

When he said this, the thin man's nose was almost turned up, and his eyes were full of disdain.

However, this time, he fell into Ning Weimin's language trap. This is what he wanted.

"I'm sorry, I'm a foreigner, and I don't know much about many things in Japan. I just found out today that the Japanese financial industry doesn't select employees based on professionalism. This is different from Wall Street. But it's not surprising. After all, Japan's financial opening has only been a few years, and it's understandable that there is a lack of professionalism. However, I still have to say that different opinions should be allowed on many things. Being able to listen to different opinions is also a kind of ability, isn't it? In fact, I have a lot of financial issues that I want to discuss with someone, but I'm sorry that my Japanese level is limited, and I can only express some professional terms in English. If you like, we can talk in English. If you agree, we will communicate in English. What do you think?" At the end of these words, Ning Weimin directly spoke in Oxford accent.

This time, they really used their strengths to avoid their weaknesses. They completely blinded the two little devils and were completely caught off guard.

Ning Weimin's subtext is, don't you look down on people, aren't you proud of the top students from prestigious universities and employees of big companies?

Don’t you two, little Karamies, regard yourself as professional financial authorities? Then you should be able to speak a few words in English, right?

But you have to know that the Japanese’s English proficiency is nowhere near the top!

Most Japanese people don't speak English, and even if they do, their pronunciation is weird.

Because for the Japanese tongue, which can only produce fifty falsetto sounds, standard English pronunciation is a natural problem.

In fact, it was 2022, before Ning Weimin traveled back in time, and the Japanese's English ability was still classified as low proficiency, ranking at the bottom of Asia, far behind at 78th.

Not to mention compared with China, it even lags behind countries such as Nepal and Vietnam.

Think about it, this is true in the information age with the most abundant learning channels, let alone this non-information age.

So even though these two brats worth 258,000 yuan are from Keio University, and they probably don't speak any English, they still can't stand it in front of Ning Weimin's fluent English expression.

God knows how scared they were, afraid that Ning Weimin would laugh at them because of their accent.

As a result, even the ability to speak a few words was lost in Java.

The arrogance and domineering feeling just now were all gone, and now all that was left was the hesitant rolling of the eyes, and the extremely ugly dumbfounded look.

Even an awkward smile can't be squeezed out.

To put it bluntly, this is natural bloodline suppression.

Ning Weimin has long discovered that the Japanese are actually particularly fond of foreigners.

Even though they look down upon people who cannot speak Japanese well, if they meet someone who communicates with them in English, they will have a different look.

The service quality is guaranteed to be improved immediately, and even a piece of grass on the butt can be used to perform tricks.

Therefore, when Ning Weimin is in Japan, he often speaks English when he is not with acquaintances.

In this way, you can get super-national treatment.

As a result, this move is of great use today. This is the trump card.

Who told these to be the words of their foreign father!

Further down, of course, nothing needs to be said.

In order to protect the face of the newlyweds, Ning Weimin would not deliberately make things difficult for these two unfortunates.

But before leaving, he deliberately criticized Director Taniguchi in Japanese.

"Taniguchi-san, I can't believe what you said. Didn't you say that the education level in your country is very high? The famous universities are all in line with international standards. It's a pity. From my perspective, I'm afraid the actual situation is still far from what you imagined. . But I can still understand it. This is probably due to your strong patriotism, and it is the future you hope to see as soon as possible..."

Director Taniguchi is not a bad person either. Although he can leave calmly at this time.

But he didn't forget to turn his head and say to the two people with contempt - "Qingying? Tsk! I'm really ashamed of you!"

But this time, the two little devils who had been arrogant just now, faced Director Taniguchi's open defiance, and neither of them dared to show their teeth again.

I have to say that being slapped on the face feels good for a while, but without those two brushes, it will be very uncomfortable to hit hard.

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