National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,236 Loyal Dog

Ning Weimin took the time to brainwash Kagawa Rinko in the hotel lobby.

At the same time, Zuo Hai Yujiro was flattering his immediate boss in the hotel's rooftop restaurant.

In fact, according to common sense, Sakai Yujiro is not a direct descendant of the Second Palace Minister, there are still several levels in the middle.

Originally, it was impossible for him to hug this thigh and ask a superior at the level of a minister to solemnize his marriage.

However, by chance, Yujiro Sakai unintentionally handled an embarrassing incident gracefully for Minister Ninomiya, which allowed him to successfully gain the minister's favor and respect.

It was last summer before an important meeting in the company. Yujiro Sakai couldn't help but pee urgently and went to the toilet alone.

Unexpectedly, before he had finished releasing him, he was stopped by the Minister of the Second Palace who was hiding in the toilet cubicle.

I'm sorry that the Minister of the Second Palace's pants are torn. For the sake of face, I don't dare to say anything. I have been trapped here in embarrassment for more than half an hour.

The reason why Yujiro Sakai was stopped was because the meeting was about to start and he was the only one in the toilet.

The original instruction of the Ninomiya Minister was just to ask Yujiro Sakai to help him get a pair of pants as soon as possible so that he could attend the upcoming department meeting on time.

But Zuo Hai Yujiro, who is good at doing things, immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to curry favor with his boss.

And he quickly thought of a solution that could solve his boss's troubles immediately.

Immediately afterwards, he took off his pants on the spot and offered to change his pants to Minister Ninomiya.

And not only that, after he sacrificed himself to save the face of the leader, he also found someone to sew the torn trousers of the Second Palace Minister, thoroughly cleaned and ironed them, carefully packaged them and returned them to his boss.

The whole thing was done meticulously from beginning to end, and no leaks were leaked. No third person knew about it.

As a result, it was this kind of pleasurable kneeling and licking that made the Second Palace Minister leave a deep and good impression on him.

In return afterwards, it is natural to give him some care.

As a result, Yujiro Sakai's various subsidies not only increased his stardom, but also gained several promising customers from the "legacies" of the departed personnel, and he became more and more comfortable in the company.

Especially when his personal business performance once again reached a new level of brilliance due to Ning Weimin's continuous purchase of parking lots.

The Minister of the Second Palace had good reasons to promote him to team leader.

Of course, in Taisho Insurance Company, the sales team leader is just a small basic cadre, a small official as big as sesame seeds and mung beans, and at most he is treated like an ordinary member.

But for Yujiro Sakai, who did not have a high degree of education, it was equivalent to breaking through the ceiling of his personal career and seeing the blue sky that he had never had the opportunity to see before. It seemed that his entire life was about to be upgraded.

In addition, after meeting Rinko Kagawa, Minister Ninomiya also intended to become a real relative with Yujiro Sakai.

This made Yujiro Sakai see a shining and fast promotion channel that he seemed to have under control.

Therefore, after the Ninomiya Minister released Yujiro Sakai to do a good job, he thought that he could at least be qualified as the department head, and perhaps become the section chief.

It's no wonder that Yujiro Sakai spared no effort to flatter his boss in every possible way.

If nothing else, for him, the Minister of the Second Palace is probably the only noble person who is willing to support him in an exceptional way.

He sincerely hopes that his sister-in-law can successfully join hands with the son of the Second Palace Minister and help him ascend to the position of section chief.

And as long as he becomes the section chief, he will officially enter the ranks of Taisho Insurance's annual merit series, and he will no longer have to worry about anything in the future.

Even if he sticks to the rules, he can probably get to the position of minister before retiring.

So this matter was almost equal to his guarantee for the rest of his life, and even more important than how to curry favor with Ning Weimin and get more business.

A long-term benefit, a short-term benefit, even a fool knows which side to focus on.

Therefore, as he thought he was very clear about things, what he said at this time was naturally all on the side of the minister, and he chose words that were pleasant to his boss' ears.

"Minister, this is all a misunderstanding. Hideo and Nagase-san don't know who he is. If President Ning could sit at the guest table, this incident would not have happened. Speaking of which, this cannot be entirely their fault. On top of that, why don't the Chinese people obey the rules like we Japanese? Besides, Hideo and the others, as financial professionals in the investment department, were right. How could NTT's stock fall? I'm afraid there are no people who can believe this. There are only foreigners like President Ning. I mean, if I were also working in the financial industry, I would be angry immediately when I heard such remarks, even for the sake of the country's honor and the Japanese financial industry. I will also fight for my reputation..."

Even if he felt a little guilty and sorry for his friend Ning Weimin, Zuo Hai Yuerlang couldn't care less.

Anyway, it was said in private, and it was not taken seriously.

And after he said this, Ninomiya Hideo seemed to have found a reasonable reason, and immediately followed the trend and started to feel sorry for himself.

"That's it. I argued with him to protect the honor of the financial industry. I was annoyed when he said that NTT became the world's largest stock by market capitalization. Why can't Japan have the world's largest company? Ah! What’s so great about the United States and Europe! It’s clear that only we, Japan, are number one in the world! Regardless of the number of TV sets or the speed of the Shinkansen, who is he openly contemptuous of us? . So wait and see, I want to see if this coward will regret it if he sees NTT’s stock price continue to rise after selling the stock..."

Of course, the Minister of the Second House is willing to listen to someone's explanation for his son. Of course, he is proud of his country's economy and agrees that Japan is number one.

But the minister knew better what kind of thing his son was, and he couldn't deceive himself.

So even though he glanced at Zuo Hai Yujiro with a satisfied look, he still taught his unsatisfactory son a lesson unceremoniously.

"Asshole, even so, how people buy and sell stocks is their own business, and there is no need for you to make irresponsible remarks. No matter what, as a member of Taisho Insurance, you have an unshirkable responsibility in this matter. I don't care if you are arrogant, narrow-minded, ignorant, or too naive. In short, you will never tolerate this kind of superficial arrogance. Let me ask you, you and Yasuo are just late. That's all. Since you clearly know that the guests here today are all attending Yujiro and Miyoko's wedding, why do you think you can scold others casually? Where do you put the dignity of Yujiro and Miyoko? No one is easy to mess with, but you messed with the big customer of Taisho Insurance who just bought 20 million yen of fire insurance! Where is your IQ? Don't look down on others! You are really too much! Don't think that because you are my son, it is meaningless to be blindly proud. It is so low-key that it even embarrasses me. How could such a smart person give birth to a son as stupid as you?"

Facing the endless scolding from his father, Balabala, Ninomiya Hideo was truly speechless this time.

He originally thought that Ning Weimin and Taniguchi were just pieces of tofu, but he didn't expect that there was a steel plate behind the tofu, and his feet were broken by this kick.

After being stunned for a long time, he muttered something in frustration.

"It's obviously just a small matter, and the other party doesn't care too much. Do you need to be so serious? Besides, I apologized in public, what else do you want?"

"It's a small matter? Why don't the other party care about it? You are so naive! It's obviously you and Yasuo who took the initiative to offend others, but you are still not convinced! Then use your stupid head to think about it carefully. If you are in the situation From the other party's point of view, will you pretend that nothing has happened? Besides, you two have done such stupid things not once or twice, do you want me and Special Agent Nagase to wipe your butt every time? If you continue like this, sooner or later you will provoke a real big shot! Don't say we can't save you, maybe even us old guys will be killed by you! I really don't know what you learned in college! How could you make such a friend! Do you two just hang out with girls, drink, sing karaoke, and play treasury? What should I, a father, do to stop you from living like an imbecile? Become a normal adult!"

Ninomiya Hideo was scolded bloody.

But after being stunned for a while, he realized that his father's worries were indeed necessary. It was terrible to be hated by a rich man!

If he has so many assets and can become a big star, he must have no shortage of means.

Especially since the other party is a foreigner, he may not be as law-abiding as the Japanese.

If you really start looking for trouble, such as hiring a violent gang to retaliate, the situation will not be pretty.

His face turned pale and he couldn't help but speak softly, "Okay, even if you are right. I will never do this again in the future. I will mature as soon as possible. But this matter is already like this, so what do you think I should do now? What should I do? You don’t need me and Yasuo to come and apologize, right?”

"Yujiro, what do you think? You know President Ning best. Do you think he has really forgiven Hideo, or is he just being generous? What should we do next? Do we need Hideo and Yasuo? Come to apologize?"

Seeing that it was rare for his son to sincerely admit his mistakes, the Second Palace Minister, who was already tired of scolding him, was not willing to embarrass him anymore. After all, he was his biological son.

So he turned the question to Zuo Hai Yujiro.

Yujiro Sakai also behaved like a loyal dog, immediately solving problems for his boss.

"Minister, don't worry. As far as I know, the purpose of President Ning coming to Japan is to make money. He understands the principle of losing big for small things, and he shouldn't worry about this matter. If you are still worried, wait for me After returning from Hawaii, I will visit President Ning again with gifts. At that time, I will confirm his attitude. There is no need for Hideo and Yasuo to come forward for the time being. After all, their faces are also important. Just leave it to me and don’t worry too much.”

"Okay, okay, great!"

The words of Yujiro Sakai made Minister Ninomiya feel happy from the bottom of his heart.

So not only did he immediately tell Zuo Hai Yuerlang that he could give Ning Weimin a gift of one million yen in the name of the company, he would sign and approve the money.

And in front of his son, he praised this subordinate with great appreciation.

"Take a good look, Hideo. This is Yujiro. People with his ability to do things are the backbone of Taisho Insurance. Don't underestimate him. There are many things you need to learn from him. Understand? At least he has the ability to grasp customers like him. Ability is your shortcoming. Oh, by the way, you caused trouble at Zuo Haijun's wedding today, and you haven't apologized yet. Please apologize!"

When Yujiro Sakai praised him like this, it was as if he had eaten bee excrement, and his face immediately became radiant and energetic.

Although he was humble again and again, he immediately stopped Ninomiya Hideo and said there was no need to apologize.

But the pride of being appreciated by your boss cannot be concealed.

For this reason, even though Hideo Ninomiya just had a little trouble and was solved by Yujiro Sakai, so he developed a good impression, but now he has a bad impression of him.

I feel like this smug guy is not pleasing to the eye no matter what. He only flatters his father, as if he is deliberately using his ability to show off how stupid he is.

In addition, the Second Palace Minister later brought up the blind date.

"Ah, and Miss Rinko, have you seen her today? What a beautiful and well-behaved girl. That is the girl you should pursue. Hideo, drink less and find a chance to have a good time later. Talk to this Miss Rinko and don’t let me down..."

Yujiro Sakai, on the other hand, looked like he wanted to be a relative.

"No problem. Although Rinzi has a very high vision, Rinzi will definitely like a handsome and well-educated guy like Hideo."

Ninomiya Hideo's disgust for Yujiro Sakai became even more intense.

After all, for him, picking up girls has always been just a game. No matter how beautiful the girl is, he doesn't want to take responsibility.

If you have to force marriage on him, it will only make him resist and feel like he is being calculated.

It's a pity that Yujiro Sakai doesn't know this, nor has he ever understood it.

Otherwise, he would definitely not be able to laugh.

This is nothing. If he could know the conversation between Ninomiya Hideo, the son of the Minister of Ninomiya, and Nagase Yasuo, how he evaluated him, and how he viewed this blind date, then he would probably just cry.

"Xiu Nan, what did your father say to you just now? Your face looks very bad, haha..."

"You guy, you know what you're asking, what else can you say! You kid just hid, leaving me to be scolded alone!"

"Please, that's your father. You can't hide anyway, so there's no need for me to suffer with you, right? For example, if my uncle were here, I would be the unlucky one, and I won't drag you into this..."

"It sounds nice, but I don't believe it. Anyway, the specialist is not here, so you can't confirm what you said..."

"Hey, no matter what, I'm better than that guy who flatters your father. Look at him, he really thinks of himself as the minister's son. How can you tolerate him flattering the minister like this, your own son? Now I am being left alone..."

"That's just a slave, a dog wagging its tail at my father and me. I'm too lazy to listen to the old man's lectures anymore, why not let him make the old man happy?"

"I think you are a little careless. This guy wants to be related to your family. I think he really wants to be your brother-in-law."

"Then he is really dreaming. He doesn't care about his status. Is he worthy of being a relative of my family? My mother will not agree. Even if my father is optimistic and I don't agree, it is still two to one..."

"What do you mean, this thing can't be done? That's great. The girl this guy introduced to you is really a beauty. She looks very erotic. Except for the height, which is a bit too much, everything else is outstanding. It's better. How about you leave it to me..."

"You guy, don't think that I don't know what your intentions are. I can also date you first, just for fun. Don't make this idea. At least I have to play with it first."

"Hahaha, as expected, you are really smart, so I won't touch your target, but Zuo Hai's wife is not bad either. If I want to attack this wife, it won't be in your way.

"You really don't suffer. But it's not that I look down on you. Why don't we make a bet? I bet you can't get it..."

"Just bet, don't underestimate me..."

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