National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,237 Winner

"What! What on earth is the groom doing? Why is Yujiro so flattering to those people?"

"Husband, doesn't he know how these people treat you and Ning Sang?"

"Logically speaking, we are the ones who need his master's comfort and comfort, right?"

"It's so abominable! Why did Yujiro flatter those people instead of paying attention to us? Do you still treat us as guests? It's so disrespectful to us!"

In fact, Ninomiya Hideo and Nagase Yasuo were not the only two guys full of class contempt who privately disliked the complacent Sakai Yujiro.

Even Mrs. Taniguchi looked at Yujiro Sakai who was so energetic in front of the Second Palace Minister and asked for favors from a distance, and she was picky.

Yes, this is not an oversight, just a simple lack of care.

Because there was no stake, Yujiro Sakai completely ignored the feelings of Director Taniguchi and his family.

His treatment of the Taniguchi family, let alone his treatment of his superiors, was far worse than that of Ning Weimin.

Facing Ning Weimin, Zuo Haiyuerlang at least knew how to say some beautiful words.

But as for Director Taniguchi, he didn't even bother to say anything. He didn't do any superficial work and only paid attention to the attitude of his boss and the two troublemakers.

It’s as if Taniguchi’s family won’t have any objections if it’s eaten correctly.

However, he didn't know that such obvious favoritism not only made people feel cold, but also chilled the heart of Director Taniguchi and his family.

So much so that the originally good relationship between their two families had a crack.

Of course this is something that shouldn't happen, even a philistine shouldn't do something so extreme.

This is undoubtedly a failure of Yujiro Sakai as a human being.

"How could there be such an inexplicable person who would do such a rude thing at someone else's wedding, and just apologize so casually and be done with it? Humph, a graduate of Keio University? Today's prestigious schools all produce graduates like this Damn! So uneducated! Seriously, I think our family’s tutors are much better than those of the minister’s family. At least our Xinyou and Sachiko are not so rude!”

The more Mrs. Taniguchi talked, the angrier she became. After complaining about Zuo Hai, she naturally and even couldn't help but involve her children in it.

Sachiko, who had just entered high school, was completely like a child and heard her mother praising herself.

Naturally, she smiled like a flower and acted more and more cutely.

But Taniguchi Xinyu didn't dare to agree. He had already graduated from college and had been helping out at Huibundang Bookstore for a long time. He had been exposed to the real world. He didn't have such blind confidence.

"Mom! Don't say that. I'm just a student from a third-rate university. If you compare like that, people will laugh at you!"

However, these words that revealed a guilty conscience made Mrs. Taniguchi quite dissatisfied. She had her own criteria for judgment.

Although she felt that her son had no future in the past, she refused to admit it now.

"Nonsense! Who said Teikyo University is a third-rate university? Besides, you also passed the interview with Yasuda Insurance Company. It was published in the newspapers. Yasuda Insurance just sold it in the international market for 40 million US dollars. Bought Van Gogh's "Sunflowers". This is almost three times the amount of any previous painting. Such a wealthy company is the pride of Japan. If you can successfully join Yasuda, Xinyou, the whole family will be proud of you. Yes, it’s much better than working at Taisho Insurance..."

As Mrs. Taniguchi’s loyal lackey, Sachiko Taniguchi naturally wanted to help at this time.

"That's right. Mom is right. If you have some confidence, you must do your best. Anyway, just keep working hard."

Taniguchi Xinyou was speechless by the mother and daughter, thinking that this was just a matter of cheering.

"Of course I will cherish this opportunity. But the position I am applying for is only an ordinary clerk, and it has only passed the preliminary selection. It is too early for you to judge. What's more, what if I am admitted? The person you are comparing me to, But as a regular member of the investment department of Taisho Insurance Company, the investment department is the most core department. This is completely different between heaven and earth..."

Worried about not knowing how to explain it, Taniguchi Shinyou's brows furrowed even more.

But what he said was quite right, and it was by no means excessively modest.

You must know that in today's international environment, due to the rapid appreciation of the yen, Japan's external exports have been significantly weakened. Japan's major companies are slowly shifting their focus to improving non-operating income and expenses through reasonable financial strategies. , this goal is very clear.

The benchmark for measuring the value and income of Japanese companies has shifted from operating profits to regular profits, let alone insurance companies that originally made money by investing underwriting profits.

To put it bluntly, in every insurance company, the personnel in the investment department are the treasures of the company, and they belong to the rank of senior official.

That is the main force that creates profits for the enterprise, and its importance cannot be compared with other departments.

But it's a pity that neither housewives nor little girls who only care about eating, drinking and having fun understand this.

Mrs. Taniguchi and Sachiko thought this was an unambitious statement.

"What does it matter? Brother, you have just graduated. You can't give up without trying. Why are you always like this? How do you know if you don't try? People like you are not attractive, right? Some girls will like it.”

"Well, Sachiko is right. Even people like Zuo Hai who have never gone to college are qualified to be team leaders. Why can't you become Yasuda's backbone elite? And the position you are applying for does not require you to sell insurance. This is better than Zuo Hai is much stronger. Let me tell you Xin You, if you join Yasuda Insurance in the future, you will be promoted to department head in three years. If you remain unknown like your father and are compared to Zuo Hai, I will not agree..."

The questioning between mother and daughter immediately put a lot of pressure on Taniguchi Shinyu.

But fortunately, he still has a father to rely on.

"Okay, okay, what are these words? Don't say any more. My wife, it was someone else's fault, how could it be targeted at Xin You? And this is someone else's wedding banquet, and you are naming her like this Isn't it bad to complain and talk about Yujiro's name? If you are so fussy, wouldn't it be the same as the two young people who came to provoke you today? "

Although I know that my wife is angry because of me, I don't mind that my wife keeps nagging me about not being promoted.

But because he felt sorry for his son and was worried about such an occasion, he thought it was inappropriate to make such remarks, so Director Taniguchi finally intervened.

"So what's the matter? It's obvious that the other party did something wrong, but they are still so indifferent. You didn't see how those two people apologized just now. They had a completely perfunctory attitude, as if just saying 'sorry' can be regarded as nothing. It happened before. This is completely out of proportion to the humiliation you suffered. Zuo Hai is really the host of the banquet, and he would allow this kind of thing to happen and ignore the indecent treatment we suffered..."

"I have my own difficulties, not to mention that there are so many things going on today, how can I be so thoughtful? Just say that Zuo Hai is a subordinate, so it's not easy to make irresponsible remarks to his boss's son. Ning Sang understands this, and that's why he's like this Don't worry about it. Shouldn't we hold on to it? Besides, strictly speaking, we are not relatives and friends of the groom. We are here for Rinko and Miyoko, but they are the relatives and friends of the bride. You’re not neglecting us, are you?”

Even though he has been humiliated, he can still consider others, which shows that Director Taniguchi is kind.

Others can be unkind, but he cannot be unjust.

And his words not only left Mrs. Taniguchi speechless, but also made her son echo her.

"Yes, what dad said makes sense. We are here for the bride's side, and this matter has nothing to do with them. Even Sister Rinko helped her sister and brother-in-law apologize..."

However, at exactly this moment, his daughter Sachiko asked a question that made Director Taniguchi slightly embarrassed.

"But...Dad, are you really not angry? Not even a little angry? Do you really don't want to argue with them, or..."

The look in her eyes showed sympathy.

It seemed as if he had concluded that Director Taniguchi's generosity was just an act, but he actually knew that his father was forcing himself to be patient on the outside and crying silently on the inside.

This made Director Taniguchi feel both warm and helpless.

Maybe it was because I was too weak and useless in the past that I made my daughter worry like this.

"To be honest, if something like this happens, everyone would be angry. Dad is just an ordinary person, and he is also very angry..."

Seeing the whole family's expressions of understanding and understanding, Director Taniguchi coughed dryly and blushed slightly.

So he quickly changed the topic and changed his tone.

"However, after I was temporarily angry, I figured it out. I am obviously the luckiest person and the real winner, so why should I be angry?"

These words had a miraculous effect. The whole family, without exception, heard this description of themselves from Mr. Taniguchi for the first time. Their eyes widened with a look of disbelief.

"Huh? Lucky? Winner? Dad, you..."

"Listen carefully to what I say..." After stopping his daughter's interruption, Mr. Taniguchi was quite confident and continued to talk.

"Are my words wrong? Think about it carefully, what qualifications do those two young guys who claim to have graduated from Keio University have to criticize and ridicule others? Just because they are so-called financial professionals? Just because they are so-called financial professionals? They work in the investment department of Taisho Insurance, can they take risks with the insurance company's money? "

"This is too ridiculous. I mean, how much money do so-called professionals like them make from Taisho Insurance in investing? They can use the funds from Taisho Insurance in more than a year. Will it increase tenfold over time? Can they guarantee that the company will never lose money?”

"At least I don't believe it, and on the contrary, I have already done this. You know, no matter how much they earn for Taisho Insurance, it will not be their own money, but what I earn can be put into my own money." So the question is, who has the right to laugh at whom? Am I not the real winner?

"As Ning Sang said, maybe NTT may continue to rise, and this stock will rise even higher. But as people who have already made a lot of money, we already have enough reasons to exit. Do we still want to be like those There is no need for people who have not made much profit to continue taking increasingly high risks to earn a few coins.”

"To be honest, the reason why they criticize us and cannot tolerate what we talk about is just out of jealousy and fear. They haven't made enough profits yet, so they don't allow others to raise objections, and they are even more afraid that more and more people will raise objections. People will really sell this stock. If the rise of NTT stock is hindered, how much money will they make?”

"So, why should I be angry at people who are not as good as me and are jealous of me? They are like tied slaves, and I am free. If you don't believe me, look at those who have humiliated us, if they really That’s right, it’s so amazing, why are you more unhappy than us now?”

Director Taniguchi's words made the whole family stunned for a moment.

His son Xin You was the first to burst into laughter.

"Yes, that's the truth. That's right, look at them, they don't look happy at all. Dad is amazing. If you didn't explain it, I wouldn't have thought that this was the case."

But her daughter Sachiko was extremely surprised by the super profits announced by her father.

"Hey? Ten times! You're lying, right? How much money did dad make from investing in stocks? Oh my God! Is our family already rich?"

Mrs. Taniguchi complained and questioned her children's reaction, and her reaction was slower.

"Why do you suddenly say such things to your children? Didn't you agree that this matter should be kept secret! Besides, the stock market is risky, why do you suddenly say that you can do it without losing money? Saying such words, it is very difficult for Xin You and Sachiko can be misleading? Husband, how could you be like this? What you said is irresponsible, isn’t it because you drank too much?”

Not to mention, Director Taniguchi's face was indeed a little red at the moment, and his tone was excited, as if he had drunk too much.

But to be honest, the reason why he was excited was not because of the effect of alcohol.

But because it was the first time that I was so admired by my children, I couldn't wait to share the happiness with my family, and wanted to officially announce the good news of making money to my family.

"I'm sorry. I originally agreed not to tell the children. However, after talking to Ning Sang today, I really understood that some problems are really no longer problems. For example, as long as we sell most of our stocks now, we will I can finally feel at ease and no longer have to worry and worry about stocks.”

"Sell most of it?" Mrs. Taniguchi looked at her husband's expression carefully and felt that it didn't sound like a lie.

She asked hesitantly. "Have you really decided? Do you want to do what Ning Sang says? Don't you think about it anymore? If you make a mistake... you won't regret it?"

"Decided. No regrets." Director Taniguchi nodded with a smile, "I have thought clearly. All of this was due to Ningsang's blessing. Could it be that our brains are better than A smart person like him is better. Since Ning Sang is right all the time, why don’t we listen to his advice this time?”

"More importantly, the reason why luck is luck will not always be there. We are lucky people, and of course we will be abandoned by luck one day. I don't want to see what we already have lost one day. . Then it is best to sell now and get back the capital first. Ning Sang is right. As long as we get back the capital and no longer invest this money, we will never have to worry about the changes in the stock market. There is no way to hurt us. After all, the rest can be regarded as free, right?"

"Finally, I also want to fulfill my promise. Wife, I am not a person who is good at maneuvering. I have been hopeless for promotion for many years, which makes each of you disappointed in me. It has also caused you and your children to suffer a lot. . But I promised you this, and I did it. The original investment capital was 5 million yen, and now I can get it all back with interest. I estimate that if I sell 70% of the shares, I can get it back. Here comes 30 million yen in cash."

"I will use 10 million yen as casual funds, waiting for the opportunity to see if I need to cover my position. In addition, I will give you 10 million yen with interest, and you can save it as the future security of your family. As for the remaining 10 million yen, I plan to use another 7 million yen to buy you some gold jewelry. You can choose any style. Finally, I will give you, Xinyou, and Sachiko 1 million yen each as pocket money. In short, go and buy what you like. It’s something that I, an incompetent person, can’t do much for you.”

These words once again surprised Mrs. Taniguchi and her children. They couldn't help but be moved when they looked at the kind and kind Director Taniguchi.

Mrs. Taniguchi's eyes were a little wet. She wiped her tears and complained, "What are you talking about? I have never been disappointed in you. In fact, I have already thought about it. It doesn't matter anything. As long as our family is together like this."

Sachiko Taniguchi screamed excitedly, "Really? Give me one million yen and can I spend it as I please? Dad, you are too generous. You are the best dad in the world!"

Shinyu Taniguchi said, "Dad, please don't talk about yourself like that. How could you be incompetent? To be honest, I didn't know how hard it was to make money until I started working. Like you, It is really not easy for me to do my job meticulously without making mistakes for so many years, and to raise us just on salary is really something that I admire. Words.”

Director Taniguchi is naturally very pleased with the emotional feedback from his family.

Especially he didn't expect his son to understand him so well.

He couldn't help but smile, looked at Zuo Hai Yujiro who was still bowing down to serve his boss in the distance, and suddenly said with emotion.

"Xin You, dad may not be worthy of being your career role model. But what I want to tell you is that you cannot achieve career progress by just flattering your boss. It will only make those who originally trust you look down on you. Stay away from you. But try to get close to some people who are capable, smart, and kind-hearted. It is very beneficial, just like Dad accidentally met Ning Sang, which can improve your life and even change yours. destiny."

"Yes, I remember."

Taniguchi Shinyou deeply believed in his father's teachings.

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