National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,246 Temptation

"Manager Ning..."

Yao Peifang mustered up her courage and finally forced herself to stand in front of Ning Weimin.

"Hey, why are you here too?"

Being awakened by Yao Peifang, Ning Weimin turned around in surprise.

"Why, you are allowed to come but I am not allowed to come?"

A girl's special counterattack.

"No, that's not what I meant. I just think that everyone should be eating at this time, right? Aren't you hungry?"

"Then aren't you sitting here too?"

Yao Peifang looked around and smiled with his dimples, "It's rare to see such a beautiful scenery. I think walking here is more enjoyable than going to a restaurant to eat. It seems that we are not ordinary people."

Seeing such a warm and natural smile, Ning Weimin's nerves were soothed.

Especially at this moment, Yao Peifang was standing at the end of the bridge. In addition to the dark blue of the sky behind her, the warm light of the hotel buildings on the other side was the color of the water on the blue lake.

No matter the situation, the scene, or the people in front of me, they are all extremely beautiful.

In Ning Weimin's eyes, Yao Peifang was not only like a cool breeze, but also like a smooth and delicate pebble on the beach, shining brightly.

This made him couldn't help but think that such a beautiful girl really didn't deserve to suffer a little bit.

However, the girl who appeared here like light could not conceal her haggardness and fatigue.

At least Ning Weimin could see clearly.

And he also understood what exactly caused this.

"Are you tired today?" A little guilt made Ning Weimin ask with concern.

"Not tired." Yao Peifang shook his head.

"Don't lie to me. You don't look good. You look tired. You may have dark circles under your eyes tomorrow."

"I look ugly? Is it so obvious?" Yao Peifang lowered her head and hurriedly rubbed the bags under her eyes with her hands, as if she was worried, "Is it really possible?"

"If you don't sleep well today..." Ning Weimin smiled slightly, "Go buy an eye cream and I'll reimburse you for it. Buy it from Lancôme. It's said to be very effective. It's better to buy French products, don't buy Japanese products."

"A grown man like you, do you still understand this?"

Yao Peifang's curious eyes sparkled.

Although Ning Weimin is considered a member of the fashion industry, she knows very well that what Ning Weimin is doing now is basically the same as a standard businessman, and it has little to do with the clothing industry.

But then she realized that she was going to marry a big star after all. Maybe Matsumoto Keiko was using this brand?

"A friend who is also a model told me that, like you, she is also a strong girl who never feels tired even when she is tired. She always smiles at people. She seems carefree, but in fact she hides all her stress. heart."

Yao Peifang did not expect that the reasons stated by Ning Weimin were far different from what she thought.

Especially when he said these words, Ning Weimin's eyes were a little special.

He looks at people, things, and things differently than he usually does.

There is an unconcealable warmth, softness, and longing, and it is also full of a sense of nostalgia.

"The friend you are talking about is Qu Xiao, right? The winner of the first domestic model competition..."

Yao Peifang didn't know why she said that, but she just couldn't control her mouth.


Ning Weimin, who was unexpectedly guessed by Yao Peifang, looked at her in surprise.

"Oh...yes. Do you know her too?"

Yao Peifang could feel Ning Weimin's nerves becoming sensitive. In order to get more information, she tried her best to appear open-minded.

"Of course, as long as there are people who have been exposed to the modeling industry in China, there are probably not many people who don't know about her, right? The championship of the first model competition has the highest gold content, which is unmatched by any subsequent championship. The difference is like You know the champion and runner-up of every competition. To a certain extent, the first champion is the real champion. I dare to say that some people will forget Ye Jihong in a few years, but no one will forget Qu Xiao. ”

"That's not necessarily true. I really can't say that. How developed is the foreign modeling industry? But can you know the first-generation champion of each competition? No, right?"

Although Yao Peifang's words expressed her admiration and envy for Qu Xiao, she did not expect that Ning Weimin would refute her.

And that's not all, he actually pointed out the cruel truth about the modeling industry.

"To be honest, it's not easy to become famous in the modeling industry, and the ceiling of the industry is very low. Most people only eat the food of youth. At most, you can be famous for a year or two, and don't leave the industry too quickly. There are new people from generation to generation. It is normal to be successful. No matter if you are the winner of any competition, even if you become a real supermodel in the international arena, it is almost certain that you will quit in a few years. So if you are too obsessed with your performance in this industry, It doesn’t make much sense to worry about the difference between champion and runner-up..."

Hearing this, Yao Peifang began to think that Ning Weimin was deliberately attacking her and poking her heart.

But what she didn't expect the most was that Ning Weimin changed the subject and actually spoke words of encouragement to her again.

"...To be honest, I hope you don't let the modeling profession limit you. It's better to just use the modeling industry as a springboard, or you should look at the broader sky and make other plans for your future. As For a girl to start in this industry, this industry is of course very good. After all, this industry can allow a beautiful girl to become famous quickly, and in a relatively short period of time, she can obtain what most people consider to be very good financial returns. Lao, it would be unwise for you to put your future in this industry. With your conditions, you are fully qualified to go further."

The topic is a little off topic, but it is so important.

With my conditions...can I go further?

Yao Peifang's heart became confused involuntarily.

She got the recognition she wanted most. Almost every one of Ning Weimin's last few words touched what she cared about most.

But she couldn't believe that what the other party said was somewhat true.

I even wonder if this is a conditional hint with bad intentions.

After all, a man who is about to get married always expresses his obsession with other girls, which makes him look like a playboy.

What's more, the modeling industry is also becoming more and more unbearable.

As one of them, she does not live in a vacuum environment. She deals with all kinds of colleagues every day, and she already knows the inside story of many industries.

In this industry, people with different ideas are becoming more and more diverse.

"Thank you, these words are very inspiring to me, but I can't think long-term right now. It's not easy to do the job at hand well. In fact, if I want to say that the person who can plan for the future is Jihong, she is currently Air China As a spokesperson, there are so many advertisements that I can’t even take photos of them..."

"My horizons have become narrow. Only those who find the right direction are the happiest people. Don't be so pessimistic at a young age. Success is achieved through hard work. There is no shortcut. In fact, there is never any victory, only perseverance... ... Just don’t keep comparing yourself with Ye Jihong. I’m in China, but you’re in Japan. Besides, I’m not afraid of your jokes. When I was your age, I was still working as a receptionist in a hotel... …”

Ning Weimin spoke with sincerity and sincerity, like an elder.

Yao Peifang is not afraid of his sanctimonious appearance, and he has a heart-attacking weapon at his fingertips.

"Then let me compare with Qu Xiao, that's alright. We are the same age and came to Japan. She seems to be a shining model in Japan, right? I heard that many designers in the Japanese fashion industry are particularly fond of her. If it weren't for Due to the limitations of our national conditions, she may really become popular in Japan.”

This statement is indeed valid. The name Quxiao really has an unusual meaning to Ning Weimin.

Yao Peifang's words reminded him of more of the past, so he didn't even have the energy to continue this topic, let alone talk about the truth.

"Well, I can't refute what you said. Even if you are right."

But he didn't want to talk anymore, but someone wanted him to talk, but Yao Peifang insisted on the topic.

"I have seen many photos of Qu Xiao in Japanese magazines. There is also an advertisement of Qu Xiao for a trolley suitcase in "Women's Illustrated". She is so photogenic, and the photos are so beautiful. No wonder she is going to France now. Yes. She is my inspirational model. Do you know how she is doing there?"

"This... I really don't know." Ning Weimin's expression was slightly bitter.

"It's impossible, it's a lie."

"It's true. We haven't contacted each other since she went to France. She should be living a good life there."

"Someone said that you two were in love and she was your former girlfriend. Is it true?"

"..." Ning Weimin was caught off guard. He hesitated for several seconds and asked instead, "Who did you listen to?"

"I don't know who said the rumors about the model team..."

When Yao Peifang said these words, she lowered her head with a guilty conscience and avoided Ning Weimin's eyes.

But there was a light in her eyes that flickered endlessly, like fireflies dancing in the dark night.

"No, we have never been in love. From the beginning to the end, we have just been good colleagues and good friends."

Ning Weimin added, "But Qu Xiao is indeed an excellent girl. Not only is her professional quality outstanding, but I also admire her as a person, her temperament and her attitude towards life. If I had not met Qingzi , maybe we will start dating, but for many things, the difference is just in time. This may be called bad luck. "

This answer was unexpected by Yao Peifang.

First of all, she didn't expect Ning Weimin to really answer. She thought he knew how to do Tai Chi, so she ignored him.

Secondly, she did not expect that Ning Weimin would make no secret of his admiration for Qu Xiao.

This makes Ning Weimin's answer full of contradictions, but also full of sincerity, and hints that there may be more stories behind it.

"Oh, I understand. No wonder you are sitting here alone. No wonder you look so melancholy. Are you thinking about her? Do you regret your choice?"

Yao Peifang thought for a while, then took another step closer, trying to strike while the iron was hot, trying to figure out Ning Weimin's mentality.

In addition to wanting to see what he really thinks and who he loves.

I also want to know whether he is a scumbag who is courting Qin Muchu and a public enemy of women.

But the problem is that a real man is inherently very complicated.

Especially those who are cheating on time travel like Ning Weimin.

It would be strange if his ideas could be easily grasped by a young girl like Yao Peifang.

This time, Yao Peifang was a bit too smart, and her words were decisively denied by Ning Weimin.

"Oh, you are really good at making blind guesses. You young girls now, your minds have probably been deceived by Qiong Yao's novels. You think that the biggest thing in the world is love. And it is polyamory. In fact, there is no such thing. . Let me tell you, love depends on loyalty, otherwise it will harm others. I have never regretted my choice of relationship. I only regret that I could not determine this earlier and hurt someone unintentionally. You said the reason why I'm sitting here, I don't deny that I'm not in a good mood, but the things that make me depressed have absolutely nothing to do with love."

Now Yao Peifang was a little embarrassed. She didn't expect that her words were purely a test, but Ning Weimin misunderstood her view of love, and she herself was given a stern admonishment by Ning Weimin.

This made her a laughing stock.

The key is that she now somewhat believes that Ning Weimin is a serious person, and she hopes that he can help her.

If it causes a loss of points in terms of impression, it will be a waste of time.

"Then why are you worried? Apart from love, are there any unsatisfactory things in work and life for a capable person like you? Are there any unsolvable problems? You are right, I I'm just too young, so I don't understand what this world is really like. Please, can you tell me more about what worries people like you? I won't listen in vain, maybe... Maybe...what else can I do to help?"

Yao Peifang quickly changed the topic.

She understands that the best way to save herself after making a mistake is not to dwell on it.

Moreover, she was smart enough to support Ning Weimin while admitting that she was too young and asking for advice in an open-minded manner.

As expected, I don't know if it's because the playful way she tilts her head is too cute, or because men tend to be mentors in the presence of beautiful women, or because it's rare to chat easily with people in Chinese in Japan.

In such a colorful and dreamy colorful courtyard, both the atmosphere and the feeling are in place.

Ning Weimin looked at the lovely face in front of him, and it was really hard to refuse to talk more with this girl who could talk.

"Well, since there is nothing to do now. If you are willing to listen, I will chatter with you. But let's talk about it first. These things I think about are relatively boring. They are just some business and work matters. Troubles, and some unrealistic-sounding goals, and I still have a lot of complaints and complaints. You have to be mentally prepared. If you really listen to me, I’m afraid you’ll get a headache from me, and even feel like you’re becoming a different person. It’s become an ideological trash can.”

"It doesn't matter, I don't care. Anyway, I need to diet for my figure. Thanks to you, if I hear some indigestible words, I can eat less to avoid being scolded by the leader when I return to the team."

Yao Peifang's smile was like a ray of light, which seemed to brighten the entire courtyard and the entire lake.

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