National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,247 Insomnia

On the night when they met in the Japanese garden of the New Otani Hotel, Yao Peifang sat with Ning Weimin for a long time.

Sitting there from 7pm until almost midnight.

Even dinner was served in the courtyard.

If you dare to walk 50 meters further, there is a Teppanyaki restaurant hidden in the courtyard - Shixinting.

Since the restaurant is small and only sells Teppanyaki and sake, guests staying at the hotel will notice that there are not many here.

In addition, it started to rain lightly at around eight o'clock in the evening.

In fact, when Ning Weimin and Yao Peifang were dining, they were the only two people left in the restaurant besides the service staff, as if the restaurant had been reserved.

However, facing the humid and cool rain scene and enjoying a few bottles of warm sake, Ning Weimin, who should have relaxed, had a serious face and chatted about some boring content.

It has to be said that, as he predicted in advance, they are all business troubles and work worries.

With Yao Peifang's current knowledge, it was difficult to even understand, let alone explain it to him.

But to be honest, the extremely intelligent Yao Peifang also understood that Ning Weimin might not really tell her the story.

The real reason why he confided these things to her was probably just like Ning Weimin said, it was to dump the garbage in his heart and reduce the pressure, so he needed someone like her to accompany him.

For this reason, Yao Peifang tried his best to do his duty as a listener.

While he was trying to understand what Ning Weimin was saying, in addition to smiling and nodding in agreement, he would also pour wine for Ning Weimin cup after cup.

She didn't know that what she had learned without any teacher was precisely the money-making skills of those Ginza public relations girls.

But in this way, it has the best effect and provides Ning Weimin with high emotional value.

So in such a considerate and quiet companionship process, Ning Weimin's negative emotions were fully released, and Yao Peifang's feminine charm was fully demonstrated.

Naturally, the two became closer emotionally, and even Ning Weimin's talk became more and more serious.

Unconsciously, their conversation gradually expanded beyond the initial scope and gradually spread to sharing their feelings about life in Japan, their impressions of Japan as a country, their views on some social phenomena in Japan, and even what Ning Weimin had just said. He learned from Qiao Wanlin about some domestic changes and the goals he hopes to achieve in Japan...

As a result, the conversation started to become interesting for Yao Peifang.

Not only was she able to participate to a certain extent, but through these conversations, she gained a new understanding of many things and even Ning Weimin.

In the end, the two of them were escorted off by the hotel waiter under an umbrella, and returned home happily after having a full meal and wine, and went back to rest.

But having said that, this free conversation was not without side effects.

Although Ning Weimin returned to the room drunk, he fell asleep deeply and had a sweet dream because of his heartfelt talk.

But some of what he said left a deep impression on Yao Peifang.

As a result, Yao Peifang, who was lying on the bed, still unconsciously recalled the experience of this day and the conversation of this night, as if he had been bewitched and had his head lowered.

It rained all night outside the window, and Yao Peifang slept and woke up in bed, thinking about it all night long with the sound of rain.

This seriously affected her sleep quality.

Even in her brief dream, she seemed to be recalling and savoring the topics Ning Weimin discussed with her today.

Is Japan developed?

Is Japan rich?

Are Japanese happy?

Does the rapid rise of Japan deserve our respect?

At first she thought her answer was yes.

Apart from anything else, she had a lot of feelings when she went shopping in the underground commercial street as an escort with the inspection group today.

Before coming to Japan, she deliberately looked at Japan's geography and history.

It is clear that the land area of ​​this country is only one-twenty-sixth of China, and its population is about one-tenth that of the Republic.

The density per capita is greater than that of our home country.

It stands to reason that the living space of Japanese people should be much smaller than that of the Republic.

But the actual situation is so shocking. Before the Republic could turn the buildings on the ground into buildings, the Japanese had already moved all the commercial areas underground.

If, like what she saw today, the Japanese already know how to make full use of underground space, then Japan's land use area will expand in depth, and the prospects are unlimited.

Besides, it wasn't just going underground. Today, when the station wagon was about to enter Tokyo, she also saw the chain of cars flying in mid-air, and Japan's three-passenger bridge was heading towards the sky again.

This is the power of modernization!

In her view, the Japanese are not willing to be tied to a limited island nation.

However, the war of aggression has once brought the Japanese to the brink of annihilation. They seem to have deeply learned the lesson that "those who play with fire will burn themselves".

Knowing that we cannot covet the territory of other countries, we must base ourselves on our own land, so we are exploring another possibility.

This made her feel that the Japanese are a nation that has the courage to correct itself, a nation that does not spare itself, a nation that is wise and smart!

Of course it is respectable and admirable.

However, Ning Weimin easily shattered her feeling.

Ning Weimin told her that the Japanese are like dogs and cannot change their ways of eating shit, and they will never learn lessons in their bones.


Because Japan is a "villain country" that is extremely strong-willed and extremely inferior. It only recognizes strength but not morality.

The most obvious evidence is that we drove the Japanese away in the eight-year war of resistance. As a victorious country, we did not ask for compensation, but were despised by them.

But Japan was able to put aside its national hatred and sincerely acknowledge the United States as its father after being hit by two atomic bombs from the United States. This kind of extreme admiration for the strong "spirit" is not something that ordinary people can do.

In turn, Japan is also accustomed to substituting other countries into their own national character.

At the beginning, the devils thought that the massacre could make China tremble and surrender, but they didn't expect to make a wrong calculation, fall into the quagmire of a protracted war, and eventually fail.

Ning Weimin also told her not to think that the Japanese have become civilized, polite, understand the harm of war, and start to talk about friendship between the two countries.

The Japanese will never truly repent, they will only fool people with superficial apologies.

Their value is that no matter how big the mistake is, they can take it lightly with an apology. Since I have apologized, what else do you want from me?

The current friendliness to us and the so-called housing market for war are just hypocritical and temporary interests.

Japan, a country with scarce resources, is based on electronic products and automobiles. What they produce needs to be exported, and naturally they cannot do without the huge market of China.

In fact, another war has already started, but this time everyone is not fighting with guns and cannons, but industrial technology and economic strength.

At present, Japan, which is ahead of us in everything, actually pursues to turn China into their economic vassal and their raw material supplier, so that they can always use the high added value of industrial products and electronic products to shear the wool of the Chinese people.

Ning Weimin does not deny that some Japanese people today are indeed deeply traumatized by the war, regret from the bottom of their hearts, and are truly anti-war.

But the problem is that the underlying color of the Japanese national character is mercenary and selfish. What if these people who have really experienced the war die?

Then the next generation of Japan will think that this matter has nothing to do with them.

Not only will they try their best to deny and quibble, but they will also have no sense of guilt, thinking that the victims are unwilling to let go of the past and are stingy.

As for the achievements made by the Japanese in science and technology, medical care, and industrial levels, in Ning Weimin's view, it is not completely as the Japanese themselves say, that they are the results of their hard work.

Because companies like Mitsubishi and Toshiba were originally military-industrial enterprises during the war of aggression against China.

After the defeat, these companies were not liquidated, but instead reaped the benefits of the war during the Korean War.

They only achieved today's fruitful results with the support of the Americans and the funds and technology they obtained through a large number of war orders.

The Japanese medical industry is even more despised.

You know, Japan's biochemical troops conducted countless human experiments on Chinese people and collected a large amount of data, which led to Japan's leading medical level in the world today.

To put it bluntly, the development achievements of the Japanese today are all flowers watered with the blood of the Chinese people. The Japanese have always been eating the blood of the Chinese people.

Is it necessary to respect such a country?

On the contrary, for such a country, we should find ways to hitchhike and use Japan's funds and technology to help our motherland become stronger.

In this way, we can achieve national rejuvenation and restore the original appearance of the world as soon as possible.

And we don't need to be grateful at all. This is all owed to us by the Japanese, and it is a debt that they should have compensated but have not paid back.

Ning Weimin even claimed that what he wanted to do most and was doing was this.

That’s why he came to Japan to open a store and buy trolley cases. In fact, he was trying his best to use his own advantages to earn more money from the Japanese and then give back to China.

At present, he has done quite well in Japan and has indeed made a lot of money.

However, how to distribute profits reasonably, whether he can seize the opportunities given by the times, and continue to strike while the iron is hot in Japan to expand the results.

However, due to the restrictions of certain people and certain systems in China, it has become an unknown problem.

He didn’t want the investors of Tan Palace to be content with a small fortune and use the money he earned to live in a corner of China and spend money.

He also didn’t want those hard-working employees to sweat and feel sad.

He didn’t want people in China to have a good impression and admiration for Japan because they saw its development, and forget the blood feud of the war.

But some things may not be dominated by him alone. Maybe he will be misunderstood as a new comprador who admires Japan. This is the source of part of his mental pressure.

In addition, some domestic situations he learned from Qiao Wanlin today also made him extremely unhappy.

The first thing is that the Beijing Enamel Factory has fewer overseas orders.

Cloisonné was originally an important industrial and fine product exported to Japan, and the Beijing Enamel Factory located in Licun is a key foreign exchange earning enterprise in Chongwen District.

But this year, not only did the Enamel Factory take less orders from Japan than in previous years, but many orders in the second half of the year were cancelled by Japanese customers, and many of them asked to change the contract and reduce the price.

After feedback from relevant departments and investigations, the news sent back to the district government was that the secret recipe and craftsmanship of the Enamel Factory had been leaked.

This is most likely the result of the frequent visits of Japanese delegations to the Enamel Factory in recent years.

Now that the Japanese have their own factories to produce, domestic cloisonné manufacturing companies have lost their monopoly advantage.

I think in the future, let alone making money from the Japanese, if things go wrong, the business of other Southeast Asian countries will be snatched away by the Japanese.

The second thing is even more hateful than the first one.

Just at the beginning of this month, the Jingcheng Amusement Park, built by the district government with Japanese capital, had its grand opening after three years of preparation.

All major newspapers in the capital reported this incident, and it became a trend in the city.

Whether it is young men and women traveling together, young couples in love, or families of three with children, they all flock to the Beijing Amusement Park and regard it as the first choice place for entertainment.

Even though the price of a pass is as high as 20 yuan, it cannot stop the enthusiasm of the citizens. The amusement park is packed with guests every day, with an average of at least 30,000 to 40,000 people per day, and a single-day ticket revenue of 1.8 million yuan.

But in such a hot business, Japan-China Joint Development Co., Ltd., as the foreign partner of the amusement park and fully controlling the management and operation rights of the amusement park, told the Chinese side that if it continues to operate under such conditions, it will definitely lose money in the first year. of.

The reason they gave was that each of these electric projects, such as the Double-decker Trojan Horse, Rock King Kong, Magic Wheel of the Arrow, and Stormy Waves, requires an investment of millions of yuan, consumes a lot of electricity, and requires extremely high daily maintenance and repair costs.

Coupled with the impact of changes in the Japanese yen exchange rate.

The Japanese company said it would take more time to recoup its initial investment of 2 billion yen.

Therefore, according to the agreement, the Japanese side's recovery of operating costs is the priority. They predict that China will not receive any dividends in the first year and can only wait until they recover the equipment costs.

In short, the Japanese are really too mean in doing business, and they keep the officials in the country under control.

If you can cheat, cheat if you can, and don't look too ugly.

Especially for Ning Weimin, this is undoubtedly a big joke that the front is tight and the rear is tight.

No matter how hard he works to make money in Japan, he won't lose as much as he does in the capital.

It is inevitable that there will be some intolerable resentment and a rather demoralizing feeling...

In short, after learning these things, Yao Peifang felt as if he had taken an analysis class about international society.

She didn't know how much of what Ning Weimin told her was true and how much was subjective.

The things that Ning Weimin cared about were so far away from ordinary people's lives. She couldn't tell whether they were just complaining about things that had nothing to do with her, or whether they were unfounded worries.

Moreover, Ning Weimin himself wanted to be a Japanese movie star. Hearing such words from such a person would be somewhat contradictory and funny.

But putting all this aside, she truly felt that even everything she saw with her own eyes would have another interpretation.

Moreover, the gap between people is indeed huge. Not only the way of thinking, but also the content of attention are different among different people.

The fact is that the complexity of Ning Weimin's inner world and the height of her vision have far exceeded her expectations. This may be the essential difference between classes.

In any case, Ning Weimin turns out to be much richer than he appears on the surface. His troubles make him look less like the kind of businessman who takes money very seriously. He has more humanity and responsibility. Heart.

If what Ning Weimin said is true, no, as long as most of it is true, then Yao Peifang will feel guilty for misunderstanding that he only cares about money.

People who can think about others will always appear more attractive.

People who can think about the country will always make people respect them.

Yao Peifang suddenly felt that she had a lot of empathy, and found that she seemed to be able to understand the kind of necessity, so she would use money to clear the way to gain the support and trust of several investors in Tan Palace, so as not to let things deviate from a healthy track. pain of.

However, some issues cannot be controlled by personal ability. Even Ning Weimin is not very sure that the outcome of the matter will be as ideal as he expected, so he can only do his best to obey fate.

She now thinks there is no need to remind Ning Weimin. He understands everything and is actually overcoming difficulties.

Her son hopes that Ning Weimin will not become a tragic hero. She does not want to see good people misfortune.

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