National Tide 1980

Chapter 1252 Big Pie

It was a meal that was carefully prepared and planned step by step. What was eaten was no longer important.

What was important was the sacrifices that Ning Weimin made for the development of the Temple Palace Restaurant in Japan, and the suggestions that he made at a heavy personal cost.

His unexpected selfless statement caused a strong spiritual shock to everyone in the inspection team.

Although his suggestions were still not immediately finalized and approved on the spot.

But this move was absolutely popular and won Ning Weimin the respect and support of all members of the inspection team.

In fact, everyone in the inspection team knew that it was likely that the two units, the Temple of Heaven Park and the Service Bureau, would pass this proposal internally.

Whoever opposed it would be against everyone and block everyone's financial path. No one would be a fool.

Now everyone needs to worry about the consequences of this matter once it is exposed.

What needs to be worried about is how to keep this secret as much as possible.

But then again, after all, this matter was proposed by Ning Weimin himself, and the commission was in his own name, which was completely reasonable and legal income.

Since he is willing to give it, who can stop him?

Even if the superiors knew about this matter and really blamed him, Ning Weimin would be personally responsible for most of the responsibility, not to mention that he did not violate the system.

Who asked him to volunteer to be the "big guy"?

So from then on, the attitude of everyone in the inspection team changed dramatically at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even Yao Peifang, an observer, could see it.

From a personal perspective, it was no longer just the four people in the inspection team who showed obvious goodwill to Ning Weimin.

Instead, everyone in the team respected Ning Weimin as a boy who sacrificed his life to become a Buddha.

The sincerity of the smile from the heart was incomparable. Seeing Ning Weimin seemed to be closer than seeing a family member.

That's not all. From the perspective of official business, the people in the inspection team no longer turned a blind eye to the matter, and no longer only focused on eating, drinking and having fun, but were sincerely concerned about the location selection of Tan Gong Restaurant in Kyoto and Osaka.

Almost every day, everyone had to find time to get together for an hour or so meeting because of Tan Gong Restaurant.

Although the daily chats were inseparable from the customs of Japan, the focus had begun to shift to discussing how to ensure the operating performance of the newly opened branch and how to achieve outstanding achievements in Tokyo as soon as possible.

It can be said that Ning Weimin pushed the progress of things as he wished and easily leveraged everyone's enthusiasm.

Let everyone become real participants and his allies for their own interests.

This move is not bad.

But the biggest question is, why would such a smart person do such a stupid thing.

He promoted something that was of no benefit to him at all costs, and he had to take responsibility and spend energy. What was the purpose?

Is he really dedicated to the public?

Is it worth it for him to insist on doing this?

Regarding this point, Yao Peifang was much more confused and worried than the people in the inspection team.

She didn't understand what Ning Weimin was thinking at all, and could only think about it in private.

So for no reason, during the journey, she was worried about Ning Weimin again.


Soon the ten-day journey came to an end.

Helped the members of the inspection team to get their fully loaded suitcases through security check.

Watched the plane they were on leave the runway, heading east and into the blue sky.

Yao Peifang finally completed the reception task assigned to her by Ning Weimin and returned to her long-lost "home".

Yes, her home refers to the six-and-a-half-tatami-mat dormitory in Namba, Osaka.

Although small and simple, the important thing is that this space currently belongs to her.

So on the way home, the most intense thought of Yao Peifang, who was exhausted physically and mentally, was that after returning home, the first thing she would do after opening the door was to lie comfortably on the bed and have a good sleep.

And she worked non-stop and slept until the sun went down.

These days, she was really exhausted, not physically, but mainly mentally. She was always in tension and anxiety, and the most lacking thing was sleep.

When she came back, she no longer had to worry about sleeping too late, no longer had to worry about someone needing her help, and no longer had to worry about urgent matters that she had to deal with.

Imagine, even if the accommodation and food conditions are good, if space and time are connected, even your body does not belong to you, and you need to listen to orders at any time, how can you sleep peacefully?

And this is exactly the difficulty of the tour guide reception work.

She has learned a lesson.

But then again, if she is given another chance, she will not hesitate for a moment, and will definitely agree to help Ning Weimin.

For no other reason, just because there is a reward for hard work, this time, she has gained too much!

The surprise Ning Weimin gave her was far beyond her imagination.

Let alone being busy for ten days, even if she had to be tired for another ten days, she would be willing.

Anyway, no matter what, Yao Peifang came back exhausted.

She had no time to clean up, and no time to think about anything else, so she fell into the bed with a sense of relaxation and fell asleep.

"Sleeping is like a small death", this is what Yao Peifang's mother said.

Yao Peifang didn’t realize it in the past, but now she feels that it is absolutely true. If someone carried her away at this moment, she would not notice it.

Yao Peifang did not remember the time accurately, but she knew that she had slept for at least twelve hours, or more.

When she woke up completely, she looked at her alarm clock again and found that it was almost midnight, so she got up and started to pack the luggage she brought back.

Of course, it was at this time that she realized how messy she had made the room.

Yao Peifang really couldn’t remember the situation when she first came in. I think she probably didn’t care about anything after entering the room. She kicked off her shoes, took off her clothes casually, threw them on the ground, and fell asleep on the bed.

And she got up several times during her sleep. When she felt hungry and unbearable, she got up and ate a pack of biscuits she brought back.

She felt so thirsty that her throat was smoking, so she got up and drank half a bottle of water.

It should be because she ate and drank in a daze that so many things were messed up.

She didn't have the problem of nocturnal wandering, and the door was locked. The culprit could only be herself.

There was no way, she had to bear the consequences of her own actions.

So she began to pack her things quietly. Because the room was not soundproof, she was afraid that her movements would cause too much noise and disturb others' rest, so she was very careful in doing all this.

It naturally took more time than usual for Yao Peifang to pick up the clothes thrown on the ground and the clothes she had worn in the past few days in the suitcase, put them in a pile, and put them in the laundry basket, ready to take them to the public washing machine in the building to wash later.

She was a very careful person. After putting the clothes in the laundry basket, she would check all the pockets again.

As a result, in the big pocket of the coat, she found a thick envelope that was missing.

She couldn't help but curse herself for being confused, and quickly took out the envelope as if it were a treasure.

She thought it was fortunate that she found it in time, otherwise if it was washed by the washing machine, she would regret it and might as well die.

You know, this envelope is very important, because it was the gift Ning Weimin gave her personally when they said goodbye at the airport.

And she couldn't help but think of the moment when she said goodbye to Ning Weimin at the airport today.

"Xiao Yao, you have worked hard these days. Thank you for your dedicated help. The inspection team is very satisfied. Without you, things would not have been so smooth."

"You're welcome, it's nothing, it's all my responsibility."

Yao Peifang naturally didn't dare to take credit, and she had to hand in the unspent money. "Oh, by the way, Manager Ning, I didn't spend all the money you gave me. Now I'm giving it back to you..."

So all of a sudden, the two of them started arguing again.

"What are you doing? It's just a few tens of thousands of yen. It's not worth it. Just take it."

"No, no, I said I was here to help. How can you change your mind?"

"Oh, you girl, why are you so stubborn? Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore. I know what you're thinking. I want to tell you two things now. Listen carefully and then decide whether to return the money to me, okay?"

Originally, Yao Peifang thought that everything would end after the work was over. Ning Weimin's words really surprised her. She blinked and said, "Okay, then you say."

"It's like this. First, to thank you for your help this time. I have arranged an audition for you in a movie."

"Movie audition? Me?"

Yao Peifang opened her mouth wide. She didn't expect this.

But she didn't expect that there was still more to come. Ning Weimin revealed to her one after another, which was really shocking.

"Yes, this matter was just announced by Keiko at the TBS press conference not long ago. This year, Fog Studios will invest 2 billion yen to shoot a movie called Crazy Rich Asians. It is expected to be released throughout Asia..."

"What? 2 billion yen! For all of Asia?"

"Don't make a fuss, just listen to me. This movie is tailor-made for Teresa Teng. It is a romantic comedy theme and a musical movie. For example, just like "Three Smiles" and "The Sound of Music", it goes without saying that the soundtracks in the movie are all Teresa Teng's songs. The director is Director Osawa Yutaka, who was recommended by the famous Japanese director Akira Kurosawa, and the male lead is Zun Long. Our domestic Fei Xiang, Zhang Qiang, and Cui Jian will also participate. These are all confirmed things, and it is expected that several well-known Japanese actors and Hong Kong and Taiwan actors will join in. In short, it is to go for a big scene, grand Hua line-up to get it. As for you, the role you want to fight for is a daughter of a wealthy family, and you will have a rivalry with Fei Xiang's character. You are a couple about to get married in the movie. What do you think? Are you interested? "

"Yes, of course. Teresa Teng! Are you serious! But...but I don't have any experience..."

"Don't worry, I don't know your situation. I'm not afraid that you don't like it. This role is basically a vase, and no acting skills are required. As long as the person is beautiful, has a good figure, and shows the noble, elegant, and pure temperament of a young lady, it's enough. Isn't this what you are good at? Just treat it as a catwalk and act in your true colors. "

"I understand... Manager Ning, I... I must... I'm sorry, I'm too excited. This matter is like a dream for me. I don't know how to thank you. "

Yao Peifang said what was in her heart, without any exaggeration.

The opportunity given to her by Ning Weimin was simply a super big pie that fell from the sky, which stunned her all of a sudden.

She still remembered what Ning Weimin had said to her.

If you want to break the ceiling of the modeling profession, you must develop in a diversified way!

She recognized this very much and took it seriously.

But she didn't expect that Ning Weimin would not only tell her the way out, but also give her such a good opportunity.

What's wrong with the role of a vase?

The important thing is that this movie is big enough and is bound to attract much attention.

For her personal conditions without any acting experience, being a foil for Teresa Teng is not shameful, but an honor.

And acting opposite Fei Xiang is an opportunity that thousands of women in China are eager for.

There is no doubt that as a model, if you can play a role in such a movie, it will be of great benefit to enhance your fame and broaden your future path.

I'm afraid that even Ye Jihong, the champion who is now the image spokesperson of Air China, will envy her.

Of course she wants to seize this opportunity.

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