National Tide 1980

Chapter 1,253: Vision

But there is no such thing as a free lunch, and she doubts if there are any other hidden conditions behind this opportunity.

After all, she just helped Ning Weimin a little bit, so for such good luck to fall on her head was simply too dreamy.

After all, she could also sense Ning Weimin's preference for her and felt that she had become a substitute for a certain girl, so the last sentence was also her test.

There are some things that she will not trade. She is not like some models who have no bottom line and are willing to switch careers.

Not even the handsome and wealthy Ning Weimin.

"Isn't it easy to thank me? The second thing I want to tell you today is your chance to thank me."

" said..."

"Qingzi and I have decided to get married. You must have heard about it, right?"


"Why are you nervous? It's like this. We decided to hold the wedding in Japan and then in Beijing. The wedding banquet in Japan is hosted by Keiko, and it may be held soon. However, I am not in Tokyo A few relatives and friends. I'm afraid I can only invite a few people from the embassy to support me at the wedding. Would you like to come and support me? Don't make me look unpopular. There are not even a few friends from my hometown in Tokyo who would make the little devil question my character..."

Fortunately, Ning Weimin's conditions were completely within the normal category, and his words revealed a sense of intimacy that he regarded her as a friend.

This made Yao Peifang not only relieved, but also quite honored.

"This...where is this? Of course there is no problem. I...I will definitely go."

Just after making the promise to attend the wedding, Yao Peifang felt a slight sting in her heart.

This is why?

Such a reaction was strange even to herself.

However, before he had time to think clearly, Ning Weimin made another shocking move, which completely confused Yao Peifang.

"Okay, I will send the invitation to you later. This envelope is for you. Take it. In addition to the five hundred thousand yen, here is a piece of paper. The date, address and contact information of the interview are written on it..."

"What? Five hundred thousand yen? Give it to me?"

Hearing the amount of money, Yao Peifang was really frightened and resisted firmly, "No, no, I don't want it... You have given me such a good opportunity, how could I..."

But the following words of the clinker Ning Weimin hit the nail on the head and really embarrassed Yao Peifang.

"What are you talking about? Here we go again! It seems you still don't understand. Didn't I just say that the role you want to fight for is the rich daughter. You can't go to the audition dressed casually? Why don't you wear something as ordinary as yours? Madam, don’t let the director tell you off just by looking at you. This money is for you to look glamorous, just like you did when you participated in the model competition.”

" won't take so much!"

"Oh, this is Japan, not our country. In China, Picardy is considered a luxury product. But if you go to the real international big-name stores in Japan, a skirt of 200,000 to 300,000 yen is very common. You can also buy a pair of shoes. . To buy some small jewelry, seriously, this may not be enough. Besides, you have to attend my wedding. In addition to buying clothes, I can also arrange accommodation for you, but you have to pay for it. A 30,000-yen red envelope? What? You can’t use this money? You have so much money?”

Yao Peifang suddenly realized Ning Weimin's thoughts, but at the same time he also felt embarrassed.

Her imagination was limited by poverty, but she never thought that buying clothes would cost so much.

Buying clothes worth more than 10,000 yuan a piece and wearing them is simply a sin!

For a moment, she hesitated, not knowing what to do.

"No, that...that..."

Ning Weimin was happy and took the initiative to make the decision for her.

"Stop talking about 'that, that'. If it's a big deal, don't stick to the trivial. Just do what I say. At worst, this money will be considered as a temporary loan from me. Xiao Yao, you are a smart girl. I understand that you have repeatedly refused my financial help. Why? Didn't I also give up the commission from Tan Gong Restaurant? You see, we both understand the same thing. If you give up, you will get something. You should learn to be flexible and never accept death.”

Even if you have good intentions, you have to pay attention to methods.

Perhaps because Ning Weimin's attitude was somewhat condescending and lecturing, it still inevitably aroused a little rebellious mood in Yao Peifang.

"Ah, are we the same? Stop joking. How can we be compared? We are completely different, right? What you gave up was tens of millions of yen! I can't bear to part with it. If I have the ability to earn so much money, then I definitely won’t give it to anyone else!”

Although she knew that Ning Weimin was doing it for her own good, due to her pride, Yao Peifang still couldn't help but retort a few words angrily.

"Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, are you really confused or are you pretending to be confused? Big and small are relative. The principles are the same." Ning Weimin was quite dumbfounded.

"How could I? I really don't understand. I have always been unable to understand. Isn't business for money? If you give up such a large commission that you deserve, then no matter how hard you work to run the Altar Palace, the money will be divided up by others. What's the point? Don't you feel that you are at a disadvantage? I really want to know what you think. 20 million yen, if converted into RMB, it will be 1 million. The opportunity to become a millionaire in broad daylight, you just say no? Not to mention the 40 million yen and 50 million yen in the future."

Relying on the gender advantage of a girl and the favor of Ning Weimin, Yao Peifang was not worried at all that her specious arguments would lead to the consequences of losing everything. She was absolutely sure of her hypocrisy.

Of course, she was not completely ignorant. These questions had been in her mind for a long time, and she had indeed reached the point where she had to speak out.

At this time, she took the opportunity to ask boldly.

Sure enough, Ning Weimin was not angry, but patiently answered like a teacher.

"Ha, you really want to make me laugh. Then do you know that I run more than just the Tan Gong Restaurant in Tokyo. I am also doing many other businesses. Apart from other things, the money I personally earn from the agency business of several brands of trolley suitcases far exceeds the commission of Tan Gong Restaurant. The official background of several investors of Tan Gong Restaurant can not only make it easier for me to obtain approval from the Japanese side when applying for a visa and re-staying, but also give me a certain identity protection, so that I can avoid harassment from many bad forces in Japan. It can even increase my personal credibility, making it much easier for me to deal with Japanese banks and apply for loans. Not to mention, it is also very convenient for me to entertain clients. I am not afraid to tell you that this restaurant can save me thousands of dollars every year just on food and drink. 10,000 yen for social expenses and living expenses. If Dan Gong can really open a second and third branch in Japan, I will undoubtedly be able to get more help. Then you say, why should I bother about this commission? Little girl, I am not a saint, there is really no benefit, I will not do anything purely dedicated. The reason why you don't understand is because you can't see some things.

Needless to say, for Yao Peifang, these words completely refreshed her cognition.

She suddenly realized that Ning Weimin was doing selfish things in the name of selflessness.

Everything that was unreasonable turned out to be quite reasonable. It was only because her vision was too low that she could not figure out the bottleneck.

But girls, the closer they are to someone emotionally, the less willing they are to admit defeat verbally.

"Okay, I admit that I haven't thought about what you said. You did teach me a lesson today. But a wise man will make mistakes, and you haven't considered everything. Now that we have come to this point, I have to kindly remind you that you seem to be a little too anxious to open a branch in Tan Palace, but you have overlooked a very important thing. "

"Oh, what is it? I would like to hear more about it."

Ning Weimin's tone was a bit like coaxing a child. Although he was very cooperative, it made Yao Peifang feel more looked down upon.

She didn't care about keeping it a secret anymore and said it all in one breath.

"You gave up the commission and gave everyone bonuses. Not only did you give up money, but you also took on responsibilities. These investors all have superiors. Their willingness to support you does not mean that there are no hidden dangers. Think about it, what if the superiors know that you used commissions to give bonuses to others. What should you do if the board is really hit? Manager Ning, no one will share the burden for you at that time. I advise you to think of a way to make some arrangements in advance."

However, Ning Weimin's attitude remained unchanged. Instead, he laughed and was still so calm.

"Okay, thank you for your reminder. Xiao Yao, thank you for your kindness. However, I am very clear about my situation. I will not hide it from you. In fact, the old director and Qiao Wanlin have advised me on these things. But the key point is that as long as you want to do something, there is no time when you don't need to take risks and take on responsibilities. The bigger the thing you want to do, the greater the risk you have to take, and the heavier the burden you have to bear. Even if a person is capable of doing things, he must be brave enough to take on things. So I am not afraid of taking responsibility, which is what I should bear. Having said that, I would like to remind you again that you must not think that the 500,000 yen I gave you is just money. No, it is actually responsibility. If you want to get this role, you must first bear the weight of 500,000 yen. As I just said, the money can be regarded as a loan from you. You need this money, you have to spend it and dress yourself up well, so that you can impress the director at the first meeting. If you get the role, you can easily pay it back with the salary. If you don't get the role, the money will be wasted, which will naturally make you very uncomfortable. So my question now is, you always say that you need opportunities, but do you have the courage to take it with all your might? "

As if she had suddenly realized something, at this moment, Yao Peifang truly understood what choice Ning Weimin had put before her.

She was deeply touched and could not help but ask again.

"... Then... I... Can I ask, where does your courage come from? Aren't you afraid of the worst? You don't worry about gains and losses at all..."

"Me? The source of my courage is quite special. Others cannot learn from it. First, I work in a foreign company and made a lot of money in Japan. Now I want to go to most countries in the world and I can fulfill my wish. So like this Financial freedom allows me to deal with any problem with ease. Secondly, I married a Japanese woman, and she is also a famous star. You must know that cross-border marriage has its own advantages, although it is a bit troublesome for two people to have different nationalities. But I can protect myself at critical moments. If there ever comes a time when some people in China want to take advantage of me, it won’t be easy for them to worry about the impact of public opinion and external influence, and even more so, they have to worry about me. I won’t break the rules and turn myself into a Japanese when the time comes, so there will always be discussions.”

Ning Weimin's answer surprised Yao Peifang.

However, she couldn't even be jealous of such arrogance.

People do not rely on fate or luck, but purely on their own abilities to win the privilege of "having whatever they want and doing whatever they want".

This is probably the true meaning of "people are more likely to die than others".

"That's right. If you become a Japanese citizen, then... you really have no responsibility. If you are really forced to that point, will you... will you change your nationality?"

As a result, she never expected that a "world citizen" like Ning Weimin still had an extremely pure Chinese heart.

"Me? Of course not. You girl is a bit irritating! If you miss me so much, you are scolding me. I can tell you this, nationality is something I will never give up in my life, no matter what. There will never be such a day. I have promised you this, if you really want to change it, Qingzi will change it with me. I will always be a citizen of the Republic. Maybe you will marry a foreigner in the future. , I think it’s a bit confusing. You will change your nationality in the future, but don’t blame me for disowning you..."

"What? Me? I don't know how. I am born as a Chinese and die as a Chinese ghost. If you don't believe me, let's hook up..."

Thinking about it, Yao Peifang unconsciously smiled.

Is it satisfying? Is it a secret joy? Is it gratification? Is it admiration? Is it closeness? Is it a tacit understanding?

I'm afraid even she herself can't explain what it feels like.

Only one thing is certain, great wisdom and great love. This is the culture of heroes. Which woman doesn’t love heroes?

Therefore, although the experience of these ten days was indeed very difficult, afterward, she did not feel that she was suffering at all.

Instead, she felt that thanks to Ning Weimin, she experienced a different kind of life, saw different scenery, heard different voices, and had thoughts and awareness about many issues.

These may not seem important to most people, but she knew they were actually important.

It can be said that even if she puts aside the opportunities and help given by Ning Weimin, she feels that this journey is worthwhile.

As for their relationship... they can barely be considered friends, right?

To be honest, she was self-aware and had never had such expectations.

They are not on the same level at all, so why should they be friends with them?

In her opinion, it was good enough that they could know each other, become acquaintances, and be able to talk to each other.

Ning Weimin actually thought so highly of her and was willing to treat her as a friend, which really surprised and surprised her.

Perhaps the only bad thing is that Ning Weimin is a little too special and too charming.

Of course she knew that she should never be interested in a man who was about to get married.

Once you move, even if you open the door to hell, there will be no second result except that you will be tortured and hurt.

But the problem is, there are some people in this world who were born just to bring trouble to the world.

And sometimes, people's emotions and reason are at odds with each other.

What should she do?

What can she do?

have no idea……

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