National Tide 1980

Chapter 1314: Turning the Tide

It is true that life is not a smooth journey.

No matter who you are or which way you go, no one can guarantee that everything will go smoothly.

In life, people will always encounter various difficulties and setbacks.

Because life is like this, there are gains and losses.

The same is true for Ning Weimin. Although he has a plug-in to protect him from time travel, he can foresee many things in advance.

But he is just a time traveler, not a god, and he has not reached the realm of saying what he wants, and he cannot achieve everything he wants.

Some things should go wrong, and they will still go wrong. They cannot be avoided or circumvented.

Just like the "Hui Min Reading Club" that he and Zhang Shihui invested in, it has now expanded to three.

In addition to the main store opposite Rong Baozhai on Liulichang Ancient Culture Street, there are two branches.

In order to facilitate management, Zhang Shihui set up a branch next to the Hui Min Tobacco and Wine Shop on Huanghuamen Street in the north of Jingshan.

Another branch was chosen at the Guangqumen Anhua Building, Liu Weijing's mother's home.

The opening of these three stores cost them nearly 40,000 yuan, and now only the main store can basically break even.

The other two branches need to be subsidized by them for 2,000 yuan every month to maintain.

This money is all supported by the income of Huimin Tobacco and Wine Shop.

Although this move has won them a good social reputation and made the reading club well received.

But invisibly, it has also established their reading club as a moral benchmark and put them on the shelf.

If nothing goes wrong, it will be fine. Once something goes wrong, they will have to bear much greater pressure than ordinary bookstores.

This is like an athlete who has won the world championship. The Chinese people don’t even allow him to make mistakes on the field and win the silver medal.

This was verified in June.

To be honest, it’s really unlucky. In the month when Ning Weimin returned to Beijing, bad books were found in the books borrowed from the Guangqumen branch of the reading club.

Moreover, these two books named "Rose Dream" were borrowed by a high school sophomore student from Huiwen Middle School. The people who found that there was something wrong with the book were precisely the parents of this student.

Can they let it go?

You know, students these days are like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge when they take the college entrance examination, even for key middle schools.

Parents of students these days are also single-minded, hoping that their children can get into college, so that they can be considered to have a way out.

Therefore, parents and schools do not want students to read extracurricular books to distract their attention, let alone the things that their children read secretly, which are such disgusting things.

So the parents were furious and not only beat their son at home, but the father also ran to the bookstore to argue, insisting that the bookstore give him an explanation.

But the staff of the bookstore were also young and hot-tempered. They couldn't get along after talking and felt that the responsibility was not on either side. They thought that this parent was making a fuss over nothing, and they actually quarreled with this parent.

In this way, the conflict that could have been made small was further intensified.

As a result, even if this parent did not have the intention to make a fuss, he did at this time.

For this, not only did they report to the police station, but they also called the reporter of "Beijing Evening News" to expose it.

Just like that, the mess got bigger.

The next day, the incident was reported in the newspapers by reporters because of the complete evidence, which immediately caused an uproar in public opinion.

No one expected that the "Hui Min Reading Club", which always claimed to "let people who love books afford books" and "not aim to make money", would make such a mistake.

If that were the case, who would dare to let their children go to the reading club to read books?

As the head of the reading club, Zhang Shihui did not pay enough attention to this matter.

Although this matter was reported in the newspapers, he did not take it seriously at all because it was a small article like tofu.

He did not think of apologizing to the parents, nor did he think of making a public statement.

He even felt very wronged. The reading club was not a publishing house that printed books. He felt that this was an unavoidable problem.

Moreover, he relied on his close relationship with the police station and often got some cheap cigarettes and alcohol for others. Such a small matter would not embarrass him.

He thought that as long as he downplayed the matter, it would be fine in a few days, as long as Ning Weimin did not know about it.

But what he feared came true.

It was a coincidence that in May this year, Beijing had just rectified the book market and checked out bad books. "Rose Dream" was a representative of banned books.

Now, in the process of reporting the law enforcement achievements, Huimin Book Club actually ran into the gun, which suddenly exposed that there were blind spots in law enforcement.

How could the relevant departments save face?

The police station was involved, and it couldn't stand such pressure.


Who else should I check if I don't check you!

So completely beyond Zhang Shihui's expectations, just one night later, the three stores of the book club welcomed surprise inspections.

This time it was almost a comprehensive inspection. In the three stores of the book club, a total of four unhealthy tabloids, eleven copies, and thirty-seven bad books and periodicals were found.

Then the law enforcement department took away all the banned books and left a message - wait for processing.

In this way, Huimin Book Club became a fish on the chopping board, and the knife was already on its neck.

That’s not all. The next day, the Beijing Evening News followed up on the incident, this time covering half of the page. The public response was almost all criticism.

Because the more excellent the student, the more abominable it is to cheat in the exam!

At the same time, there were inevitably people who took advantage of the situation to add insult to injury.

For example, public libraries were once questioned by ordinary people because of the popularity of book clubs.

And those stingy bookstores that don't allow customers to read books and will kick them out if they find out.

At this time, they were all happy to see Huimin Book Club in trouble and couldn't help but add fuel to the fire by making public comments.

Some people say that they have betrayed the trust of the people by harboring filth and evil.

Some people say that such book clubs only use gimmicks to attract people, but in fact they have no sense of social responsibility at all.

Some people also say that children in school should not be allowed to read extracurricular books in the first place, let alone bad reading materials. Even ordinary extracurricular books can distract children and affect their academic performance.

This kind of book club should have been banned and closed down long ago, but it would be more beneficial to society.

These remarks also further stimulated the common people, and their doubts about the book club continued to increase.

It even caused panic among members, who were worried that if they received a letter from the bookstore, their membership fees would be in vain, and many people wanted a refund.

At this point, the book club is not only in danger, but has almost become a street rat.

Zhang Shihui's search for the police station was in vain, and now he felt really panicked.

He was unable to deal with the aftermath and knew that he could not hide it from Ning Weimin, so he had to put down his dignity and take the initiative to ask for help.

At that time, Ning Weimin was discussing orders with various industrial and aesthetic manufacturers. He was very angry after knowing the details.

He was not angry about anything else, except that Zhang Shihui did not correctly realize the seriousness of the matter from the beginning and failed to deal with it in time, which caused the matter to worsen.

What's more important is that he is angry that things have reached this point. This guy still has a sense of luck and hopes that he can use his relationship with the officials and the media to suppress the matter.

Is this something that can be suppressed and passed over in a daze?

It has already caused public outrage.

If we don't do something to restore our reputation, it will be the end of the world.

So Ning Weimin didn't say anything, scolded Zhang Shihui directly, and asked him to learn from it and cooperate unconditionally with his crisis public relations measures.

Then the first thing Ning Weimin did was to quickly write an announcement and have it posted at the gates of the three reading club stores.

The announcement is divided into several parts.

The first part first describes the cause and process of the incident, and truthfully describes the problems that occurred in Huimin Reading Club.

The second part writes about the current investigation results of the law enforcement agencies, without avoiding the seriousness of Huimin Book Club’s mistakes.

The third part is problem analysis.

In this section, Ning Weimin complained a few times and explained that there were uncontrollable factors in the source of the books, because they were all purchased old books and there were no dedicated personnel responsible for reviewing the content of these books.

But Ning Weimin still did not evade responsibility. He placed the main responsibility on himself and Zhang Shihui, believing that it was because of their poor management and insufficient consideration of the problem.

The employee who quarreled with the customer just had a bad service attitude and only needs to bear the corresponding responsibility.

This is quite surprising, because in the common people's impression, those in charge are always good at taking credit, and even better at passing on responsibility.

Subordinates have always been used as scapegoats, but few people are so responsible.

By the time they saw this, many people had already felt the sincerity in admitting their mistakes in this announcement, and their anger towards the "Huimin Book Club" began to decrease.

Some people can even think about this issue from the perspective of a book club, thinking that book clubs also have the same difficulties as book clubs.

But the most surprising thing is the last two parts, the rectification plan and the results written by Ning Weimin.

This suddenly changed most people's views on book clubs and gave them positive recognition again.

Because what Ning Weimin came here was real, not fake at all.

First of all, in terms of rectification methods, he must improve the management system, strengthen employee training and management of book sources.

specific measure:

The first is to set up a complaint hotline and opinion book. The telephone number and opinion book will be placed in a prominent position in each store to ensure that if there are complaints, as long as the customer leaves their contact information, feedback will be provided.

The second is to set up a special review department. From now on, there will be dedicated personnel responsible for reviewing the content of books.

Third, for middle school students, the borrowing time has been changed. Taking into account the actual situation, books will only be borrowed during winter and summer vacations.

But correspondingly, membership fees will no longer be charged, only deposits will be collected, and all original payments will be refunded after the membership expires.

And the processing result is:

1. Although the superior's handling opinions have not yet come down, Huimin Reading Club fully accepts the punishment and handling opinions of the law enforcement agencies. It should be fined and suspended for study. We will comprehensively review ourselves to ensure that similar situations will not occur again.

Second, a cash reward of NT$500 will be given to the parents of the customers who helped them discover the bad books and the reporters who reported on the book, and the two leaders of the book club will apologize to the customers and their parents in person for this incident.

3. The public is welcome to continue to supervise. If anyone finds similar bad reading material in our company again, report it to our company. Once confirmed, the company will give a cash reward of 500 yuan in the same manner.

Fourth, we sincerely apologize to customers who no longer trust our company and want to withdraw from membership due to this matter, and will provide a full refund.

5. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the customers who are still willing to trust the book club and retain their membership.

We will also make appropriate compensation in advance for the possible impact of the book club’s closure on everyone’s studies.

Regardless of the final outcome, all customers who continue to remain members will have their membership extended for free for half a year.

6. For employees who quarrel with customers, ten yuan of bonus will be deducted from the employee's monthly bonus, and the employee will apologize to the customer in person on his behalf, and then be criticized and educated internally.

Good fellow! It's all about spending money!

A one-year membership card is only twelve yuan! How much do we have to pay to earn it back?

Hey, the whistleblower made a lot of money! He earned half a year's salary for one book! It's really suitable!

These thoughts are the most direct feelings of those who have read the entire announcement.

Everyone knows that for a reading club with a public welfare nature, this is not just a small expense.

No one is not shocked by the announcement of Huimin Reading Club, and its generosity is unprecedented.

Including bonuses and membership extensions, a huge investment of tens of thousands of yuan, they were withdrawn as soon as they said they would.

That resolute courage is jaw-dropping.

What's more amazing is that they can act quickly and truly implement it without any sloppiness. This courage and execution are unmatched.

After the announcement was posted, Ning Weimin was not idle. His next step was to call the Beijing Evening News and contact the reporter who wrote this report.

In addition to informing Huimin Book Club of the content of the announcement, he asked it to supervise him to fulfill the above promises.

In this way, under the witness of reporters that day, Ning Weimin found the parents of the high school student, Zhang Shihui and the quarreling employee, apologized on the spot one by one, and gave cash rewards to the other party and the reporter in full.

They couldn't refuse it. Ning Weimin's reasoning was very powerful-I know you are not for money, but we still have many shortcomings and need supervision from the whole society. Only if we have the courage to take responsibility and actively improve can we truly reassure the society and make progress.

In this way, the photos of this scene and Ning Weimin's attitude were once again published as social news on the Beijing Evening News, this time almost three-quarters of the page.

Even in today's environment where media and information are not very developed, Huimin Book Club has aroused heated discussions in society for its generous actions, and public opinion is boiling instantly, because no company has ever done something similar.

More and more people are focusing on the matter and expressing their amazement at the decisive way Huimin Book Club handled the matter and apologized.

Some people started talking about the benefits of the book club, "Huimin Book Club has really benefited me a lot. I am afraid that the book club will fail, and people like us will no longer have such a convenient place to borrow books."

Others said, "Who hasn't made mistakes? Just correct them. To be fair, Huimin Book Club is not sincere, but a country of oversight. Such mistakes are inevitable in any bookstore. On the contrary, look at those places that deliberately sold these books and periodicals in May and were found to have problems. Why didn't anyone apologize to the society like Huimin Book Club did? It's just that the books were copied, so they just pretended that it didn't happen. The matter is over. Who is more hateful! There is really no need to hold on to Huimin Reading Club and kill it with one stroke. "

There are also intellectuals who love books like their lives. "Money-driven actions do not reflect the true intentions. But Huimin Reading Club is indeed needed by the people. It is outstanding and leading in management, unique and far superior to its peers. Especially this attitude of actively facing and correcting mistakes is just like the rare white jade, pure and flawless, revealing the inner elegance and purity. I hope that the relevant authorities will fully consider the actual needs of the people and give Huimin Reading Club a chance. "

Even the father of the high school student said in the evening paper.

"Look at what happened. We just wanted an explanation. We didn't expect to cause such a big commotion. I regret it now. I made a fuss. This book club is good. We are satisfied with their apology. They are not doing it for money. They really want to do good things. If this incident really closes the book club and everyone has no place to read, I will not bear it. To be honest, I have no problem with Huimin. As long as my son is admitted to university, I will let him borrow books from Huimin."

The Chinese people are really so lovely.

The majority of people are reasonable, and they are kind and empathetic.

As long as you do it well, no one will really care about it.

And such public opinion is of great help to Huimin Book Club, and it is also easy for law enforcement.

In the end, the board fell, but it did not hurt the bones - it was suspended for three days and fined 30,000 yuan.

But what is more surprising is that this matter has not ended. Instead, it has made Huimin Book Club a model in the industry.

After reopening, the crowds were like tides and full of vitality.

After this incident, not only did almost no one quit, but the number of members increased, and many people came to apply for membership.

Because Ning Weimin, who knew the traffic code and benefits, was not idle, he took the opportunity to set up counters inside and outside the book club store, and sold the soundtrack of the movie "Li Xianglan" by giving members a movie poster.

This not only promoted the sales of the tape, but also rapidly increased the number of members, greatly spreading the operating costs.

That's not all. Many people came to donate books. Many people believed that Huimin Book Club was not well managed and had suffered a lot of economic losses from this incident. They were willing to donate their useless books for free and do their part for the book club.

As a result, these scenes were reported by the "Beijing Evening News" and were on the social news again.

Now, those who had laughed at the joke were all dumbfounded, and finally found that they were the joke.

Zhang Shihui, who was originally a little bit hurt, finally changed his mind.

He felt that "taking a small loss to gain a big profit" was indeed the right way, and his personal business philosophy had made considerable progress, which was really beneficial.

He had to admire Ning Weimin's unique strategy and foresight, and he was able to turn a bad thing into a good thing.

Their unexpected reverse marketing this time was a great harvest for Ning Weimin to turn the tide with his business wisdom!

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