National Tide 1980

Chapter 1315: Dispelling Rumors

The incident in which the Huimin Reading Club was reported by parents of students for bad reading materials ended after Ning Weimin took over.

Ning Weimin's "short, flat and fast" handling method can be regarded as a classic case of "crisis public relations".

Although it cost a certain amount of money, he successfully moved the parents of the parties involved and the kind people of Beijing with his sincere attitude of admitting mistakes and timely rectification measures, and regained the support and trust of public opinion.

After that, the Huimin Reading Club not only continued to move forward, but also its reputation went to a higher level.

It was precisely by relying on the power of word of mouth that a feast of word-of-mouth praise was created.

Even the initial economic cost was later compensated by Ning Weimin through the sale of movie soundtracks and the expansion of new members.

From a business perspective, it was equivalent to spending only 40,000 yuan to make an advertisement that shocked the entire Beijing.

This is simply an invincible operation, which is definitely worth every Chinese businessman to think about. It is also enough to make Zhang Shihui, this kid, hide in his bed and secretly rejoice, finally being able to put down the burden in his heart and sleep well.

Unfortunately, Ning Weimin did not have such a blessing. After solving this matter, he could not breathe a sigh of relief.

Even as a model of those who are capable and work harder, he had to immediately throw himself into another battle to save public opinion.

And this time, he was no longer saving a company, but a person.

What happened?

It turned out that after returning to Beijing recently, he was too busy and had no time to spare.

Ning Weimin basically had no time to read the newspaper. He occasionally flipped through it, just to pay attention to the front and second pages of the major newspapers and understand the policy trends at the national level.

He didn't know much about local news and social news.

Until the incident in the reading club, Ning Weimin had to take action to solve the problem and needed to understand the situation.

He had just read the local newspapers such as Beijing Evening News, Beijing Japan and Youth Daily for two days.

He was shocked to find that two of his stars, Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang, had also fallen into an inexplicable embarrassing situation.

They were deliberately targeted by public opinion in the newspapers, some people made insinuations, and some people criticized them.

The reputation of the company is important, and the reputation of the stars is equally important. Ning Weimin certainly could not be indifferent and sit idly by.

Even if Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang themselves did not realize the seriousness of the matter, Ning Weimin took it very seriously.

So, as soon as he solved the problem of Huimin Reading Club, he could not take care of other things and hurriedly asked them for details.

You don’t know until you ask, you will know that both of them are unlucky.

Let’s talk about Zhang Qiang first.

In 1986, because her tapes were too popular, the sales of her two albums in the mainland approached 20 million copies, setting an amazing record.

Not only was she the first Chinese singer to appear on Time magazine, she was also listed as one of the most popular female singers in the world along with Whitney Houston, Jennifer Rush, Teresa Teng and other six singers.

Since then, she has received the attention of many foreign media.

In addition to domestic media, she was interviewed by foreign newspapers and magazines such as the South China Morning Post and Bridge Magazine.

This made Zhang Qiang a very special singer in China. Although she has not yet had any original songs, her reputation has gone beyond the borders of the country and has spread to Europe and the United States.

However, these foreign media are not all good people.

In early 1987, a British female reporter with ulterior motives found Zhang Qiang's mother and asked for an interview.

At that time, Zhang Qiang and her daughter agreed without much thought.

The result was that the female reporter did not take pictures of the three-bedroom apartment Zhang Qiang bought in Fangzhuang, but insisted on taking pictures of the small bungalow where they lived at the beginning, with the excuse that she wanted to understand Zhang Qiang's entire growth experience.

Then after they went there, the British female reporter picked out simple and dilapidated places to take pictures, and even gave a close-up of the garbage dump at the entrance of the courtyard.

And not long after this interview, someone told Zhang Qiang that there were particularly exaggerated false reports in Hong Kong.

The British female reporter was too mean. She actually said in Hong Kong newspapers that Zhang Qiang was suppressed by the mainland cultural department because her personal music style was too avant-garde and completely contrary to the mainstream art at the time.

As a result, Zhang Qiang lost most of her performance opportunities, her living conditions deteriorated greatly, and now she lives in poverty.

To put it bluntly, this is deliberately spreading rumors about Zhang Qiang and maliciously smearing the mainland cultural atmosphere.

Zhang Qiang and her daughter were furious when they found out that they were cheated.

But the problem is that the British women have all gone to Hong Kong, so how can they settle accounts with her?

In this way, although they were slandered, they had to endure it and could only forget about it.

The only thing she could do was to learn from her mistakes and refuse all interviews with foreign media, fearing that she would be fooled again.

But the problem is that things are not the same as they were in the past. The mainland is increasingly communicating with foreign countries, and even Zhang Qian can quickly receive kind reminders from others.

Since such a thing happened, the news cannot be stopped and will be passed back to the mainland sooner or later.

So soon, she really became a person on the domestic blacklist.

Those who heard about this incident or read this report all thought that she was worshipping foreigners and those reports were her own deliberate distortion of facts to foreign media and smearing her own country.

In this way, all kinds of disturbances and pressures came one after another, and some newspapers began to criticize him verbally and without naming him.

Some people also began to spread this matter among the people, and they even fabricated more stories about Zhang Qiang's "advocating foreigners and favoring foreigners".

I don’t know if the cultural authorities have asked about this matter. Anyway, apart from continuing to play the role of Erzi’s sister Sanya in Chen Peisi’s comedy, soon no one dared to easily invite Zhang Qiang to perform again.

Her performance opportunities and exposure began to decline sharply. Party invitations and interview requests disappeared in an instant, and she actually returned to the state where she had no access to mainstream media.

Zhang Qiang was only eighteen years old this year, and her mother had no experience in dealing with this situation.

They still simply place their hopes of changing their bad luck on "the innocent will purify themselves", always thinking that as long as they are innocent, this kind of thing will come to light sooner or later.

Even if Ning Weimin came back, it was because they knew he was getting married, so they must be very busy and not embarrassed to tell him.

It wasn't until Ning Weimin came to the door on his own initiative that they communicated about this matter, and Zhang Qiang and her daughter finally had someone they could open their hearts to and express their grievances.

As for Fei Xiang, compared with Zhang Qiang, he is actually a little more unlucky and confused.

What makes him unlucky is that what he suffered was an unreasonable disaster.

In the 1987 Spring Festival Gala, Fei Xiang appeared on the stage with a handsome mixed-race appearance. He danced and sang his interpretation of "A Fire in Winter". This song indeed made him popular all over the country overnight.

However, later in May of this year, a huge forest fire broke out in the Daxinganling Mountains, and some people forcibly linked him to this incident, saying that "Daxinganling Mountains was ignited by Feixiang."

Maybe it was just a joke at the beginning, but as the fire spread, this rumor became more and more fierce, and eventually evolved into a fallacy that many people implicitly recognized in their hearts.

Although the fire in Daxinganling burned ragingly for 28 days, it was finally put out.

Afterwards, experts also determined that there were five fire points, all caused by human factors.

But some people still blame Feixiang, thinking that he is the disaster star, leading to the occurrence of special natural disasters this year.

There is no doubt that such remarks are deceptive words and feudal superstition.

But it just so happens that there is still a huge market these days, especially among the private sector.

When these words reached Fei Xiang's ears, he couldn't help but laugh and cry, and he didn't know what to do.

To say that Fei Xiang is confused is because he does not understand that people's words can be frightening and that three people can become tigers. At this time, he still regards this kind of news as irrelevant rumors.

He actually thought that if this was the case, then I might as well sing a watery song "Light Rain in March" to calm down such remarks and apologize to the people of the country.

When Ning Weimin found out about this, he almost lost his breath and vomited blood.

I couldn't help but speak out, and said to my face, "This kind of thing is no joke! You are so brave! Natural disasters are not just fires, China's land is so big. Don't think about it and sang this song , what should you do if there is another flood? No matter how wronged you are, it will be impossible for you to make a decision. Don’t forget that we Chinese are the most concerned about good luck and bad luck. If you are associated with disaster, let alone the mainland, you will not be able to win the favor of the Chinese even overseas. "

As soon as he said this, Fei Xiang changed his color and finally realized his rashness.

In short, this kind of thing is no joke, and measures must be taken quickly to clear up the scandal and clear the names of the two celebrities.

Even Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang, one young and the other ignorant, didn't know the pros and cons, but Ning Weimin understood.

So he had no choice but to take action himself, clean it up for them, and fulfill his obligations as an agent.

Ning Weimin happened to have dealings with reporters from the Beijing Evening News and Youth Daily because of the Huimin Reading Club. He simply called in reporters from the two newspapers and asked them to report to Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang conducted an exclusive interview.

The main content of the interview, in addition to revealing the news that they are about to participate in the filming of "Crazy Rich Asians", the second Sino-Japanese co-production film of Fog Studios, is to clarify the rumors about them in the society one by one.

It not only explained the unknown inside story of these rumors in detail, but also explained the grievances and hardships suffered by the two people, and expressed the trouble and impact they both suffered because of these rumors.

They also took the opportunity of the exclusive interview to express their gratitude to their fans and moviegoers.

In addition, Ning Weimin also used the same method of spending money to avoid disasters as he solved the problem of the book club. He paid for two people and donated money for the aftermath of the fire in Daxinganling.

At this time, they took out the proof of donation for reporters to take pictures. Zhang Qiang donated 150,000 yuan in his name, and Fei Xiang donated 200,000 yuan. They claimed to the reporter that they hoped the money could be used to plant more trees in the area where the Daxinganling was hit by fire.

It seems more and more that the two of them have become two white lotuses who are morally impeccable and have been wronged.

It's very unfair, but also very cute.

So when such reports appeared in the newspapers, the reputations of Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang quickly improved, and the direction of public opinion began to change.

Not to mention, not long after, taking advantage of the premiere of Keiko Matsumoto's "Li Xianglan" in Beijing, Ning Weimin also invited reporters from the country's most popular film magazine "Popular Cinema" to also give Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang still came with such a report.

The relevant interview content and large photos were published on the back of the movie color pages of "Li Xianglan".

After this series of combined punches and routines, their personalities were completely established, and all the remarks that were unfavorable to them were put to rest.

Interestingly, after the rumor was refuted by "Popular Movies", although Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang were quickly freed from the slander and rumors that plagued them, they had more performance opportunities and interview opportunities.

However, there was an unexpected side effect, which Ning Weimin had not thought of beforehand.

That is, after seeing the "generosity" of Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang, the common people could not help but discuss it again - for something like Daxing'anling, why were only these two stars willing to donate? Other stars would not earn much more than them. Could they just pretend to be deaf and dumb?

As a result, those who were in the limelight and those who performed most frequently in the entertainment industry generally suffered.

In addition to Liu Xiaoqin, the "habitual offender", the new generation of singers and actresses who became famous because of "Northwest Wind" and many crosstalk performers were also implicated and implicated.

They were all questioned by the people. Who told them that they didn't make enough money? They have been so happy recently.

Moral kidnapping is inevitable, and it is a large-scale group injury.

However, this is not Ning Weimin's concern.

As long as Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang stay out of it and no longer become the target of public criticism, Ning Weimin doesn't care about anything else.

Not to mention that those people may not be innocent.

The entertainment industry is the most jealous and shady industry.

God knows how the rumors about Zhang Qiang and Fei Xiang spread so quickly and so seriously.

It is impossible to say that there are no human factors and no one is deliberately fanning the flames.

So, let these people fend for themselves.

Ning Weimin doesn't need to apologize at all, and doesn't need to be uneasy at all.

However, he also had to admit that his continuous actions had side effects and might not be good for him.

Seeing that he was making too much noise, Director Huo, who had not had time to meet him since he came back, sent someone to summon him.

As soon as they met, he criticized him and denounced him for several major crimes without hesitation.

First, he bypassed himself and reached a major cooperation agreement with the film industry privately, and he didn't even tell him that the deal was done, leaving him in the dark for half a month. He was too arrogant!

Second, he bit off more than he could chew and was not focused on anything.

Sometimes he was involved in food, sometimes in film and television, sometimes in supporting agriculture, and sometimes in a public welfare reading club.

Although they were all good things, there was no order at all.

He was completely confused and did everything at once. How could he succeed? Could he take care of everything?

Third, the amount of his personal property was questionable.

Director Huo said that he didn't understand. He had only been abroad for a few years. How could he be so rich and invest everywhere after returning?

It's OK for serious matters, but in order to clear the names of two stars, they are willing to spend hundreds of thousands.

Two billion yen for making a movie?

This is enough for the annual filming budget of several major studios in the Republic.

I can't help but ask him how much money he has in Japan and how he lives abroad.

Finally, the most critical point is that he is about to get married, why hasn't the invitation been sent yet?

Did he forget about it because I didn't invite him?

Facing Huo Yanping's ruthless rebuke and questioning like a storm, Ning Weimin instantly understood the core spirit.

Although he was busy, it was understandable, but he seemed to have taken the leader lightly, which was the main reason why the leader was unhappy.

So there was no choice but to bow his head and quickly reflect on himself, patiently explaining that he actually wanted to make some achievements before reporting to the leader.

But he didn't expect that various accidents would happen later, all of which were urgent situations that had to be dealt with quickly, and it was not intentional neglect.

After that, he presented the gifts and wedding invitations that had been prepared long ago, and Huo Yanping finally looked a little better.

What happened next was just as Ning Weimin had expected. Huo Yanping did not hold on to those questions and make him give a reasonable explanation. He just raised them high and let them go lightly, just to scare him.

However, Huo Yanping did not let him off so easily and let him pass comfortably.

Instead, he made a request on behalf of the National Television Station that made him even more embarrassed. He was not sure that he could do it at all, and it even had a certain special meaning.

Huo Yanping said that since he could make Teresa Teng the protagonist of the next movie of the Fog Studio, could he persuade Teresa Teng to invite her to participate in the National Television Station's 1988 Spring Festival Gala?

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