National Tide 1980

Chapter 139 Fellow Travelers

Ning Weimin is very optimistic about Qiao Wanlin's future, and Qiao Wanlin is also very optimistic about Ning Weimin's "money career".

They both feel that they complement each other perfectly in terms of needs and abilities.

This is the relationship between them, a stable and powerful interest relationship.

But what's interesting is that although both parties involved understand the nature of their increasingly harmonious relationship.

But Zhang Shihui just couldn't understand this.

So he couldn't help but feel deeply troubled by this, and even developed a sense of crisis that he was about to be marginalized.

He thought that Ning Weimin had a new partner and would no longer need him.

Will gradually become alienated from him, so that he will eventually be abandoned outside the circle of friendship.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin quickly discovered that Zhang Shihui was in something wrong.

Seeing that this boy became depressed, he even had a lot of complaints and showed signs of being passive and slacking off at work.

Ning Weimin thought Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing were having trouble.

And when we figured out what was going on, we couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect Zhang Shihui, who looked quite free and easy on the surface.

In the interactions between men, he is as fragile, emotional, and worried about gains and losses as a child.

But having said that, this is enough to prove Zhang Shihui's recognition of him.

And it also shows that this guy is a temperamental person.

Compared with money and actual interests, Zhang Shihui obviously cares more about friendship and face, and the feeling of getting along with partners.

Such people will not cause any trouble for money, but can only cause unhappiness because of love.

So in order to solve this problem, Ning Weimin had to act as a psychiatrist.

For this reason, he quietly searched for a day, got some food and drinks, and had a small drink with Zhang Shihui in class.

Then he pretended to accidentally chat with Zhang Shihui about Qiao Wanlin.

As for the key points he expressed that day, he mainly emphasized two points.

First, as ordinary people born in this era of material scarcity and population explosion, he and Zhang Shihui may have to beg for help from birth to death.

Going to school, finding a job, housing, shopping, seeing a doctor, getting married, having children...

Even in the end, even entering the crematorium, I had to beg for help.

It can be said that you have to be prepared to ask for help while you are still in your mother's womb.

If you don't know how to ask for help, you can't survive.

The same is true in the workplace. If they don't have to worry about the many trivial things that can get you stuck, they need Qiao Wanlin's help.

Although Qiao Wanlin's position is not high yet, being able to hang around various leaders all day long is equivalent to having power.

Then with Qiao Wanlin as a friend, they can deal with most problems, and they don't even have to ask other people for help.

For example, when they were drinking at a bar at work, they were really caught by the night shift inspection team of the political work team.

A word with Qiao Wanlin tomorrow will settle the matter.

Second, although Qiao Wanlin can help them with many things, he is always fundamentally different from them.

Because Qiao Wanlin started high and had connections behind him.

Just like a small mine owner who owns a gold mine, he is a person with a family background.

Even if he makes a mistake at work or makes mistakes, there are still people who can help him and many people will take care of him.

But both of them are penniless paupers, with only themselves to rely on.

Once you make a wrong move in the unit and offend a leader, your future will be ruined.

This leads to their pursuit of each other being different.

Qiao Wanlin focused all his energy on the work of the unit.

The desire to have more power, especially the need to make achievements in official career.

The reason why the two of them chose to pursue money was because they only focused on the pockets of hotel guests and outsiders.

It's just because there is no better way to go.

Completely forced by the pressure of life, I had to rely on myself to obtain some mundane things as capital to fight against fate.

You must know that the essence of money is also a convertible bargaining chip for demanding power from society.

The advantage is that it has a wide range of uses and is easy to convert.

The disadvantage is that the grade is relatively low and the risk of depreciation is high.

Therefore, their relationship with Qiao Wanlin is, to put it bluntly, the relationship between the mine owner and the middleman.

Their friendship also comes with a price tag.

When the price is right, they will be very harmonious and understand each other well.

But if the price is out of balance and they can't agree with each other.

They will inevitably part ways and find other new partners.

All in all, what Ning Weimin meant was that their end points and Qiao Wanlin's were not the same.

Although each other is a traveling companion, they and Qiao Wanlin are destined to travel only a certain distance together.

And it is possible that the two of them are partners on the same road from beginning to end.

So that's it.

Zhang Shihui, who understood the lines behind Ning Weimin, understood that Ning Weimin regarded him as a true one of his own.

The big stone in my heart suddenly fell to the ground, and I became energetic again.

As for Ning Weimin's painstaking metaphor, he deeply believed it and regarded it as the truth.

He admired Ning Weimin's wisdom and vision, but he couldn't think of such things in his own head.

He only knows one thing, follow Ning Weimin's footsteps and be the one who follows Ning Weimin's progress.

His wealth can be realized step by step in his life.

how to say? Xinqi is a person's soul, whether it is there or not is really different.

Zhang Shihui, who was freed from the knot in his heart, was as happy as a bird that had escaped from its cage.

He was able to focus on their career again.

He is like an excited salesman, keeping the business in order.

Even facing Qiao Wanlin, he became more enthusiastic and affectionate.

Needless to say, this is of course an effect Ning Weimin would like to see.

After discovering that he had successfully extinguished a "fire" hazard, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt deeply relieved.

This is no exaggeration at all.

In Ning Weimin's view, the essence of business is to allocate resources according to appropriate rules as much as possible.

But obviously, the depth of "being a person" will directly determine whether resources can be allocated appropriately.

Therefore, smoothing out the relationships in all aspects has become an ability that a businessman must possess.

It is also a profound knowledge that businessmen should spend their entire lives diligently studying and exploring.

Ning Weimin has been in business for so many years and has learned something through his own practice.

That is to say, it is true that making money by being harmonious is not a lie. You must not underestimate this sentence.

For example, in the cross talk, there is a libretto of "Lotus Blossoms Fall", which sings, "Business and business must rely on harmony to make money. Treat rich and poor alike... How can you not make a fortune in a business like yours?"

The "harmony brings wealth" here advocates a "kindness to others" service attitude.

This is also the most common understanding of the word.

But this explanation is too simple and one-sided.

In fact, in Ning Weimin's view, this seemingly ordinary word actually means much more than that.

In fact, "harmony brings wealth" should not only include the relationship between the two parties to the transaction, but also include the relationship between internal partners.

Ning Weimin looked at himself and believed that his success in his previous life lay precisely in handling internal relationships.

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