National Tide 1980

Chapter 140 Good News

Because doing business is different from doing business, it requires more work and the element of speculation is high.

Many times, if the seller is suitable, he will definitely not satisfy the buyer.

And the profits he enjoys are mostly obtained by "sneaking" for him by salesmen in the same camp.

Therefore, in order to make his subordinates work diligently and encourage them to display their talents, he paid special attention to relatively fair distribution criteria and visible benefits.

Only in this way can we always maintain stable and upward performance and rapid development.

Otherwise, it would be enough for him to be devastated just because the salesperson was having an affair, making black orders or flying solo.

Frankly speaking, Ning Weimin knew that there were still many shortcomings in his own business management.

But just because the previous life was a worse era.

He compares himself to other bosses who are shrinking, stingy, and disrespectful of their employees.

The flaws in other aspects were covered up, and instead it appeared to be particularly generous and outstanding.

The result is precisely because of the consistency between personal self-interest and public interest.

Out of cherishment of his work, not only would no one of his subordinates complain, take advantage of loopholes, or create trouble behind his back.

On the contrary, they will take the initiative to remind them, and even voluntarily make up for the loopholes.

This is the key reason why Ning Weimin can take care of both businesses without making any mistakes.

So he understood something deeply from it.

When taking care of business, you should actually focus on handling the relationship with your business partners first, rather than racking your brains to handle the relationship with your competitors.

Before fighting against the outside world, you must first make peace with the inside. This sentence is really a truth that cannot be exchanged for a price!

Without the help of concerted efforts, a person's achievements will be limited.

Based on this understanding, if we extend the application of this theory.

Ning Weimin thus saw further and thought more comprehensively.

Because the relationships involved in real big business are by no means simple, there are also broader relationships.

For example, placed shills and internal agents, economic lenders and guarantors.

There are also market managers and supervisors, as well as the media that can affect the reputation of enterprises.

Even in the Internet age, there are all kinds of trolls who come to discredit you.

These relationships are still important and can influence the success or failure of a business.

History has warned us repeatedly.

Never ignore any little person. Many big things are often ruined by a little person.

Therefore, the most ideal way of handling the situation must be to pursue the word "harmony".

To put it bluntly, the important thing is the word "unity".

That is to say, people's opinions are against each other, and there is a lot of help for those who are in good ways, but little help when they are unjust.

From this, we can conclude a principle: the interest of business lies in balance.

A great and smart businessman must not only focus on profits.

Whether you are good at preparing for a rainy day, or you know how to make up for the situation before it is too late.

The most important thing is actually to pursue and maintain harmony in all aspects of relationships.

If you really achieve this goal, you don’t have to worry about making money at all, the money will just flow into your pocket.

Otherwise, the money in your pocket will jump out of your pocket and escape silently.


In reality, Ning Weimin has more than just theories.

He has always applied this principle in practice without compromise.

Fortunately so.

It is precisely because in this regard we can achieve the "unity of knowledge and action"

In the days that followed, Ning Weimin was able to help Kang Shude securely catch a sudden windfall.

Neither made a wrong decision that may be regretted for life.

Nor did they let the gold ingots falling from the sky smash their heads.

Speaking of which, this is undoubtedly another test of fate on his ability to consider various relationships.

What's going on?

In mid-March 1981, in order to solve the problems left over from history, the private housing policy was implemented as soon as possible.

The Beijing government has also issued approval documents to housing management departments at all levels, requiring that some real estate problems be solved as soon as possible.

Since Kang Shude's house is in his possession, the property deed is in his hands and the property rights are clear.

In addition, in view of the fact that when Kang Shude returned to Beijing in despair, the Meishi Street Sub-district Office had approached the housing management office several times for his livelihood and submitted many applications.

Therefore, the house in Courtyard No. 2 of Shan'er Hutong was classified as a priority.

The housing management office in the Qianmen area sent a special person to find Kang Shude, talked to him, and planned to return his house to him.

It should be said that this is a great thing and can be regarded as a blessing from heaven.

There are many private houses that are still occupied, and people whose problems are far away from being solved are coveting this and are envious of him.

But the problem lies in the specific situation of No. 2 Courtyard of Shan'er Hutong in Kang Shude.

When the house comes back, so does the trouble.

If you think about it carefully, the advantages may not outweigh the disadvantages.

Because first of all, the neighbors in this courtyard cannot be evicted. People have to continue to live here.

At this time, the rent is stipulated by the state, and a unified rent standard is implemented.

According to the "Beijing Public Bungalow Residential Rent Standards" initiated by the Beijing Housing Authority in 1979, the rent per square meter would be only 12 cents.

Then even counting the entire courtyard, the dozen or so rooms are only about 160 square meters.

The only rent we can collect is fifteen yuan.

After the house is taken back, although appropriate adjustments can be made, the rent will only be 22.1 square meters.

In other words, I can receive about thirty yuan in rent every month.

But this will undoubtedly increase the costs for the neighbors and make several neighbors feel uncomfortable.

But I can't just put this money in my pocket, because the house is no longer under public control.

The responsibility for those repairs was transferred to Kang Shude.

How can a bungalow be so easy to take care of?

If nothing else, it is rainy in summer in Beijing. After the Dragon Boat Festival every year, from mid-May to June or July, heavy rains often come unexpectedly.

Therefore, after the beginning of summer every year, taking advantage of the fine weather, it is necessary to carry out annual repairs on the house.

The roof tiles need to be replaced if they are damaged, and the linoleum needs to be replaced if they are torn.

In addition, it also includes a series of measures such as plastering the roof, brushing off the gray water, and repairing leaks in wall joints and eaves.

I won’t say whether it’s troublesome or not, nor whether I can find the right people to do the work.

When all these expenses are taken together, I am afraid that less than half of the rent will have to be paid.

It happened that Kang Shude still received eighteen yuan from the street for lonely elderly people every month.

Although the rent is collected legally and compliantly, it does not affect such social welfare subsidies.

But the problem is that it is inevitable for people to say right and wrong.

There is something good to say, but nothing nice to hear.

Not only will he be scolded behind his back, but he will also make things difficult for the street.

So no matter how you look at it, it’s a bit uneconomical.

Kang Shude even thought of giving the house back to the father-in-law.

But regarding this matter, he was a little hesitant.

After all, it was my life's hard work, and I finally returned it, and I really couldn't bear to part with it.

What's more, at this time, the housing management office no longer has the power to spend money to acquire private housing.

If you pay, then it is really for nothing.

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