National Tide 1980

Chapter 239 The outlet

Within a week after the Spring Festival, the windows of the Luo family’s small kitchen were patched up.

A wooden frame bed with bunk beds was also moved into Ning Weimin's hut.

Twenty-two-year-old Luo Guangliang not only has a stable place to stay.

I also have an individual license and my own tricycle.

He truly opened a new page in his life.

Of course, no one is born wanting to be a tricycle driver.

Because this is a job that has always been called "hard and tiring" by people in the capital.

It has no technical content and no future.

Even if you work to the extreme, in the eyes of others, you are still a stinky driver.

To be honest, if Luo Guangliang, a young champion, had not gone blind in one step, he would have become an alternative element despised by society.

No matter how strong he was, he didn't go on missions, and he probably wouldn't join this business where he couldn't see the bright future.

But then again, misfortunes lie on blessings, and blessings lie on misfortunes.

God often opens another window for you when he closes one door.

Until the last moment, it is actually difficult for you to know whether you have lost or gained.

Take this tricycle for example.

Who would have thought that in today's era, this inconspicuous industry that has existed in the capital for decades would turn out to be a good business that makes a lot of money every day.

This is not just a boast, it really is.

First of all, let’s talk about the social environment, urban construction and economic development are making great strides, and the demand for logistics is naturally growing rapidly.

Under the objective conditions of lack of motor vehicles, our society has no other choice but to rely on human-powered tricycles to maintain normal logistics needs in the city.

This means that this is the golden age of this backward logistics method.

In addition, what is different from the past is that the economic system has also undergone new changes.

Since the educated youth returned to the city, the country had to make some concessions in its policies in order to solve the employment problem.

From the day the individual operating license is approved.

The government provides low tax rates and full freedom to individual industrial and commercial households who are willing to do their own business.

Therefore, the current tricycle drivers who run single gangs are really not the same thing as the state-owned tricycle drivers.

Reflected in income, it can lead to a world of difference.

Don’t believe it yet, you must know that the country has actually set a unified standard for the freight rates of tricycles these days.

It is stipulated that freight transportation in each area within the Second Ring Road is 1.5 yuan.

Passenger transport costs 80 cents for one person and 14 cents for two people.

Between the Second Ring Road and the Third Ring Road, freight costs RMB 80 per area. 

Passenger transport costs one yuan per person and one yuan and eighty for two people.

The price per kilometer outside the third ring road is one yuan per kilometer for freight.

Passenger transport costs 60 cents per kilometer for one person and one yuan for two people.

This pricing standard is obviously dead to the state-owned lifting companies and cannot be moved.

But it is different for individual tricycle drivers.

They have full flexibility in their asking prices.

If they compete with state-owned tricycles, they can cut prices to grab jobs.

If you encounter a guest in distress, it’s a “stick” if you don’t understand the situation.

They can also take advantage of the trend to raise prices and make a killing.

Secondly, because one has a guaranteed harvest despite droughts and floods, while the other relies on self-reliance, their labor enthusiasm is completely different.

The tricycle driver of the state-owned lifting company is under the control of the state, and his salary is a small amount.

They are usually assigned by affiliated crane companies to do their jobs, and most of them cooperate with warehouses and stores.

Basically, I make two trips a day, and I can earn a salary ranging from thirty to fifty.

Their only chance to make some living money.

I just sit back and wait in the crane club, waiting for someone who occasionally needs a car to find me.

But one trip is not much.

The bulk of the money has to be handed over to the government, so I can basically just settle down and drink for 80 cents.

Therefore, most of the tricycle drivers who belong to the crane club want to be comfortable.

I never had the motivation to find work on my own.

After these people finish their routine work every day, they almost always hang out at the door of the crane club.

Everyone was holding a big teapot in their hands and holding cheap cigarettes in their mouths, chatting and gossiping together.

Or just find a place to play chess or cards.

On the other hand, individual tricycle drivers are all masters who see all directions and listen to all directions.

No matter whether they are out during the day or night, they have to look for money wherever they are.

Wherever there is work, there is no shortage of jobs. No matter how much work there is, it is never too much.

Some people are good at taking long detours, some are good at filming and bluffing, and some are good at taking fat jobs from foreigners and outsiders.

Everyone shows off their abilities, like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, and they dare to use any tricks in order to make more money.

Perhaps because of his good tutoring, Luo Guangliang is more diverse among them.

He is one of the few real people who walks the path of Dora running fast.

He doesn't pick jobs very much. Whether it's people or goods, he just does it when someone asks him.

He also does the hard work that others don't like to do. Anyway, he just doesn't like to be idle.

Sometimes I would do the night job of waiting for the last train at the train station late at night, just to earn more money.

Even if he seems to be at a disadvantage, others laugh at him.

Everyone thinks he is as stupid as Xiangzi played by Zhang Fengyi in the movie just released this year.

He still enjoys it.

Because in fact, his income is no less than anyone else, and is even quite stable.

At least I can put a small amount of twenty yuan in my pocket every day, which is equivalent to a quarter of the salary of a serious industrial worker.

So to put it bluntly, individual tricycle drivers these days are pigs sitting on the wind.

At a time when most people in society still can’t bring themselves to do this.

Being able to guard such a precious place as the Beijing Railway Station or the long-distance bus station.

Also comes with pricing freedom and low tax rates.

Undoubtedly, the time, place and people are all in place.

If this doesn’t make money, then who else can?

Objectively speaking, apart from the fact that it is very physically demanding, it is not dignified, and it is impossible to earn foreign exchange coupons.

Their income can almost catch up with taxi drivers who drive cars.

As for their role in this city, it is indeed very similar to the "yellow-faced ones" that became popular in Beijing and Tianjin in the early 1990s.

They are all little rich people who hide their secrets.

Otherwise, why would a new word become popular right now?

Mr. Ban'er!

Listen, even a tricycle driver has become a rich man.

This best reflects the differences between the old and new societies.

Needless to say, Luo Guangliang entered this industry by mistake, and he can be regarded as catching the dividends of the times.

Like the cook who runs the greenhouse and the carpenter who makes furniture, he has become the person most needed by society in this era.

As a result, his life became more and more vigorous, and he almost never rested at home for a whole day.


Just because I taste the sweetness of life! The money is so good!

Whether it was waiting at the train station, odd jobs he met on the road, or sweet jobs that Ning Weimin entrusted to his colleagues at the Chongwenmen Hotel.

Luo Guangliang was happy to do it, and he was addicted to making money.

Not to mention the car share, let him earn it in one day.

He returned the entire car to its original location and it didn't last more than half a month.

From then on, the money he borrowed was repaid, and La Dora and Lao Shao were all his own, and he immediately relaxed.

When you feel comfortable in your heart, you will be more kind to others, and pulling the cart will be smoother and more satisfying.

From this moment on, Luo Guangliang became even more angry.

If this continues, he believes that after two years of work, or at most two years, he will be able to realize the four modernizations in his family.

They are all people with a father and a mother. Of course, he is not happy to watch his own mother wash clothes by hand.

Naturally, he also wanted his biological father to replace the zero-dozen "Mao San'er" with bottled wine.

Besides, he has a brother, a sister-in-law and a nephew, and he has to start a family himself.

In a word, I am afraid of poverty!

Bentou is stronger than anything else, and he really doesn't begrudge his little strength.

What's the point of being busy and tired? Strength is a slave, come back when you use it up!

When he was sweating profusely and pedaling on the road, he saw those peers who were doing nothing.

There was no envy in his heart, only joy.

What Kang Shude and Ning Weimin told him now filled his mind and heart.

That's right! A person always encounters difficulties sometimes!

The important thing is not to abandon or give up, and to have faith in life that you can survive everything!

He believed, he really believed, that the day when he would be accepted into his family would not be too far away!

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