National Tide 1980

Chapter 240 Multi-line blooming

Luo Guangliang is really up to date.

Outside, I earn money by riding my bicycle steadily, but at home, I do almost all the daily chores.

Kang Shude liked this very much, and even went so far as to talk to Ning Weimin about it.

"Look at Guang Liang, how capable, hard-working and kind he is. He always has a lot of work to do. He is much better than you."

So as he watched Luo Guangliang's life being brought on track step by step, Ning Weimin finally felt at ease.

Even at the beginning, he was a little worried that the old man and Luo Guangliang wouldn't get along, but all of them were wiped away.

Fortunately, this is the case!

Otherwise, he might not be able to concentrate on dealing with the suddenly busy company affairs.

I have to say that after the Spring Festival, all employees of Pierre Carton were a little caught off guard.

Because there is no buffer at all, our ecological environment suddenly deteriorates.

The old comfort was completely gone, and I was suddenly very busy.

But for this matter, no matter who complained, it was not Ning Weimin's turn to complain.

For no other reason than because the culprit was none other than Ning Weimin himself.

Don’t forget, it was thanks to him that Song Huagui, who couldn’t wait to quickly open up the business situation, figured out the business context and found the right direction for business breakthroughs.

And this Madam Song is indeed a business woman, and she did not waste her rest time during the Spring Festival at all.

Instead, make full use of these days of vacation and take the initiative to work overtime.

I conducted a detailed and in-depth study on the implementability of several suggestions in Ning Weimin's plan, and re-set the work plan and goals for the new year.

For example, Song Huagui believes that other than cooperating with the media to hold model contests, we can take a break first.

There is no doubt that the sooner the better, the faster the better, and we should start doing it right away.

For another example, she also fully considered the series of changes it would bring.

Such as the decoration of specialty stores, the hiring and training of sales personnel, and the production of television commercials.

Of course, preparations for these confirmed follow-up tasks that need to be added must be started at the same time, and cannot be done on the fly.

At the same time, she must also confirm more clothing orders with the government as planned and complete the cooperation contract for Maxim Restaurant as soon as possible.

All in all, there was too much to do.

So after the Chinese New Year, Song Huagui took the approach of taking responsibility at all levels and dedicating people to special tasks to achieve multi-faceted achievements in these matters.

She mobilized every department in the company and put everyone to use, so the company naturally became lively.

It was really like an army going to the battlefield. It was full of people and a lively scene every day.

Even Ning Weimin was the same. He was even busier than others.

Because those who are capable work hard, and Song Huagui deeply relies on him. Since his salary has been improved and he has signed a "sale contract", he has to take care of more things.

Not only did he have to accompany Song Huagui to meet with airports and hotels to negotiate rental contracts, but he also had to discuss specific plans for setting up a franchised store.

At the same time, the first Zhai Palace Sculpture Art Exhibition, which was fully planned by him, also opened after the Spring Festival.

In this matter, Song Huagui really couldn't care less.

As the leader of the company, she only paid attention to the results during the award process, and then appeared once during the award ceremony, and never interfered again.

All the steps and details were actually handled by Ning Weimin himself, with Huo Xin at most assisting him.

So it can be said that as the culprit of all this, Ning Weimin really dug a hole and buried it for himself.

Not only could he not complain about it, but he had to bear the anger of others.

This is not surprising. You should know that every company has a well-informed Ear Report God.

What's more, Song Huagui doesn't have a full-time secretary, so there have always been big loopholes in the storage of company documents.

Like the plan submitted by Ning Weimin, it was inevitable that the cleaning receptionist would see it in Song Huagui's office.

Then it was leaked, which subsequently caused criticism in the company.

Needless to say, most of the employees at the bottom are relatively confused.

There are really not many people who can see the wisdom of Ning Weimin's suggestions.

Everyone just complains and resents the increase in workload.

But the senior officials of those departments didn't say anything, but they had another story in their hearts.

They have a sense of jealousy, a sense of crisis, and a sense of disgust.

Therefore, some people, out of complicated mentality, inevitably started to use their brains to cause trouble for Ning Weimin.

For example, the Administrative Department started to get on the neck of the people when it came to logistical issues.

You know, material support is the bloodline needed for the normal operation of any department.

Is it okay for you to have your aorta tied?

It would be uncomfortable for anyone to wear these little glass shoes.

So Huo Xin angrily told Ning Weimin that there was a problem with Zhai Palace's recent material supply, and the company started to make things difficult for no reason.

Ning Weimin had to make a special trip to the administrative department to visit and ask the person in charge, Manager Sha, what was going on.

"Oh! Manager Sha, brother, have I offended you? Why are you deliberately making things difficult for me?"

"Where do you start talking about this?" Mr. Sha pretended to be confused.

"Don't ask questions knowingly. Everyone in the company has changed their work clothes, right? Why hasn't it been our showroom's turn yet? Why did you reject the application for tables, chairs, benches, and kettles? There are also cars for our showroom. What's the matter? Why didn't you reply?"

"Hey, who makes the whole company so busy right now? I'm so overwhelmed. Transportation, inventory, sales, reception, communication, banquets, every step of the process is asking me for things. I can't handle it. Just wait. , please don’t make trouble for me and hinder our company.”

The last sentence, of course, made Ning Weimin very unhappy.

"What are you talking about! Aren't all of us doing it for work? Holding us back? Looking for trouble for you? Who are you talking about?"

Manager Sha was very convincing.

"Hey, it's not obvious. Work is different from work. Your exhibition hall doesn't create any actual benefits? Do you think it's appropriate for you to influence the operation of other departments of ours?"

Ning Weimin was furious for a while.

"Then let's put it this way. Does your administration department create benefits? What about the finance department and the personnel department? Are these departments unnecessary? Besides, no matter how busy you are, you can't even give away stationery, paper, and ink pads. Shall we take a break?"

Manager Sha smiled coldly.

"There's nothing you can do about it. This is an extraordinary time. You understand. Besides, you can make strategic suggestions for the company. You can't overcome this little problem? That's not a joke."

Looking at the other party's smiling face, Ning Weimin finally understood.

"Oh, it turns out you have an opinion about me personally! But it's a bit too much to do this, isn't it? State-owned units are not as cruel as you in punishing people."

Manager Sha couldn't bear it if he had a gun and a stick.

He simply came up with a one-putt, two-six-five.

"Which of your eyes saw me punishing you? There are procedures for work and priorities for things. Isn't this normal? Hey, otherwise you and Mr. Song will have to issue a special order, and I will definitely give you a special order. It’s an urgent matter, how about solving it immediately?”


Hearing these three words, Ning Weimin was really angry.

Others don't know how busy Song Huagui is, but he doesn't know it either?

If he wants to complain to Song Huagui about this nonsense, then he is really out of his mind.

But if you want to leave like this, that’s not okay.

If even normal work needs cannot be guaranteed, what will the employees think, and what will the company think of his colleagues?

He really understood now that Sha wanted to see his joke and make a big show of himself.

"This is boring. Manager Sha, what a big deal, do you have to make our relationship stalemate? I respect you as a senior, and I have to advise you, things can't change! Living in society, we Everyone needs someone! Why bother! If you have anything to say, why not say it clearly? We can discuss it."

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