National Tide 1980

Chapter 279 Tony Wang

Just when Ning Weimin was taking his "beautiful and pure foreign girl" every day, he was busy with the opening of the new Jianguo Hotel until it was almost finished.

Just when Zhao Hanyu was chasing Mi Xiaoran the most, he almost ran to Mi's house.

In fact, it was also the time when Mi Xiaoran felt the most painful.

During that time, she didn't want to go home after work.

He was too lazy to talk to his parents, and he was also unwilling to face Zhao Hanyu's pursuit and deal with it.

She had nowhere to go, so she would often run to Tiananmen Square, spread a newspaper and sit there until dark.

Here, although looking at the men and women, adults and children entering and leaving the square, everyone seems to be happy and everyone seems to be living a good life.

This will make her feel even more like an unlucky person who has been thrown out of a good life.

But under the transparent blue sky, in the empty square, this cheerful scene full of sunshine can, after all, evoke some beautiful and comfortable feelings, just like people on the beach seeing the sea.

The tall Qianmen Building and Tiananmen Square in the distance seemed to have a mysterious power passed down from generation to generation, which could gradually wear away her inner anxiety and gradually make her mood calmer.

So through scattered memories, Mi Xiaoran calmed down and gradually began to reflect on himself.

She realized that her understanding of Ning Weimin had always been one-sided.

In the past, she only knew that Ning Weimin had helped her and valued his outstanding appearance, flexible thinking, amazing talent and understanding of how to deal with others.

But they ignored Ning Weimin's ambition, ambiguous slickness, and heart of stone.

She suddenly realized that her mother was right, Ning Weimin was really not a suitable husband.

This person's mind is too active, his mouth is too strict, and his heart is bottomless.

What he was thinking, no one could know.

She couldn't tell whether the words were true or false.

So even if two people come together, what will happen?

Most likely, she will still not be satisfied and get the life she wants.

In other words, Ning Weimin seems to lack a temperament and is a very insecure person.

It is very easy to live in harmony with them, but it is really difficult for people to get close to them, and even more difficult to have a heart-to-heart relationship with them.

On the contrary, Zhao Hanyu, who has an average appearance, is more temperamental.

After more contact, she discovered that the American college student was very persistent in his emotions, and he never gave up on her pursuit, and he always made it clear.

I can't wait to show her everything I have in my heart, and I'm eager to do whatever it takes to increase the relationship between the two parties.

This actually gave her a more solid feeling.

Maybe I'm really wrong? What should I do?

Listen to my parents, try to fall in love again, and find someone who truly loves me?

In fact, as long as he is reliable, even if he is a foreigner, it is not impossible...

In this way, as the days passed, Mi Xiaoran seriously thought about his future and gradually changed his mind.

When he was about to try to accept new emotions so that he could forget about Ning Weimin.

A close relative of Zhao Hanyu also came to Beijing from the United States.

And this person made Mi Xiaoran see that there are more possibilities and better scenery in life.

This was like giving her another push, causing her to involuntarily make new plans for her personal emotions and future.

That meeting was one day in late April.

That day, Mi Xiaoran came home an hour later than usual after getting off work because she was waiting for her employer to pay her labor insurance benefits.

What made her particularly unexpected was that Zhao Hanyu was nowhere to be seen that day, but a strange middle-aged man was sitting at home.

The man was about forty years old, with a fair face and a slightly chubby figure.

Perhaps he was wearing very ordinary clothes, just an ordinary jacket, black pants and a pair of leather shoes.

Mi Xiaoran didn't pay much attention. She just thought it was an acquaintance of her parents who came to the house as a guest.

So he entered the room and put down his things by himself, and just nodded politely towards the man.

He said to Aunt Mi who was accompanying the guests, "Mom, I'm going to get some food," and was about to leave.

Unexpectedly, not only did Aunt Mi immediately stop her, but the stranger also stood up and introduced himself.

"Msimi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Zhao Hanyu's uncle. My surname is Wang and my name is Wang Dadong. Just call me Tony."

"I took the liberty to come here today not only to thank you for saving Danny (Zhao Hanyu's English name)'s life on behalf of my sister's family. At the same time, I also came to ask for your help."

"Ah... By the way, Danny went to book a banquet and will be back soon. That's right, I heard him tell me that your English is very good, and you are also engaged in hotel reception. I wonder if you are willing. Are you willing to take a few days off to help me?"

This Wang Dadong speaks Mandarin much better than Zhao Hanyu.

Although it is also a very awkward southern accent, and the speaking speed is also extremely slow.

But at least I'm not stumbling and unable to find my voice.

I can completely understand and have no problem communicating normally.

But because these words were so meaningless, Mi Xiaoran couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

Because she really couldn't think of what help she could do to others.

"No, no, I... I'll call you Mr. Wang. You... you want my help?"

"My English level is actually not good, so I can only have simple daily conversations. I...I am just an ordinary person. How can I help you?"

"If you have something important, then... you should talk to a comrade from the Foreign Affairs Office..."

But Mi Xiaoran didn't expect that even if she was so unsure, the other party had no intention of changing her mind.

Wang Dadong instead talked about his own problems, and government officials could only help him, and Mi Xiaoran was the only one who was more suitable.

After a detailed explanation, Mi Xiaoran finally understood what was going on.

I bet Wang Dadong has always been engaged in the fast food industry in the United States, and he once served as a senior executive in a multinational fast food chain company.

After the Spring Festival this year, the Republic of China sent a group of business officials to visit the United States.

Wang Dadong, as a well-known fast food businessman representative in the Chinese community, attended the tea party held by the visiting delegation in San Francisco.

It was at this tea party that a higher-level cadre issued an investment invitation to Wang Dadong and offered very generous investment conditions. He hoped that Wang Dadong could go to the Republic to see if there were any cooperation opportunities.

This made Wang Dadong tempted, and then he learned that his nephew Zhao Hanyu was traveling in the Republic, so he simply packed his bags and came.

When he first arrived in the Republic, Wang Dadong actually tried to complete market research with the help of the government.

Unexpectedly, the gap between the two sides' understanding of this matter was so big that it was completely screwed up.

Then something happened that made him dumbfounded.

For example, the official thought that what he wanted to open was for foreigners, a Western restaurant.

Relevant staff always took him to high-end shopping malls and arranged for him to choose a location in the embassy district.

These people simply do not understand that the lifeblood of a fast-food restaurant is good quality and low price, and it must be open to ordinary people in order to operate.

For another example, it is very possible that because of good reputation or fear of poor basic conditions, the investment ran away in the end.

Regarding the situation that Wang Dadong wanted to know, the data provided by the authorities were very perfunctory, even exaggerated and beautified.

Also, foreign-invested enterprises in the mainland cannot be sole proprietorships and must find a partner.

It is not up to the foreign businessmen themselves to decide who to look for; it must be designated by the government.

To put it bluntly, this is equivalent to paving the way.

Pilkington's partners are the Ministry of Textiles and the Ministry of Economic and Trade.

Of course, these are difficult for Wang Dadong to accept.

Investment requires real money. He must be responsible for his own property, understand the real situation, and be aware of it.

So he had no choice but to rely on his own strength and first try to understand the economic income and daily consumption patterns of the people of the Republic, as well as the specific situation of catering services.

Needless to say, this kind of work is of course quite difficult for a foreigner who is not familiar with the situation in the Republic at all.

So after meeting with my nephew, I heard Zhao Hanyu introduce Mi Xiaoran's situation.

Wang Dadong felt that he had found someone who could help him, and he excitedly made the invitation.

While listening to Wang Dadong say these words, Mi Xiaoran was always observing Wang Dadong's expression carefully.

What she saw was a pair of beautiful and lively eyes behind the black tortoiseshell-rimmed glasses, showing a kind and honest gaze.

There is neither arrogance nor arrogance, nor guilt and uneasiness.

It feels quite calm and sincere, making it easy for people to feel trust.

Taking into account the cold reception he has given Zhao Hanyu all this time, and his recent gradual change of mind.

So it's hard not to be impressed by Mi Xiaoran.

After all, introducing foreign investment is what the government is eager to do.

Taking a few days off not only helps others, but also does something good that benefits the country and the people. Why not do it?

Her only worry was whether she had the ability to help, and whether she would let others down.

This is the habit of most Chinese people these days. They are always too humble and unconfident, and she is the same.

But this concern soon disappeared.

Because after questioning, I heard from Wang Dadong that it only took a few days.

All she had to do was take Wang Dadong around the busy business district.

At most, sometimes, they might help to act as a translator.

And all the expenses will be borne by Wang Dadong, so she doesn’t have to worry about it at all.

Mi Xiaoran was completely relieved and readily agreed.

At this time, she would never have imagined how significant changes her involvement would have in her future life.

She would not have known that she had inadvertently participated in creating the catering history of the Republic.

Of course, she would never have imagined that the subsequent impact of this incident would even change the eating habits of hundreds of millions of people in the Republic.

As for the gentle Tony Wang in front of him, thirty years later, the people of the Republic will call him the "Father of Fast Food Chains."

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