National Tide 1980

Chapter 280 Beijing and Tianjin (revision)

Travel is definitely a rare opportunity for Chinese people in the early 1980s.

Due to restrictions on grain and oil vouchers and income, ordinary people have almost no possibility of leaving the city where they live and going to other places.

If this happens, there are generally only two reasons.

Either a couple living in separate places goes to visit relatives, or a person with official duties goes on a business trip.

Therefore, people in this era are full of longing and yearning for traveling far away.

Once the opportunity comes, I am very excited.

Before going out, I have been thinking about it in my mind for a long time.

After this is over, go somewhere to have fun, go somewhere to buy something, anyway, take care of both public and private matters.

This is probably the earliest prototype of tourism in our country.

But having said that, if you really embark on a journey, you will often start to suffer.

Queues to buy tickets, traffic jams, huge crowds, and many inconveniences were common conditions at that time.

Fighting for a seat, going to the toilet, looking for a hotel, or going to a restaurant, you will inevitably feel the discomfort of being in a place you are not familiar with.

It can be said that when you are on the road, all day long, there is nothing to worry about from beginning to end.

Many times, a small oversight can bring you big trouble.

Even in cities like Beijing and Jinmen that are not far apart, there is no way to avoid the consequences of traveling between the two places.

This is called "It's good to be at home for a thousand days, but it's difficult to go out for a while."

But after all, this is talking about the situation of ordinary people in China, and it is completely different for foreign guests.

I stayed in a foreign-related hotel with excellent conditions. When I went out, I either took a plane or a soft sleeper train.

The consumption power is not even a little bit higher than ours.

Especially foreign businessmen like Wang Dadong who are rich and well-established and invited by big leaders are completely different.

Regardless of travel or accommodation, the official will provide special care.

To put it bluntly, even if tickets or housing are limited, no matter how difficult it is to book, priority must be given to him.

So in fact, Mi Xiaoran accompanied Wang Dadong and Zhao Hanyu to do market research this time, but he didn't suffer at all.

Although the schedule was quite urgent, they spent three days in Beijing and four days in Tianjin, running almost non-stop.

Not only did he visit almost all of the busiest business districts in the two cities, but he also took the time to visit the leaders of Tianjin’s business-related departments.

But having good food, good accommodation, and private transportation made Mi Xiaoran feel quite happy and fulfilled.

Even for Mi Xiaoran personally, it has greatly broadened his horizons, increased his knowledge, and gained a lot.

So much so that when she came back, she was completely different inside and out, and even her attitude towards life had changed.

There is no exaggeration in this statement.

Because a person's success is often inseparable from the guidance of famous teachers and the help of noble people.

Many people can only fumble around all their lives. In most cases, it is because when they first entered society and everything was possible, no one told them how to make the right choice.

On the other hand, if at this time he can meet someone who is far beyond his own level and provide some valuable advice,

Then maybe the outcome of life will be completely different.

That's what happened to Ning Weimin.

If he hadn't had Kang Shude's guidance, I'm afraid he wouldn't have completed primitive accumulation today.

Not to mention that you can’t save much with monkey tickets, and you can’t even touch the calligraphy and painting worth hundreds of billions.

There is no way to grasp the great gift package of time travel given by God, and all we can be left with is helplessness, pain and annoyance.

The same is true for Zhang Shihui.

Thanks to meeting Ning Weimin, he was able to get out of the quagmire and embark on the bright road.

Otherwise, let alone become the first to get rich, marry a wife and start a family without regrets.

Maybe if you owe a lot of debt and go to Huacheng to fight to the death, you may not be able to get it back.

Similarly, it must be said that Mi Xiaoran was able to meet Zhao Hanyu first, then Wang Dadong, and was invited to accompany them on such a trip.

Because even if it only takes a few days, the person who is close to the red will be red and the one who is close to the ink will be black.

This was enough for Mi Xiaoran to be influenced by their words and deeds and have his soul touched.

This comes from the description and introduction of various aspects of Western society while chatting with Wang Dadong and Zhao Hanyu.

It also comes from the lifestyle and affluence of advanced Western countries that they introduced her to.

It comes from their meticulous working methods, resolute efficiency, meticulous evaluation methods, and calm and sophisticated negotiation skills when doing serious things.

All of this was an eye-opener, allowing Mi Xiaoran to see another strange and colorful new world.

And this kind of influence and inspiration is also subtle.

Mi Xiaoran was unknowingly impressed by Wang Dadong's humor, cunning, and agility, as well as Wen Guang's extensive knowledge and rich life experience.

And because of this, I began to compare myself with everything in the country, and then began to think about my own life direction. I was a little unwilling to go back to the dull life in the past.

The most critical conversation was on the way back to Beijing.

At that time they went to the dining car to have their dinner together.

Since there are only a few soft-seat passengers on this train, most of the tables in the dining car are empty, with only vases and menus on them, which is perfect for chatting.

They ordered a spicy chicken, a marinated prawn, a cold dish and wine.

The food is not much, but three people can eat it and they are already rich.

It was at this time that Wang Dadong raised his glass and called on everyone to drink to the successful conclusion of the investigation.

Then he made the final decision. He was willing to invest and try to open a Western-style fast food restaurant in China, and the city he chose was Tianjin.

"Jinmen? Why? Why not the capital?"

Mi Xiaoran screamed when she heard it. She felt really strange.

"Didn't you say that the dining environment in Beijing is better than that in Tianjin? Tianmen does not have any conditions for making Western food, the quality of bread is not thick, and beef is not easy to buy. There is not even the coffee you drink..."

Zhao Hanyu was equally puzzled.

"Uncle, the capital is the capital. Have you ignored the significance of this matter? All government orders come from the capital. Only by opening a store in the capital can it be possible to cover the whole country. Haven't you always emphasized the need for a strategic vision in doing business?"

"Yes, you are right."

Wang Dadong nodded and said calmly. "But catering is a high-risk investment. No one has ever opened a fast food restaurant in the Republic. I have to act cautiously and consider everything comprehensively."

After a pause, he explained in more detail.

"The most prominent features of the fast food industry are convenience, economy, and cleanliness. The prosperity of this industry is mainly based on changes in lifestyle. Only when more people eat out and fewer people eat at home will this industry be suitable social conditions.”

"In fact, the situation in the mainland is generally not good, whether in Beijing or Tianjin. People in the mainland are still used to old and young living together, eating at home to save money. In fact, it is not conducive to investment."

"The only saving grace is that young people in the mainland are full of curiosity and eager to improve their leisure taste. I have noticed that imported things are always more popular among people. Even a pack of imported cigarettes or a piece of imported candy can trigger Countless people are interested. So from this aspect, Jinmen’s disadvantage has turned into an advantage.”

"The population of the two cities is about the same now. But there are two Russian restaurants in the capital, Moscow Restaurant and Xinqiao Hotel. There is also Chunming Food Store that can make European-style sausages, Korean-style Yanji Restaurant, and Jingqiao Restaurant with Southeast Asian cuisine. Restaurants. There is even a Yili Food Factory that provides relatively high-quality bread. However, there is only one German restaurant in Tianjin, Qishilin. From this point of view, the consumer market is still larger in Tianjin.”

"In addition, the degree of attention is also different. The Beijing side is the capital after all, and it does not value my investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars. But the Tianjin side is very sincere. The business department here pays more attention to it and provides more support. Big. And the key to the catering industry lies in site selection. I think the leaders of Jinmen will definitely try their best to help in this regard. Then the fast food restaurant will be half the battle."

Wang Dadong's words did make sense, and Zhao Hanyu basically felt at ease after hearing this.

He found that his uncle was still the shrewd uncle.

But Mi Xiaoran didn't know much about fast food after all, so he was still asking more questions, half curious and half suspicious.

"Ah? That's your decision. Don't you think the risk is quite high? Just rely on a good address and novel taste? What if everyone doesn't like to eat it. That's how confident you are. Don't be afraid of ten thousand. Just in case..."

Unexpectedly, Wang Dadong was made to laugh, and Zhao Hanyu couldn't help but feel happy.

"Msimi, thank you for your kind reminder. I didn't expect you to be such a cautious girl. In that case, I will tell you again. In fact, in my opinion, the difference between Eastern and Western cultures and business philosophy is I can bring the confidence and certainty to run a successful fast food restaurant."

"First, the mainland pays attention to centuries-old stores, secret recipes passed down from ancestors, and sticking to the roots. But the Western world requires rapid changes and innovation. Let me give you an example. The best example of a century-old store with secret recipes passed down from ancestors is dog skin plaster."

"Believe it or not, dog-skin plaster is a very popular thing in the United States. Dog-skin plaster is actually a very good thing. I often use it myself. It is very good when I have back pain, but it is a secret recipe passed down from ancestors and will never be used. Improve."

"Although the medicine is good, when it is applied to the flesh, it will turn black and black everywhere, which is extremely ugly. If you try to remove it after applying it, you will die. But it will not change. It was like this a hundred years ago, and it is still like this today. so."

"But if you look at Coca-Cola, its most successful packaging in the early days was glass bottle packaging. Later, due to the advancement of aluminum cans, it abandoned its most valuable packaging and replaced it with aluminum cans. Now there are still soda machines with loose wax paper A cup of soda, it’s all about innovation and change.”

"Let me tell you this, if I want to open a fast food restaurant, not only will the employees be required to serve with a smile, but even the size of the tables and chairs will be the size and color that customers feel most comfortable with. I will continue to research and introduce the dishes. New products, but only the ones that customers like the most will be retained, and those whose sales volume cannot meet the standards will be eliminated by themselves.”

"Second point, when opening a store in the Mainland, it is important to only have one store. If you want to eat, come here. No matter how long the queue is, just come here. If you want to eat, come here. The Western business philosophy is to make a lot of money. Chain operation. How to translate it? I think it is a basic one, with ten thousand ways to use it."

"This is completely different from the mainland. If I open a store, I can only own it, not you. If you rely solely on yourself, your development will be very slow and you will be limited. In Western chain operations, I opened this store. I know how to make money, so I ask you to do it, and he does it, and in the end everyone makes money. Then I charge a certain fee. In this way, it will rely on everyone's strength to grow rapidly."

"Do you think that with these two general directions, I will still lose? To those restaurants that barely have half of the items on the menu, the waiters never smile, and they wish you wouldn't come to visit?"

Needless to say, the answer is yes.

At this time, Mi Xiaoran had suddenly become enlightened and couldn't help but clasp her hands and laugh.

"I understand, you want to maximize your utilization and maximize your profits. This is actually the most effective way to save costs. It can be said to be a small profit but quick turnover in disguise. Well, I think these two of yours are really good. , I now really believe that your plan is fine and the investment will be successful."

For this reason, Wang Dadong couldn't help but praise.

"Msimi, I can actually see that you are really talented in business. After getting in touch with me in the past few days, I have to say that you are the most outstanding good girl I have ever seen in the mainland. Not only are you very beautiful, , also very smart. And also have strong self-esteem and ambition. I think it is necessary to suggest that you should go abroad to see..."

As soon as he said this, Mi Xiaoran was shocked, as if he had heard some nonsense.

"Ah? What? Your suggestion that I go abroad?"

"Why not? Wouldn't it be good to learn more useful knowledge while you are young?"

"I...can I study abroad?"

"Of course you can, go to university. I know that the study environment in the mainland is not good, and there are only a few people who can go to university. But it is completely different abroad. Everyone can go to university, as long as they want to study. Trust me, go out and see, you Your future will be very promising, which is much better than if you bury your talents at home."

"You are just joking. Going abroad is not that simple for me..."

"But it's not that complicated. Your foreign language foundation is very good. I think it is very promising to pass the TOEFL test. The language barrier is not difficult for you. And if you are willing, I can be your guarantor and sponsor you. Part of the tuition fee can be regarded as a reward for saving Danny. The key is, what do you think? Are you willing to re-understand yourself, meet challenges, and work hard to explore your potential..."

Mi Xiaoran was really stunned now and could hardly say a word anymore.

And Zhao Hanyu cast his eyes at her, with that expression on his face, he really hoped that she would agree immediately.

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