National Tide 1980

Chapter 292 Ru Mengchang (revision)

The reason why I say that.

First, because Director Li, who is in his forties, has a big face and does not show off his anger.

And everyone who knows him knows that Director Li is a man with a bold personality and impatient with trivial matters.

On the other hand, Ning Weimin is only in his early twenties.

According to common sense, it is indeed difficult to imagine how a young man like Ning Weimin, who has "no hair on his lips and is weak in his work", can deserve such courtesy from Director Li.

Secondly, it was also because Ning Weimin was dressed luxuriously and elegantly from head to toe.

Just the suit and the leather shoes look like high-end goods.

When worn on him, the foreign smell is heavier than the authentic Hong Kong flair.

But the more this happens, the more miserable his means of transportation becomes.

The tricycle that Luo Guangliang rode over was not only broken, but also flat.

And there was half a mountain of clothes piled in the car.

Ning Weimin actually just sat down on his clothes in the car, which really made him feel a little sorry for his high-end Western style outfit.

In short, in the eyes of others, these situations are a bit strange.

A young man who is so well-dressed has to come to the subdistrict office in a tricycle?

Why did he come on this trip?

Why is Director Li so polite? Do you have to send him off in person? Are you so happy in the end?

If you don't know the cause and effect, no matter how smart you are, you won't be able to guess the reason no matter how hard you think about it.

However, if you look at this matter together with the Honglian Factory matter, it will be relatively easy to guess this.

In fact, it was just that Ning Weimin had already negotiated a price with Honglian Factory to buy out the inventory, so this guy came to the subdistrict office to ask for a place.

I really have to say that Ning Weimin was quite shrewd in his calculations.

He has his own personal account in his heart, and this is how the abacus beads move.

First, currently most of society’s real estate resources are still in the hands of the government.

No matter how small the "street office" is, it is always in front of the government office.

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Within the scope of Chongmeishi Street, there are more than a dozen surrounding alleys under its jurisdiction.

It includes a primary school, a bathhouse, several shops and small factories.

As long as Director Li is really willing to help him, he won't be unable to find a way.

Secondly, it is because of the good geographical location of Meishi Street.

Needless to say, his own nest is here.

The key is that under the Qianmen building and next to Dashilar, it is definitely the downtown area.

If only we could really get a base here that could store inventory.

From now on, no matter what kind of business he does, whether it is care, transportation, or sales, everything will be convenient.

Thirdly, since he already has a lot of business dealings with the street.

Why waste this trust and not continue in-depth cooperation?

At present, he provides work to housewives on the street, asking them to make cloth tigers, auspicious knots, and weave insects from straw to earn extra money.

It is better to provide funds to the brocade box factory to train apprentices for the streets to learn silk craftsmanship.

This is all to help the street solve the actual economic difficulties of the residents and solve the resettlement problem of the unemployed youth in the street.

It's impossible for the streets not to miss him.

The more entangled interests are with each other, the more intense the love will naturally become.

So this time, he unexpectedly got so many overstocked goods.

At the first moment, another idea came up, and I planned to revive the sewing club in the street.

Come and transform those clothes that are out of date, or correct those that are slightly defective.

In this way, it will not only make it easier for him to unload the goods more smoothly, but also add some temporary workers and extra income for the street residents.

Then wouldn't it be even more upright if he approached Director Li to solve the warehouse problem?

He really couldn't think of any reason why the streets wouldn't fully support him.

Of course, since you are asking for help, it is not good to come to the door empty-handed and ask for something empty-handed.

Ning Weimin has a very deep understanding of how to deal with others, and he always pursues the pursuit of success in everything he does.

To treat a man well, he must not only make it impossible for others to find fault with him.

Even if he is private, he should also make others feel that he is generous and interesting.

So before coming to the subdistrict office this time, he specially called Luo Guangliang to pull out some inventory from Honglian Factory.

Then he borrowed flowers to offer to the Buddha and brought the goods to the subdistrict office.

Without saying anything, he took the initiative to unload half of the truck and put it in Director Li's office.

Use this as a benefit and ask Director Li to come forward and distribute it to the staff of the subdistrict office.

Look, the matter hasn't been done yet, and regardless of whether it's successful or not, here are more than two hundred women's clothing.

How about a really good shirt with a price tag of 11.8 yuan?

How about the autumn clothes and autumn pants sold in the store for 8.91 yuan?

All for free!

This is the person and the handwriting.

At first glance, he is full of magnanimity, righteousness and sincerity.

Ning Weimin's move was undoubtedly a great favor to Director Li and a great benefit to everyone in the subdistrict office.

Then what else can Director Li think? How could he still be unhappy? Since you are happy, why don't you try your best to help?

Sure enough, Director Li learned about Ning Weimin's idea and was particularly supportive.

Not only did he readily agree to his request, but he also offered to let the street carton factory provide cartons to Ning Weimin, and was willing to contact the hardware factory to weld the shelves for Ning Weimin. Finally, he treated Ning Weimin as if he were a distinguished guest. Sent out.

These are all unexpected surprises.

But on the way back, Luo Guangliang, who had always been taciturn, felt a little sorry for Ning Weimin.

I couldn't help but ask him, "Wei Min, you gave me so many clothes for free today?"

"Hey, isn't this a gift to our street? Director Li helps us a lot on weekdays. Can I still ask for money?"

"That's not what I meant, it's just's several thousand yuan. You gave it away at once. Isn't it a bit too much? You are really angry, but your hands are too big. You are carrying this shortfall." Not uncomfortable?"

"Haha, thank you, third brother. You are such a good person, you know how to think about me, my brother. But don't worry, I get these clothes directly from the factory, and the price is much lower than the price in the store. I don't know how to I want to save face and suffer, and I won't favor one against another. See if there are any of these in the car. Let us two brothers take the rest back today, and everyone in our courtyard has a share. When everyone gets off work, we will continue to share. "

"Ah? You still want to give it away?"

"Of course, I've paid for the streets, how can I still be stingy with the people in our courtyard?"

"No, no, I think the people in our courtyard, forget it. After all, you bought it with money, no matter how cheap it is, you can't afford to give it away like this? Besides, you are giving it to the street to do something. Our courtyard How could you have the nerve to take advantage of you..."

"Hey, that's a long way to go. I have no parents, and the people in our courtyard are not all the same as my family. Are you ashamed of me for asking for money? What's more, there are only a few people in the entire courtyard? Everyone can do it. I'm so picky, everyone has ten and a few pieces. I'm not crazy, I can afford it, brother. As long as I'm here, people in our courtyard probably don't have to buy clothes anymore in the past few years. Third Brother , you should wait patiently to change into new clothes. I will go to another factory to get some men's clothes in two days. This is just the beginning, let's pay attention to their women first..."

Well, hearing these words in Luo Guangliang's ears was as shocking as lightning and thunder.

Although he smiled on the surface, he closed his mouth and didn't say another word.

But my heart couldn't be calm for a long time.

If for no other reason, he couldn't help but admire Ning Weimin.

He has loved listening to storytelling since he was a child, but only now did he realize that there really is a remarkable person like Meng Chang in the world.

So many clothes, I got them as soon as I said I would get them...

So many things are given for free without blinking an eye...

Even the street and No. 2 courtyard, so many neighbors, Ning Weimin actually remembered them all in his heart...

What is ability? What is situation? What is generosity? What is Haokuo?

He had really seen it today.

When I ask myself, I feel so bad that I don’t even dare to think about it.

So he Luo San'er, the brother he grew up with, will always refresh his knowledge.

All that is left is full of admiration and one word.


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