National Tide 1980

Chapter 330 The general is on his way

Fortunately, people who understand the ways of the world are quite sensible.

Never make the people you interact with feel uncomfortable.

Ning Weimin, who was very aware of people's psychology, simply pointed out the doubts directly and took the initiative to explain.

"Master Zhang, did I scare you? I know, this thing sounds unreasonable. If I don't make it clear here, no matter how high the 80% price is, you won't dare to rent the house to me. Then let's just Just open the skylight and speak frankly, and I'll tell you everything I think."

"I'm a businessman, that's right. Businessmen pursue profit, that's right. But no matter what profession you work in, there are levels. Just like your status in the kitchen, how can it be compared to ordinary people? The work done by ordinary chefs , in your eyes, I’m afraid it’s disdainful, right? If nothing else, you would rather lower the rent and not let others touch your kitchen. This will show the difference.”

"Of course, I don't dare to compare my little bright ability with you. I just want to make it clear that I am not the kind of person who splits the meat from the legs of herons or scrapes the oil from the abdomen of mosquitoes and thinks about how to get rid of what I see every day. A businessman who puts every penny in his pocket.”

"As the saying goes, a general is on his way, not chasing rabbits. Doing business also requires a pattern, and you must know how to grasp the big and let go of the small. I am not so hopeless, I still have a little ambition. My eyes are looking at the heights, and I think to myself What is important is how to do a good and big business in an upright manner. In this case, first of all, we cannot offend the landlord and cannot take advantage of you."

"Why? The reason is obvious. Opening a store not only requires a business location, but also a stable and decent business location. Because people have to be able to find us and see us like this before they can trust us? If we keep changing places, who would think Don’t have any ideas? If I can’t win people’s trust, how can I make my business bigger?”

"Besides, as my buddy just said, in order to do a big business, it is not that simple for me to rent your house. I will definitely have to tear down walls, decorate, buy furniture, hire people, and purchase goods. I even have to pretend A phone call. This investment of real money is not a small amount."

"It's easy for me to take advantage of you today, but what about later? This kind of thing can only be concealed for a while, and the paper can't contain the fire. It's strange that you will be happy when you want to know what's going on here from other people's mouths. If you are unhappy, can you still have my good son?"

"When the time comes, if you give me a rent increase, I'll have to pay it back to you if I take advantage of it. Then I won't take any of the money I spent, and I'll offend you in vain. Isn't it a loss? ?I suffered a big loss.”

"That's pretty good. Even if you increase the rent, you'll be worthy of me. If you really cut it off and stop renting the house to me, and ask me to move out and find another place, then what will happen to me in the early stage?" Isn’t all the investment equivalent to wasting money? Especially some things can’t be done with money. For example, if I install a phone, I have to find connections and trust friends. Once I move, it will be all in vain. The loss is immeasurable."

"Master Zhang, you and I both know that because the issue of renting a house is not on the table and the relevant policies are very vague now. That's why it is difficult to find a house, so for the time being we can only pretend that it is borrowed by relatives and make deals privately. That's not the case What is a contract based on? Isn't it based on the mutual affection, sincerity, credibility and friendship between people?"

"Think about it, after all, the house belongs to you. In this case, whether you want to rent it or not is all a matter of your words. If I want to play tricks on you, won't I dig a hole for myself? It’s like choosing sesame seeds and losing the watermelon. How stupid must I be to do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit myself, where I can’t take advantage but still cause trouble?”

Hey, it’s true!

The words cannot be explained clearly, and the reason cannot be explained clearly.

After Ning Weimin explained it, he really made the truth behind it clear.

Make things that originally seemed unreasonable become reasonable.

Don't say "Zhang Dashao" and just nodded "Yeah, yeah".

Even Zhang Shihui and Bian Jiangong, the two masters who almost thought Ning Weimin was crazy, suddenly realized it and looked completely relieved.

But I don't want to suddenly have another branch.

"Hey, isn't it?"

"Zhang Dashao" raised his head and asked another somewhat heart-wrenching question.

"Young man, what you said makes perfect sense, and it seems to make sense. But there is one thing I don't understand."

"You told me everything here. Doesn't that mean you put the handle of the knife into my hand? Aren't you afraid that I will take the opportunity to demand a high price and cut more of your meat?"

"This is the first time we've met, and we have a superficial relationship. Isn't this taboo? A person like you, who has shrewdness written deep into his bones, can he make such a stupid mistake?"

When he said the last sentence, a vigilant light appeared in Zhang Dashao's narrowed eyes again.

Otherwise, people tend to be suspicious as they get older.

Obviously, without a reasonable explanation for this problem, Ning Weimin's previous words would be all in vain.

"Zhang Dashao" will definitely believe that Ning Weimin is playing tricks, even if he swears again, it will be useless.

But Ning Weimin was Ning Weimin, and he was not panicked at all.

Who makes him a good person who relies on his words to make a living?

It's nothing new for him to rely on someone who can bring the dead back to life.

Not to mention that he has a clear conscience and is aboveboard.

"Oh, my Master Zhang. You are really good at it. You can barely explain it clearly, right? You are not a chef, you are the judge of the case. Okay, okay, then I will share with you all the doubts in your mind. You’ve made it clear, head office, right?”

"You ask me why I dare to say these things to you? Of course it's because I trust you. Don't believe it, I didn't fool you. These words are really not just words. Our professions are different. You are a good hand on the stove, but in business You are a layman in this market. Don’t forget, what a businessman is best at is understanding people.”

"Our way of appreciating people is different from yours. I admit that you see more people than I do, but no matter how good your eyesight is, you can distinguish whether people are good or evil, loyal or traitorous, good-tempered or bad-tempered. We see it differently, ours I only see people’s greed for money, or their attitude and method of making profits.”

"Take the 'beating clothes with a stick' method you used today. The advantage is that you can guarantee certain interests for yourself, but the disadvantage is that you can't take advantage of it. What does this mean? It means that you are not out of your mind to scheme against others. Man. You like to tell ugly things in front of others, just to prevent others from having evil intentions and having your own plans."

"What do you expect from this trick? I just want to save some time and trouble, so I quickly drew a circle and set the rules to avoid wrangling. To put it bluntly, people like you are temperamental. . Value your face, have fun, trust your credibility and obey the rules. How can you break the rules so easily?"

"If nothing else, the fact that you asked me if I'm afraid just now proves that you are a good person. Otherwise, you wouldn't have said it so early. If you really want to take advantage of me, you should wait for the wedding without saying a word. right?"

"This is the relationship between cause and effect. It's because I understand your temperament and who you are that I can tell you these things. Otherwise I wouldn't say it."

"Zhang Dashao" smacked Ning Weimin's words and looked a little better, but after all, he still couldn't believe everything he said.

"Are you so sure? There are no absolutes in the world. What if you are mistaken? What if I am not such a person? Your theory is a little too far-fetched..."

As he spoke, he shook his head.

Unexpectedly, Ning Weimin didn't even stutter, but gave out another reason in a matter-of-fact manner.

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