National Tide 1980

Chapter 331 Transparency

"Hey, don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet. Even if I was wrong about what I told you, it doesn't matter. Because I not only believe in you, I also believe in what I prescribed for you. Conditions."

"It's true that I'm anxious to find a house. But aren't you just as anxious to find a tenant? If your house is empty for a day, it's like throwing away a lot of money in vain. I don't believe it. I've done everything. . If you don’t rent the house to me, are you still hoping to find a more satisfactory tenant than me?”

"This is my self-confidence. I am confident that the conditions I offer you will be more generous than others. I am confident that my honesty will make you feel at ease and satisfied with me. So, since I am worthy of you, how can you be sorry?" What about me? You are not a fool, so of course you will not have trouble with yourself."

"I'm not even afraid to tell you that no one puts their eggs in one basket. In fact, I have two other houses to choose from. But after meeting you today, the reason why I am willing to finalize this matter with you now .There is also a reason why you are alone."

"Why? Because you are alone and don't have those messy family relationships. Then as long as we have discussed it, and you agree to the house, you can rent it for three to five years. There won't be too many problems. My business will be stable only if there are changes. In comparison, if I want to rent another place, there will be many variables."

"Do you understand now? I chose the house only after I saw you right. Don't look at how much you thought about when choosing a tenant. You follow the rule of thumb: don't let the eagle fly before you see the rabbit. In fact, we are the same, and we have to be more cautious. It’s much more than you think. There’s no way, we’ve invested a lot.”

"So Master Zhang, it's fate that we can meet today and satisfy each other. I really intend to treat your place as Shajiabang and just stick with it. But don't worry, I will never do business from you. Save money. If you agree, you are willing to rent the house to us. I can give you a few more guarantees to express my sincerity."

"First, your dilapidated house facing the street, as the front room of the shop, I have to demolish the walls and renovate it. But I can't change the structure of your house in vain. So besides the expenses, I am responsible for it. I I will give you an extra two hundred yuan to restore the house to its original condition. One day, if you stop renting the house from me, I will not make any other compensation."

"Second, let's deposit one deposit and pay one for the rent. From now on, I will pay you the rent on time on the first Sunday of every month. There will never be any delays. When the time comes, you will come here. Take the cash and take a look at your house."

"Third, I can guarantee that your rent will only rise and not fall. Let's make a verbal gentleman's agreement first. From now on, I will increase your rent by 5% every year. And once the country recognizes that private individuals can rent, we will immediately Go and make up for the official rental contract, and the tax will be mine."

"Fourth, although this yard is rented to us, you are welcome to come and see it at any time. If you think there is anything inappropriate, you can always tell me. Just like this, in addition to the two kitchens on the east side, I will leave another room for you. . This way it will be convenient for you to come back for a visit on the weekend and stay here if you want."

"What do you think? It's up to you to tell me whether it will happen or not. If you just nod your head, I can give you the money now. I'll take the money with me."

I have no choice. I really have no choice.

So far, "Zhang Dashao" really can't help but be convinced.

"It's done! Isn't this done? I'll rent the house to you."

His beard and eyebrows trembled with excitement, and he couldn't help but sigh while nodding his head.

"Beef is served with vegetables, and eel is served with perilla. Young man, you are amazing. I have lived for more than half my life, and I have never seen a businessman as thoughtful as you. I really have to say 'convinced' today. Your master is Only an expert can teach a disciple like you. I can see that you are bound to make a fortune."

Ning Weimin was overjoyed and quickly expressed his humility.

"Master Zhang, if you praise me, it doesn't matter to me. You are more capable than me. The ancients said that a good chef is like a good minister, and governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies. What does this mean? It means that as a good chef, he can In the smoke of the fire on the stove, there are iron spoons and golden swords, and the troops are arranged in formation. That is the talent of the prime minister and the general. I am lucky to know you and rent your house. "

Look at how flattering this is, it's so smoky and full of flavor.

"Zhang Dashao" was originally grinning, with an expression that wanted to smile but couldn't bear to smile, but it suddenly blossomed.

All the smile lines on his face were on display, and he was as happy as an old walnut skin.

Everyone can see that this smile comes from his heart...

People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot.

This saying embodies our traditional etiquette and moral principles since ancient times.

People's hearts change people's hearts, eighty-two pairs are half a pound.

This is also an old saying that we people like to say most when dealing with others every day.

As for the core of these two sentences, they are actually nothing more than two words - win-win.

This is where our traditional business pursuit emphasizes "harmony and wealth", which is greatly different from the predatory business development model of Western capitalism.

Therefore, the famous wealthy businessmen in our history not only had wealth that rivaled that of the country, but also often had noble characters that were very worthy of respect.

For example, Tao Zhugong Fan Li who sailed west with Xi Shi, Confucius' famous disciple Zigong, and the wealthy businessman Shen Wansan are all examples of a gentleman who loves money and acquires it in a wise way.

If we compare them with the greedy Western capital tycoons such as Rothschild, Murdoch, and Soros, our businessmen are simply like saints.

Even Hu Xueyan, a red-top businessman who curried favor with the powerful and had mixed reputations, founded a Hu Qingyutang national medicine company.

With the business philosophy of "preventing bullying" and "the truth is the same", we do not hesitate to make profits at a loss to benefit the elders in our hometown.

Even until his death, Hu Xueyan never once thought about stopping this business, which had a certain social welfare nature and often required real money subsidies, and borrowed funds to plug holes elsewhere.

So there is no doubt that only such compassion and kindness are real.

It is definitely not comparable to those hypocritical Western tycoons who do fake charity just for the sake of reasonable tax avoidance or family foundations to gain fame and reputation.

Perhaps some people today think that our traditional business concepts are outdated.

Perhaps they feel that in modern society, only Western capital crushing and pursuing commercial monopoly is practical.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why our industry and commerce declined in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.

But this is exactly wrong, absolutely wrong!

Because this concept confuses industry and commerce.

We actually lost in industrial technology, not in business operations.

Industry is the basis of production, and commerce is the link of circulation.

Industrial technology requires calm thinking and a rational mind.

Business prosperity must be people-oriented, pay attention to feelings, and stimulate emotions.

It's like a shoulder pole carrying two baskets. The types of goods are different, but they complement each other. Neither one will work without one.

Needless to say, if only one end of the pole is heavy, it will never be possible to move forward.

Therefore, these principles that our ancestors have believed in and followed for generations are actually not empty words.

It just lacks the necessary conditions for it to show its power and take advantage of it.

At least take today's discussion between Ning Weimin and "Zhang Dashao" about renting a house.

Even though there was a bit of discord between the two sides at the beginning, in the end, everyone was happy and a quite satisfactory result was achieved, isn't it because of this.

If we follow the Western formula of "Don't take advantage of the bastard when you have an advantage", it will be completely "foolish".

Let alone shaking hands and talking happily, it is a pleasure to cooperate.

It might lead to a big quarrel, which would lead to a lose-lose situation in which no one is happy, time is wasted and idleness is aroused.

Of course, it would never happen that "Zhang Dashao" would beg for nothing and ask Ning Weimin for thirty yuan, but would only accept four hundred and two months' rent.

Ning Weimin and the others would never have such a good reputation.

I won't be one of the few lucky people besides the factory leaders in the past ten years who have the honor to taste the superb cooking skills of "Zhang Dashao" in person.

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