National Tide 1980

Chapter 362 Smoke Road

It has to be said that "the one who is close to vermilion is red, and the one who is close to ink is black" is still very reasonable.

Because Zhang Shihui is an obvious example.

I have been hanging out with Ning Weimin for a long time.

This kid has become more and more adept at using his brain and has the ability to be flexible and adaptable.

Apart from anything else, the road leading out of the city frequently encountered roadblocks, and it was extremely dangerous to sell cigarettes to the suburbs.

Anyone who leaves this kind of thing would be worried. If this is the case, the business will definitely not be able to continue.

But Zhang Shihui did not sigh in vain, or became discouraged and wanted to ask Ning Weimin for help.

Instead, he acted very ambitious and tried to figure out the game on his own.

He seriously began to think about where Ning Weimin would start to solve the problem if he were in his situation.

As a result, as he was thinking about it, Zhang Shihui remembered what Ning Weimin had said to him when he was frustrated when he first went to the Sugar Industry Tobacco and Liquor Company.

"Everything can be borrowed. You can borrow capital, technology, and wisdom. Of course, you can also borrow face. The only criterion is equal exchange..."

There is also what I just said when the cigarette shop opened, "When doing business, you need to consider people and put people first."

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he felt greatly inspired, so he continued to think about it based on this principle.

Yes, since it's not appropriate to do it yourself, just find someone else to do it for you.

There are always some people who have to travel around the city and outside the city every day. Why not talk to these people?

As long as these people think it is profitable, they will not be unwilling to help him.

Carrying cigarettes in a whole truck is too eye-catching, but it doesn’t matter. You can try breaking it into parts...

In this way, it didn't take long for Zhang Shihui to discover a new direction that might be able to solve the problem.

So he turned around, loaded up two pieces of cigarettes on his bicycle and ran to the farmer's market.

Why go?

Hey, this is not obvious.

Zhang Shihui is going to discuss cooperation with the vendors selling agricultural products.

Don’t forget, most of the people doing business in farmers’ markets are farmers from the suburbs.

They had to get up at almost four o'clock in the morning and go to the city, and stay in the city until dark before going back.

I spend several hours every day commuting between the city and the countryside.

They use bicycles, motorcycles, or carts to carry their own products or the agricultural products of other people in the village to the city for sale.

What's the point of running around like this?

The purpose is to earn more living money so that I can buy some things in the city for my family or send my children to school.

These people are not only quick-witted and good at calculating, but they are also willing to endure hardships in order to make money.

So what Zhang Shihui thinks is that these people come to the city with fully loaded cars every day, but when they go back, the cars are empty.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could let them take these cigarettes to the village and sell them, so that they can make some extra money?

Isn’t that what doing business is all about?

It is certainly better to make money at both ends than at one end.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The vendors in the vegetable market simply cannot resist Zhang Shihui's mouth.

I was soon moved by his wonderful plan that would benefit both parties.

I also think that it is most appropriate for them to do this, and I wish I could do it immediately.

But the problem is that doing business requires costs.

Even in order to mobilize the enthusiasm of these people, Zhang Shihui left more profit space for them.

I would rather sell each carton of cigarettes to these people at a ten cent lower than the cost price.

But when it came time to pay for the goods, these people became timid again.

Some people hesitated, and some became suspicious.

Even if someone does take out real money, it's just two cigarettes.

As for what they have in mind, it's actually not difficult to guess.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst.

Farmers dislike risks the most, and they have natural precautions and concerns about things they have never done.

They were all afraid that there was something hidden in Zhang Shihui's good deeds, and they were also afraid that it would be difficult to handle if the goods fell into their hands.

If you buy less, you don't have to worry too much. If not, you can just keep it and smoke it yourself.

So at this time, it must be said that Zhang Shihui is really quite courageous.

He simply stopped asking for money and changed his strategy generously.

We directly asked these farmers to divide the cigarettes on site and allowed them to take them back and try to sell them.

You will be told how much you sell, and we will meet tomorrow to make the accounts.

If you think it's a good deal, then continue to cooperate.

In this way, this matter can proceed smoothly.

Zhang Shihui thinks very clearly.

A piece of fifty cigarettes costs only thirty-five.

This bit of broken cigarette was swept away by someone, and no one took it back. It was only a loss of 70 yuan.

He didn't really care.

And his two attempts to go to the suburbs were really embarrassing, and the loss was thousands of dollars.

So the important thing is to see whether this road is feasible.

As long as half of these farmers can sell their cigarettes tomorrow, the money will be returned.

He's done it right!

As a result, Zhang Shihui really received a big surprise the next day.

He gave a hundred cigarettes to twelve people, and eleven of them actually kept their promise and came back to see him.

The best thing is that not only did these people hand over all the money for cigarettes, but everyone also asked for more cigarettes.

There was an egg seller who immediately asked for two pieces as soon as he opened his mouth.

In this way, Zhang Shihui found a way out of the city with no cigarette in his hand.

And soon, his team of distributors expanded to 40 or 50 people at two nearby farmers' markets.

So every day at six or seven o'clock in the afternoon, the tobacco shop will always experience a small peak of wholesale sales.

There are always nearly fifty pieces of cheap cigarettes, which are sold through these vendors to different villages on the outskirts of Beijing every day.

This means that from now on, there will no longer be any real obstacles for the tobacco shop to quickly sell goods and withdraw funds.

Gradually, even the Sugar Industry and Wine Company began to be surprised by Zhang Shihui's shipping speed.

They really couldn't understand how Zhang Shihui could sell such a large amount of Class D cigarettes and Class E cigarettes.

It's obviously something no one wants...

Needless to say, the more stalls spread out, the more trouble there will be.

Think about it, even a cigarette shop is so difficult to deal with.

It can be seen from this that Ning Weimin is engaged in the clothing tail goods business and the tourism handicraft business, and at the same time, he also has to be a gold-collared son.

It’s not easy to get everything sorted out.

The problems he needs to deal with and the situation he faces must be several times more complicated than Zhang Shihui's.

Apart from anything else, this business of selling clothing is not something that ordinary people can do.

That's right, Ning Weimin does have a unique advantage in doing this due to his special status.

There is no need to worry about the supply of goods or funds, and you can still get the most favorable purchase price.

But such a sweet deal has some unsatisfactory qualities.

That's the scale of this kind of clothing tail goods business, which is a bit big.

The starting point is high, and a batch of goods can easily be worth tens of thousands or tens of thousands.

What's more, as Ning Weimin got to know more and more people in the garment factory, the scope of communication became wider and wider.

Then his supply and volume of goods also grew like a snowball.

If several businesses come together by coincidence, the amount of funds required will probably be over one hundred thousand.

Ning Weimin definitely couldn't use company checks to pay all the bills, which would have to shock the head office's finances.

However, if he wants to complete the transaction in the name of the street sewing club, he must provide sufficient cash.

This also means that he not only has to give up some benefits of delayed payment.

In terms of funds and warehouse storage, he still has to bear a lot of pressure.

Needless to say, the accounting transactions will inevitably become much more complicated, and there will definitely be a large number of financial documents and procedures that require dedicated personnel to handle.

All of this is head-scratching.

Some people may think, why don't you be so greedy?

It is better to do some sweet deals with high profits and give up some tasteless ones with low profits.

That's fine, but how is this possible? Totally unrealistic.

You know, there are many things in life that you cannot control, especially in business.

Ning Weimin's tail goods business actually has a lot of human elements mixed into it.

For example, this is like going to someone else's house for a dinner party.

Sometimes in the face of the host's kindness, the guest has to force himself to try something even if he doesn't like it.

Sometimes, due to the host's hospitality, the guest has to drink a few more drinks even if he or she has drunk enough.

Otherwise, it means not being friendly and not giving face, which can easily make the other party unhappy.

To put it bluntly, if someone else makes you money, it is to give you face, so you have to keep it.

Otherwise, you will be ungrateful and bring shame on others.

What's more, everything is mutual, and you can't just take advantage and not suffer losses when doing business.

When people have good things to do, they think of you, and when they have troubles, they will come to you to solve them.

When it's your turn to reciprocate, how can you be embarrassed to say "no".

Normally, Ning Weimin's way of returning favors is to use his power to lavish company generosity and use public funds to treat people to meals, drinks and gifts. It is to help manufacturers plug some financial holes and relieve them of some responsibilities.

That would inevitably force him to pick up some goods that were difficult for him to dispose of, and the prices were often not very good.

All in all, once the business comes, there is no room for picking and choosing.

Basically, there is no possibility for people to choose whether to do something or not, and to feel comfortable and appropriate.

Or to put it another way, when there are thieves eating meat, there are times when thieves are beaten.

So in this case, how to sell the goods as soon as possible and withdraw funds quickly.

And in terms of finance, how to properly handle the gap between accounts and maintain a stable and healthy capital turnover.

This became the most important key factor for Ning Weimin to successfully run this business.

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