National Tide 1980

Chapter 417: What people want

In fact, the reason why people are distressed is not because of emotional distress, but because of unfulfilled desires.

We must know that not only material things, but also emotions, security, respect, spirit and career, everything we need are actually desires.

People want too many things. Failure to satisfy them will bring pain and loss, while being satisfied will bring happiness.

If we look at the Marlows Hierarchy of Needs theory, needs that can be satisfied through material things belong to the lowest level.

Therefore, it is often during the stage of pursuing material things that people are most likely to feel the beauty and moisture in life.

Just like kids these days.

During the Chinese New Year, there are meats to eat, new clothes to wear, money to collect, and firecrackers to set off, which makes it so beautiful.

I can’t wait to celebrate the New Year from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

Even adults are the same. As long as they have more money this year than last year, they can slightly improve the material conditions of their families.

You will have endless joy and satisfaction.

So it can be said that when people thirty years later remember the early 1980s, they think that time was extremely beautiful.

That is because in the process of reform and opening up, the people of our country have transformed from poverty to wealth and have indeed gained a lot of material wealth.

It's also because people back then really didn't care too much.

It is also this New Year's Eve, the first time in the world.

Sister Tan, whom Ning Weimin hired for the cigarette hotel, could let her two wolf-like children run free.

A plate of fried peanuts and six sliced ​​braised eggs were eaten by the two children before they even had time to be served.

A large pot of braised hairtail came up, and a few pairs of chopsticks were inserted into it, but disappeared after a while.

A stewed chicken, and half of it was eaten.

By the time the two teenagers devoured another plate of braised ribs.

They were still burping with moisture.

Facing the croquettes, tamales, pork slices and snow-white steamed buns that were next to be served, I stared at them with nostalgia.

Then he said it to his mother one by one.

"Mom, this year's New Year's Eve dinner is so delicious. What you cooked is so delicious. It's a pity that I'm so full that I can't eat any more..."

"Mom, our family hasn't had such a rich meal in several years. It would be great if the New Year's Eve dinner every year could be this sumptuous..."

Looking at the two children's shining eyes, Sister Tan couldn't help but hug her children one by one.

Tears flowed out uncontrollably.

"Mom is lucky. She has met a good person and a noble person. Mom must work hard so that you no longer have to go hungry and can have such a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner every year. You must also study hard and give Mom Be upbeat..."

The situation is very similar to that of Sister Tan. As the best cutter in the sewing club, Su Jin's family has also changed drastically this year.

This year, Su Jin not only paid off her family's debts, but also hosted an equally sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner.

Moreover, he also made new clothes for his father, sister and himself.

The significance of this to the Su family is originally more important to other families.

Because it had been an unknown number of years, and the Su family, whose ancestors were all tailors, had not worn new clothes.

This year, it was all thanks to Ning Weimin that their family broke this curse.

Especially Su Jin's sister Su Xiu, as a girl, this year has made up for the regret of lack of clothes since she was a child.

Whether it's a summer skirt, a spring and autumn singlet, or a winter cotton coat, she has a new outfit.

As a result, the girl became more and more beautiful, showing the graceful appearance of a young girl in her prime.

It is no longer the old shabby attire of using pockets to make shirts and stringing handkerchiefs together to make skirts.

She was able to hold her chest up and raise her head to face strangers. She no longer looked like she did before, where she always dared not raise her head and always did something wrong.

In this regard, Su Jin's father Su Shenzhen said this.

"Yun Xiang clothes, Hua Xiang Rong. A decent piece of clothing does not need to cost too much money. But it can bring out a person's temperament and mood, and increase people's confidence. Do you think it is important? Thanks to you, Son, thanks to you as the backbone, our Xiu'er finally found confidence. I finally have hope for my illness.'s been hard on you for so many years..."

Su Jin suddenly wanted to cry because of his father's praise.

The tears flowed down unknowingly, flowing along the bridge of the nose into the mouth, salty and bitter.

To be honest, he hadn't tasted this for a long time, so he was very surprised.

Through all the ups and downs in the past few years, he had hardly shed a tear.

I thought I was numb to tears.

Nowadays, life is full of good things and happy things, and there is no need for tears at all.

Why did he still cry?


Compared with Sister Tan and Su Jin, Yin Yue, who is a Pierre Cardin clothing salesperson, obviously earns more.

Since the price increase of Pierre Carton clothing, in order to ensure the stability of service quality.

Even though Ning Weimin added four more people to the Jianguomen franchise store, the number of customers each person at "Meichun Yangmeiko" received was reduced by one-third compared to the past.

But the four of them still achieved substantial income growth.

To put it bluntly, the work is easier and you earn more money.

So this year, her family's situation will be even richer.

Not only did I buy piles of fish and meat for my family, but I also bought a large color TV and a washing machine.

I bought new clothes, new schoolbags, and new stationery for each of my two younger brothers.

And I also bought a big gold ring for my grandma who raised the three siblings.

"Grandma, please open it and take a look. I bought it specially for you. It's a good thing..."

When presenting the treasure, Yin Yue was deliberately reserved.

As soon as I opened it, the golden light flashed, and the white-haired old lady started praising it.

"Oh, I haven't seen this thing in years. Oh, this is really gold, why is it so bright? What does this say...what, what k?"

Hey, I really stopped asking now.

Yin Yue thought for a long time but couldn't explain it, so she could only rely on inventions to make it up.

"Grandma, this probably means it's quite valuable. Isn't King the biggest among poker cards? 18 King, how valuable is that?"

"Anyway, this is pure gold. It's purer and heavier than the one you sold for the three of us back then."

"How do you like it? Grandma, do you like it? It's a pity that I can't find the same style as yours."

Unexpectedly, these lovely words made grandma burst into tears.

After silently wiping her sleeves for a long time, the old lady held her granddaughter's hand and said, "Good boy, grandma's love for you is not in vain... I didn't expect... I didn't expect that it took so long, you still remember..."

Compared with the above families, Zhang Shihui's New Year's Eve was worthy of his status as Ning Weimin's partner.

Because it seems more noisy.

Not to mention anything else, he and Liu Weijing actually drove a tricycle together to transport a corner sofa to the father-in-law's family.

It was enough to attract the attention of the neighbors, and almost half the people on the floor came to watch the fun.

You know, the Liu family is on the fourth floor.

After all, no one has ever seen anyone else buy furniture on New Year’s Eve and go to such great lengths to move it to the fourth floor.

Fortunately, the sofa is a piece of furniture that can be assembled together.

Otherwise, even with the help of a tricycle driver, it would be difficult to complete such a challenging transportation task.

To be honest, this job was not only tiring for the young couple.

Because it was a "surprise attack", Zhang Shihui's father-in-law and mother-in-law were caught off guard.

In short, the whole family was busy and busy for a long time, until everyone was sweating profusely and their bodies were soaked.

I just managed to clear out a space in the house to accommodate this big guy.

After the tricycle driver left and everyone was sitting on the sofa to rest, of course the old couple asked angrily.

"What's causing this fuss between the two of you? Damn it, why did you bring a sofa like this today?"

"It's just that all this fussing and looking at the mess at home has delayed the New Year's Eve dinner..."

Who knew Liu Weijing was still angry?

It was okay if her parents didn't ask, but when they did, she immediately scolded Zhang Shihui.

"Not bad for him... Our good son-in-law went to Xidan today to queue up... to buy Tianfu Hao's pickled pork ribs. I said you and I both love it, so tonight... I want to add a delicious dish to the New Year's Eve dinner."

"Originally...I was quite happy, and I thought he was quite thoughtful. Then just buy it, and then you'll be done with it when you get back. No...he wasn't just wandering around. This time he went to Xisi Furniture I went to the store and immediately fell in love with this corner sofa."

"The price was two hundred and seventy-five... At that time, he, a big fool, touched his pocket, paid for it, and hired a tricycle to pull it back. The result was great, there is no room for it in our house. Huh? Now we can only reload the car and deliver it to you, the second elder."

"The one who pulls the three-wheeler is suitable. It's going to be expensive today. A job that usually costs two or three yuan, but he does it for ten yuan. With this trip, he made half a month's worth of money in one afternoon. Just put together this set of sofas and make it into a set of three hundred. Oh, don’t mention it, it pisses me off..."

Zhang Shihui felt quite embarrassed, but refused to admit his mistake.

"Who are you stupid? Just tell me whether this sofa is good-looking or not? This is a style that just came out this year, just like the one in the foreigner's home. Didn't you also like it when I first bought it?"

"If there is no place to put it, there will be no place to put it. It doesn't mean that I don't know how to buy things. It can only mean that we are not lucky... No, no, it means that our parents are more lucky than us."

"Look, if there is such a sofa in my parents' house, I will be willing to sit and lie down in the future. How comfortable it is! How elegant! By the way, I will buy a separate glass coffee table for you and me later. Here, it will be more decent to entertain guests in the future..."

Hey, don’t say it, Zhang Shihui really knows how to say nice things.

Now Liu Weijing's parents were not only relieved, but also felt happy that Bai Luoyi's sofa was quite suitable.

"Yes, I think this sofa is good. It's suitable for our home..."

"Hey, don't tell me, my son-in-law has a very good eye and is good at picking out things..."

For this reason, Liu Weijing, who had lost the Allied Forces, was even more angry and gritted his teeth.

"Oh, Dad, Mom, why are you still talking to him? You don't know that he likes to spend money carelessly."

"There are a lot of home appliances at home, so that's it. He can still resell them. But why do you think he bought several bicycles and kept them in the house? They are all new cars. If they can't be ridden, they will take up space in the yard. I’m afraid of getting caught in the rain.”

"There are also watches, men's and women's watches, domestic and foreign, mechanical and electronic. I bought more than ten yuan of different brands. He also bought them. How many hands does he and I have? Can we wear them? "

Now Liu Weijing's parents couldn't help but agree with their daughter's attitude.

As an old man, the most important thing is to be diligent and thrifty.

"Shi Hui, this is your fault. To earn money, you have to know how to spend it. How much money do you earn, and you don't want to be so lavish in your life. You have to think about the future..."

"That's right, if you have money, you won't be idle for half a year. Why have you forgotten the old saying? Do you need it if you buy it? Don't just buy it blindly if you don't need it. Your money didn't come from the strong wind..."

Zhang Shihui wiped some sweat from his forehead and finally bowed his head humbly this time.

"Mom, Dad, what you said is true. I accept the criticism and promise not to buy bicycles or watches anymore. But since I have bought them, of course I can't just leave them at home for nothing. I still have to put them to use as much as possible. So I plan to After the Chinese New Year, I will send you some bicycles and watches from home. Dad and Mom, please help me and use them for me..."

Now Liu Weijing's parents were both surprised.

"Hey, you want to deliver it to us?"

"Ah, no one is using it. Anyway, we are a family, and the wealth does not go to other people's fields..."

"This... is still inappropriate. You should keep your valuables by yourself. No one in my hometown would take their children's things like this..."

"No, parents, I must ask my second brother to help me with this. Let me tell you the truth, I actually want to buy a motorcycle. If you don't leave the bicycle, I won't have room to put it at home. Then Liu Wei Please don't eat me..."

Silver bullet offensive, a typical silver bullet offensive.

Who has seen an old couple who have been poor for half their lives giving away cars and watches like this?

Then you can't help but love such a generous son-in-law to your heart.


As for the daughter?

Anyway, what can he do if he is his own son and suffers a little injustice?

Stop talking nonsense and get down to work in the kitchen. We still have to cook the New Year’s Eve dinner.

Of course, there are so many people who have benefited from Ning Weimin, and so many people whose life situations have been changed because of him.

Not everyone is so content and happy.

There is always an exception.

For example, in the backyard of the cigarette shop in Huanghuamen, "Zhang Dashao" was kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times.

The old man burst into tears and shouted with great sadness, "Zhang Mingwu, an unworthy descendant, has failed in his family education and kowtowed to his ancestors..."

On the wall in front of him were eight wooden signs and two iron signs.

The offerings were exceptionally rich.

In addition to the three main sacrifices: fish, duck and hot pot.

In addition, there are eight bowls of dishes, ten sets of chopsticks, and wine cups.

If anyone of Zhang Shihui's age were here, they would be surprised by this scene.

That's not only because the New Year's Eve ancestor worship practice, which has disappeared for many years due to changing customs, has reappeared here again.

What's more, this kind of ancestor worship ceremony also has many things that are not quite right with the established ritual practices.

For example, what Zhang Dashao worshiped was neither the ancestral hall picture nor the wooden main tablet.

Instead, there are ten hot noodle characters, a palace waist badge written in Manchu and Chinese.

For another example, although the sacrificial utensils arranged by Zhang Dashao are crude and ordinary, the dishes are really fragrant and really make people salivate.

If you look carefully, the texture is far beyond anyone's imagination.

Not to mention the chefs all over the capital, even if Puyi's biological brother was here, he would be shocked.

Because not only chicken, duck, fish, sea cucumber and swallow's wings are available.

Even the roasted meat and clear sauce meat, which have been extinct for many years in the capital.

No one knows how to make creamy ottoman, milk skin pastry, they are all available here.

There are even some dishes that even he may not have seen before.

It's like taking the New Year's Eve dinner made in the Queen Mother's birthday kitchen a hundred years ago and using time travel technology to move it here...

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