National Tide 1980

Chapter 418 A huge crowd

During the Spring Festival of 1983, in addition to the vicious case of "Two Kings" in Shenyang.

Almost all over the country, you can see the positive changes in the renewal of Vientiane and the refreshing Spring Festival activities.

For example, the Flower City in the southernmost part of the motherland.

Lyric soprano Shen Xiaocen's new song "Please Come to the Ends of the World" which became an instant hit can be heard almost everywhere.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the citizens of Huacheng went to stores to buy Qinglun's cardigans.

There are also many people with their families gathered at the entrance of the White Swan Hotel, preparing to enter and visit.

Seven days before the Spring Festival, the White Swan Hotel, a joint venture built by Hong Kong businessman Mr. Fok and the provincial government, officially opened for business.

This hotel is 28 stories high and has more than 800 guest rooms. It is the tallest, largest and most luxurious five-star hotel in the Flower City of this era, and it has also become the first five-star hotel open to everyone.

Everyone who entered the hotel at that time felt that it was like being in heaven.

What people are particularly surprised about is how can the indoor waterfall called "Hometown Water" have water every day?

In Jiashan County, Anhui Province, in south-central my country, the National News Film Studio is also filming the documentary "Spring Wind Blows from Here".

The market seen through the photographer's lens is full of all kinds of daily necessities.

These colorful daily necessities, high-end woolen silks and satins, clothes and shoes are entering the vast rural areas.

Our farmers are not so simple that they don’t want to dress themselves up, it’s just because they didn’t have money at the beginning.

If they have money, they are also good at decorating their lives.

At the market, tractors became the most eye-catching products of the year.

In order to buy a tractor, an old man has been here for two or three days.

No one expected that he put the money to buy the tractor in a sack, and his son served as his bodyguard behind it.

There is no deliberate arrangement or staged filming in this documentary.

It truly and realistically conveys to the audience the situation of farmers who have become wealthy and whose purchasing power has significantly increased.

At the same time, in Anshan, Liaoning Province, in northern my country, Liu Lanfang, a storytelling actor who became famous with "The Legend of Yue Fei", has just established his own performance team and started touring around Anshan.

The first village they arrived at started selling tickets for 50 cents each.

Unexpectedly, people from several nearby villages came after hearing the news.

Riding donkeys and driving carriages, the mountains and plains were filled with people, including the performance team.

Just like that, after counting the money after the first performance, tens of thousands of tickets were unexpectedly sold.

This not only shocked the entire performance team, but Liu Lanfang himself will never forget it.

Finally, back to the capital, this year is of course very different from previous years.

Because except for the Spring Festival Run around the city, which has lasted for 20 times since 1956, it is still held as usual.

People in the capital who don't want to stay at home have another good place to go shopping.

That is the "Spring Full of the World 1983 Temple of Heaven Sculpture Art Garden Party" organized by Ning Weimin in the name of the Pierre Carton Zhai Palace Exhibition Hall, in conjunction with the Temple of Heaven Park and the District Service Bureau.

Needless to say, if this place in the capital wants to restore the tradition of temple fairs, it will have a strong mass base.

Because in old age, not only the poor can rely on this temple fair to survive, but the common people can also rely on visiting temple fairs for fun.

It is no exaggeration to say that from the first day of the twelfth lunar month to the first day of the twelfth lunar month next year.

There are temple fairs almost every day this year, and there is somewhere to go to every day.

At that time, there was Tutu Temple on the third day, Baita Temple on the fourth and fifth days, Huguo Temple on the seventh and eighth days, and Longfu Temple on the ninth and tenth days. It was called the four major temple markets in the capital.

Just in these ten days, from the ninth to the twelfth day of the lunar month, it would all be Longfu Temple.

On the 13th and 14th, we went back to Huguo Temple, and on the 16th and 17th, we went to Baita Temple again.

It's all like a market, with stalls selling things, including forks, brooms, and shovels. Now it's called Riza.

To put it bluntly, temple fairs are almost as important to the people in the capital as people in rural areas go to the fair.

Year after year, it has become a habitual group activity in the lives of the people in the capital.

So it is conceivable that after an absence of more than 20 years.

Ning Weimin used the sculpture art exhibition to restore the tradition of the Spring Festival temple fair in disguise.

This is in line with the needs and wishes of the broad masses of the people.

In fact, let alone this era where there is an extreme lack of recreational activities.

Even thirty years later, when everyone is shouting that “the Spring Festival is getting boring as time goes by”.

Don’t temple fairs still exude an incomparable charm?

Therefore, we can only say that the soil in the capital is suitable for creating such an integrated place for eating, drinking, and having fun.

Among the people here, he also likes the lively spirit of "having fun alone is not as good as having fun together".

What's more, Ning Weimin didn't underestimate the role of advertising at all, and spent 30,000 yuan in publicity expenses without blinking an eye.

From Beijing TV station to radio station, to "Beijing Evening News", "Beijing Daily", "Beijing Youth Daily".

During the six days from New Year's Eve to the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, there was an all-round advertising bombardment, trying to make everyone aware of it.

How could this not be popular?

People in the capital who love to watch the excitement and attend temple fairs are naturally very happy, and they are full of energy to go and have a look.

In fact, this first "Sculpture Art Garden Party" officially started on February 13th, the first day of the Lunar New Year, and ended on February 27th, the Lantern Festival. During the entire fifteen days, there was not a single day without a huge crowd of people.

In fact, it stands to reason that on the first day of the Lunar New Year, most people should visit relatives.

Except for the three-day Spring Festival holiday and one public day off, the rest are working days and people have to go to work.

There shouldn't be too many people there for most of these fifteen days.

But the actual situation is not the same. Because the advertisement is in place, the whole city is boiling.

The news spread to ten, and everyone who heard the news wanted to come and see it.

Therefore, although the passenger flow during these fifteen days is different.

But the difference is only whether there are too many people or too many people.

For example, on the first day of the New Year, 58,000 tickets were sold on that day, which doubled compared to last year.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, the passenger flow reached its peak, and doubled again to more than 120,000 passengers.

There was a slight decrease in the number of people on the third and fourth day of the lunar month, and there were still 100,000 people.

Then it dropped day by day, but it never fell below the bottom line of 40,000 passengers per day.

Until the Lantern Festival, which happened to be on Sunday, the passenger flow once again increased to 150,000, setting a new passenger flow record.

This brings a perfect ending.

In short, after these fifteen days, the revenue from the 20 cents a ticket to Guangtiantan Park has reached more than 180,000 yuan.

It’s as good as a quarter in the peak season.

If we use this statistics, nearly one-tenth of the people in the capital have been to this temple fair.

Ning Weimin certainly knows what popularity means best.

To be honest, he got up at six o'clock in the morning on the first day of the new year.

After washing up, I came to the Temple of Heaven Park to check the preparations. This was what I was worried about.

He suddenly lost confidence for some reason, and was particularly afraid that he had done everything he had to do, but the result he expected would be different from what he expected.

If there aren't too many people coming and the place suddenly becomes quiet, then it will be difficult for these people who finally gathered together to regain their composure.

It turned out that his worries were unnecessary.

Even before the park opened for half an hour, he regained his confidence and felt completely at ease.

If not for anything else, just because at this time, he found that there was already a huge crowd of tourists waiting outside the west gate of the Temple of Heaven Park.

This made him seem to see a lively scene of booming business after tourists entered.

No longer doubt that the event he planned will be an instant hit.

So when the door opened, Ning Weimin seemed extremely busy, as if he was needed to preside over everything.

But actually half the time, he was so excited that he was running around the venue like a sleepwalker.

This is just like what Kang Shude said when he took him to the ghost market for the first time, he was happy when he smelled the smell of life!

Especially when I saw that the "Money Eye" activity I designed attracted many tourists.

The scene of people scrambling to get steel and throw it in.

Ning Weimin was even more happy beside him.

He thought to himself that this was all money, money that really fell from the sky in vain.

After thinking about it for a while, I discovered a loophole that would definitely reduce my income.

So I slapped my forehead and quickly ran into the Zhai Palace to temporarily move a set of tables and chairs.

He also specially arranged for a girl under his command to be responsible for guarding here.

It can not only maintain order, but also facilitate the exchange of coins for people who intend to throw money.

If you want to make money, you must provide good service, and you must never make it inconvenient for customers to pay.

After this matter was done, Ning Weimin thought of going to see the specific conditions of each business stall.

So he hurriedly returned to the entrance of the Zhai Palace to see if those cronies he had arranged for his own benefit had encountered any business difficulties.

Hey, I didn’t expect that everyone’s business is really booming.

Not only were the time-honored food stalls assigned by the district overcrowded, but the handicraft stalls also attracted generous donations.

Even the brocade boxes from the Brocade Box Factory, Luo Guangliang's processed clothes and Zhang Shihui's cheap tobacco and alcohol are equally hotly contested.

Even though it’s only so early, almost all the stalls are already packed with people buying and selling, and everyone is excited.

Ning Weimin was a little suspicious for a moment. What did this person think?

Do the things sold at temple fairs taste better than elsewhere?

But even so, there are still cases where business is not good.

That is the small broom sold in the daily miscellaneous store under Meishi Street, and almost no one cares about it.

But this was nothing. Ning Weimin gave an idea and easily changed this dilemma.

He went into the house and took out a big red paper and wrote a banner that said, "Sweep away disasters, ward off evil spirits, and bring out good fortune."

Let the broom seller put up a temporary stall.

Then he asked the master to tie the handles of these brooms with red silk.

Don't say it, it's done!

With this gimmick, the small broomstick that was originally unsalable gradually became popular.

Half an hour passed, and more than 20 of them were sold without discounts. Do you think they are awesome or not?

So after the grocery store salesperson expressed her heartfelt thanks that day,

Ning Weimin no longer had any doubts about himself and came to a more optimistic conclusion.

It looks like a success!

This will definitely get a good reputation and attract TV stations!

If it really spreads, it will be a big advantage, and more people will definitely come in the future!

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