National Tide 1980

Chapter 499 Distribution Model

Although the production of grapes is a very slow and delicate process that requires more than a dozen steps.

But after all, the production company in Donghuashi Street has set up its stall and successfully produced a batch of qualified products.

This shows that production is on track.

Then Ning Weimin, as the actual investor of the production company, and the only customer who bought out all the products.

It is not difficult to ask the employees of the production company to work overtime temporarily and use ready-made products to come up with two urgently needed products to save the situation.

What's more, relying on the market response of the initial success, Ning Weimin has become increasingly optimistic about the market prospects of high-end handicrafts.

While asking production workers to work overtime, he also confidently declared that he would continue to support street recruitment to expand production scale.

In addition, bonuses ranging from 20 yuan to 10 yuan were given to each current employee according to the difference between formal workers and apprentices as an encouragement.

As a result, the workers of the production company had no complaints.

On the contrary, he stirred up enthusiasm and fighting spirit.

Everyone thinks that the new backends from foreign companies are really wealthy and well-funded.

Production companies should not repeat the same mistakes and collapse easily.

Therefore, the problem of the British couple is really not an urgent problem. The flaws in Xiao Wei and Xiao Meng's work can be easily made up for.

The real problem is how Ning Weimin should face the new situation and coordinate and balance the interests and needs of all parties based on the huge profits of blockbuster materials and bionic porcelain.

There is no doubt that the first thing that is clear is that knowing how to share benefits with others is a quality that a businessman must have.

You know, there is an "811" principle of profit distribution in the shopping mall, which is very illustrative.

That is a distribution model that most people in the shopping mall have reached a consensus and agree with.

What's going on with this distribution principle?

That is to say, if a businessman makes ten yuan, eight yuan will be distributed to related households.

Then one dollar is distributed to the staff around them who have secrets.

The last remaining dollar can be put into your pocket.

It seems unfair, but it is actually very fair, because all the money is used to cultivate interest alliances in the business world.

Only when a businessman's interest alliance is strong enough can he be able to keep his mind focused, make money smoothly, and be auspicious in times of adversity.

Otherwise, his career will be like a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water, and it will easily fade without a trace.

To put it bluntly, the benefits of business do not lie in the amount, but in the balance.

This is the fundamental reason why people always say that "suffering a loss is a blessing."

So to be honest, Ning Weimin actually does not exclude others from taking advantage of him.

Only when wealth is dispersed can people gather together, and when people gather together can more wealth come back.

This is the most ideal way of business operation, a virtuous cycle that can keep the water flowing smoothly.

But the cake is limited after all, so it is based on the principle of practicality.

Who should not be given to whom, and who should be given more and who should be given less, has become a multiple-choice question with technical content.

If you give it to the wrong person, it will not be helpful to your career, or it will be of little help.

That's IQ arrears and you're suffering in vain.

If the distribution method is inappropriate, the emotional intelligence is not up to par.

Not only can you not please your partners, but also make them appreciate you.

On the contrary, it will have the opposite effect and offend people greatly.

As for how to do this now.

There is no doubt that Director Liu, who came to talk to Ning Weimin, must give priority to his request.

This is not only because the Temple of Heaven Garden is an in-depth partner of Ning Weimin, and their interests are deeply involved.

Whatever Ning Weimin wanted to do, whether public or private, he needed the full support of the Temple of Heaven.

More importantly, Ning Weimin himself has long been thinking about using the retail channels of the Temple of Heaven Park to sell his exclusive handicrafts throughout the park.

Rather than like now, he just guards a corner and waits for foreigners to wander here and throw themselves into a trap.

In fact, the reason why Ning Weimin never spoke was because besides being busy with the restaurant, he was also waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Things always have priorities.

He originally thought that after the restaurant was completed, it would not be too late to start other things slowly and step by step.

Unexpectedly, Director Liu could take the initiative to speak earlier than he planned.

This is of course a perfect opportunity for him.

As the saying goes, rushing is not business.

Since Old Liu is asking for something from him, the initiative to raise conditions is fully in his hands.

Even though Big Old Liu showed a tough attitude, it was a bit rude, unreasonable and unpleasant.

But considering that this person is a rough man with bad habits, he has a straight temper and can't hide things in his heart.

The more this happens, the more it shows his eagerness for success and his ruthless nature.

Ning Weimin could see through it at a glance, and of course it was easy to lead the other person by the nose.

He could even make Big Old Liu owe him a huge favor.

All in all, it is indeed a good thing for both parties to use the retail channels of Temple of Heaven Park to sell their own products.

It can even be said that the benefits Ning Weimin received were even greater.

Imagine if this kind of cooperation could be achieved thirty years later.

I am afraid that the entry fee and store fee paid by any merchant to the Temple of Heaven Garden will be calculated in tens of millions.

And once this happened, Ning Weimin would have no worries about the management of the restaurant, just like adding an insurance policy.

After all, even if Fanzhuangzi loses a lot of money, he can easily make it back through the sale of handicrafts.

Similarly, another thing that Ning Weimin needs to pay special attention to is the interests of travel agency tour guides.

The truth is obvious. The aroma of wine cannot be found in deep alleys. No matter how good the product is, it must be seen by those who can afford it.

Especially these days, travel agency tour guides are the wholesalers of foreign tourists, and they have a monopoly.

Its market positioning is almost equivalent to the foreign trade department that chokes domestic handicraft manufacturers.

It is obviously unreasonable and unfair not to allow them to benefit from it.

Of course, since tourism reception agencies are almost state-owned, no one will take the initiative to provide benefits to tour guides.

For the time being, the domestic tourism market still maintains its pristine appearance without middlemen making price differences.

But the problem is that historical trends and human nature are ultimately irreversible, and sooner or later we will usher in a fiercely competitive market environment.

If Ning Weimin is just trying to make a small profit, pretending to be confused and following the crowd like this, he would be too short-sighted and too stupid.

If you are the first to take the step of giving rebates in this era, you will be able to seize the opportunity.

On the contrary, it is a weapon that allows him to quickly develop and expand himself.

It is also very helpful for him to set a benchmark for fair cooperation in advance and accumulate good reputation for him personally.

It's obvious that this is the only one that can bully customers, but it doesn't use force to bully the weak.

It was clear that he had the final say on how much to give, but he always kept the accounts clear and how much should be divided into accounts.

Needless to say, if this continues over time, anyone who knows him will develop a strong sense of trust in him.

If an era of chaos and fierce competition comes in the future, he will undoubtedly have an absolute advantage that others can only look at with envy.

Then, many things that cannot be done with money may not be a problem for him.

It will inevitably save huge competition costs for his career development.

This is the true goal of grasping the big and letting go of the small, for the long-term plan.

As for the end, Ning Weimin cannot ignore the interests of internal employees.

As the saying goes, a hero has three gangs, and a fence has three stakes.

No matter how talented a person is, he can't accomplish great things by working alone.

The greater the ideals and goals, the more people are needed to help achieve them.

So how can we make subordinates and employees willing to work and fully gain their support and trust?

It's very simple. The purpose of anyone's work is nothing more than the need to make money for a living, and at the same time, they are also looking for a better future and development opportunities.

The essence is to want to live a prosperous, decent and dignified life.

Therefore, Ning Weimin's responsibility is to provide workers with bread and hope - the most generous treatment possible, and a future that looks bright and attractive.

The better these two points are done, the more loyal his subordinates will be and the more willing they will be to implement his orders and obey his commands.

To put it bluntly, the emperor has no shortage of hungry soldiers, and no one will obey others for no reason.

Everything is equal, you can't just take without giving, you have to ask your subordinates to give unconditionally.

On the other hand, if some leaders do not treat their subordinates as human beings and think that just throwing in some chicken bones and fish bones is enough.

Then he will definitely not be able to retain talents, nor can he manage the company well, and his subordinates will inevitably talk about his ancestors for eight generations.

In fact, from a certain perspective, being a qualified business leader is similar to being an emperor.

Mencius said: "If the king regards his ministers as his hands and feet, then his ministers will regard him as his heart. If the king regards his ministers as dogs and horses, his ministers will regard him as a fellow countryman. If his ministers regard his ministers as earth and mustard, then his ministers will regard him as a bandit."

This principle also applies in enterprises.

But then again, even if Ning Weimin can think about the relationship of interests so thoroughly, it doesn't mean that he can handle this matter easily and smoothly.

Because there are often self-contradictions in this world.

What is very ominous is that even though he himself is the absolute beneficiary, he has to safeguard the interests of the three parties, but he is trapped in a vicious circle of conflict.

For example, because the shops in the Temple of Heaven are state-owned, their financial system is quite rigid.

It is absolutely impossible to give kickbacks to travel agency tour guides like Ning Weimin.

Moreover, the operation of state-owned stores is subject to the supervision of the Price Bureau and has profit margin restrictions.

Naturally, it is impossible to be as ruthless as Ning Weimin and kill foreigners.

So if Ning Weimin reaches a cooperation with the Temple of Heaven Garden, it will obviously break the existing distribution situation and cause losses to the interests of the tour guides.

You know, the reason why Ning Weimin's handicrafts are easy to sell is because they are unique.

Once the stores are spread across the entire Temple of Heaven Park, Zhai Gong's sales channels will lose their unique advantage and rapidly decline due to diversion of customers.

In particular, the sales price of Temple of Heaven Park will be much lower than the current sales price of Zhai Palace.

Then unless the customer is sick, he will ignore the cheap ones and only buy the expensive ones.

In this way, the more Ning Weimin's products are sold from the Temple of Heaven, the greater the losses for the tour guides.

In the same way, the sales commission, which accounts for the largest portion of the income of the girls in Zhai Palace, will also be reduced rapidly.

It is impossible for them to have a share of the products sold by the Temple of Heaven Garden.

So how to coordinate the interests of many parties and ensure everyone's satisfaction has become the biggest challenge Ning Weimin faces now.

In short, he could neither refuse Old Liu's request, nor make the tour guide think he was not interesting enough, nor could he chill the hearts of his own people.

You can imagine how difficult this is!

So is there a perfect solution to this problem in this world that won’t hurt anyone?

The answer is definitely no, but it can be closer to perfection.

For example, if everyone makes concessions on things they don't care about very much and protects the interests they really want, then it is considered close to perfection.

Ning Weimin is a very qualified businessman. His best skill is to mediate conflicts between multiple parties and facilitate the completion of transactions.

Just like a good chef can blend the five flavors.

After careful consideration, he conducted sincere communication and negotiation with the three parties involved in this matter.

Subsequently, we made corresponding adjustments and arrangements in our business methods, and decided to implement them in the following ways:

First, Ning Weimin will bring all categories of handicrafts to the store in the Temple of Heaven Garden for sale.

Even the Tiantan Garden can take the goods away without paying.

At the end of each month, Ning Weimin will be paid based on the actual goods sold.

But Ning Weimin also has a condition, that is, their cooperative relationship is only a consignment, not a relationship between the purchaser and the seller.

His goods can only be settled with the Temple of Heaven at 70% of the current selling price in the Zhai Palace, so Mr. Liu shouldn't find it too expensive.

And by doing this, the biggest benefit Tiantan Garden gets is that it can see profits when selling goods.

There is no need to bear the cost and risk of purchasing goods, and there is also a certain degree of autonomy and flexibility in adjusting prices.

Ning Weimin followed the principle of small profits but quick turnover and safely defined his basic interests.

For him, even if the Temple of Heaven Park drastically cuts prices, the extent will be relatively limited, at most 30%.

That was originally the profit margin he gave to the Temple of Heaven Garden, so naturally he didn't care.

Second, in order to protect the interests of tour guides, Ning Weimin will also print a form about the sales of handicrafts.

This form is made in duplicate and is the proof for tour guides to receive rebates.

The time, location, items, quantity, and price are all listed above.

In the future, if the tour guide of the travel agency takes tourists to go shopping in the state-owned stores near the Temple of Heaven Garden.

Salespersons in state-owned stores do not have to pay cash to tour guides.

But you are obliged to fill in the form for the tour guide based on the real sales situation.

There are also confirmation signatures, seals, and records in case there is a need at the end of the month to check the accounts.

At the end of the month, the tour guide only needs to go to Zhai Palace with the form to collect the rebate.

The most critical thing about this is that the kickback is paid for by Zhai Palace and has nothing to do with the Temple of Heaven.

Therefore, the 10% rebate rate remains unchanged.

But the rebates given by tour guides in state-owned stores are not calculated based on the actual sales price.

Instead, it was calculated based on 70% of the price that Ning Weimin sold the goods to Tiantan Garden.

It should be said that from the perspective of the amount, the tour guide still suffered some losses.

However, it must be considered from the perspective that cheaper products are definitely better for sale, and there are a large number of state-owned stores throughout the park.

The actual income of tour guides is not necessarily less than in the past.

In addition, there are considerations such as the lag in payment and the impact of low sales prices on income.

In the future, tour guides will obviously continue to regard Zhai Palace as the first place they recommend tourists to shop.

This will undoubtedly help Zhai Palace safeguard its own interests, and Ningwei people are naturally happy to see this happen.

Third, the interests of Zhai Palace employees will undoubtedly be generally damaged.

Because they are unable to obtain profits from other places like tour guides to make up for the loss of turnover due to the diversion of customers.

In this regard, Ning Weimin didn't have many good options except to rotate various positions as fairly as possible. Such sacrifices were inevitable.

It is also impossible for him to directly increase the business commission ratio and give his profits to these girls in vain.

But he did have a solution that was not a solution.

Public funds can be used to cleverly protect the interests of a few outstanding people and avoid damaging the mentality of capable employees.

It can also divert the attention of other mediocre employees and reduce the grievances that most people are entangled in.

That is to conduct professional title evaluation.

Ning Weimin believes that it is better to take this opportunity to promote some employees with strong work ability and good performance.

Use the increase in basic wages to make up for some of their economic losses.

Currently, there is only one supervisor of the Zhai Palace, who can exercise his authority on his behalf and maintain the operation of the Zhai Palace.

This is obviously a very crude and makeshift expedient.

To be honest, the girls in Zhai Palace still maintain similar basic wages to each other, and the traces of big pot rice are very heavy.

So now that the comfortable ecological environment has changed.

Ning Weimin can no longer coddle these girls as he did in the past.

The best way is to follow Kang Shude's teachings and start widening the gap between rich and poor.

Specifically, he would first promote his former supervisor to a manager level and increase his salary from the original three hundred yuan to five hundred yuan.

In addition, two more people will be promoted to supervisors. As the manager's deputy, they will receive a salary of three hundred.

Even grassroots employees must be divided into first, second and third levels according to their work performance, with an increase of fifty yuan for each level.

In this way, a complete promotion path is formed, starting from the bottom three-level employee's salary of 80, to the second-level employee's salary of 130, to the first-level employee's salary of 180.

Needless to say, the basic salary of those who are less than half will increase due to the promotion of their positions. Naturally, they will not be so negative, and may even be more encouraged.

Others who have not been promoted will also prioritize the reasons for staying where they are.

Seriously reflect on your work attitude and consider your future.

Then they won't be preoccupied with the phenomenon of dwindling commissions.

After all, people's thinking patterns in this era are rigid, and they value the basic salary that guarantees income despite droughts and floods far more than the endless living money they earn.

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