National Tide 1980

Chapter 501 Colorful Colors

In terms of tourism products, we have established a new cooperative relationship with the Temple of Heaven Park and coordinated and balanced the interests and needs of all parties.

For Ning Weimin, it was just a small episode.

The focus of his work must still be on the joint venture restaurant that is about to be completed and opened.

But in essence, this incident illustrates a very important issue.

That is what is the key for one person to make a company bigger and stronger.

So far, Ning Weimin has been able to have smooth sailing and has not encountered too many setbacks. Instead, he has succeeded in everything he does.

What he relies on is nothing more than being good at discovering and integrating various resources, and knowing how to put himself in other people's shoes.

He can use his brain to take care of the interests of many parties, and he can also negotiate with others in a way that makes people feel comfortable.

That's why people can happily help him, and he often gets help from noble people.

As for the golden finger of time travel, this is just a free ride that helps him seize the general trend of the times and take advantage of opportunities.

When it comes to practical business operations, this kind of information reserve that transcends the times is actually not very helpful.

It is hard to imagine a person who does things cheerfully, follows his temper, and thinks that capital can determine everything.

With a free ride and a lofty goal, you can make your business bigger.

A person like this is not only naive, but also only has himself in his heart.

Selfishness is clearly revealed in every word and action, and it is easy to inflate one's self.

Of course, it is very easy to offend people, and it is impossible to gain the favor and appreciation of the upper class.

Perhaps in the early stages of your career, you can take advantage of time travel to seize certain opportunities and create some miraculous results.

But the more proud and flamboyant you are, the faster you will die.

If nothing else, just because the method of doing things is wrong, it will not be recognized by the public and will not meet the actual needs of society.

You will inevitably feel constraints and resistance everywhere.

Even if you have a golden finger, it will only make some people in high positions feel that it is of some use value.

But they will never be regarded as someone who can support, trust, rely on, support and cooperate with those in high positions.

Especially when your career develops to a certain stage, your own alliance or internal chaos will naturally arise because you are unable to balance the interests of all parties.

Even if there are no external business rivals, business collapse is inevitable.

This is inevitable. Personal emotional intelligence determines the ability to control, which has nothing to do with academic qualifications.

You know, dealing with people is the most practical and profound knowledge in the world.

If you only know how to deal with others based on pure interests, you will at most be treated as an enemy or a piece of fat.

You don’t even know how to treat others, you can’t even give gifts, and you can offend people inadvertently, so how can you do anything?

Ning Weimin, on the other hand, is different. There is no such word as "pleasure, grudges, and grudges" in his values.

He understands that in life, you must learn to deal with people you don't like, and pursuing harmonious coexistence as much as possible is the key to success.

Therefore, his modest and cautious habits, warm spring breeze style, flexible adaptability, and creativity of drawing inferences from one case to another, when combined in the business field, it is completely different.

Many things that would have been difficult or impossible to do were miraculously accomplished with him.

Therefore, it is not so much that the joint venture restaurant he founded is the most luxurious, high-end, and most authentic palace cuisine catering enterprise created under the current background of the times, relying on money and connections.

Rather, it is a miracle in the world created by his worldly sophistication, business literacy, aesthetic vision, knowledge, and our traditional national culture and the wisdom of our predecessors. They collide and attract each other, and fully blend together to create a miracle and a special case in business. .

August 27, 1983, was the day when Ning Weimin’s “Tan Gong·Yu Shan Official Banquet” restaurant held its opening ceremony.

From the day the small building at No. 87 Tiantan North Road officially hung up its signboard like a blockbuster.

It is destined that the pattern of the catering industry in Beijing will be very different, and that the historical trend will begin to deviate from the original trajectory...

As the top person in charge of Pierre Carton's China Region and Ning Weimin's leader, Song Huagui is undoubtedly one of Ning Weimin's must-invite guests on this day.

In fact, Song Huagui received Ning Weimin's invitation a week ago.

But what made the general manager extremely disappointed was that Ning Weimin passed the invitation to her through someone else.

Even this invitation was placed on her desktop along with a report document on the restaurant's progress.

It seems to be just a courtesy gift.

Ning Weimin didn't come to see her and tell her personally, and he didn't even call her until the last moment.

What does this mean?

It can be said that Ning Weimin, his subordinate, understands that she is busy with her work, knows that she has a heavy workload, and is unwilling to disturb her for trivial matters.

It can also be said that Ning Weimin lacked sincerity and acted rather perfunctory.

Most likely what he really meant was, "You can come if you want, or you can't come. You can send a personal representative. Anyway, it won't delay things."

This is equivalent to a substantial separatism, a signal that it is ready to stand on its own.

But she still came, and she put aside some important matters and came with great goodwill.

She very much hoped that she could use this opportunity to figure out what problems had arisen between them in order to ease their relationship.

And no matter what, from a legal perspective, Ning Weimin is making money for Pierre Carton after all.

At least she believed in Ning Weimin's ability to work, and was very grateful to Ning Weimin for everything he had done for the company so far.

So in view of the special nature of today's day, the guests must all be prominent figures.

So both emotionally and logically, she, the general manager, should come forward to support this subordinate.

So today Song Huagui not only came early, but also carefully groomed himself before coming.

Her figure is slightly thinner than half a year ago, which is caused by the busyness and pressure of work in recent times.

But her slim figure also shows her capable personality.

Her skin color is still very fair, although the peach-like youthful pinkness of her girlhood has disappeared, but a little blush can effectively make up for this deficiency.

Her eyes are not as clear as they used to be.

Then there was a strip of black on the eyelids, which increased the brightness of the eyeballs.

At this moment, she easily made herself dazzling and decent.

But most importantly, she deliberately chose lavender lipstick today and wore a long-sleeved royal blue silk dress.

Moreover, the choice of jewelry was also very simple, and she only wore a simple necklace.

The purpose of this deliberately low-key color and dress is to fully express her good intentions of not trying to steal the limelight.

This is what she most hopes Ning Weimin can understand.

However, when he arrived at No. 87 Tiantan North Road, Song Huagui felt that his words were completely blocked and he could not speak at all.

Because Ning Weimin's words were both true and false, and his attitude was respectful, but his eyes could not hide the alienation and alienation in his heart from her.

Ning Weimin was a good actor, and he ran outside to greet her attentively, calling her "eldest sister" affectionately.

But no matter how good the actor is, there is no way to stop the true emotions shown in Windows to the Soul.

Ning Weimin's polite attitude towards her made her realize that achieving her original goal today might have become a luxury.

It was obvious that their misunderstanding was far more serious and profound than she had imagined.

It can never be said in one or two sentences.

When did it become like this? And why did it become like this?

Frankly speaking, Song Huagui doesn't know either.

But she regretted not being keenly aware of this subtle change.

As a result, they failed to remedy it in time, and the relationship between the two people reached a point where they were only polite and perfunctory.

How sad! There used to be such a tacit understanding and mutual trust between them, they were even as close as brother and sister!

However, even so, it cannot be said to be a waste of time. Her trip was in vain.

At least Ning Weimin's ability to do things had never let her down.

It was the same this time. Ning Weimin made today's celebration ceremony too presentable.

It can even be said that it completely refreshed her understanding of the four words "delightful lanterns and colorful decorations".

What a gorgeous scene she saw outside the restaurant?

The entire two-story building is covered with silk and satin almost all over the wall.

Twenty-four large apricot-yellow hydrangeas hang down from the roof of the second floor, suspended above the six eye-catching three-dimensional characters of "Altar Palace·Imperial Dining Official Seat", which can be said to be the first to win.

In the same way, all the arms are decorated with similar colors and hung with long and short silk.

All pillars are wrapped in apricot silk.

The breeze is blowing slowly, and it is really yellow and bright.

Coupled with the two large flower baskets on both sides of the entrance plaque, which are as tall as one person, and the two male guests wearing moon-white coats on both sides.

This is so beautiful, so gorgeous.

This kind of celebration facade has a pomp and atmosphere that ordinary people can't even dream of.

However, these are not the only parts that give people the greatest shock.

The kitchen and the scene on the roof are even more unimaginable and amazing.

The reason is that the exterior walls of the dim sum shop are all covered with large glass windows that can be seen inside at a glance.

Anyone who walks through the door of the restaurant can easily see the chefs working in the huge kitchen.

Song Huagui couldn't help but be surprised by the number of chefs inside. There were thirty or forty people wearing white clothes and chef hats.

As for the rooftop, it would be surprising, mainly because Ning Weimin had erected three-meter-high signs on all sides of the rooftop.

It was also paved with bright yellow silk satin, and on the stretched silk satin, someone actually wrote the slogan "flying dragons and phoenixes" in black lines.

What is written on the front is "On August 28, the Tan Palace·Royal Dining Official Seat was grandly opened", and on the side is "Food from the heavenly kitchen, enjoyed by the palace"!

So Song Huagui's eyes couldn't help but be attracted, and as she looked at it, she couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

"Wei Min, your scene is quite impressive. You have really made a royal appearance. Look at this hydrangea, look at this long and short silk, it's so beautiful! The color is also good, yellow, more beautiful than bright red, solemn It’s generous, elegant and not vulgar! But, isn’t it very time-consuming? How many people are needed to make it like this? And does it cost too much fabric? The situation in our country... I’m afraid some people will say that it’s too laborious and wastes money!”

Song Huagui was definitely a kind reminder, and Ning Weimin knew this very well.

But he wasn't even a little worried, and the reason for his reply was very sufficient.

"Sister, you're overthinking it. Isn't this just adding colors and hanging some silk and satin? To tell you the truth, although it looks cool, it actually doesn't cost much. These things were all done by the Beijing Lottery Bureau in the past. "Several master craftsmen helped to decorate it, and it was done in just one day. It is called "soft color decoration" in their industry, and it is the most frugal way of color decoration. If it is really wasteful, then it is better to use "hard color decoration" Cai', for example, setting up a colorful pavilion, erecting a colorful archway or something. When I made it like this, the biggest expense was the cost of fabrics. In fact, even the labor costs totaled less than 2,000. It needs to be considered. These colorful silk hydrangeas can be used again and again in the future, so that’s nothing.”

"It's less than two thousand, do you think everything is counted together? Impossible..." Song Huagui obviously didn't believe it, "If nothing else, how much do these two big flower baskets at your door cost? And the several big flower baskets on the roof. Where is the brand? Look at the size. Two thousand? If you can do it for five thousand, I think you are capable. To be honest, I originally wanted to give you a few flower baskets, but I really can’t find any in Beijing. Place, where did you buy these two..."

Ning Weimin really laughed this time.

"Sister, I thank you for your thoughtfulness. But I didn't buy this flower basket. It was given by someone else. How could you forget? This is a business in cooperation with the Temple of Heaven Park. This is what is planted in the Temple of Heaven Garden. of flowers.”

"Just for today's scene, the director asked the gardener to cut the flowers and make them for you. But it doesn't matter. When your western restaurant opens next month, I promise to let them make two bigger ones for you."

"As for the big sign on the roof of the building, it cost a lot of money to even hire workers to make an iron frame and then put four sheets of tin on it, almost more than seven thousand. But if you think about it from another angle, not only does this cost Losing money is actually a profitable business..."

Song Huagui couldn't help but be stunned by this last sentence.

My heart said, how can I still make money?

However, Ning Weimin's next sentence revealed the answer for her.

"To tell you the truth, I only used this sign on the roof for a few days when the restaurant opened. We won't even be able to use it next month. Because I have rented out all four signs. Japan's Panasonic is very wealthy. , spent 60,000 yuan to rent these four signs for a year, and next month, I will find someone to draw their advertisements."

Song Huagui suddenly realized this and couldn't help laughing.

"You are quite capable of twisting and turning. You can come up with such an idea, okay, that's a good idea. From now on, your restaurant will always have to be pressured by electrical appliance advertisements. Isn't this a bit..."

"Also, no matter how I think about the name of your restaurant, it seems a bit strange. If it is right or wrong, will it be ridiculed by others?"

"If nothing else, this altar is an altar, and the palace is a palace. You have to use them together. It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense..."

However, Ning Weimin remained the same and had his own reasons.

"It's nothing. I don't mind if there are advertisements for electrical appliances on this sign. Anyway, my target is mainly Japanese customers. There are advertisements selling Japanese electrical appliances on the roof. If Japanese people come here to eat, they will definitely see it. Be happy. If you are happy, you will spend more money. What’s wrong with that?”

"To tell you the truth, when I first came up with this idea, the Temple of Heaven and the District Service Bureau said that the money would not go to outsiders, and they hoped to put our company's advertisement. But I refused directly. You see, we Now we are doing TV commercials and still holding model contests, there is no need for this. Besides, this place is not prosperous, there are few cars and few people, so there is no real advantage. Let the Japanese take advantage of us."

"As for the restaurant's sign, its function is nothing more than to be eye-catching enough for people to recognize and remember! Don't you think the name of my restaurant has a Japanese flavor? What I want is to be so unconventional. As long as the effect is good, that’s it.”

"That's why I installed neon lights on the three-dimensional characters of the sign. It's really expensive, costing less than 10,000 yuan. But the colorful and color-changing vertical sign neon lights, even if No matter how expensive it is, I plan to install it in the future. As long as people can see it at a glance when they walk to a street intersection at night, it’s worth it..."

Not to mention, the reasons given by Ning Weimin are very pragmatic.

Song Huagui also had to admit that this was indeed the case.

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