National Tide 1980

Chapter 568 Revenge

On this day, Jiang Hui cried for a long time after returning home, and the pillow was wet from her crying.

She felt like her teeth were chattering, as if she had brought the cold outside into her home, and she couldn't get warm.

She huddled on the bed, covered her head with the quilt, and didn't want to think about anything.

But it was about Li Zhong's sweet words that he used to coax him obediently, and he was as unswerving to please as a follower.

It would always appear in front of her, making her heart feel like a knife.

To be honest, she didn't feel sad that she didn't make any money and all her plans were in vain.

Because just like she once said to Ning Weimin.

She firmly believes that if people like her can no longer make money, no one will.

But as a woman, she couldn't help but feel sad when she was betrayed by the man she thought she had in her hand.

Especially recently, she has encountered love failures one after another.

First there was Ning Weimin, she had put so much effort into him.

She dressed herself up with unprecedented care, pretended to be virtuous and cooked the food herself, and finally managed to get him into the trap step by step.

Unexpectedly, this guy got off the hook at the last moment.

And he was so proud and so arrogant that he taught himself a lesson.

For the first time, she, a noble lady who had been superior to others since she was a child, had no advantage in front of an ordinary person.

I can't even hold my head up, feeling like I'm making a fool of myself.

And then, in order to get her a divorce, it was Li Zhong who had been begging her for two years and claimed to love her to the extreme.

Today, in order to borrow tens of thousands of dollars, he threw her aside like a shoe and smashed her self-esteem with practical actions.

Is she really old? The charm has begun to disappear from her body, so these men don't take her seriously?

So what resources does she have to become the central figure in social situations in the future?

How can we continue to keep so many buddies and sisters in our hands?

The fear caused by these questions was simply too much for her to bear, and she was so depressed that she almost collapsed.

The words "Things have changed and people have changed, and youth is no longer there" stuck across her chest, like a sharp knife cutting out blood from her heart.

And all the confidence and pride she had always had in herself ended on this day with a "bang".

As for Li Zhong, he really knew what he wanted, and he thought broadly, so he lived a very happy life.

After returning, Li Zhong didn't regret Jiang Hui's departure much, but he apologized to the Hong Kong businessman.

He also used the hotel's phone number to verify the principle of "if Butcher Zhang is dead, he will not eat pigs with hair on them" for Hong Kong businessmen, and soon a girl named Li Yanhong was recruited.

It was a real "bad circle", and I used to hang out in front of Changhong Cinema.

He is a master who earns a little money by accompanying others to "watch movies".

Although "Pan'er" is not good, "Tiao'er" is good, and I have never seen it in the market. Even entering the door of Jianguo Hotel was trepidating.

Now that the outside world is very tight, she has not dared to return to her old career for a long time. She is so powerful.

So we had a good meal together and went to the store to buy some clothes. This girl was very satisfied.

Whatever you want to do with the rest is up to you.

Spending half an hour alone with Li Yanhong in the guest room probably made the white-haired Donggua, who was in her fifties, quite comfortable.

The old guy became easy to talk to again, not only saying that his promise to Li Zhong still worked.

He said that as long as Li Zhong helped with power public relations, he would immediately collect enough cash for Li Zhong.

He also took the initiative to treat him and invited Li Zhong to the ballroom of the International Club that night.

It can be said that this day ended with Jiang Hui's tears and Li Zhong's feasting and pride.

However, life likes to joke with people.

God doesn't want people to guess who is comfortable and who is unlucky so easily.

In fact, neither Jiang Hui nor Li Zhong knew.

In fact, it was exactly the same time when they had a dispute and Jiang Hui threw the key back to Li Zhong.

Another person was copying the third key using the key that passed through Jiang Hui, and opened the door of Li Zhong's house without anyone knowing.

They also conducted an extremely careful and methodical search at Li Zhong's home.

They even used the camera they brought to take photos and collect evidence.

A few days later, an anonymous package was delivered to the city bureau's communication room and delivered to the office of the Second Division of the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

When the package was opened, all the staff at the second office were simply stunned.

No one knows how or when the anonymous whistleblower who provided the package obtained the evidence.

Anyway, the criminal's name, gender, age, address, activity pattern, and photos of the filth in his residence are all available.

There was even a physical ripped videotape in the package.

All in all, such a well-documented and audacious crime sent shockwaves through the entire Division 2.

After reporting the matter, the superiors immediately decided to seriously investigate the case immediately.

So, just before noon that day, Li Zhong, who was still in a daze because he stayed up late, was stopped at home by police officers who suddenly arrived.

Even when those "yellow water children" were seized, even Li Zhong's activities of smuggling tobacco, alcohol, and electronic watches and calculators were revealed to the world at the same time.

When the public security officers were victorious and took Li Zhong away from his home.

With unbelievable fear, this kid peed unsatisfactorily.

He couldn't even dream of how he broke it off.

But who’s to blame?

All I can say is that you should never be a tauren.

The hatred of small people can also ruin big things.

Obviously, even Ning Weimin underestimated the courage of Nian Jing, the "cuckold king".

Indeed, Nian Jing was cowardly and timid, and he did not dare to use violence to retaliate.

But this did not hinder his unforgettable hatred of seizing his wife, which prompted him to think of another alternative, which could also kill his enemy.

He finally achieved his goal in a safer way and was greatly relieved.

But the consequences didn't stop there, because Li Zhong's accident also caused restlessness in the Jiang family.

The way the Jiang family handled this matter even Nian Jing was dumbfounded after learning about it.

On the second day after the incident, everyone in the Jiang family, old and young, knew the news.

That day was January 20th. Because it was Sunday, Nian Jing accompanied Jiang Hui back to her parents' home.

It was near noon, and Nian Jing was listening to his mother-in-law's instructions with the Jiang family's nanny in the Jiang family's kitchen.

Be careful and meticulous when handling chicken, duck and fish.

Jiang Hao and his wife arrived in a hurry.

Jiang Hao's wife, Li Xu, Li Zhong's sister, opened her mouth with earth-shattering bad news.

She didn't care about the embarrassment, and with snot and tears, she told the two elders of the Jiang family exactly what happened to her brother.

She only had one idea, that is, she hoped that Jiang Hao's father, who was about to retire and was the only one who had the ability to intervene, could find a way.

"As long as you can keep my brother, Dad, I'm begging you."

Jiang Hao also wiped his sweat, frowned and begged for help.

"Dad, do you think we can clear the way? If this matter gets too big, it will involve too many areas. I beg you, please save Li Xu's brother for the sake of both of us. "

Jiang Hao kept saying that they seemed to have a deep love for each other, which sounded nice.

But even with Nian Jing's eyes, he could see Jiang Hao's guilty conscience when he said this.

I guessed that the subtext of his words was that he was actually afraid that he himself would be implicated.

What's more, Jiang Hui was so frightened that she subconsciously muttered to herself, which was purely self-inflicted.

"Li Zhong went in? Did he really go in? What a surprise. Fortunately, I didn't participate and didn't give him the five thousand yuan..."

"Jiang Hui, did you know about this beforehand? Do you also know about the business he did?"

Li Xu's eyes widened, a little anxious.

"No, no, I don't know! It was just that Li Zhong asked me to borrow money for him, so I helped him talk to Huo Xin and borrowed five thousand..."

Of course Jiang Hui was not stupid. After being stunned, he knew that he should deny it and single out himself.

But Li Xu seemed to have ignored it.

This woman who was worried about her brother was like a person who fell into the river. Now she wanted to grab a handful of straws when she saw them.

"Huo Xin? You said Huo Xin lent Li Zhong five thousand yuan? I know, Huo Xin's father is the director, right? If she is willing to take out so much money, then it must be Li Zhongxu who gave her a benefit. She I also have a share..."

Not to mention that Jiang Hui was shocked on the spot and explained anxiously.

Even Jiang Hao scolded his wife with a blushing face.

"Are you crazy? What nonsense are you talking about! What does Huo Xin have to do with this matter? Don't involve people who have nothing to do with it! You still think that the things we encountered are trivial and want to make enemies everywhere? The Huo family is also good Climbing and biting?”

Li Xu was so frightened by his cannibalistic look that he stopped talking, and then burst into tears.

"I'm just such a little brother. My mother was so anxious that she was hospitalized. I can't let anything happen to Li Zhong. The Huo family is so capable. I hope they can save Li Zhong..."

The old father of the Jiang family finally spoke at this time.

His tone was calm and kind, full of concern.

"Child, you have a deep love for each other. I can understand your anxiety. But Jiang Hao is actually right. The fewer people involved in this kind of thing, the lighter it will be handled. Otherwise, it will involve a wide range of things. The nature is serious, can your brother have a good son?"

"If you really want to be good for your brother, you must let Li Zhong firmly believe in taking responsibility independently and not involve anyone else in this case. Only in this way will there be people who will appreciate his kindness, think of his kindness, and be willing to work together. Help. Otherwise, trying to force others to do so will be counterproductive. You will have no friends, you will all be enemies."

"Of course, no matter what, I will not stand idle. We are relatives, no matter what, we have to try our best. If I don't blame you, I have to blame your father who just passed away last year. You have to remember Stay together and work together, there is no obstacle that you can’t overcome.”

Hearing such warm words, although Li Xu still couldn't hold back her tears, she finally felt much more at ease.

Later, wait until after lunch.

She obediently followed Father Jiang's instructions and went to the hospital alone to take care of her mother who was seriously ill.

Only her husband Jiang Hao was left to continue discussing the matter.

As a result, after she left, Jiang Hao and Jiang Hui, two brothers and sisters, were all called to the study by Father Jiang to talk.

Chores such as cleaning the kitchen, washing dishes, and wiping tables are naturally the nanny's duties.

Nian Jing was in the living room with his mother-in-law preparing fruits for everyone, and listening to Jiang's mother complain.

Why is the Li family so embarrassed this time? Raising such an unsatisfactory son will bring misfortune to even the Jiang family.

Why would his brother do such a shameful thing so that he could ask the Jiang family to speak out for them? How could the Jiang family be so embarrassed to say this?

What else can she do after being married for so many years and yet she can't even do any menial work? She's just pretending to be the lady of the bureau chief's family.

He didn't even say that he would continue the family lineage of the Jiang family as soon as possible. If he had known that this was the case, he would have been blind before agreeing to this marriage.

In short, Jiang's mother-in-law's complaints about Li Xu's daughter-in-law were all trivial family matters.

Until this moment, Nian Jing, who was watching with cold eyes, thought that Father Jiang would really use his connections to help.

While he was perfunctory with Jiang Mu, he couldn't help but secretly worry.

I am afraid that his revenge plan will be in vain because of the intervention of the Jiang family. Maybe Li Zhong can really escape this disaster.

As a result, he never expected that after Jiang's mother received a call and asked him to ask Jiang's father to pick up the call from the extension in the study, he unexpectedly gained insight into the inner story of the matter.

Fortunately, after Jiang’s father’s call, the extension was not hung up.

After Jiang's mother put down the phone, she went back to her bedroom to take a nap as usual.

He was still alone in the living room. When he picked up the phone and was about to hang up, he accidentally overheard the discussion in the study.

"The matter has come to this...there are only two ways...either cut the thread ends...or expose all the thread balls and stop knitting anything in the future!"

"Dad, do you really have no better way? should I explain to the Li family in the end? What should I do if the old lady and Li Xu come to me for help?"

"What is the nature of this matter, and how serious it is at this time. You don't know. How can I dare to reach out rashly? It will be late in the future. If you want a future, don't look forward and backward. . Listen to me, stabilize the Li family first, let them think that there is hope for their son, and keep your mouth shut. Only then can you two keep your innocence."

"Dad, there will be endless troubles like this. After all, the Li family is our in-laws. If my sister-in-law feels that we have lied to her, will my brother be able to live a peaceful life in the future?"

"Naive, you two think that after something like this happened to the Li family, you are still worthy of marrying our Jiang family. Your brother's foundation is very good, and he can at least reach the official level. How can he be known as a criminal family member? ? Fortunately, they don’t have children yet. Thanks to Li Xu’s father having passed away last year, this matter is easier to deal with. "

These words reached Nian Jing's ears word for word, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

Only then did he truly see the faces of the Jiang family and discover their hypocrisy.

Although Father Jiang was warm-hearted and cold-hearted, what he said just now was all a lie to Li Xu, and he actually had such an idea.

Black! too dark! I can't even see my fingers!

As the saying goes, the fox is sad when a rabbit dies, and things hurt its own kind.

Even though Nian Jing is the real mastermind and initiator.

After learning the truth, he couldn't help but be afraid of Jiang's father's side of eating people and not spitting out bones.

You have to think carefully about your future and make more plans.

To be honest, he really regretted joining such a noble family.

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