National Tide 1980

Chapter 569 God of Fortune

The conversation in the Jiang family's study set the basic tone on how to deal with the trouble caused by Li Zhong.

It has to be said that although the Jiang family is cruel, such a decisive decision is very necessary.

Because Li Zhong, who looks like an embroidered pillow, is really useless.

At this stage, he has no ability to fight against the state machinery and guard those shady business transactions.

The result was just as the Jiang family feared.

In order to reduce his own responsibility, this kid stupidly started biting randomly, trying to involve others.

Those friends he had close relationships with in the past were the "victims."

Wu Shen, who had not recovered from his injuries, was the first to be thrown out by him.

The Hong Kong businessman at Jianguo Hotel and the Huacheng friend who introduced this relationship were also told by him.

Soon, not only the Hong Kong businessmen were detained and summoned, but the Huacheng smugglers were arrested in Huacheng.

There was also quite a storm in the courtyard east of the city.

Many children of cadres were summoned by the second department handling the case because they took advantage of Li Zhong and watched the video with him.

For a while, everyone was in danger. Many of the more active and pushy children stayed at home and did not dare to go out.

The underground video studio, which was popular among the children of the capital, also encountered severe restrictions as if it had been hit by frost.

Many of the people who organized the video viewing were in their late teens or early 20s.

Because of this incident, they once again experienced the feeling of having their souls touched by their own parents with bamboo rulers and belts.

It corresponds to the title of the TV series currently being broadcast on the TV station - "There's a Blizzard Tonight"!

It must be said that this is a very wonderful mode of adapting to the situation.

As for Wu Shen's father, Leader Wu was so angry that his teeth itched.

He never expected that his son, who had been locked away for a month without going anywhere, would suffer such an unreasonable disaster.

Of course he was unwilling to let his only son suffer such a big loss, so he went directly to the Jiang family to ask for an explanation.

This made Jiang's father quite passive. He had to comfort him with words and repeatedly promised that he would not implicate innocent people.

Speaking of which, fortunately, Li Zhongshang didn't dare to involve the Jiang family. He pointed at the Jiang family to save him, which finally left some room for the Jiang family to control the situation.

So Jiang Hao followed his father's wishes and tried to find a way to make Li Zhong's environment inside more comfortable, and then vented his breath to his brother-in-law through Li Xu.

Tell him, "We are trying to get more people outside to help save you. Don't talk nonsense. Otherwise, everyone will be offended. When the time comes, the gun will be turned against you, and I, the King of Heaven, will not be able to save you."

Li Zhongxin naturally believed his sister's words to be true.

He immediately repented, and from then on completely sealed his mouth, and never got involved with anyone else again.

But their siblings never dreamed that the Jiang family had secretly communicated with Leader Wu and other parents and reached a tacit understanding.

I am going to push Li Zhong further and strive to make this matter an ironclad case with severe punishment and a final conclusion. Li Zhong will bear all the responsibility.

Therefore, this kid is already destined to be imprisoned. Whether he can save his life or not is still a matter of debate.

The Li family vainly hopes to reduce Li Zhong's legal punishment and hope that he can regain his freedom as soon as possible. These unrealistic hopes are getting closer and closer to waking up from their sweet dreams.

To be honest, Jiang Hui is the only woman in the entire Jiang family who doesn't feel so hateful.

He was still trying to persuade his father and brother not to do everything, no matter what, he had to leave a way for Li Zhong.

But her benevolence as a woman not only made her father and brother scorn her, but also excluded her from the plan.

Nian Jing was very jealous because of this, thinking that she had lingering feelings, and his feelings for her became weaker and weaker.

Man, some roads cannot afford to be taken astray.

Because once you embark on an extremely steep downhill road, you simply cannot stop.

Whether you like it or not, you can only keep running away until the end.

However, this kind of disgusting behavior is not the only thing happening in the world.

They are different from those people who have fallen into bad luck with Li Zhong, the god of death.

The people who rallied around Ning Weimin felt as if they had encountered a god of good fortune.

When welcoming the Spring Festival in 1984, many people were smiling and in high spirits.


On January 24th, many exciting things happened.

For example, this is the day when my country's first modern large-scale song and dance theater, the "Chinese Theater", was built.

There was also Wang Shi, who was far away in Shenzhen. On this day, he rode his bicycle through the Shenzhen International Trade Center and witnessed the heavily guarded scene. He was very surprised to find that the "great man" came to inspect the building.

Also on this day, the "Tan Palace" restaurant ordered two Toyota Crowns from overseas, and finally received a call from the Beijing Materials Bureau to notify them that they could finally pick up the goods.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon that day, the imported "Crown", one white and one black, drove into the north gate of the Temple of Heaven.

When the two cars parked in the office area of ​​the Temple of Heaven Garden one after another, almost all the staff of the Temple of Heaven Garden were shocked.

People were excited and shouting, and some even waved their hands to invite others to come and watch the fun.

The scene was as noisy as a pot of boiling water.

"Look, it's so awesome. I bought all the 'crowns', and the treatment of a serious cadre..."

"Pull you down, the leader only raised the red flag, you're still far from this..."

"I'll go, no way. This is beyond the limit, this ridiculous? Can the superiors agree?"

"Why don't you agree? Don't forget, this is the car of the Tan Palace Restaurant. It is an asset of the joint venture. At most, we can just borrow it from a 'friendly unit'..."

"Haha, what a friendly unit! We are investors! But no matter what, without this relationship, the superiors can only look at it with greed and have no control over it."

"Oh, that goes without saying. Anyway, with this car, our director of the Temple of Heaven is no worse in appearance than the director of the Forbidden City..."

This last sentence was so forgetful that it immediately aroused laughter from the crowd.

Needless to say, the management of the Temple of Heaven and leaders Jin and Qiao Wanlin of the service bureau have been waiting impatiently for a long time.

But when they came out, they all suddenly froze like little demons who had been immobilized by Sun Wukong.

Why do you need to say it?

I can't believe it!

Man, this is still the case.

Even if you are mentally prepared in advance, it is still very different when seeing is believing.

The director of the Temple of Heaven and the cadres of Yi Gan, as well as the leader Jin of the service bureau, Qiao Wanlin, kept reminding themselves to be calm and not to lose their composure in front of others.

Seeing them looking at the two cars that belonged to them in front of them, everyone was stunned by the shining sun reflection on the cars.

Especially when they can't help but touch the logo, taillights and doors of the car like children, the excitement is almost like sleepwalking.

Think about it, under normal circumstances, they would be the most optimistic about opening this restaurant.

It was Ning Weimin who was able to use the experience of the restaurant to eliminate the deficit and get back on track after half a year.

He can probably earn back the principal invested by everyone in two years.

If we really want to see real profits and let everyone get dividends, it will have to be the third year at the earliest.

But they never expected that Ning Weimin would be so capable.

Not only did the restaurant start to make money in just two months.

It’s not difficult to get back to where you started in one year.

And he was so considerate that he dared to use a bank loan to buy each of them an imported top-notch luxury car to drive.

Who is lucky enough to sit in a Toyota Crown these days? The price is too expensive!

If you use the tax-free quota, it will cost more than 110,000. If you add taxes, it will cost more than 180,000.

That means they now have these two cars.

Not only did they get their capital back in advance, but the family also made a profit of 100,000.

If they are willing to sell it, there will be units rushing to get it if they ask for 200,000 yuan.

One can imagine that what Ning Weimin did was an incredible miracle in their eyes, and how endearing it was.

But that was nothing. When Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui got out of the car one after another, they formally handed over.

Please respectfully invite the principal, deputy principal, leader Jin, and Qiao Wanlin to get on the bus with their respective drivers.

These talents are really happy.

Because not only were they finally convinced that their dream had come true, Ning Weimin would also say it.

It just scratched the itch in their hearts.

"Every leader, please get familiar with your cars as soon as possible. With these two cars, I finally dare to ask the leaders to inspect the work at this year's Spring Festival garden party. Otherwise, I would be really embarrassed to mention it."

"It's a small thing for all the leaders to sacrifice their rest time to visit the garden. It would be a big deal if you get cold and sick because of inspecting our work. Thanks to the arrival of these two cars a year ago, now I finally feel at ease.”

"Finally, I have to thank all the leaders for their continued trust in me. I can't repay it. I can only say that I will try to establish Northern Gods Kitchen again next year. If everything goes well, at the end of next year, I will try to give you another Let’s add a car each to the Temple of Heaven and the Service Bureau..."

The director of the Temple of Heaven, whose mind was filled with thoughts about how grand he was riding in the car, was smiling and trying to answer the question.

Suddenly hearing Ning Weimin's last big words, he couldn't help being surprised, and immediately forgot what he was going to say.

"What? You want to buy us a car?"

Ning Weimin smiled.

"That's right. You have such a big park and so many people. Including the old Jeep, there are only two cars. How can it be enough? Even if I can't buy a Toyota Crown, I have to buy some more for your leaders. It’s a domestically produced car.”

Then he turned around and said to Leader Jin again.

"And Leader Jin, I know that you probably won't be able to keep this car, so you have to hand it over, right? Let's not talk about anything else. I've helped you so much, and I can't let you take care of it in vain. I. I have to get you another car to ride in, so that I can feel better."

Ning Weimin's words not only pleased several leaders of the Temple of Heaven Garden, but also surprised Leader Jin.

People from the Temple of Heaven Garden expressed their opinions one after another.

"When others say this, we all think it is bragging, but if you, Manager Xiao Ning, say this, we all really believe it. If it doesn't come true, we will have to punish you with a treat."

Leader Jin was also very sympathetic.

"Well, Manager Xiao Ning, you are really interesting. Then I won't be fooling around with you. To tell you the truth, although I am not lucky enough to keep this car, with your car, I will be promoted. The matter has basically been decided. It will be about the end of the year. If you need help with anything later, please don’t be polite to me. I will fully support you. "

So this time, the joy was added to the joy, and another small climax was set off.

Lian Ning Weimin and people from the Temple of Heaven Garden expressed their congratulations in advance to Leader Jin.

Moreover, it was agreed that everyone would have dinner at the "Tan Palace" restaurant in the evening to congratulate Leader Jin.

As the saying goes, good fortune never comes in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone.

This is both true and false.

Because from a personal point of view, this may be a common rule and there is nothing wrong with it.

But once you look at it from a broader perspective, this is not the case.

You must know that no one or thing in this world exists in isolation.

Just like Ning Weimin, he promised two more cars for free. Is it necessary for him to do this? You have to have a plan, right?

No, if you connect the joy of the Temple of Heaven Park and Service Bureau mentioning cars with the business of the street sewing club on Meishi Street.

Many things can be seen clearly.

On the same day, Director Li of the street went to the street sewing club to discuss with Aunt Bian about arrangements for duty during the New Year.

Because I have nothing to do today, and I know that Aunt Bian has to take care of both the neighborhood committee and the sewing club, so she is very busy.

Director Li didn't call and went to look for it on his own.

As a result, as soon as he approached the gate of the sewing club, he was startled by the huge roar inside.

When I arrived at the place, I walked in and discovered that all the sewing machines in the entire operation room were working together. It was so spectacular.

And everyone operating the sewing machines no longer chats while working as in the past.

They were all focused and meticulous, just like workers in a real garment factory.

Looking at Aunt Bian who was just delivering goods to the self-employed businessmen and was coming towards him, Director Li couldn't help shouting and asking.

"Why are you so busy? Did Pierre-Carton give us some big job?"

Unexpectedly, Aunt Bian shook her head at the top of her voice, "It's not a big job, it's just a lot of fat jobs put together."

After dragging him out, Aunt Bian told the details in a hoarse voice.

"Wei Min, didn't he give us his restaurant's work clothes? Because the clothes are of good quality. Then let us dress the dozens of girls in the Zhai Palace for next year. Winter clothes and summer clothes. There are two hundred sets in total."

"We haven't finished it yet. Suits are now popular again. Many units have begun to make suits and give them to employees as benefits. Weimin has bought more than 400 sets of clothing from more than 200 people in the Temple of Heaven Park. .”

"He also said that the service bureau is also helping to contact restaurants, restaurants, and hotels in the district. They will give us a lot of work in about the next year."

"So, you see, this is already so busy that it cannot be separated from people. And according to Wei Min, this kind of work clothes will be common in the future. There will be more and more. He thinks that we It’s time for the sewing club on the street to buy some machines, find some houses, and expand into a factory..."

Director Li was extremely surprised. "Expand into a factory? Are you really so busy? Do you still need to buy machines? How much will it cost? Do we have it?"

Aunt Bian thought for a while and nodded. "If we continue to be busy like this, we will really run out of people and space. I asked someone to do the calculations and found that it will cost more than 30,000 yuan to buy the machine. Our sewing club's surplus this year is almost 60,000 yuan. In terms of money, it is quite good. Enough!"

Director Li was immediately frightened. "So much? Impossible, right? Does it include the workers' money?"

And what Aunt Bian said was even more terrifying.

"Where is it? Can piece-rate wages be in arrears? They have been paid a long time ago. Now they can earn almost ten yuan for a day's work. Is it much more expensive than regular workers? Su Jin is the best, and the workers have to rely on him to make suits. He is a teacher, his hands are skillful and quick, and I have to rely on him for the best work, and I can earn twenty yuan a day."

Director Li couldn't even close his mouth this time.

"Can a temporary worker earn so much? Doesn't that mean that Su Jin can earn half of my salary in one month?"

Aunt Bian admitted, "No, but as the top leader of the street sewing club, you also have the right to use the profits of the sewing club to pay bonuses and subsidies to the street office. If you don't plan to set up a factory with these 60,000, I think you You can take 50,000 yuan. I have no objection."

Director Li shook his head as if he was afraid of burning his hands.

"No, please let me think about it carefully. I don't want to set up a factory. I'm not mentally prepared at all for this New Year."

"Fifty thousand? It's been enough to support our street's funding for several years. Just take it as you say? My old sister, you're so loud now. I don't even dare to take it from you. I've never seen so many. Money!”

"Look at all the fuss. How could our small sewing club become so big without paying attention?"

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