National Tide 1980

Chapter 582: Jealousy

From the perspective of being responsible for their daughter, Professor Lan's family cannot be blamed for being wary of Ning Weimin.

After all, women are afraid of marrying the wrong man.

Although divorce has been mentioned in this era, no one cares about this second choice opportunity.

Of course the same goes for Huo Xin's parents.

When they unexpectedly saw a strange young man like Ning Weimin pushing his daughter's bicycle.

The attention, doubts, curiosity, and worry caused by this are all normal reactions.

How could we let him go if we didn't ask him clearly?

On the other hand, if they just let nature take its course without asking anything, that would be abnormal.

In short, worrying about the marriage of adult children can be said to be a common problem of all parents in the world, and it is out of the instinct of care and love.

As parents, we always hope that our experience can help our children choose the best spouse.

I hope that my young and inexperienced children can avoid making mistakes on this important issue that affects their happiness in the rest of their lives.

Even though this is no longer the era of "parents' orders", parents know that this kind of thing is thankless, but they still can't help but take care of it.

How can I say that I pity the hearts of parents all over the world?

Like Ning Weimin's neighbor Aunt Bian, she was very worried about Bian Jiangong's marriage.

To be honest, in the past year, she, as a mother, has really worried about her youngest son's marriage and worked hard to arrange it, but unfortunately it was all in vain.

To put it simply, whether the person she found for her son was suitable or not, the key point was that Bian Jiangong was like eating a weight, and he was so determined that he disappeared.

Bian Jiangong identified this "Mu Guiying" and took this girl home again and again.

As for Aunt Bian, no matter how she looks at it, she doesn't like it.

If nothing else, she is the director of the neighborhood committee.

It's up to her to carry out the tasks coming down the street.

The residents of Shan'er Hutong always rely on her to mediate conflicts when they arise.

How can she do anything if she doesn't feel comfortable doing things?

Especially in dealing with people, he is the most proficient.

Therefore, what she disliked most about this girl was her vague and inconsistent temperament.

In the eyes of Aunt Bian, this "Mu Guiying" was just babbling and heartless in everything she did, and even seemed to have no understanding of the ways of the world at all.

For example, when serving dinner, Aunt Bian once saw this girl not eating meat or vegetables.

Thinking that she was too shy to pick up the food, in order to serve the guests well, he kindly took the initiative to help the girl pick up the food.

Unexpectedly, this girl actually put the fried onion and mutton in the bowl directly and gave it to Bian Jiangong.

Then he laughed and said it bluntly.

"Auntie, I don't eat mutton. I can't stand the smell. Please, please don't serve me any more vegetables. You don't know what I like to eat and what I don't like to eat..."

As a result, Aunt Bian blushed.

Another time, it was a Sunday afternoon.

This "Mu Guiying" rode to Bian's house to look for Jiangong. They agreed that they would go to the movies together after dinner at home in the evening.

But when Aunt Bian sent them out, she looked at the girl's bicycle strangely.

Because there is actually a cotton shoe on the rear bracket of the bicycle.

At that time, she couldn't help but spoke out of curiosity.

"Hey, why is there a shoe on the back seat of your car? Who put it there? Is it weird?"

"Mu Guiying" looked back and was confused.

Unexpectedly, just a moment later, she burst out laughing again, and the answer she revealed was even more incredible.

She actually claimed that they were the shoes she had left hanging on the back rack of her bicycle during the day.

When we came out, because it was dark, I was careless and didn't look, so I just rode on and left.

As a result, he kicked all the way to Bian's house.

Isn't there only one left...

Looking at "Mu Guiying" standing in the alley, she didn't know the embarrassment of "hahaha".

He even showed off his driving skills to Bian Jiangong, who was holding back his laughter.

Aunt Bian, this is embarrassing.

Fortunately, the street lights were out and the weather was cold, so there were few familiar people in the alley.

Otherwise, let acquaintances see it and know that her son has such a "250" girlfriend.

Where can I put this old face of hers...

Even on an important day like today, it's the same.

It is said that Aunt Bian is an old man who is very particular about auspiciousness. She values ​​Lao Ling'er very much and knows that she should never get angry on New Year's Eve.

But this "Mu Guiying" is her inner demon.

Aunt Bian is afraid that she will never be able to be calm when dealing with her.

Speaking of which, just now, the mother and son of the Bian family were busy in the kitchen preparing today's New Year's Eve dinner.

Since Bian Jianjun and Li Xiuzhi haven't come back yet, Bian Jiangong has to help the family with the cold dishes. The main task is to open the lunch meat and canned quail eggs he brought back from the "Polar Bear".

Aunt Bian was frying rice on the fire in preparation for the New Year's Eve dish of rice noodles and meat.

These days, there are no ready-made rice noodles for sale in the capital, so you have to roll and fry them yourself.

Unexpectedly, this "Mu Guiying" didn't watch TV in the house, so she actually came out on her own initiative, and Zhang Luo came to help.

And as soon as she saw her, Aunt Bian's heart clicked, and the boss felt uncomfortable.

The old lady didn't even raise her head, turning the rice vigorously with the spatula while trying to send her away perfunctorily.

"Um...Xiao Mu, the kitchen is too crowded, we can't stand three people...Don't move, go back and watch TV. You are a guest..." If you are an ordinary person, of course you will understand what Aunt Bian means by observing your words and expressions. .

But this person, indeed, did not have that string in his mind, and could not think of this at all.

How does "Mu Guiying" know what euphemism is?

So Aunt Bian's mistake was that she fell in love with "Mu Guiying".

As a result, because her hands were a little slow, the rice smelled like paste and floated out.

This "Mu Guiying" not only did not return to the house, but ran over in a hurry, shouting at the top of her voice.

"Mom, it tastes wrong! Sprinkle some vinegar in it! Hurry!"

Just this voice made Aunt Bian panic. The shovel in her hand suddenly became useless, and the smell of paste was naturally greater.

As for "Mu Guiying", her bluffing wasn't enough. She actually stuck her head into the kitchen and kept urging her to do something good.

"Why are you just sitting around watching the fun? Quickly make Auntie jealous."

Here Jiangong really listened to her, he immediately threw away the household items in his hand, picked up the vinegar bottle next to him, opened the bottle cap and poured vinegar into the pot.

Well, Aunt Bian was so angry that she wished she could beat this "Yang Zongbao" with a spatula on the spot.

She quickly stopped her son's hand and turned around to glare at "Mu Guiying" in disgust.

I thought to myself that the more amateurs you are, the more you dare to speak out. Are there any people who are so nosy?

However, "Mu Guiying" was not aware of Aunt Bian's dislike for her at all, and instead continued to urge her to be jealous.

She also definitely means well.

So "Yang Zongbao" moved his stopped hand again.

A splash of vinegar and just poured it in.

Aunt Bian never expected that this would happen, and she finally couldn't bear it and screamed.

"Why are you coming up with such nonsense! You can't get rid of the smell by pouring vinegar. Then you have to add wine and minced chili pepper!"

"And you, you bastard, you really listened to her bad idea, pour it in! Get out of here!"

Just like that, Aunt Bian simply chased her son and "Mu Guiying" outside, and they were all blown away.

Who would have thought that by disturbing others and causing such serious consequences, this "Mu Guiying" was completely unaware of her own fault.

She was still laughing and joking with Bian Jiangong as if nothing had happened. This was so irritating!

There is nowhere to vent her dissatisfaction, and Aunt Bian can no longer cook.

After walking around the yard twice, he took off his apron, threw it aside, and went straight to his old man's house.

At this time, Uncle Bian was lying down in the room to listen to the show.

The "door" slammed open, startling him.

When he saw that it was his wife who had come in, he didn't have time to ask, so he listened to the aunt angrily confiding in herself.

"What has happened? Ah, that bastard's soul has been taken away. He actually listens to her so much! He listens to any bastard's ideas? Do you have no brains? Let me tell you, old man, as long as our family makes meritorious deeds, He is definitely a white-eyed wolf with the length of a magpie's tail. He only recognizes his wife and not his mother. If he really marries this 'Mu Guiying', he won't even dare to fart in front of his wife."

After finally figuring out what was going on, Uncle Bian was not as angry as Aunt Bian.

Probably because habits have become natural, he has adapted to it long ago. Instead, he advised his wife not to get angry and to be more tolerant to other girls.

"Don't say it, it's been here for a long time. I actually think this girl has a good personality. I used to think she was frizzy and fussy. But she has a straight temper, not so many twists and turns, and is quite generous. Look, you are giving it to me How many times have you looked at her face? I haven't seen her mind it before? Besides, her child also has good intentions and wants to help you."

"Hey, why did you rebel so easily? Good intentions? Good intentions can lead to bad things! All she did was a waste of help! How could such a big girl's family not have a stable and disciplined person? I just see. Not used to it."

"You'll get used to it just by looking at it. You, don't worry about it so much. Things will get old, and children will grow up. When choosing a partner for your son, the most important thing is a person's character. I think in this regard, There's nothing wrong with this girl. Since she gets along well with our son, let them go."

"What, you just give in like that. You are too irresponsible. If we really become this kind of family, then she can't bully my son to death! This is also true for Jiangong. If you just listen to her now, what will you do in the future? Don't Qing Waiting to be bullied? No, I will never agree to what they do."

As she watched, Aunt Bian became more and more arrogant, and she couldn't persuade her no matter how hard she tried.

Uncle Bian was also impatient.

"Don't agree? If your son is happy, how can you care? From ancient times to the present, few people have succeeded in beating mandarin ducks. Even if it barely goes as you want, you are doomed to complain for the rest of your life. From now on, if you are successful, your marriage will be a bit unhappy, no Is this all your fault?"

After saying these words, Aunt Bian felt aggrieved, and the old lady quit.

"Who am I doing it for? Am I not doing it for your old Bian family? You are all against me! I'm the only one who co-wrote it, am I not a good person?"

As I talked, my heart felt bitter and tears came down.

Seeing his wife like this, Uncle Bian couldn't help but sigh, and patiently comforted him again.

"I know you are doing it for your son's good. You want to choose a girl for him who is perfect in all aspects. But the problem is whether the shoes are comfortable or not, only your feet know. Your job as a mother is not easy, but for your son It's useless to be anxious. No matter how good you think it is, it's all in vain if your son doesn't like it."

"I think our Jiangong is serious about this girl, because after such a long time, he has never thought about the possibility of changing someone else. Since he will live with this girl from now on. Then as long as he knows the person he has chosen, What's wrong? It's enough to know what responsibilities you have to bear."

"Besides, you have to look at the actual situation to weigh it? You do want your son to marry a Seventh Fairy, but is it realistic? This kind of thing must be met by both parties. Your requirements are too high. Our son must be a bachelor!"

It was okay up front, Aunt Bian was listening carefully all the time.

But with this last sentence, the old lady was unhappy again.

"Nonsense! Why am I being unrealistic? Who is my son worse than? I want Jiangong to find a better man, so why is it unrealistic? In terms of work, character, and appearance? My son can do it all. Huh? When it comes to family, we are no worse than anyone else, but now I am..."

"Okay, don't make trouble with the sewing club again. Stop it!"

Seeing that Aunt Bian was about to scream again, Uncle Bian stopped her in time.

"I'm not talking about you, you are really arrogant and lack some self-awareness. You can't always look at the things in front of you. You have to look at society as a whole."

"What's the situation in society now? There are too many big men and big women, and they are all eager to start a family. Who is not of marriageable age? For the older ones, their third generation is already thirty-four, and for the younger ones, they are already twenty-four. Sixteen or seventeen."

"There are also young people who have just graduated from school and entered the society. They are also in love. To put it bluntly, it is like 'window paper' everywhere. Everyone is in a mess, anxious, but they don't know where to go." Poke'."

At this point, the old man's image metaphor had already amused Aunt Bian.

But the words that followed were like a ladle of cold water pouring down on her, forcing Aunt Bian to look at the problem calmly again.

"Are you still laughing? I mean, can you wait in this situation? Isn't it just a matter of quick hands and slow hands? Look carefully, there are so many people building greenhouses and building furniture. You don't A little pressure? Once the unmarried people get married, the unmarried people will have fewer choices."

"How old is Jiangong? How old is Xiaomu? To put it bluntly, if the girl dumps Jiangong, she can still talk to someone else, and it won't be too late to get married in a few years. But can Jiangong afford to wait? I also told It's good that your son can find the girl he likes now. He has identified the window paper. At last, he is not just messing around to catch up with someone. "

"Secondly, it's not easy to get married. You have to have money. Nowadays, society is changing every year, and everything is changing. Like this year, the Skoda bread on the street will no longer be seen, and the police uniforms will also turn green. Yes. We don’t have to eat corn anymore, and the government no longer imposes strict regulations on buying grain at fixed grain stations. I heard that the industrial coupons will be canceled soon. The three rings and one ring have long stopped being popular. People Nowadays, marriages are all about three new items, such as color TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines. There are even girls who want gold jewelry. Has the girl in Jiangong’s photo mentioned it once? Not even a test, right? So looking at it this way, our son is still a little bit Eyesighted.”

"In the end, the more important thing is the house. If you are short of people, you can still find it slowly. If you are short of money, you can save it slowly. If you don't have enough food and buy simple things, you can survive. But if you are short of a house, you can still survive. There is no difference at all. Since this girl is from the same company as Jiangong, if they get married they will be dual-employed, so won’t the company provide a house? This is the most terrible problem solved. If you want to make some mistakes, can you give it to them? Is your son looking for a house?"

"So I say, after all, no one is perfect. You can't look at other girls and keep looking at things you don't like. Your son is not the Weimin next door. There are so many beautiful girls around him, let him choose. . Look at Guang Liang of the Luo family. If he hadn't been in, wouldn't Guang Liang have better conditions than Jian Gong? But now he is single. And Xiao Ran, the yellow-haired girl we watched grow up. But she can climb high branches and run away. Have you gone to a foreign country? Don’t be too high-spirited. If you ask me, we are better than the best and more than the worst. Plus my son is happy, that’s enough. Don’t look for trouble anymore..."

These words obviously touched Aunt Bian, and she was speechless for a long time.

His expression softened obviously, which was a sign that the old lady had calmed down.

However, just when the uncle next to him breathed a sigh of relief, he was interrupted by his wife's words.

"Hey, you said it would be great if this guard could be our son! He is excellent in everything, so I don't have to worry..."

"Bullshit! What are you talking about? Do you think that boy is good? If you want to have such an outstanding son, spending time in flowers every day, and still not sure about a girlfriend, you have to be even more anxious..."

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