National Tide 1980

Chapter 583 Underestimation

What Uncle Bian said is indeed correct.

This girl Mu Yueying is still such a person, and she actually has many advantages.

But just because she is like a big kid who loves to laugh and make trouble, she doesn't know how to look at other people's eyebrows.

As a result, they often fail to detect the annoyance of others in time and curb their own behavior.

Passionately helping others, often in the most unpopular ways.

Therefore, her advantages were buried and ignored.

Even in many such small things, she has offended a lot of people.

Only when you have been dealing with her for a long time, put aside your prejudices, and look at her from a broader perspective, can you discover the cuteness in her.

That's what happened today, just when Aunt Bian came into the house to complain to her wife.

This "Mu Guiying" quietly returned to the kitchen by herself.

She cleaned the pot and fried the rice again.

Then he called Bian Jiangong over, handed him a rolling pin, and asked him to use his strength to help crush the fried rice.

In this way, when Aunt Bian comes out of the house again, this "Mu Guiying" will be like an optimistic child again, holding the newly made rice noodles and showing off with a smile.

"Auntie, we have already made the rice noodles, so don't waste your efforts! Look at ours, how yellow and fragrant it is! It's enough for you to steam two large pots of rice noodles and meat!"

Although her style is still abrupt.

But when Auntie Bian picked up some fried rice noodles with her hands, brought it to her nose and smelled it, especially when she thought of her wife's words just now, she couldn't help but feel grateful for her kindness.

So I gave him a few rare compliments.

"It's really authentic rice noodles! How can it be fried so well and rolled so finely? I can't see that you still have such patience. This is a delicate job of stir-frying over low heat. I want to roll it so finely. , it’s a lot of effort, thank you for your hard work..."

Unexpectedly, "Mu Guiying", with a sincere face and full of enthusiasm, actually said something without taking any credit.

"That's right, that's right. Auntie, I always come to your house to eat and drink. What does it mean to do this?"

"You don't know, but I'm actually quite good at frying rice and noodles. I learned how to cook rice and noodles from my family members when I was little. But when it comes to rolling, I'm not good at it. This is all due to meritorious service."

"Anyway, if there is any use for the two of us, don't be polite, just say something! We can't do anything, so we can always help. New Year's Eve dinner is the most tiring, I know that."

Aunt Bian likes to hear this.

At this moment, facing "Mu Guiying," whom she had never found good at all, she finally had a smile on her face.


Nothing can really be compared.

In fact, Uncle Bian was right about the other thing.

This is the situation where every household in the capital can’t wait to have older young people eager to start a family due to the wave of wedding celebrations started by the educated youth who have returned to the city.

His son, Bian Jian Gong, can find a girl he likes as a partner, which is already considered good.

The situation in the Luo family in No. 2 Courtyard is obviously the worst.

Almost everyone in the Luo family, including Luo Guangliang himself, is increasingly losing confidence in his ability to start a family as soon as possible.


Just because in today's social context, most people's ideal son-in-law is someone who has a clean background, has a decent job, is eloquent, preferably has some power, and has overseas connections.

As for Luo Guangliang, although he has a kind character, is in good shape, and can make money, no one recognizes these.

On the contrary, I mind that he "went in" because of "that kind of thing" and he doesn't have a stable job.

So Luo Guangliang was like an antique in troubled times or gold in prosperous times. He was completely underestimated and became an inferior item that no one cares about in the marriage market.

In fact, except for the people introduced to him by his sister-in-law, he was still passable.

All the other people introduced to him by enthusiastic people were the ugliest, worst, and most depressing.

Once he visited six houses in one day, and all of them looked like they were unloved by his uncle or grandma.

One of them was still holding a cigarette, and she looked exactly like the female spy who assassinated Lenin.

Luo Guangliang has always suspected that those old ladies have colluded to collect these ugly monsters and introduce them to him.

But later he discovered that these guys were both shrewd and measured.

Of course it’s not that they don’t know those beautiful girls, there are so many girls they know!

The problem is, these guys balance things quite precisely.

A chicken marries a chicken, a dog marries a dog, and a phoenix lives in a phoenix tree. Just count on your fingers and you will find a match for both parties.

In their minds, Luo Guangliang had no redeeming qualities except for his upright appearance and strength.

His marriage seems to be just a tortoise matching mung beans, a rotten fish looking for rotten shrimp.

Luo Guangliang once heard that Qiuzi's mother, who wanted to introduce her niece to him, scolded him behind his back for not being generous.

The old lady who usually smiled at him gossiped about him angrily.

"I don't even look at my own history, and I still want to pick and choose! To be honest, it would be great if someone dares to follow him! Isn't my niece a bit tongue-tied and not so fluent in her speech? Apart from this, it is also a waste of time. What's wrong? He still doesn't like it? I don't know how much I weigh!"

This really pissed off Luo Guangliang.

He finally realized that it was useless no matter how anxious he was.

Although he has always been a responsible person and worked hard to make money.

But in the eyes of some people, it was as if he had been a bandit who committed murder and arson.

Unfortunately, he couldn't stop others because of this. After all, he had gone astray himself.

And to be honest, it's not like he doesn't sympathize with other people's misfortunes.

But the problem is that marriage is not a matter of promoting style, and he always feels that it is inappropriate for him to find such a partner.

You know, Qiu Zi's mother's niece's condition has reached an outrageous level.

The sentence "I saw a big sugar man yesterday, and he was a melon" made him guess for three days before he figured out the answer.

The co-author is "I saw a big longworm yesterday, and it was a flower."

And the key is, Qiuzi’s mother’s niece doesn’t look that good either.

Although it cannot be said to make people have nightmares after watching it, it will never give people any sweet feelings.

Of course, a person's beauty or ugliness cannot only be judged on the surface. Newspapers and books also teach this every day, saying that we should pay attention to the beauty of the soul.

But this way of looking at objects, how can we look at the soul?

Furthermore, since everyone calls for beautiful souls, why do people who call these words choose the ones they like when they are looking for a partner?

So even though he felt a little guilty and indeed sympathized with Qiuzi's mother's niece, Luo Guangliang still couldn't get along with that girl.

And the last bit of sympathy for her disappeared because of Qiuzi’s mother’s words.

Needless to say, outsiders are unreliable. Those who really care about Luo Guangliang's affairs the most are definitely his own family members.

But it was precisely the family members' sincere concern for him that hurt Luo Guangliang the most.

Because gradually, Luo Guangliang discovered that those who were matchmakers for him were talking about him behind his back. The most beautiful word was "the prodigal son turned back."

And the reason why they were so enthusiastic about introducing him to one person after another was because his family secretly begged them.

I even bought a lot of gifts for these hateful old ladies.

Luo Guangliang's father often sighed and advised him not to be too picky.

No matter how you look, you can live a lifetime together, and it will be pleasing to your eyes as they grow together.

Although Luo Guangliang's mother spoke very softly and euphemistically, Luo Guangliang could clearly feel the meaning behind her words. Why are you so picky?

For this reason, Luo Guangliang felt pain in his chest, which was several times more uncomfortable than those outsiders gossiping behind their backs or speaking out.

As for Luo Guangliang's brother and sister-in-law, they often quarreled in silence at night because of his affairs.

Luo Guangsheng blames Miao Yujuan for not being interested in her brother's affairs.

"My brother has suffered for so many years, and he still doesn't have a partner at this age. Are you so stubborn? He's not your biological brother, is he?"

Of course Miao Yujuan felt extremely wronged, and she also blamed Luo Guangsheng for only going to the factory to work overtime, just like an old man abandoning her, and not caring about anything at home.

"You're not feeling guilty when you say this. Everything at home has to be pointed at me. Besides, don't you know what's going on with Guang Liang? It's not easy for me to get people to agree to meet for this kind of thing. I can't force it. Are you going to pay homage to someone else? Isn’t it the same for your eldest sister? Did she find it for Guang Liang? "

When he heard these words, Luo Guangliang really wanted to open the door and kowtow to his brother and sister-in-law.

He really didn't want to cause the couple, who were living well and harmoniously together, to have an unforgettable grudge in their hearts because of him.

So for this, he was extremely frustrated and at the same time in a dilemma.

I don’t want to see anyone anymore, and I’m also afraid that my negativity and giving up will make my family worry.

His conflict lies in the fact that he doesn't know whether he should aggrieve himself and just talk about getting married with his eyes closed.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Ning Weimin asked him to help him speculate on stamps.

After a drink and knowing his troubles, he gave him firm confidence and good hope.

"It's better to be content than to have trouble, brother! Is this something we can make do with? Don't think like this. One mistake will lead to eternal regret. If you don't believe it, just look at these divorces now. What's going on? Almost all of them happened in the first few years. A marriage that succumbs to social conditions. If looks and education are not taken into consideration, can the goals of life be consistent? It is not surprising that they disintegrate."

"Don't worry, "Wrangler" is very beautiful, but it is a movie. In reality, how could the girl who escaped from famine have the temperament and appearance of Cong Shan. Of course, it would not be as beautiful as in the movie The ending. On the contrary, no matter how tragic the result will be, there will be."

"On the other hand, you have to understand that society is not static. In the past, politics took the lead, but now it has become economic construction. Then the criteria for choosing a spouse will definitely change. Don't you think money plays a role in our lives? Is it becoming more and more important? Don’t look at it now, the society still looks down on the self-employed. But they all envy the self-employed’s money.”

"I can assure you that within a few years, your money will be able to wipe out all the disgrace in your past. It will make you more dazzling and make all the good girls fall for you. By then, They are like flies, you can't blow them away even if you want. It's up to you to pick them. This means that today you can't look down on me, but tomorrow I will make it impossible for you to climb up."

"Don't believe it. If you want to find a beautiful one, it's actually not difficult now. I can help you introduce a few right away. But the problem is, they are all models, and they are not young. They are all over twenty-five. I don’t know how many boyfriends I have, and none of them are practical. I think introducing this to you is a trick. These girls have no intention of having a relationship, and they must only be after your money. Yes. This kind of thing is completely like doing business. We discuss the price with each other to see the goods, and once we like it, we make a bid to buy it."

"Don't laugh, I'm serious. You are gold in the sand now. You are very different from others. Where can you find your appearance, your spirit, and your ability? In two years, you will become a Now that you are the diamond king, you can definitely find a young man in his early twenties. Because you are not only rich. I believe that there is no girl who does not love your other advantages. Now, don’t they say that we lack Takakura Ken. You It’s the domestic Ken Takakura I know. It’s just that there is no society that evaluates you correctly, so good girls are temporarily blind.”

"Don't worry, don't you still have me with you? To tell you the truth, I plan to get married when I'm forty. I have to choose carefully and figure out what kind of life I want to live. Only then can I know who is really suitable for me. If you don't have the one you want, you might as well live alone. Don't you think so?"

"Hey, how about we just do this. To put it more seriously, you should learn to drive first. Driving a car is a skill. We happened to have bought four cars at 'Tan Palace', so I can squeeze out one for you. It's not difficult to get a place. If you want to learn to drive, you can also practice on my car. How nice? If you really want to hold a driving certificate, everyone will have to take a high look at you, right? Even if you go on a blind date, the weight will be different. Really? And at least, you can use this matter as a delaying measure to let your family calm down for a while, right? "

Yes, what Ning Weimin said was indeed practical enough.

For ordinary people to want to learn to drive a car, it was simply unimaginable in this era when cars were still an extremely luxury product.

Being able to hold the steering wheel is really something to be proud of.

In particular, in order to prevent individuals from learning to drive in units affiliated with them, the Vehicle Management Office also requires drivers from each unit to actually own the vehicle.

It is stipulated that a car can only be equipped with two drivers, and units without cars are not allowed to learn driving.

This further highlights the value and value of a driving license. Car drivers are currently a monopoly industry.

It can even be said that if Luo Guangliang gets a driving license and wants to find a place to be a driver and have a formal job, it is also possible.

This is completely comparable to the vast sea and the sky.

So Luo Guangliang's heart became enlightened. He was elated, thanked Ning Weimin with great surprise, and followed his idea.

Sure enough, the family heard that Luo Guangliang could get a driving book, and their anxiety about his marriage dissipated a lot.

With a calm heart again, Luo Guangliang relaxed and thought about Ning Weimin's words, the more he admired them.

He must admit that this brother, who is several years younger than him, sees things very keenly.

Yes, the younger a girl is, the more likely she is to be a good partner.

Women over the age of twenty-five are as sophisticated as stones. No matter how emotionally you cut your heart and gouge out your liver, they will remain unmoved. They will always carefully consider your age, type of work, salary, physical condition, whether you have any serious illness, whether you have elderly people to support at home, whether you smoke or drink, whether you went to junior high school or high school, and whether you have a docile or irritable temper.

They even peek at you from behind to see if your walking posture is correct and whether your two legs are the same length.

In short, older women value reality and have less emotional content.

But the younger girls are not like that. They are as simple as a bowl of water and don't think so much at all.

They don't even know your name before they dare to be nice to you.

Just like Mi Xiaohui from the Mi family in No. 2 Courtyard, she already knows how to fall in love at such a young age.

On the afternoon of New Year's Eve, this girl knocked on Luo Guangliang's door and brought him a box of chocolates.

"Why are you giving me a gift?"

"Brother Liangzi, you can try it. My sister sent it back from the United States."

"I don't eat sweets, why don't you keep it for yourself?"

"No, why don't you give me any face? I have to stand up for you in school for me, thank you."

"Tch, that counts as a breakthrough. You are really a child. I just took a walk and came home with you."

"That will work, ah...Brother Liangzi, are you busy in the morning of your second year of junior high school? Can you go out with me again?"

"Ah, let me tell you, I dare you to ask me for something. Where are you going?"

"Shichahai Ice Rink!"

"What? What are you doing there? It's such a mess there!"

"I...I don't skate myself, I just want to watch people skate..."

"There's no need to go anywhere, Longtan Lake also has an ice rink..."

"Hey, let me tell you the truth. I fully trust you. You must never tell anyone else. I have a classmate whose cousin is from the Sports University. He looks like the movie actor Feng Zhe, but He’s so handsome and his legs are long. When I went to my classmate’s house the day before yesterday, I heard him tell others that he was going to Shichahai for skating in the morning of the second grade of junior high school…”

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